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Book online «Collision by Alyx D. Vacca (e ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Alyx D. Vacca

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will find you and lock you up all alone and in darkness, we will see if you like it. Not that that has ever actually happened to me, but still.
We opened the sky light and saw that we were very lucky. There was a beam directly below us. How ever there were two problems. One was that Tobi was afraid of heights and we would have to jump in order to get to the beam. The other was that I realized that I was willingly going to jump into my worst night mare. So we sat there. Staring down at the inside of the gym. Both of us to afraid to move, and to ashamed to say so. Now this is the time in the story that we the heros brave our fears and continue anyways. I am sad to say that this is not the case. In the end the school had to get the Fire Department to come and get us down, both of us rooted to the floor next to the light.

Chapter Three
Someone kisses me in this chapter but I am not going to tell you who, so in order to find out you are going to have to read it.

Like the title says, I receive my first kiss in this chapter. And I know you are all thinking that it must be Tobi. After all it is not exactly like I have talked about anyone else which is not very good authoring. So let me tell you all the names of the guys in my class. We have: Simon, quiet personality, gets good grades but is not a geek. Often is caught vandalizing school property, his favorite art medium is spray paint. Then we have Jared. Cute, all the girls like him. The strong and silent type, no one knows much about him except his best friend, the before mentioned, Simon. There is Atticus, born Cole, who is obsessed with books and legally changed his name to Atticus after reading To Kill a Mocking Bird. Likes to read Playboy magazines and has sexually harassed every girl in the class with few exceptions. Luckily for me, I am one of those. Don is a complete nerd. Likes to play with action figures and reads the dictionary for fun. Ricardo is new to the school but everyone knows everything about him because he likes to talk so much. Although he talks a lot no one thinks him annoying and everyone likes him even if they do not have a crush on him. Nick and Bob are twins and every one knows that Bob got the brains while Nick got the muscles. Simon hates them both. Damien is just Damien. Not much of interest there. It is not that he is stupid, just dull. So, that is all the boys! I will save the girls for later. Now to the story!
Me and Tobi meet every week at the coffee house near our school called Finetties. We do our home work there. As we were sitting in our usual place when a group of raucous boys entered the shop. They spotted us and headed over. The group contained Nick, Damien, Atticus and one other boy that I learned later is called A.J. Now with any other boys all would have been fine, but if you reread the descriptions above and you put Nick and the others together you should find that they make the perfect team for bullying. Atticus pointed to me and whispered something to Nick, they both snickered. Not a good sign. "So? You two dating?" Nick asked casually. "No," Tobi answered, just as casual. For once I wished we were, just so that Honest Tobe would say so and they might leave us alone. Nick and Atticus exchanged looks. "So, if you are not, why don't you leave and let us become better acquainted with Jayd?" Atticus said sweetly. "I am sure we will have a lot of fun and you have a lot of homework to do." Tobi glared at them. Sometimes I wish Tobi had a more fiery temper. I know that wanting Tobi to kill him for me is very much like feeling like a damsel in distress. But I can not help it. I tried to punch Atticus before and Nick broke my arm. That was back in third grade this is our sophomore year in high school. I shudder to think what he might do now. "Come on Jayd," Tobi said getting up. He started to put his books in his bag when A.J. poked a knife at his stomach. "Shut up," he hissed. "I have an idea," Nick said. "Let's go out side and talk so that we do not disturb the other people here. Sound good?" It sounded horrible, but A.J. still had a knife pointed at Tobi. "Fine," I snapped. "Careful," Atticus warned. "We would not want people to think that you did not want to come. It would ruin my reputation as a Ladies Man." He lowered his voice and added, "Not to mention that Tobi there might lose his guts." Me and Tobi hurriedly gathered our stuff trying to act calm and walked outside. They lead us behind Finetties and in to the parking lot. "Now Tobi," Atticus said. "You are going to walk away and forget that you ever saw any of us here, understand? It is very important that you do, else wise harm might befall the young damsel Jayd." "I understand," Tobi said. Then he did something way to fast for my eyes to comprehend. One minute they are all upright and intimidating and the next they are on there butts (and in some cases their backs) and looking as if they have no more idea of what happened than I did. Somehow Tobi now held the knife and he waved it at them menacingly, saying "Now if any of you come near Jayd or me again, this knife, which you were going to carve my guts out with, will cut out all of yours." He looked so evil standing there holding the knife that if I was not on his side I would have fled for my life. As it was, Nick's stupidity showed through when instead of running, he stayed and brought out his own knife and flicked it open. "Come on then," he taunted. He walked over to me and coolly reached up my shirt and groped my breasts. I gasped and punched him hard in the jaw. He flew toward Tobi who beat him so bad I am surprised he could still get up when Tobi let him go. He staggered away, his buddies had long since abandoned him. I realized that I was shaking. I looked at Tobi. He looked tired. "Hey Tobi?" He looked up from the ground at which he was staring. "Thanks." "No problem," he answered. "Let's go." We picked up our bags and started heading towards the Tower. I would call my mom from there to pick me up.


So after that day, when ever we saw Atticus he would look away and pretend he did not see us. Which was fine with me. I hated and hate that fucking bastard.
The school started a new program for the month of November. We had to write a novel be the end of the month. The novel had to be fifty thousand words long. This thing had been going on for a long time. Me and my friend who moved to Washington still email beck and forth, and she told me that her school was doing the same thing and that she had done it a few times before her school started it. The organization was called NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. I don't think I ever told you people her name! Oh well, let me introduce her. Her name is Aloe and her middle name is Vera. Her parents are obsessed with cacti. She said that she was breaking the rules and writing about the Collision. She said it was close enough to fiction, what with the Dragons, Elves, and Goblins. Not to mention all the rest of the weird stuff that happened. Here is my story so far, as you can tell I did not put a lot of thought in to it.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Jayd and she had to write a 50,000 word novel in one month! so all through the month of November she wrote and wrote until her fingers grew blisters and her bones started to crack whenever she sat down at her computer to type. Eventually her fingers turned blue and then black and then fell off. Her parents rushed her to the hospital and in to the emergency room where she was immediately fitted and equipped with metal fingers like those you would see on Sauron in the Lord of the Rings. Claw like fingers that have knives protruding from the tops. They moved like real fingers and were incredibly sharp.
Every once and a while I would cut myself on accident. My best friend was afraid of me now that I had monster hands. I could not type or write any more. I cursed the doctors who had done this to me. They had ruined my life I was going to end theirs. So began my long training as a master assassin. One day as I was walking when I heard a muffled scream and chanced upon an assassination of the mayor. The assassin dropped the dead man and ran at me. I side stepped him. He was obviously not expecting that and ran right past me. He quickly turned and I realized that although he did not expect it he was ready for it anyways. Soon he had me in a one armed headlock with a knife against my throat. "Say one word and I will cut your neck open and laugh as the blood runs." I did not doubt it but there was not much more to live for any ways. Every one that I loved had abandoned me in fear of what my hands might do, even accidentally. "I do not care. Kill me." He was so startled that his knife slipped and opened a shallow cut right above my Adams Apple. "Teach me," I said. The assassin stared at me through his mask. "First you want me to kill you than you said that you want me to teach you. Make up your mind." I decided that I liked this man. He seemed to be one of those people who could take things in stride. Because of this I told him, "The reason I could not decide at first, is because I want to die, but I want to

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