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Book online «Passion by Jadyenne Remkes (novel24 txt) 📖». Author Jadyenne Remkes

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body as I exhale. A half hour later, I was out of the bath and wrapping a towel around me letting the water slide of my skin. I tighten the towel around me and exit, letting the steam follow my body into the kitchen. No ne was around, so I figured the Chopin drove them into the yard. I reach into the fridge and grab a rock star. I head into the yard in my towel, in search of everyone else. It was unusually dark for the hour, well the hour I thought it was. I stop a small light near the pond; it was a lamp I recognized as David’s. I call out his name. “Not quite.” A voice I immediately know as Ian’s replies. I smile and turn in the opposite direction and look into his eyes. It took me a moment to notice anything else about him, but when I did. I say that he was dressed only in his board shorts, and his hair was wet. “Went for a swim?” I ask, although the answer was obvious. His smile lit up the night sky. He point over to a large blanket that occupied David’s lantern, and I sit, looking at the reflection of the moon in the ponds water. The water seemed to move in motion with my pulse. Slowly, arithmetically. Ian sits beside me and pulls me close. The water seemed to pulse faster, but only a little bit. I could feel Ian’s breath on my neck, causing my hair to stand on end. I relax into the warmth of his arms. The cool air made the damp towel wrapped around me feel like ice. “Swim with me?” Ian asks after what seemed like a lifetime. “If you grab me my bathing suit.” I reply, my cheeks heating. I can feel his hair swishing above my head when he shakes his head. “Nope, just like you are fine.” My eyes grew wide, and I turned my head up to look at him, a shocked expression on my face. “Do you realize how old I am?” I ask. He nods. “Eighteen in two minutes.” “Oh.” I mumble. I forgot. “That’s beside the point that water must be freezing.” I protest, and Ian stands. “Nope, its not, really.” I eye him suspiciously, and he stands tall above me looking down with a playful glitter in his smile. I was just a second late when I realized what he was thinking. He scoops me up in his arms, and Runs, jumping into the dark water. I scream and clutch the towel around my body. Wile trying to keep afloat. The towel soaked up more water and became heavier. I squint my eyes in Ian’s direction. “You’re in trouble.” I tell him in a flat emotionless monotone. I hear echoing laughter, from behind me. I turn rapidly top see Ian not inches from me. Even in the water he was a head taller than me. “I think its been two minutes now.” He breathes unevenly. “Probably.” The caution in my voice surprised me. This was Ian what was I afraid of? My mind told me everything, but me heart told me to be afraid of nothing. I lowered my eyes and watched my towel float to he top of the pond.

The morning light shone in my face, and I silently cursed it. I hadn’t been up in time to see it in a long while. My head was laid across Ian’s soft chest, and his arm was wrapped tightly around me. The blanket where David’s lamp used to be was strewn across us. I lift my head groggily and glance around. Wait. I slept outside?! “Morning.” Ian says, his voice not showing a bit of sleepiness. “Eh, too early.” I could feel his smile, almost as bright as the sun on my back. Ian’s hand strokes my hair. “Come on, lets get up.” I sat, my back slightly aching. That is the last time I sleep on the lawn. I looked at the sun as I stood, wrapping the blanket around me. The sun was too low in the sky to shine through Riley’s window, so she shouldn't be up I think to myself. I sneak through the door, and into the kitchen, making my way to my room. Everything was suspiciously quiet. I glace around the room, and then start running toward the safety of my room. My fingers touch the doorknob, and I start to yank my door open. “Morning.” Riley’s says and I turn to see her standing right behind me. I scream jumping and clutching the blanket to me. She smiles, and turns to walk right into David’s arms. I scowl and mumble something that resembled. “Thanks for the lantern.” And walked into my room. Ian was already there, standing by the window. “At least you made it in undetected.” I mumble, while digging roughly through my room looking for some clothes. He turns to smile at me. “Don’t be embarrassed, besides I climbed through the window.” Shock strikes my features and my mouth falls open. My stare was blank and undivided from his eyes. “You have got to be kidding me.” I breathe, with what little air I was getting. His smile widens, and he ruffles his hair. “What can I say, I’m a genius.” “And your ego is huge.” My voice started to sound more normal as I started to wake up more. “Well, now I guess the whole house knows now.” He smiles. “Hun, the whole house knew, yesterday.” My mind, went back into the past, and I start to blush. “Oh.” He laughs, loud and long at my embarrassment. I cover my face, and turn to open the door. Riley and David practically fall into the room. “You vile, eaves dropping fiends. " I almost shout, but no one was listening. I was furious beyond belief. Riley just smiled. 6)

