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Book online «Collision by Alyx D. Vacca (e ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Alyx D. Vacca

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"So you will help?" I asked hopefully. "OF COURSE!" He said running back toward the Tower. "I have to get my tools, then I will be right there!" Yes! He sure took long enough to come around. A few minute later he came bursting out of the house carrying a bright green and purple bag with pink flowers. I stared at it for a moment before deciding that it did not matter what kind of bag he kept his tools in, as long as they worked.
When we arrived it was obvious that I had done the right thing in going to get help. Tobi was gasping for air but choking on it. "Be quiet and do what ever I tell you to do," Moran ordered me. He got to work right away. First he flipped Tobi onto his side ( he was on his back still ) and made me hold his legs down since he was he kept have violent spasms. Then he reached into his bag and pulled out a syringe and drew blood from the vain in his ankle. He put the blood into a vial marked with translucent signs and studied it for about five minutes, during which Tobi continued to get worse and worse. Finally done, the Wizard dipped his finger in to the vial. When he pulled it out all the blood was clinging to it. He quickly wrote symbols and letters in the air with the blood that hung there until he was done. It then fell onto the boy, gathered together, and rolled down his body to his ankle and into, what I assume, the tiny needle hole. We waited for one minute and then the Wizard started performing CPR seven times. He then sat back and asked me what had happened. As I told him about Tobi's father he started to cry very hard. When he asked me what happened after that he continued to cry. It might just be a stereotype, but no men I have ever known have ever cried like this, or at least not in public. "Are you okay Wizard Man?" I asked him. I really didn't want to comfort anyone else today but if it could not be helped it could not be helped. "John was my husband. Tobi is my son as well," he sobbed. "It's hard you know?" He wiped the tears from his cheeks with the back of his hand. "And if my sexuality offends you that is just to bad," he said with a glare through his tears. "Nope, not at all" I assured him. I have three grandothers. One married to my grandpa, and the other two married- well not legally- to each other. "I'm a little was surprised, though. From what I see here," I gestured around, "Your world is a lot like the times back when people faced death just for being gay. And that wasn't to long ago." Moran chuckled a little at that. "Yes," he said. " My country in my world was like that too until just eighteen years ago."
"Really? Why is that?"
"Well, and I am just going to let you know right up front that I know a bit about your world, seeing how I am a Wizard and all. It's our job to know about the unseen." He cleared his throat and began the story.
"Now, in my world it's tradition for if a princess gets kidnapped by a dragon the one who rescues her gets to marry her. So, eighteen years ago, the Princess Karim had a affair going on with a girl who had a job in the stables. No one knew, no one guessed. They all thought that the Princess really liked horses and was good friends with a stableboy, no one knew that the stableboy was in reality a girl either. So days passed, then years, until one day the Princess was performing the Unicorn Ritual in which the maiden goes in to the forest and sits and waits for the Unicorn to come and lay her head in her lap. This Ritual is very important because only a princess who has had a Unicorn lay it's head in her lap can rule. So as she was sitting there the great Dragon Nargdo swooped out of the sky and bore her off into the mountains.
"Back at the castle of Calsablin (that is the name of my country) the news was spread that the Princess Karim had been stolen by Nargdo (who was a very well known Dragon) during the Ritual. Seeing how much every one liked the Princess, who was kind to all, no matter their social status, there was chaos. Knights hurried to polish their armor. For even though they were afraid for her safety, this was also their chance to win her hand in marriage. The stableboy/girl (who's name was Kate) saw it all the same way the knights did. Kate was very into the law and read books on it all the time. She knew that if she saved Karim they would be married and no one could do anything about it!
