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Book online «Forbidden Love by J.M.Hurley (best desktop ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author J.M.Hurley

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suddenly felt the presence of very strong hands on his shoulders.

“Using a toddler to get out the house, you’ve just hit an all time low,” Blaze said as he scoped Grace out of Mark’s arms and set her down into her playpen.

Grace glared up at them, sticking her lips out in a pout, “I want my surprise.” Blaze laughed and bent down so that they were both eye level.

“Well, I’ll take you out later and we’ll go hunting, okay Gracie?” he said and she nodded eagerly, causing Mark to flinch.

“You really shouldn’t,” Mark began but Blaze got up and silenced him with a glare. “I think I’m just going to go take a nap,” Mark said as he trudged out of the room, all of his hopes for making his date gone. Heading towards the guest room, he messaged Jonathan explaining why he was going to be late then sent a text to Mystica, encouraging her to hurry up with her business, and then once he was finally able to free his mind of the surrounding chaos, he slipped into a peaceful dream.


“We really shouldn’t-“

“I’m tired of talking,” Tori cut Randy off and leaned forward. Before he had a chance to react, she pressed her cold marble like lips against his moist warm ones. It felt as if two different world’s had just met, like two puzzle pieces fitting together. The passion drove on and soon Tori found herself pressing against Randy, he was kissing her neck and whispering her name seductively. “Tori…Tori…Tori!”

“Tori!” the voice called again, this time panicked rather than seductive. Gasping, Tori was pulled out of her subconscious dreams and back into reality. Randy was crouched in front of her, his face so close she could smell his cinnamon scented breath. Normally, Tori wouldn’t have cared about his closeness, but after the dream she’d just had, she shifted uncomfortably under his presence.

“What?” she asked after a moment of awkward silence. Randy held out his hand and with the other, motioned to the sky. The moon shone brightly, lighting up the sky ominously and casting horrid shadows all of the cave walls.

“It’s time to break you out of here,” he said with a smile and Tori tried to smile back but felt too tired to do anything but grimace.

“You okay, you look kind of pale?” Randy asked Tori rolled her eyes.

“I’m a vampire, we’re naturally pale,” she replied but even so, she felt her stomach flip and vile begin to rise in her throat.

“On second thought, I’m not feeling so hot.” Randy put a hand to Tori’s forehead and quickly drew it back.

“You’re burning up Tori; we’d better get you to a doctor.”

“But vampires don’t get sick!” she insisted but Randy ignored her as he scooped her up into his arms.

“Me carrying you won’t hurt anything, okay?” his question didn’t require an answer and Tori was glad it didn’t because by now her skin had began a burning sensation and she was sure she’d start shrieking if she opened her lips.

“I’m going to take you to the closest doctor, now I don’t want you to freak out, but that’s going to be a wolf.”

Tori then lost any sanity she still clung too, “No, no ,no!!! No! Make it stop! AH!” her voice shrieking high and loud and her nails dug into Randy’s shoulder but he refused to let her go, to leave her. “Please! Please, I’m begging you!” tears were streaking down her face now and Randy had to look away as to not be swayed, he wasn’t putting her down now and he wasn’t going to when they got to the doctor either. When they reached the medicine tent Tori had stopped flailing around and was now lying limp in his arms. Randy had known doctor Pontomoin for most of his life, and even knowing this, he was overly anxious to bring a vampire to him, mainly since he was a werewolf himself.

“Ah, she’s one of the cold blooded,” the doctor murmured as Randy carefully stepped into the office area. “Nonetheless, I will treat her as one of our own, for your sake, my child,” the way he said, the glimmer in his eyes, made Randy uneasy but he smiled anyway and forced his lips to respond.

“I’d like to continue holding her, if that’s alright,” Randy said and the doctor nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

“Yes, of course, so what seems to be the problem?” he asked.

“Well…um…I think she came back to life,” Randy said and the doctor’s face turned confused.

“Is that a problem? Would you rather she’s dead?” he asked and Randy shook his head quickly.

“No, it’s just…well…How is that possible?” he asked and he felt Tori stir slightly in his arms.

“Well, if ancient history is correct, she isn’t the first to have this happen,” the doctor replied and Tori peeked through her half shut eyes at him.

“What do you mean I’m not the first? It’s impossible!” she stated in a raspy voice.

“No, it’s not. It’s a very rare occurrence, yes, but not impossible. It happens, you see, when a vampire is nearly killed. For example, a stake slivering the heart but not directly hitting it, this sets nature into chaos and the vampire becomes a whole new creation,” doctor Pontomoin smiled as if this were good news and Tori felt vile rise in her throat.

“What new creation? What am I?!” Tori demanded as she forced herself to open her eyes fully even though the sun was still threatening to blind her just outside the window.

