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Book online «Forbidden Love by J.M.Hurley (best desktop ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author J.M.Hurley

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suddenly it all stopped and she found herself in a forest…the forest she’d just been laying in. Her body was still lying by the tree in a grotesque position, wolves continued to circle her body too, sniffing it and howling in approval. None of them even looked her way, except one. He was a smaller wolf, by far the smallest of the pack, but there was something appealing about him, something genuine and sweet. He eyed the body with sadness and despair, then looking in her direction; it seemed that he was able to see her.

“Can you hear me?!” she asked him in a loud voice and he gave the slightest of nods, just barely moving his head. She gasped, “Please don’t tell!” she begged and the wolf shook his head, as if to assure her his lips were sealed. “Am I dead?” she asked and the wolf seemed unsure for a moment. But after some hesitation, he nodded slowly, and then Tori blacked out.


“Again this is an Amber Alert in the Bloomsburg area for a missing teenage girl. The girl’s parents, friends, and family all report that they haven’t had contact with her within the last 24 hours, these next 48 hours are crucial in all cases. Tori Mathew is a young girl with brown hair to her waist, she’s 5’3”, has a slim build, blue eyes, and is said to be wearing a purple tank top and jeans. If you have any information please call the number at the bottom of the screen.” Mystica stared blurry eyed at the television screen, resting her head on Mark’s shoulder as they stared up at the screen; it was displaying a smiling picture of all three of them from just last year.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Mystica whispered and Mark leaned down and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “She’s going to be fine, Mist, everything’s going to be fine,” Mark continued to repeat his words, trying to assure himself more than anyone. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew’s were pacing the living room, both looking more panicked with every ticking second.

“Dakota and Blaze left hours ago, why aren’t they back with her yet?” Mrs. Mathew’s asked in a panicked voice. Mystica shrugged bitterly, I’m not sure, but if my only living relative doesn’t come back because you sent her out there, someone’s going to die.

“Excuse me, are you the Mathews?” A younger police officer asked as he fidgeted uncomfortably.

“Yes, we are, do you know where our daughter is? Have you found her? Is she alright?” The questions continued as everyone gathered around the young cop.

“No, we haven’t heard any word on the case, I’m just here to tell you, you may go home now. We needed you here for questioning, but that’s over now, we have all we need and if we hear anything new, we’ll contact you immediately.”

Anne Marie tisked at the officer as she pulled Grace closer to herself, “Just go home? How are we expected to, just go home? This is a missing teenage girl, how hard can it be?!” she exclaimed and the officer looked at her, clearly offended.

“Ma’am I’ve been training for years and-”

“Yes, you’ve been training,

but this isn’t training

anymore! This is the real world, you have a missing person’s investigation on your hands and until it’s solved, I won’t be going anywhere,” she said and Mystica had to squint to be sure, but she swore she saw the cops pupils dilate, like humans always did when compulsion was used on them.

“Yes of course, and there’s some pull out beds in the back rooms if you need them,” the cop said, his eyes still wide, and then he smiled and walked out.

Grace clapped her hands and smiled, “Good job mommy!” she exclaimed and Anne Marie blushed.

“You kids are not to use that, only in case on an emergency,” she said and Mark and Mystica nodded, as if they hadn’t already used compulsion dozens of times.

“Now, Mystica, you take grace and drive you and Mark back to our place. You kids can have a sleepover,” she said as she handed the small child over.

Mrs. Mathew’s eyebrows raised in a look of shock, “Sleepover? You’re letting a boy sleepover?” she asked in disgust and Anne Marie laughed.

“Oh relax, Sylvia, Mark is like a son to me, and we have an extra room. I’m sure they’ll be fine,” she said then cast a wink in Mark’s direction.

He nodded and smiled as he swung his messenger bag over his shoulder, “Let us know if you hear anything,” he said and Anne Marie nodded.

“I’ll call as soon as I do,” she assured him then, after giving Grace one last kiss, she waved them goodbye and walked out to the back rooms.

Mystica glanced up and Mark and he smiled encouragingly. “No worries, Mist, she’s going to be fine,” he said as he gave her shoulders a squeeze. At that point, she wanted to believe him more than ever, but for some reason all she could do was replay the horrible evening when she’s lost her parent’s, and hope that this story didn’t end the same.


The leaves beneath Dakota’s combat boots crunched loudly, giving away any chance of a sneak attack. She sighed and reached up to wipe the sweat from her face as they rested. “We’ve scouted out this whole forest, she’s not here!” Blaze said, breaking the awkward silence.

“No, I’m positive she’s here, we just haven’t found her yet!” Dakota yelled back as she took a deep breath and continued walking.

“Kota, all we’re doing is risking our lives,” he replied and she whipped around so that she was facing him.

