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Book online «Change of Heart by Rina Pattinson (miss read books txt) 📖». Author Rina Pattinson

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distributing letters and bills to their personal owners. Everyone enjoyed his company except Adrian and it was obvious why.

“See you later, Roger.” Kai smiled closing the door after him, the smile still plastered to her face.

“So um Kai was that see you later as in farewell, goodbye, bon voyage,” Adrian asked, “or see you later as in ‘I’ll see you later’?” He asked mimicking a seductive tone.

Kai laughed. “Ok, so now my words have double meanings?”

“No your words have absolutely no meaning. I mean double, double meaning, they don’t have double meanings. Of course they have meaning I mean why wouldn’t they have meaning? Your words are meaningful, but just one meaning, not that they’re not good enough for two meanings it’s just that‒” He paused when Kai signaled him to wait and walked away.

“Kill me, kill me now!” Adrian said to Reid, handing him a gun. “Come on, take your best shot.”

“Dude, chill ok I am not gonna shoot you just because you’re having trouble talking to a girl.” Reid laughed.

“It’s not just a girl, it’s Kai. I’ve known her for years and I still can’t tell her how I feel. I can’t even talk to her. It’s annoying.”

“Roger seems fine at it, and you two are alike in some‒

“Don’t you dare compare me to that late mail distributing geek. My level of cuteness goes way beyond his, by far!”

“I am so sorry.” Reid said holding both hands into the air, as if surrendering.

“Besides, there’s something about that guy I don’t like. I mean who goes around at night to distribute mail? Isn’t that a day job?”

“I think he’s one of those people who just hate the sun.” Reid said.

“Or some sort of nocturnal psychopathic freak roaming the dark streets prying on beautiful young girls pretending to deliver mail just to get into their houses and slash their throats out along with other body parts then sewing them back together like a maniac.” He went on.

“That’s your theory?” Reid asked, looking freaked out.

“One of them.”

“Please feel free to not scar me with the others.”

“Dude, you’re a werewolf. Stuff like that should excite you.”

“Correct I’m a werewolf. Not a sick minded demon released from the underworld compelled to roam the earth destroying humanity.”

“No, but hey that would be so cool.”

“I’ll be right back, freak.”

The walk home was long and tiring, especially with so much on my mind. I didn’t want to involve the members of my pack in any of this, but Ian gave me no choice.

“Jen, you’re back are you ok?” Reid was the first to approach me. I didn’t get the chance to answer as Kai was right behind him ready to share her new found information.

“Ok Jen, I found out some stuff about Ian Winters, not much though but still important.” She said. “So he’s originally from Moscow. He lived there for almost fifteen years along with his mother and little sister. His father was killed in a bombing while he was still in his mother’s womb, how sad.”

“Focus Kai, anything else?”

“Yes sorry. He moved to Manhattan, no one knows why four years ago. Apparently he remained by himself most of the time. It’s strange I found no records of him attending any school or college before he showed up at Ridgewood two weeks ago.”

“Then he can’t be too smart.” Cal, the pack member in charge of analysis noted.

“Wrong, but right.” Kai smiled. “Yesterday at lunch he left a bottle of water at his lunch table. I took it and brought it to Cate who tested the saliva found on the brim of the bottle. Tell them what we found out Cate.”

“As we all know, werewolf venom is found in the saliva, so after extracting the venom I cross referenced it with the venom of a couple new born wolves and I got a match.” Cate explained.

“So he’s a new born werewolf. That would explain why he may be faster and stronger of any of us.” Cal observed.

“And intelligence is also heightened as a new born so he will also be smarter.” Reid added.

“But wait, if he’s so smart then why would he leave that bottle of water hanging at the lunch table?” Adrian asked.

“Adrian has a point.” I said.

“As usual.” He commented.

“There’s something else. He left the bottle there because he knew we would take it. He wants us to believe that it’s because he’s a new born that, that’s the reason why he’s stronger and faster.”

“Then what is the reason?” Kai asked.

“I don’t know. We don’t have all the details. Something’s missing.” I said.

“We also don’t know why he wants to kill you.” Cal said. The expression on my face sold me out. “Or do we? Jennifer?”

“We were right. He wants to take my power.”

“You met him tonight.” Reid said, obviously stealing the knowledge from my mind.

“I had to. I didn’t have a choice.”

“What did he say?” Kai asked. I could hear the fright in her voice.

“I tried to keep you all out of this. I did but he won’t allow it. He wants us to fight. My pack against his.”

“But that’s unfair. I’m sure his pack is made up of just newborns. They will destroy us.” Cate yelled.

“He threatened us either way. It’s better if we choose to fight. At least try to save ourselves. Try to save yourselves, because he is definitely gonna kill me.”