“Well, there isn’t a specific name, it’s been changed frequently overtime but most have come to know you as a Liderc.”

“What’s a Liderc?” Randy asked as Tori tightened her grip on his shoulder.

“A species similar of that to a mythical vampire, but usually identified as a demon.”

“Okay, you can stop right there,” Tori interrupted as she tried to sit up in Randy’s arms, “this guy is a few crayons short of a box, read what I’m saying?”

Randy bit his tongue to keep from laughing and the doctor’s smile turned into a grimace.

“The burns on you, are those not from the sun? Have you not had any out of body experiences?” the doctor smiled knowingly as Tori went speechless.

After she regained her composure she responded, “Yeah, so? Just because the sun hurts me doesn’t mean I’m a demon.”

The doctor laughed and shook his head, “No, you in plural form are not, but generally Liderc are associated with death and therefore, demons. As for your experiences, the sun burns Liderc when they are not in their proper form, which is a spirit like form. Your out of body experience was the normal form that Liderc take on.”

Tori’s jaw dropped and she looked up at Randy nervously, “Can that be true?” she asked.
Randy shrugged uncomfortably then tightened his grip around her slim body, “I’m not sure but we’re going to find out.”

Chapter 9

“Are you sure she went this way?” Mystica finally asked after hours of tromping through boggy forest ground.

“Yes,” Daniel replied then came to a sudden halt and sighed, “No.”
Just as he spoke the words the clouds head broke and wet rain began to pour from the sky.

“Ew,” Mystica said as the wet tree leafs touched her head, “Do you have somewhere we can wait this out for awhile?”

Daniel shot her a smile and nodded, “The wolves are all out hunting right now, so we should be fine. Follow me.”

Grabbing his hand for guidance, Mystica followed closely behind him as he led her off in the opposite direction. By the time they reached the campsite the rain was pouring down twice as hard and thunder and lightning was already starting.

“Tents?” Mystica asked questioningly, “Won’t that be kind of dangerous in a storm like this?”

Daniel laughed quietly and snatched up a backpack that was lying by one of the tents, “Of course it would be. I just needed to pick this up. We can head back to my cabin now.”

“Okay,” Mystica said with a smile as they both fell into step next to each other in the direction of the nearby woods. The winding path in front of them occupied Mystica’s line of vision as they walked. Her blond locks brushed her cheeks as she continued to stare ahead. She desperately wanted to find look up at him, to find his gorgeous eyes boring into hers.

Ironically, Daniel yearned for the same things. He wanted to tuck her beautiful hair behind her small ears. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, to kiss her neck slowly…

“So have you always lived here?” Mystica asked after a moment of hesitation.

“What?” Daniel asked as he was snapped back into reality.

“The reservation, have you always lived here?” she repeated, her gray mysterious eyes sparkling up at him as she side stepped to avoid tripping on a fallen branch.

“Yeah, I’ve been living here for all of my life. Since before I can remember, I’ve been walking on these paths. My ancestors even lived here, but I only recently stopped attending the reservation’s private schools and started attending the Academy…”

“Oh,” Mystica replied after Daniel trailed off into silence, “so, how do you like Washington Prep? Is it everything you thought it would be?”

“It’s fine…I guess,” Daniel answered, his voice void of all emotion and his head down, pointed to his shoes that scuffed the ground quietly below him. “I just wish…”

“What? What do you wish?” Mystica asked as she slowed her pace and glanced up at Daniel.

“Forget I said anything, it’s stupid,” he replied as he looked away into the forest.

“It’s not stupid! Maybe if you just-”

‘We’re here,” Daniel cut in as they came to a halt in front of the rugged looking campsite.

The cabin looked like scrap wood, logs piled in random directions on top of each other and the campfire consisted of a pile of ash, soot, and leafs and the surrounding trees looked dead and bare.

“Well, this is…nice,” Mystica whispered hesitantly as she surveyed the naked, remote landscape.

“It’s not much, but to keep you safe, it’s all we’ve got,” Daniel replied with a smile as he sat down a rotting log. “That people didn’t judge, that’s what I wish,” he added after a moment of silence.

“Not everyone judges,” Mystica replied as she snuck a shy glance up at him only to find him staring right back.

“No, not everyone,” he whispered back, his voice sounding strained, as if he was holding back. “I’ll go fetch us some water,” Daniel said after quietly clearing his throat, “just make yourself at home.” Mystica nodded, feeling a bit disappointed, as she trudged over and ducked into the cabin. “I’ll be back by dawn!” Daniels voice echoed off the trees as he disappeared from her line of vision.

“Be careful,” she whispered more to herself than Daniel as she laid down of the half
broken bed pallet, her muscles aching as she tried to relax. Her tousled hair fell into her face as she pulled up what looked like an blanket but turned out to be an old worn away shirt. Shivering,

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