“Is that really all

we’re doing? Could it be possible we’re actually saving someone’s life? I’m not going to lose someone again Blaze, I can’t handle it!” she yelled, throwing her hands at him. She’d meant to push Blaze backwards as she placed her hands on his chest, but for some reason, she found it impossible to move.

They were so close again, his hands covered hers and he moved them up until they were on his shoulders. Dakota was still, unmoving, and continued to stare at him. Slowly, hesitantly, he bent down towards her. His face neared hers and she remained still, until the very last second when he closed his eyes. She brought her knee up and kicked him strongly in the groin, sending him toppling backwards. “I told you to never test my love for him again, now, I’ll search for her myself,” she replied in a icy tone, but as she turned and began walking away, she felt more regret than anger.


Daniel continued to tromp through the edges of the forest. “Of course Ted would give me the outer layer patrol,” he muttered as he stomped through the mud and leaves.

“Danny! Danny!” Randy ran at inhuman speeds over to his side.

“What?” he asked as he surveyed the caked mud and cuts covering Randy’s pale skin.

“They killed her, they k-killed her,” he exclaimed and Daniel felt like his world was hit with a bomb.

“They killed Mystica?!” he exclaimed, his heart beat racing, his head hurting.

“Mystica? What, no! They killed her best friend, Tori!” he explained and Daniel gasped.

“Tori, why did they kill her?” he asked and Randy shrugged.

“She says that they thought she was trespassing,” Randy said after a pause and Daniels eyebrows rose.


said that did she?” he said with a chuckle, “well great, the only other wolf that’s nice has lost it.”

Tori crossed her transparent arms and glared at him, “Jerk.” Daniel didn’t so much as raise his head, proving her theory true, Randy was the only one who could see, and hear her.

Randy smiled apologetically, “I’m sorry he’s being rude.”

“Fine, let’s pretend that Tori really is here, prove it,” Daniel said with an unbelieving air.

“Tell him that his jacket is last season, and if he wants Mystica, he’ll have to lighten up,” Tori said and Randy laughed. “She says you jacket is last season and if you want Mystica you’re going to have to lighten up,” he repeated and Daniel’s jaw dropped as he was pulled into a flashback.

He walked into the classroom and took only empty seat, next to a brunette who gave him a disgusted look. He gave her a half smile, and then took his seat. “Oh my god,” she sighed and he shot her a confused look. “Is something wrong?” he asked in an annoyed voice and she laughed. “Duh, I’m sitting next to a fashion illiterate.” “Fashion illiterate?” he asked and she nodded. “Yes, that jacket is so last season, and if you want to have a girlfriend, you’ll have to buy some non black clothes, lighten up.”

Daniel gasped and looked around the forest surrounding him. “Tori?” he called in a surprised voice and she giggled.

“He looks like such a moron!” Tori said through giggles and Randy laughed with her.

“She says you look like a moron,” Randy said and Daniel scowled.

“Maybe she’s not fully dead, we just have to find her body,” Daniel said and Randy shook his head doubtfully.

“Who knows where Ted hid it,” Randy said sadly and Daniel chuckled.

“Ask him! He trusts you, just say you want to…give her one final mark, that’s it!” he exclaimed and Tori snorted.

“Wow, you guys are pigs!” she spat and Randy frowned. “I suppose I can tell him that,” he replied meekly. Twigs cracked nearby and everyone tensed.

“Hello?” Randy called tentatively and the figured stepped out from behind a tree. Dakota stood firmly in front of them, dressed in all leather, wore combat boots on her feet, and held a long silver pole in her hand.

“Get ready to pay,” she hissed and then, she pounced.

Chapter 6

Dakota’s lean, fit body soared through the air, her fangs extended fully, and her eyes blazing a crimson red. Her body made contact with Daniels muscle built chest, sending them both toppling to the ground. Dakota desperately tried to grip the silver spear tighter but her sweaty, shaking hands slipped on the cool metal, leaving her defenseless. Daniel looked down for a moment, contemplating whether or not to strike, then looked up into Dakota’s eyes and gasped.

“Mystica?” he asked in a hushed tone and Dakota glared at him.

“My name’s Dakota, not Mystica,” she replied as she struggled against his grasp on her forearms.

“No, just a second ago, you did that thing…You bit your cheek, Mystica always does that when she’s nervous, you looked just like her…” Daniels voice trailed off as he pictured her face and smiled.

“It’s a hereditary habit, we got it from our mother

,” Dakota hissed as she spat at his feet, “just talking to you disgusts me.” Mark raised his eyebrows in question and Daniel laughed.

“Please, do you want your friend or not?” he asked and then instantly regretted it. Dakota’s canines extended even longer and she speedily pushed him backwards, then managed to sit on him, pinning him down to the forest floor.

“I’ll give you two choices,” she whispered into his ear and he chuckled.

“Alrighty then, what are my

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