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Book online «Passion by Jadyenne Remkes (novel24 txt) 📖». Author Jadyenne Remkes

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was counter productive in two ways. One we were trying to keep a low profile, but on the other hand, we looked nothing like the kids they were looking for. Two, I didn’t like the idea of guys, or girls drooling over us, and following us. Especially the ones that had girlfriends. I was particularly bothered by this, but it didn’t faze Riley. Hmm. We walked out of the mall- attracting more attention in the process, that necessary, or wanted. - And got in the cars.

We ended up at the park, of all places. It was public, and with plenty of room to run. So it was perfect. We sat on a park bench, one that was oddly shaped, with a circular base. Riley sat her bag on her lap and started digging through it, for various unknown things, naming them before setting them in front of me. David however chose a faster route, he threw random in our direction, counting on our reflexes to catch them . Most of the stuff was for Aaron and himself, but he did throw me a hat, and Riley a beanie. I smile and try it out. Nice. I look back at Riley’s bag to find it empty, all of its contents on the floor. Most of it was make-up and face paints, but there were also head bands and bandannas. As well as an assortment of wild hair pieces. I was glad we had sent her, I wouldn’t know what to get, let alone where to find them. Now comes the boring part. Putting the make-up on. Ugh. I sit sideways to Riley, and she starts on me. It took only a little while, not as long as I thought it would. I could feel the soft brushes and cream touching my face. I almost laughed. When she was done, she tried to hand me a small mirror, but I got to her first. I used light blues and purples. I smeared them across her eyelids. Making elegant swirls. They were interesting colors yes, but they worked, and I liked them. I dug in the pile for some eyeliner and a good shade of lipstick. I slowly step back looking at my work on Riley. She looked even more amazing than usual. No kidding, her eyes seemed to waver with contrast. Wow, but I couldn’t sit and stare for long before Riley was shoving a mirror up to my face again. I took it in a delicately strong hand, and looked at my reflection in the glass. I see my eyelids open and close in amazement. My eyes were sparkling, literally. The base was green, and coated with silver to accent my eyes. Black eyeliner not only stayed under my eyes but curved out to curl beside my eyes. My lips were a deep red that seemed to flow gracefully in the light. I smile lightly at myself in the mirror and put it down. Riley grabs a bandanna and ties it tightly around my head. I lean lazily on Ian a smile on my face. Yes. I had lost everything. But I had earned a lot too, much more than I deserved.
I take Ian’s hand and walk to my car. We eave the park, and on that bench I leave all of who I used to be behind. 4)

We drove for hours. I wasn’t sure how long. Time was beginning to meld together. It was starting to confuse me. Probably from lack of sleep. Yep, that was it. I lean into the back seat to get another rock star. David was continually trying to convince me to let him drive. Uh, hell no. no one was driving my car. Except me. Well, maybe Riley, considering her car is as nice as mine. I wasn’t even sure if id let Ian drove my car. Maybe…I was on the fence with that one. David? I ask. Hmm?
What’s your superpower? I could feel his smile through his thoughts.
I’m a healer. I can transfer energy into someone to heal them. Cool. I was about to say something, but I felt his tired thoughts drift into a quiet slumber.
Where are we? I ask Riley. From all I could tell, we were in the middle of nowhere. All I could see for miles was trees, and with having the inhuman senses and all, that was a very far way.
The middle of nowhere. She tells me. I sigh very dramatically in her direction. I was being very serious a minute ago…oh well. I’m staring a head at the road, and a tall dark figure appears in front of us in a shimmer of darkness. I grab the wheel tightly and violently turn the tires. We slide sideways on the road until we are directly in-between both lanes. Everything seemed to move in slow-motion for a long time. My head whips around to see Ian. But he is unconscious. I see blood seeping from somewhere from under his shirt. That’s Impossible. He should be fine. I call for David, and I can hear him running toward us. He drops to the pavement beside Aaron. He holds his hands over Ian’s body. A gold and white glowing light erupts from his hands and dissolves into Ian. The wound disappears, but Ian’s breath is shallow. David looks up at me a look of sheer torment on his face, and I know, even David, the healer, Couldn’t save him. I make a split second decision, out of the blue, not thinking of the consequences, and step out of the car. I had to get Ian to a hospital, fast. Even of it meant risking exposure. I walk over to Ian’s side and gather him up into my arms. I glance at David, silently, letting my eyes tell him what I was about to do, and warning him not to try to stop me. I pull Aaron tight to my cheesy, and instinct takes over. I burst into a full speed run. As fast as I could go. I had never run so fast in my life, pulling energy from the trees, the dirt, the air, I ran.. The trees were starting to blend together, and I knew I was going somewhere between 190-200 miles, I was even shocking myself, but this was Ian’s life on the line, and it was a line I was about to cross. No mater what. My mind went blank, I was focused on one thing, as I passed tree after tree.

