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Book online «Passion by Jadyenne Remkes (novel24 txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Jadyenne Remkes

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and I take it, now used to the rush of memories, he was the only one with both parents. Lucky him I think to myself. It took me a moment to realize that now we could all communicate without speech. How odd.
‘Well now that we know that we have to get the hell out of here, we had better figure out car arrangements.’ Riley says. She’s right.
‘Do you have cars?’ David asks. I point at the cars in the corner.
‘Whose do you think those are?’ I ask, Ians eyes bulge and threaten to pop out of his head.
‘Those are yours?’ he asks, shocked.
‘The Corvette is mine. The mustang is hers.’ I say with a smile.
‘Leave it to the girls to have cars.’ David says. ‘You got a car?’ He asks Ian, whom shakes his head.
‘Took the bus.’ He says looking mildly embarrassed. ‘You?’
‘Hell no. Taxi, it was pretty weird giving a taxi these directions.’ David replies. That was so sad. I loved my car, momma shouldn’t have, but I love it just the same.
‘Ill ride with Radella.’ Ian says, I thought that was kind of given. ‘You can ride with Riley.” I get into my car and turn around on the seat to dig in the backseat to get my MP3 out of my bag. I needed more than the radio this time. I mean I didn’t even know where we were going. I connect my MP3 to the speakers and pick a good song. I look at my speakers while they blare music. They move to the beat, and I stare in amazement. only seconds later Ian gets in, he puts his stuff in the back, and marvels at my car for a minute.
We were on a highway now, and the road was almost empty. It after all was two in the morning. I thought I should be tired, but I wasn’t, none of us were. It must have been the adrenaline rush I guess. We drove four hours, continuously with out food, of sleep, even stops. We were on our way to a place, we didn’t know where this place was plus we only had vague directions on how to get there. By seven in the morning, we started to get tired.
‘Why don’t we just sleep for a few hours in the car in some parking lot? Then we can get up, eat something and be on our way’. I suggest. Riley seemed to like the idea, but the boys insisted, we stop now, get a hotel, walk down to a cafĂ© get a snack, and go to bed. We gave in, I think we both liked their ideas better anyway.
‘So let’s, when we get a room, get situated, and put them on all at the same time’ I suggest, to Ian who agrees and calls the others.
About twenty minutes later, we reached the next exit. We got off, it was a small town. The sign over the highway bridge said ‘Welcome to
’ we didn’t know the name of the town, someone had spray painted all across the name of the town. How sad I thought to myself and the others. I wasn’t going to cry about a sign but that was so disrespectful. I couldn’t believe my eyes. And it was everywhere. My eyes started to become drowsy with lack of sleep. I pulled in to the closest hotel, with Riley behind me. I got out of the car, luckily it was warm here, too like home
oh, home
 you should stop thinking of home. I warn myself. It only brings you grief. I was dressed my mommas dress, it reminded me somewhat of a sundress, except it was made of silk which made it look elegant, though it wasn’t. With the dull look of the town, I expected it to be cold, it wasn’t. That was good, I didn’t like the cold. I reach in the back; grab momma’s purse, and my bag. I grab my MP3, wasn’t sure if I packed my doc, probably, because I had packed almost everything I owned. I suspect the things I was carrying would have been heavy to a normal person, but they were quite light to me. I lock my car, and follow Riley into the reception area of the hotel.
‘How many rooms should we get?’ I ask Riley as we go up to the desk. She eyes my sneakily with a thoughtful yet dirty look on her face.
‘Two, one for me, and David, one for you, and
him.’ She smiles widely at me and points at Ian.
‘No reason not to, I mean, it’s not like we don’t know each other.’ In truth we had just met, but we knew each other more that my momma probably did. I silently curse myself for remembering momma. Riley knew what I meant though. We did know each other.
‘Done.’ I agree, turning to eye Ian, he sees me, even though he wasn’t supposed to, and smiles. I smile back, reflexively. I turn to look at the receptionist as he comes around the corner to help us. I notice his name tag says Jeremiah, a nice name. He looked around fifteen, maybe sixteen, his sandy blonde hair was spiked with blue tips, and his blue eyes were mischievous. I had a feeling I would like this kid.
‘Hello, how may I help you?’ he asks with a bright smile, what a kind soul. But a little bubbly, he worked in a hotel, of course we were here for a room.
‘We need a few rooms, two to be exact.’ Riley says politely. I turn to see Aaron, but they had gone outside I guessed. They weren’t in here. The thought of Aaron makes me smile randomly. I turn back to Jeremiah; his kind smile had turned sly.