"So she snuck into the armory and picked a sword and found armor to fit her, than took the greatest horse in all the palace stables and rode after her beloved. It was a hard task. Since she'd taken the fastest horse and she was much lighter than all those heavily muscled men, she easily out ran them all. Slowly she crept into the dragons lair and saw Karim bound in magical chains that would not break unless the dragon was dead. Seeing her precious Karim tide up like a pig for the butcher set Kate into a frenzy. Whirling that great-sword around her she attacked with earnest the Dragon. The battle was fierce but the adrenaline coursing through that woman, and the muscles that come with any physical labor of which she had plenty, pulled her through and the Dragon was dead. After they returned to the capitol and people realized who had saved the Princess, they all were furious! But after a long debate between Karim and Kate against the King, Queen and all the court, the two women were allowed at long last to get married. Now they rule all of Sra (that's our country) side by side and they both live happily ever after."
I thought about the story for a while. I liked it even though he hadn't given much detail. "How come people are like that?" I wonder out loud. I was talking about people with homophobia and prejudice assholes. "I don't know," was his quiet answer. He knew what I meant. There was a pause. "So what's the rest of the story?" I wanted to know. He looked at me surprised. "There is not anymore. I said 'happily ever after' didn't I?" I sighed exasperatedly. "What about you. Where do you come into the story?" "Me? You want to know my story?" He asked, puzzled. "Yes!" I answered rather enthusiastically. "Um... maybe some other time." I let it go, while he seemed happy enough to tell stories about other peoples lives he didn't seem as comfortable talking about his own. Not to mention he had just lost his husband, who was undoubtedly in the story somewhere. "How is Tobi?" I asked, to change the subject and because I was still pretty worried about him. Moran moved closer to Tobi and made more signs in the air (without the blood) and whispered a few words. Then he nodded and moved back a little. "He will be fine." I breathed a sigh of relief. "Should not you find your parents young one? What is your name anyways?" I jumped up with a start. "Mom, Dad. Crap! I meant to go and find them before Tobi collapsed." I started running toward the end of the football field. As I ran I heard Moran yell after me, "Interesting name!" What an odd time to show a since of humor, I couldn't help but think. Running across the field I had a flashback to when I was running across a field. I was chasing some man, saying that he'd better run because when I caught him I'd kill him. I don't really know who the man was, nor do I know why I thought of that just now, nor even when that happened! Or even why I wanted to kill him. Either way, the memory itself is strange... If that's what it was As I ran I heard Moran call out to me, some thing about a spell. But I ignored him. I ran to the fence and jumped it. I ran all the way to my moms office which now had a giant tree growing through it. I heard some one behind me just as I was swept up into a hug that showed all the relief she was feeling and all the worry she'd been going through. "Mom!" I cried, turning around to receive her hug and give her one of my own. "Are you alright? Did anything bad happen?" She laughed, her bright blue eyes shining with suppressed tears. "I am fine, my little Jay, I am fine." No matter what I tell her, she still calls me Jay, when I would be the last person to be called such. Or that's what I think. "Mom! Have you contacted Dad yet? Is he OK?" She nodded. "He's fine. He went to the school to find you." 'OK," I said, now I was completely without worry, except for the house. "Let's go and get him." My mom got her car and we drove to the school. As we drove I looked around what had once been a neat and clean little town. Now the signs were crooked, the streets would end suddenly, and a tree would be right in the middle of the road so that we would have to swerve to avoid hitting it. It made me very glad that my moms car had four wheel drive. When we got there we jumped out of the car as if it was on fire. We both I think wanted to see him in the flesh instead of just taking his word that he was alive and unhurt. "Dad!" I called. "George?" Yelled my mom. We kept on yelling and calling out as we walked around the school and all the places that had appeared around it until finally we heard, "Over here!" We ran towards the voice of my father until we saw him. Now under different circumstances what we saw when we arrived might have been funny, as it was we did not find it funny and Moran, who was standing next to him, was laughing his head off as he attempted to help my father who's leg was buried all the way up to the middle of his thigh. For a moment me and my mom just stared, then after a while when the humor hit me, I joined Moran and laughed until I got a stich in my side.
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