Finally I reached a small town, and as fast as I could I made it to the hospital, and rushed inside. I ran to the E.R, at a speed that cold be accepted as a gunman adrenalin rush. I approach the nearest doctor, Ian limp in my arms. He calls for a gurney, but everyone seems to be moving much too slow. Hurry! I think toward them, and it took me a moment to realize that I had shouted at them. My eyes were on Aaron as the nurses checked his vitals. I Hear David, and Riley’s tires squealing as they peeled into the parking lot, ant their footsteps as they ran into the hospital. I could hear the receptionist calling after them as they ran past her. Realization and shock hit me as the adrenalin wore off. Ian was dying, right here in front of me. I was as good as normal, if I couldn’t save the one I loved. What was I anyway? I had never, seen myself as human. What was I then? Blood pounded in my ears and I fell to the ground as if I had been hit by a full speed bus.

I open my eyes o find myself in a hospital bed. Luckily I had no IV’s or I would be livid. I sit and a doctor enters the room.
‘How are you feeling?’ he asks. I shrug. Oh I don’t know, my love is dying and I can’t do anything how are you? But I didn’t say that out loud. That would be rude.
‘Where were you when this accident occurred?’ he asks, my jaw nearly falls to the floor. I was worried about Ian, not where we had happened to be driving when it occurred, but I tell him anyway.
‘How did you get here?’ prying with the questions geeze, how was Ian I wanted to scream at him. I kept it in check though.
‘I ran.’ I tell him blankly and without emotion. Not showing anything on my face that showed that I was kidding.
‘You ran all the way here. That’s over two hundred miles.’ He tells me. Oh well, I think I made it didn’t I?
‘Yes.’ I say slowly so his normal human mind could comprehend. I was starting to get irritated.
‘How did he get here?’ I sigh deeply, trying to keep calm.
‘I carried him. Now enough with the stupid questions. Why does it matter how I got here? I got here and that’s all that matters.’ I tell him, my voice showing that I was not the type of girl he could mess with for long periods of time.
‘You carried that boy here over two hundred miles, to get here. How?’ My anger bubbled over the top.
‘I does not matter!’ I yell. The doctor jumps and nearly falls over at my sudden break. I take a deep breath to calm myself, and I settle back in the bed.
‘Now, how is Ian?’ I ask as calmly as I can manage.
‘How are you related to the boy? Sister, cousin?’ he asks. The cold meaningless words pry at my heart. I lock my eyes with his and speak two deadly words.
“He’s mine.’ I barely uttered the words but by the look on his face, the words were ringing in his ears. He shakes his head and composes himself before speaking in and unsteady voice.
‘Then, I am so sorry for your…’ but he didn’t get to finish that sentence. My soul screamed and my heart broke. Things seemed to move in slow motion. I could feel tears falling down my face, but when I raised my hand to wipe then away. They were much thicker than tears. When I pulled my hand away blood was smeared across my hand. I didn’t have time to be shocked though. I was screaming aloud, even though I couldn’t hear it, I knew it was echoing in the halls of the small building. My body pushed through the slow motion. , I had to get into Aarons room. That was all that I could think about. Some ones arms were rapped around me, trying to hold me back, I hissed and kicked but the hands held tight. Then with a sudden jerk I was released. I didn’t have time to turn and see who pulled the person off of me, but if I had to guess, I would guess David of Riley. I burst into Ian’s room, and my eyes caught sight of him. He was lying still as stone. I dropped to his bedside, and took his hand in mine. I rested my head on

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