‘You really should share a room; it’s cheaper, and safer, especially here in the ghetto.’ He was trying to scare us, into bed with him; I could see it in his eyes. It wasn’t working; neither Riley nor I was scared in the least.
‘Some one could stay in there, protect you.’ He slips into the sentence, trying to be slick. I resist the urge to grab him by the neck and check him into the wall. Instead, I speak to him, in a tone designed for a deadly threats. My eyes penetrate his, digging deep into his soul, his existence.
‘We will be fine. Trust me Jeremiah.’ His eyes seem to bulge so much they might pop out of his head. I smile at the thought, I wasn’t a cruel person, but I can stand my own, and I don’t like it when someone questions that ability.
‘We can be friends or we can be enemies, your pick. Choose wisely.’ I say my voice the consistency of razors mixed with honey.
‘Our boyfriends wouldn’t like that idea at all. Please, can we have two rooms?’ Riley says, jumping in on the fun. I smile sweetly. She had changed her tone so dramatically for the second sentence that Jeremiah jumped. He hands us a pair of card keys, I lean over and hand him a hundred dollar bill, he needed it, to get out of this dump. I lean close to his ear, and he freezes.
‘Don’t get into trouble Jeremiah.’ I whisper in his ear, barely loud enough for him to hear, but I'm sure Riley heard loud and clear. I smile and blow him a kiss before I we leave. He was so scared. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a brain aneurysm. But I'm sure he didn’t. Riley and I approach the boys, dangling the keys in our hands. I hold it up to Ian and he reaches out to take it. I pull it back. ‘You’ll have to catch me.’ I say so sweetly its like I sang to him. Riley nods in agreement, and we take off. All four of us were running now, as fast as we could, being tired and all. We were going about half as fast as usual, but it still made people stare as we ran by. I pass an elderly woman, maybe in her sixties.
‘Kids these days, and their steroids.’ She mutters, I turn to her for a moment, much too fast for her to notice, and whispered in her ear.
‘We don’t take steroids, we are natural.’ I say it sweetly, careful not to give the woman a heart attack, and turn away. By the time she turns to question my voice, I am already up the stairs. Im only a little in front of Ian, so I gain speed. Pushing my legs through sleepiness. I become, many seconds in front of him, and reach the door. I use my time to unlock the door and step inside. I drop the key on the table and wait for him. He smiles at me when he reaches the room. He breathes normally, the same as the rest of us. Not any less tired than before. ‘Time for a shower.’ I announce, I drop my bag by the bed and go into the bathroom. It was a fair looking bathroom, with a vanity and shower. I turn the old style shower valve and warm water runs from it. I undress tiredly and step in to the shower, barely remembering to set out a towel. I don’t know how long I was in there, might have been hours. Maybe only minutes. I washed myself pink with the traditional soap of a hotel. It at least had a nice smell. Once I was clean I stepped out of the shower. I grab my towel and look at the mirror. I rub my hand over it to get the steam off. I look into my eyes, like I always do when out of the shower, and see something new. Happiness, no, joy. I had always been happy with momma and Ava but now I was joyful, and in love, madly in love. It sounded crazy; I had only met him yesterday. Was it really only yesterday? It could have been a week, a month, I wouldn’t have noticed. But in truth it was only yesterday. Wow. I look in a door, and find a brush, I run it through my hair, and try to dry my body. I turn around confused for a moment. I hadn’t brought clothes in here with me. My eyes darted around the room, it was true, I had for gotten clothes. Well, shit. I wrap the towel tightly around my, gather my dignity, and open the door. I almost drop my towel. Ian was standing right there. His eyes wide as if he were a deer caught in the head lights of a truck in hunting season. He was staring at me, I glance down, thinking maybe I had dropped the towel. No, everything was covered, to an amount of decency. His breath slips from in between his lips. Next thing I know his lips are on mine; I hold the towel tighter around me and pull away. I didn’t exactly want to, but I had to. Gathering my dignity I dig into my red duffel bag in search of some bed clothes. Finding nothing but a pair of shorts. I grab those, and my bra, and return to the bathroom. Normally this was what I wore to bed, but I felt strangely naked when I walked back into the bedroom to find Ian in the bed, shirtless. I pull The comforter away from the sheets and slide in next to him. I read the energy that pulsed between us. Mine was nervous sad, but happy. His was total contentment mixed with peace. I had never read an aura quite like his. I pull the sheets tighter to me, and relax. “Ian?” I ask. He turns to me, his silver/grey eyes misty. “Hmmm?” His voice was
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