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Book online «Passion by Jadyenne Remkes (novel24 txt) 📖». Author Jadyenne Remkes

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before Riley swipes the remote turns off the TV and tells David they need to go shopping. Ian looks concerned but I smile trying to comfort him, it doesn't seem to work. Riley begins to skip smiling widely out of the door David following in suit. Ian turns to me a suspicious look in his eyes. "Why do I have the feeling everyone knoes something I don't?" I smile taking his hand. "Honey, that's because we do." The confused look that takes over his facial features makes me laugh. "Don't worry." I reassure him. "Tell me?" He coaxes and leans forward to kiss me. I kiss him back and then lean back, still holding his hand. " I'll tell you." He smiles, and I take his hand placing it over my abdomen. "Ian I'm pregnant."Ian stands up turns around quickly and a huge smile appears on his face. He pulls me to my feet, and into his arms. He twirls me around, then sets me back onto my feet, he bends to my knees and presses his hands to my stomach and kisses it. "Hey, baby." He whispers, and looks up at me smiling, then went back to his feet. He kisses me, and sighs falling back onto the couch. His eyes go wide. "We're having a baby." I smile ans sit down. He wraps his arms around me and I lean against his chest. "Yes, yes we are."

Riley opens the door and rushes in both her hands and Davids filled with bags and all sorts of things. She discards most of the bags onto the kitchen floor, and shuffles some of the rest of the things that she had in her hands into the living room with Ian and I. She passes a bag of things to me, and they rattle. I peer inside to find some prenatal vitamins and a couple other things. From inside the other bags she produces a two tiny little onzie. One that is pink, one that is blue, with tiny little booties to match. I almost die! They're completely adorable, and a reach for them quickly. The smooth fresh cotton is heavenly, and I pass one to Ian. "Do you want to know which one we will be using?" Riley asks, and my reply is almost immediately a positive yes. "Wait, no. Just let it be a suprise." My three family members look at me in surprise. "Hmm, I thought for sure you would want to know." Riley explains but shrugs, and continues to fish small things out of the bag she held. Toys, small blankets, a bib that says I love my Aunt, and even a pacifier. "Jesus, Riley, how far along do you think she is?" Ian asks and laughs, shaking a rattle coyingly. I smack him lightly on the arm, and smile. Someone turns the television on and before i know it I am asleep.
I wake up in my own bed next to my own boyfriend, and another glass of herb polluted water on the night stand that had shocked me awake. I choke, moving my nose as far away from the poison as I could. Ian groans and wraps his arms around my waist. "You know," I moan. " I thought I was gaining weight. You didn't say anything though." I complain. "Didn't notice." He retorts groggily. I flick him in the arm. "You did so. Everyone did." I roll over to face him and he opens his dark eyes. " Don't tell me your hormones are already out of whack." He says, slightly more awake. "Hormones? You know about pregnancy?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Only what Riley told me and what I read in the first chapter of the book last night." He replies holding me closer and kissing me lightly on the nose. " You have a book?" I coo, really impressed and slightly creeped out. "Riley bought one for us and I got a head start last night a reading it after you fell asleep on the couch." I smile, and lean back onto his chest. "I love you" He whispers and I smile, repeating the line I would say again and again for the rest of my life. 7)

