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Book online «Collision by Alyx D. Vacca (e ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Alyx D. Vacca

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Then my dad started to laugh and then my mom, and when Tobi finally woke up from his spell induced sleep he found an incredible sight of which consisted of three adults, one which was his dad, and a girl whom he had met just a little while ago, all lying on the ground laughing and holding their sides.

Chapter two
What normal is now, and what it will be now that "normal" is unacceptable, along with how and to what they plan on making normal.

It has been a year since the Collision. That's what they are calling it when the two worlds became one. Both worlds wanted to declare war on each other- both blaming the other for what happened- but since both had suffered so much damage neither really could. So they made a peace treaty after assuring the other that neither one was responsible. There was a lot to discus. In the end it became like it is now. All children attend the schools, whether they were from Earth or from Treah. The two queens were, as you could guess, not widely excepted. But after fierce arguments and debates, the US Congress finally came to the agreement within themselves to "tolerate" them, as long as they didn't press for America to accept gay marriage. So then Tobi and I went to the same school and it was nice to have a friend again for a while at least. You never know what can happen. When I was alone... it wasn't very much fun. Things went back to normal, and they didn't. At least for me. People like Tobi, who had a parent die. Things will never be the same for them.
About a year later the Dragons came out of hiding. They were hiding, Tobi says, because they wanted to make sure that everything wasn't going to change again. "They do that," he'd said whenever it came up. He didn't like Dragons and never understood those who did. Kind of like how people who like spiders never really make since. And Tobi would know, about Dragons I mean. People have been dying left and right from Dragon attacks. The people from earth just are not used to Dragons coming out of the sky and stealing their children and livestock when they have it.
Me and Tobi have become great friends since I dug him out of the pile of stones and thatch. Every once and a while he'll go and visit his dad's grave. One time he asked me to go with him since his Papa (Moran) could at the time. I went, and I am sorry to say, things did not go well. I wanted to be a comfort to him, and I tried as best as I could but I just do not think that I am cut out for it. It started out as fine we went and then... Well never mind. It has nothing to do with who ever is reading this. Lets just say that comforting people has to come from experience. Because I suck at it.
I have decided to write in third person for now. Just to try my hand at it.

Jayd ran up the newly built school steps and in to her classroom, not even stopping by her locker. She was running so fast that she when she noticed that the classroom door was closed she did not even have time to stop and went careening in to the door. Every one in the class burst out laughing, with the exception of Tobi and the teacher Ms. Finrich. "Take your seat Miss Caw and try not to interrupt us again," Ms. Finrich said in her most severe teacher voice. "Sorry, I did not mean to run in to the door," Jayd said. "I do not doubt it. How ever, you are also late. and I do not approve of late-comers." She raised an eye brow. "Understood?" Jayd nodded and slipped in to her seat. "Where were you?" Tobi whispered. "I waited by the door but I had to go in when the principal came and asked what I was doing." "Mr. Aoudad!" Finrich's voice whipped and cracked over our heads. "Would you like to join Miss Caw and me after school for detention?" Tobi shook his head. "Thought not. But you will do so anyways." Damn she's mean! Jayd thought. "Now class, listen up!" Everyone snapped to attention. "I am going to discus an important subject with you. And I want everyone to share an opinion. Understood?" "Yes Ma'am!" Everyone said in unison. A few of them were stupid enough to say it mockingly. Those unlucky students joined Jayd and Tobi in detention. The teacher, Ms. Finrich, had an uncanny way of hearing everything said, and knowing who said it. "Now attend! Here is the problem. Many people from Treah are suffering from failing lungs, thanks to the pollution in the air. People from Earth are being attacked left and right by Dragons and other man eating monsters, and our weapons do not work against them. We have to hope that someone with Dragon slaying experience in nearby. And in the white house, the President and Congress are conferring with the Queens, Karim and Kate, and both have decided that there needs to be something done.
"The only problem is that they can't agree on what to do. One party says that they need to separate the worlds once again. And the other says that that is not realistic and that they should learn to cope by training the Earths people to fight with the right weapons and get better help for the Treahian's lungs. Now which to you think we ought to do?" There was a silence in the room as everyone digested this information. Everyone, that is, except me and Tobi. (I gave up on third person, it's too hard!) After the Collision my parents and Tobi's papa had also became friends and the two queens believed wholly in keeping their subjects informed. When Moran had received this information he had told Mom and Dad and us. He said that, "You should know too what goes on in this, for it concerns everyone." or something like that.
While everyone else was talking (Tobi was the only Treahian in this class) me and he went back to our conversation. "So...? Where were you?" Tobi asked. "My parents held me up. It is my birthday today," I told him drily. "And they wanted to celebrate before we all went our separate ways." "Oh!" He said surprised. "I did not know that! Happy birthday!" I laughed. "You are far too enthusiastic. And it is not even your birthday." He looked down for a moment then his enthusiasm returned. "Well...yeah... I do not know when my birthday actually is." He raised his eyebrows. "Surly you wondered how my dads ended up with me?" I was startled. "I have never really thought about it." I told him. "Really? Never? That is surprising. Do you want to know?" He asked. I shrugged, "Sure. But not right now I think someone is about to start talking and then we would be in for it." He nodded.
Turns out my prediction was right. A girl who had shared the same class with me since kindergarten stood up. For some reason I could not remember her name, I guess it might have something to do about the fact that for all those years she had barely said three words to me. "You have something to say Miss Tordol?" Ah! Now I remember! Her name was Alice Tordol. Seriously though, who would want to name there child "Tordol"? It sounds like a mixture of tortes and turtle. But I guess "Caw" is not much better. "I do!" She said, her voice was kind of squeaky. "Well actually it is more of a question. Do we get to vote or will it be decided by the government?" It was a good question and I, too, wanted to know the answer. We had republicans in the White House again, and who knows if I will like their decision. "Well, I do not know. I think, because this is a global decision, that it will be decided by the government. Any thing else?" "Why don't our weapons not working on the Dragons?" I asked. I had always wondered about that. I had to ask even if it had nothing to do with the subject at hand. Finrich glared at me. "Raise your hand before speaking, Miss Jaydzandria Caw! And keep to the subject." God! She acts like she is my mother, and getting on to me like I was talking with my mouth full. "Sorry." I said, obviously not. I raised my hand. "So will you answer my question?" Finrich made a kind of clicking noise in the back of her throat and moved on to Tobi. A few other people who wanted to know my question groaned. Tobi grinned at me, then turned back to Finrich and said, "I believe you said that you wanted everyone to participate in the conversation, Ms. Finrich, and yet right now you are disproving that. Jayd has a question that you said you would answer." She stared at him for a moment than answered, "I will get back to Ms. Caw later. She will have to wait as punishment for her insolence, along with an extra thirty minutes added to her detention that will now be added to your time." She glared us both, then said to Tobi, "Did you have something to say or a question to ask Mr. Aoudad?" He nodded. "Then please say so verbally." "If I was mute or deaf would you make me answer verbally?" Tobi asked. I groaned inwardly. I knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to get the same amount of detention. I still had detention from yesterday. As a friend this was going a little far. He was already behind on homework. "Shut up!" I hissed at him. "What was that?" Finrich demanded. "Nothing Ma'am." The rest of the day passed in a blur. Until Phys. Ed.
When we got there, the doors were shut and the coach was waiting out side. "OK listen up! We are going to do something different today kiddies." She smiled widely. "Try to get in to the gym without using the doors." Since the gym was separate from the main body of the school, it had windows all around it.

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