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Book online «Collision by Alyx D. Vacca (e ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Alyx D. Vacca

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take a few others lives first." He continued to stare at me before grabbing my arm and towing me to the window. He was going to toss me out. Or so I thought. "Go," he said. "We can have this discussion later when we are not in the middle of a crime scene." It made since, so I crawled out and onto a part of the roof that protruded just out from under the floor of the Mayors office and climbed out. The assassin followed quickly and motioned for me to follow.

As you can tell it is not very good. But it is as much as I can do right now. A week after the incident with Atticus at the coffee shop we went back. We refused to give up our hang out. Besides I doubted that they would show there ugly faces there anyways. Atticus's cuts were still healing and his black eye was still Prominent. So we were surprised when we saw Nick. We both tensed. Then relaxed when we saw that Bob was with him. We liked Bob, he was a cool guy. It was his brother that we hated. The good thing is that Nick will listen to anything and everything that Bob says, which means that we should be OK. Bob spotted us and walked over. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Me and Tobi looked at each other and answered at the same time, "Nothing." "Homework." He's look was confused and humorous. "So which is it? Nothing or homework?" "Both." We answered in unison. He laughed. "Some times I think you two are more in sync than me and Nick, and we are twins." We all laughed except for Nick who stood there looking uncomfortable. "So how are you two coming along on your novels?" Tobi asked, trying to be civil towards Nick for all he is an ass hole. "Mine is coming along pretty good. What about you Nick?" "It is fine," he muttered. "Well, we have to get going pretty soon. Right Nick?" Bob said while he walked away. "See you guys tomorrow!" "Yeah," I said. "Bye," was Tobi's nicer answer. "So," I said. "Back to work?"
Later tomorrow we were all gathered into the auditorium. Sadly it was Ms. Finrich who was speaking. "Now listen up! I have something to tell everyone and you are going to listen like your life depends on it. Because it does." A few people turned in there seats looking uneasy and whispered to there neighbors. "I DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYONE HERE LISTENED. I SAID THAT YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON LISTENING TO ME, NOW LISTEN!" When everything became silent again she continued. "The two idiotic queens said-" There was a roar of disapproval from the Casablinians and some Americans. Everyone liked Queen Karim, who's Idealism had inspired many changes, most for the better, and Queen Kate, who's realism complemented Karim's ideas and made them possible. "SHUT UP!" "YOU SHUT UP!" Someone yelled back. "YEAH! DO NOT INSULT THE QUEENS!" The principle stepped up to the microphone and said so loudly that feed back ripped over the auditorium. "Every one please sit and be quiet. Thank you Ms. Finrich, I will take it from here." He glared at her. He was a supporter of the queens as well. "Now people, the two queens said that the two worlds must be separated and the other rulers of Treah agreed. The only problem is that the Tycoons and other rulers of Earth-" "What do you mean "Tycoons and other rulers of Earth? They don't rule anything other than there businesses." "That is a good question. The Tycoons control most of the money in our world and since our world, like all of them, revolves around money they have quite the power." He sighed. "The two queens and others threatened war and since it would cost more money than anyone who is interested in that stuff. Treah leaders have agreed that the prophesy made a thousand years ago mentioned this and gave an answer. All the Prophecy Readers are trying to unearth it's meaning as we speak. As far as they have gotten this is all they know. The prophecy is to be carried out by young people such as your selves. They plan on holding a tournament in order to decide who these people are. All humans in between the ages fifteen and eighteen are to participate. Even if you are not of Treah." There was a lot of whispering and some people near to use were trying to think about how to get out of it. "Tobi." "Hmm?" he seemed to be deep in thought. "Has something like this happened before?" He shook his head. "Not that I remember. Why? id you think that world collide on a daily bases?" I sighed exasperatedly. "Not that. I meant has a tournament to decide who is from the prophecy been held before?" "Oh that, yeah it has. Did you want to know what it is like?" I nodded. "Well the last one was held when I was nine and we went to see it. Pretty hard stuff. You have to either be really strong or really smart in order to actually have a chance. Most of it has to do with forming the perfect team. When you go to sign up you take a physical test and a written test. They want an even balance on the teams." I nodded slowly putting it all together. I would probably fall under the category of the smart. I decided that I wanted to be stronger. I would hit the gym in the morning and get Tobi to teach me some of what he did in the Atticus incident.