"Don't even tell me." I beg as Riley jumps into the pond full of water. When she resurfaces she smiles and blinks her eyeballs rapidly. "But please, its just a little tiny premonition that I could tell you about?" I shake my head and lean against my favorite most comfortable tree only feet away from the pond in our yard. I groan shaking my head, "No Riley, I won't have you telling me anything about the baby. All I care is that my baby is safe and healthy. Unless you have something to tell me that contradicts that, then keep your mouth closed." She makes a zipping motion over her lips and smiles, going back under the water. Ian and David appear out of the woods, something black dangling from each of their hands. Blood dripping from them, I cringe and swallow trying to keep the stomach acid down where it belongs. I crunch over hiding my eyes, trying not to see the little creatures they were holding. I motion to Riley and she realizes and begins to scold them. "Why did you bring those nasty things here? Especially with a very nauseous pregnant woman in the vicinity?" I know the boys are about to explain but I jump in anyways. "Why did you kill them anyways?!" I glance up at them through my fingers, and they had stowed the creatures away. "We didn't kill them! We found them, on the roof." David protests, and Ian nods in agreement. I roll my eyes skeptically. "Our roof?" I ask, and they both nod vigorously. I groan, I was going to have to clean that up. Fantastic. I rub my hands together and stand, pausing when I get a little light headed. Ian catches my arm and steadies me. I shake him off a little roughly. "I'm fine!" I shrink a little bit in apology. He smiles lighlty and lets me go and I head through the trees to the house. When I catch light of the roof I see blood splattered all over it, mixed in were scores of black feathers, and other things. Where these birds just flying straight into the roof? I look about the surrounding ground for birds, but they were nowhere else except scattered around the roof. My family follows closely behind me and Riley mimics my shock to an exact replica. "How are we going to clean that up?" Riley asks out loud, and her and I begin to laugh. The sideways glances from the boys make us shut up quickly. Lucky it was so hot outside that it all the windows were closed and the AC was cranked up. I sit on the couch lounging and attempting to settle my stomach. David and Riley hovered over me While Ian got a cool glass of water. "Dude what's with the water? Can I have some caffeine in my diet?" Riley begins to protest and then at seeing the look in my eye settles for a can of soda. Though I know I am about to get a lecture on caffeine intake while being pregnant. Like I was that far along anyways. A month and a half at the most. Not that I could go to a doctor to ask anyway. I give David the 'I'm holding a grudge' look. He smiles shyly, and a little apologetically. He knew exactly why I was glarring at him. Riley was all on my going to the Doctor bandwagon and then all the sudden he suggests that it may not be a good idea to come out of hiding and that my baby might possess some magical ability that might shock the doctors. Riley had jumped off my wagon and onto his. There were a ton of things that COULD go wrong but there was nothing that necessarily WOULD go wrong. At least I had almost a full pregnancy to work my way into being able to see a doctor. There was no way I was giving birth to this baby without an Epidural. I had seen my mom dilate to a six with Ava and then have an exorcist moment when she yelled for some drugs. My mom was no wimp either, so I was not to have any babies without some painkillers.
Ian was with me, but I knew it was only because I had subtly informed him that he would be in the doghouse if he chose against me, and it would be a supernatural doghouse as well as an ordinary one. He had ardently chosen my side and I am hoping I can convert Riley to my side. Perhaps I'll show her a highly disturbing home birthing video. Yes, I nod to myself, that would do the trick. Ian wraps an arm around me and pulls me out of my own one sided conversation and Riley handed me an open soda with the tab turned to the right. I moan sweetly while sipping the smooth soda. I lean against Ian and David leaves the room with Riley quickly in following. I turn on football and Ian smiles. "You're perfect." He tells me and takes the remote away turning it off again. "But, I can think of another thing I love more that football." He raises me into his arms, and I squeak, giggling a little. He carries me to our room and places me softly on the bed. He pulls his shirt off and follows me.
* * *
I wake up, tangled in blankets, and completely nude. Ian is lying beside me, sweetly nuzzled in the crook of my neck. I begin to trace my fingers along the muscles in his back. Tracing lines on his skin, lightly enough not to wake him, but enough to make goosebumps arise on his flesh. I admire my sweet baby faced lover as he slept peacefully. His shaggy dark blond hair was tousled and I smoothed it over, combing my hands through it. I didn't care what time it was or how long I was going to be in bed, but I felt so comfortable in here. Ian being right next to me was perfect. I could not be more comfortable in here, it was so peaceful and sweet. I am just glad that the romance and the love didn't die with the creation of the baby. I close my eyes again and listen to Ians breathing, everything is quiet and serene. Then Riley bursts into the room, her eyes are half covered and she apologizes insesently. I groan and cover myself and as much of Ian as I can reach, glaring at Riley all the time. She turns around so she doesn't see any more than she has already seen. "Sorry! But, we have bird like issues." I groan and roll Ian over on the bed and her groans asking what th hell

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