The months following my birthday were uneventful. Life went on as usual, creating no complications. I would mow the lawn once a week, do laundry every three days. Riley and switched off making dinner, and the boys cleaned up. I read in the afternoons next to Ian while he watched the Saints get their asses kicked. By night I wrote, everything was getting just a little bit routine. Ian and I were getting very close, as well as Riley and David. I turn over a small smooth stone in my hand as I dangle my feet in the cool pond. Riley skips out, sitting beside me. "Are you ready?" Riley asks. "Ready?" I ask feeling a little guilty. If we had plans and I forgot I was totally loosing it. "Grocery shopping?" She inquires. "Oh!" I remember now. I smile and pull myself to my feet, I go in to get my shoes while Riley pulls the car around. I lean over the couch to kiss Ian on the couch and tell him where I was going. He stands to kiss me properly, and I catch a whiff of his after shave. I wince, pulling away as my stomach churns. I smile a little bit and kiss him lightly before peeling away quickly. Riley is waiting in the car and without a second to loose I get into the car and Riley drives away, like we had plans or something. We arrive at the grocery store as quickly as humanly possible. The store was cheery and unusually crowded, I follow Riley closely and mark things off the list as they get put in the cart. Riley motions down an aisle and asks me to get her some feminine products, but as I turn to walk down the aisle I stop dead in my tracks. I begin to count backwards in my head and everything rushes together in my brain. I topple over onto the ground, taking half a shelf of vitamins with me. People rush around me and my vision becomes blurry. I hear Riley voice over all the others and that is the last thing I hear before everything goes black. when I open my eyes again I am in the passenger seat of the car. I groan, and Riley almost stops the car immediately. Luckily a seat belt hugged my waist, but I still lurched forward quickly. "Radella! Are you okay?!" She nearly yells, beginning to drive again quite fast which makes my stomach flatten to the back of the seat. "I don't know what happened. I passed out?" I ask her like she was supposed to know. "Since when do you faint at the mere sign of tampons. Actually, since when do you faint at all?" I shrug, and relax against the window. My brain thunders against my skull and I complain to Riley who laughs, pulling into the driveway. Riley pulls me out of the car, carrying me into the house. The door creaks as it opens and Riley sits me on one of the chairs at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. She gathers me a glass of cool water and two Ibuprofen and well as a couple drops of Echinecia and Golden seal. Ian andDavid rush into the room worried as I have ever seen either of them before. Riley explains what happened while I eye the tall glass of water suspiciosuly like a hated nemisis. The smell of the herbs makes me nauseous, but I choke the glass of water and the pills down. Riley takes over and touches me on the arm and then her entire body tenses up and her eyes go misty. She takes my hand and pulls me from my chair and down the narrow hall way to the bathroom. She pushes me down on the toilet seat and begins to dig under the counter top. She pulls something out from under it and hands me a pink box. I look closer at it. It was a pregnancy test. "No way."

"These things can be wrong right?" I ask staring down at the double pink line on the strip. Riley laughs and nods. "Yes they can be wrong but the chances of me and the test being wrong are like, well impossible. i'm never wrong, besides you have symptoms. Nausea, sensitive breasts," I begin to protest and she taps me on the boob making me wince. "your sense of smell is totally out of whack, not to mention the food you've been eating lately." I groan placing my head in my hands. "I can not believe I did not notice the signs before. I always thought I'd be one of those people who just knew, and I have to be told by a psychic, and how will I tell I an, he'll go nuts for sure." I shake my head and Riley grabs me by the arm, pulling me to my feet. "He won't go nuts. He is completely in love with you and you know it. Do not underestimate that." Riley reaches for my arm again before I can safely stow it behind my back. She half drags half carries me into the living room and sits me down on the couch next to Ian. I begin to protest but not

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