Next morning at school there was a person in royal livery siting at a table with a bunch papers stacked next to and in front of him. A second man in a dark suit and sunglasses stood next to him. Mr. Johnson the principal walk up to us and lead us over to the table. "You two are sixteen right?" "I am seventeen," Tobi corrected him. "Seventeen, yes. Sorry about that." He smiled. "I need you to sign up for the tournament. You too Jayd." "Sure," I said. I wanted to. I wanted this mission to fail. I did not want Tobi to leave. When we signed up I could feel the recruiter staring in to me. I felt he could read my thoughts and knew my intentions. As we walked on I could feel his eyes boring into my back. After a class that me and Tobi did not share he cornered me. "You are Jaydria right?" He asked, his voice was a light tenor. "Yes," I answered cautiously. "You are close to Tobias Aoudad?" I nodded. "How close?" My temper surged. "What does it matter to you! Go away and leave me alone. I have a class to get to." I moved to go past him, he blocked me. "I need an answer to my question." I shot him my most withering glare which he ignored. "We are friends and have been since the Collision." He looked at me curiously. "Since the Collision? How did you meet?" I sighed, and looked at the clock. I was late. "Can we not talk about this right now? I am late for English. He nodded and moved aside. "But I will hear the rest of the story." And there was no doubt in my mind that he would not.
At the end of school me and Tobi met up. "Tobi, what exactly is the jobs of the recruiters?" My thought was maybe this guy had to annoy me because of his job, but... "The recruiters are just supposed to go to the schools and make sure everyone signs up. They hang around for a few days just to make sure that every one is on the list. Why do you ask?" "Are they supposed to ask questions? Because one of them was following me around earlier today and made me late for English." I really wanted him to say that that was normal, even though I knew it probably was not. "No, not really." I knew it! "What kind of questions did he ask you?" "How close me and you are and how we met." He looked very confused now. "That is very odd." "There he is! hide me!" I ducked behind an over hanging branch and jumped in to a bush. "Hello!" That was Tobi trying to be friendly. "The girl over in that bush, that Jaydria?" "Depends, why are you looking for her?" I held my breath. "I have a few questions for her." "Are they related to the Recruitment?" "Slightly." "Then why are you only asking her? Why not anyone else?" "Because she is the only one who is close friends with someone from Treah. There for less likely to try hard to complete the Separation." "I see. Jayd quit hiding, and come out." I got out of the bush slowly. "Well?" The recruiter asked. "Well what?" He scowled. "Answer my question!" "Introduce you self first!" "Fine. My name is Sir Allan of Horicine. Now answer!" "Which question? The one about how I met Tobi?" "Yes! Now quit beating around the bush and just tell me already!" He was obviously inpatient. "Well, see I was standing on the steps of the school when it started and then I heard a moan and found a pile of rocks and dug him out and that is basically it." Tobi and Allan stared at me for a moment than Tobi said, "Wow Jayd, you sure know how to kill a perfectly good story." "Well excuse me," I muttered. "I did not know that I was supposed to recite a novel or else I would have taken time to write one before hand." They laughed at me! "So did you learn what you wanted to know?" Tobi asked him. "Just about. Thank you for your time. I look forward to seeing you at the tournament." "We do as well, it was nice to meet you." "Speak for your self," I muttered. Tobi elbowed me hard. "OW!" "Well see you tomorrow!" Tobi said, towing me away before I could say something else insulting. "Good bye Jaydria and Tobias, thanks once again." "My name is Jayd!" "My name is Tobi!" He stared at us for a moment then turned and walked away. "So?" Tobi said like he was trying to get me to tell him a secret. "So what?" "So..." I groaned and turned away. If he was going to be an idiot and not tell me what he was talking about so be
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