“We won’t allow that Jen, I won’t allow it.” Reid said his hand on my shoulder.

“There’s nothing we could do.”

“We are not gonna give up that easily.” Kai said. “It’s our duty to protect, especially each other.”

“You don’t know this guy; he might need an entire army to destroy him.” I sighed.

“What he needs is a high five in the face. With a chair, made out of steel, from hulk, on an adrenaline rush!” Adrian said pissed.

“He needs to die that’s for sure. He’s evil as hell, not to mention selfish and unfair.” Cal said. Everyone else agreed, except me. Without saying another word I was out of the room. Standing by the outside balcony I tried to get myself together.


I didn’t answer Reid, but he pulled my face gently to his, wiping away the tears.

“What did he say to you? Be honest.”

“Here we are, thinking about how evil he is, but what about us? What about me? How many innocent people have I killed Reid? I am just like him. I’ve taken so many lives that I’ve lost count.”


“No. Don’t try to make it seem ok because it’s not. I was a killer too. Once a killer always a killer. How do you think Kai is gonna feel if she finds out that I was the one who killed her parents? She sees me as a hero because I stopped her from committing suicide but I was the reason why she was doing it in the first place Reid. It was me. Hundreds of people out there are still in grief because I needed to hunt. Because I couldn’t control myself and yet here we are hating Ian Winters who hasn’t even killed half the amount of people that I have. What makes me better than him?”

“Don’t let this get to you Jen, this is what he wants. He wants to break you but you can’t let him. He will say anything to you just for you to break down like you are now.”


“No. look it doesn’t matter what Ian says to you. What matters is, you are doing the right thing now. Sure you’ve made a few mistakes but we all have. You’re not alone. You are a leader Jennifer. You’re fair and you make the right decisions for the benefits of others. You don’t think about yourself and that’s what makes you better than him.”

“I’m not a good person Reid.”

“There are no good people. Everyone messes up at some point in time. I don’t see you as something bad though.”

“What do you see me as?”

“A reason to smile. A reason to keep hope and faith,” He smiled stroking my dark brown hair, “a reason to live.”

“You make me sound like the best thing in the world.” I whispered.

“You are, in my world.” He smiled again taking my face in his warm hands. “I love you.” He whispered against my lips, but before I could reply he was kissing them. This wasn’t the first time Reid and I kissed, but to me this was the most meaningful one we shared so far. The way his soft gentle lips crushed mine slowly brought out a different side of his emotions I never experienced before. With my fingers locked behind his neck I deepened the kiss causing a slight moan to immerse from deep within his throat. His curious fingers which were once dancing through my hair slipped down my back and caressed my waist grabbing me tighter and tighter as a symbol of his strong everlasting passionate love. We continued to hold on to each other that night, unable to let go.


The morning was dark and cold like the inside of a wet cave, which was expected as it was just a few minutes after dawn. This was his favorite time of the morning. Barely anyone around to notice making it easier to move around quietly, drawing no attention. Swinging into a nearby alley, his cell phone went off, its echo filling the entire ten meter path.

“Hey, what’s up?” He asked. The person on the other line replied. “Yea I’m on my way I−

“Adrian? Hello? Are you there?” Cal asked sounding worried.

“I’m gonna have to call you back, Cal.” He said slipping the phone back into his pocket, not taking his eyes off of the person in front him.

“Adrian Reynard. I’ve heard a lot about you.” The guy said, his fingers playing with the tip of his sword.

“Well that’s funny because I’ve heard nothing about you. What are you a samurai?”

“You know I heard you were the funny one. Too bad I was sent to assassinate you.” He said as his fingers crawled through his wavy pitch black hair.

“Assassinate me?” Adrian laughed. “I think you’re the funny one, what’s your name?”


Adrian shook his head. “I have a question, Will. Why do want to assassinate me?”

Will tilted his head and peered at Adrian through squinted grey eyes. “You don’t know do you?” He asked, but Adrian knew he was talking about something other than the upcoming assassination.

“Don’t know what?” Adrian asked, quite confused himself.

“I don’t think any of you know. How unfortunate, but it is for that reason that I must kill you, Adrian.” He smiled unsheathing his sword.

“May I ask one question before I die?” Adrian asked.

“Sure.” Will said walking towards him.

“Why are you so stupid?” Adrian shouted kicking a nearby trashcan into Will’s face with such force that he tumbled over. His sword was still in his grip but before he could stand Adrian was on him, the base of his shoe tightening down on Will’s neck stopping his flow of oxygen.

“Usually, most people would say get up and go while you still have the chance, but you know what Will? I’m not telling you that, I’m gonna show you what an assassination really is you son of a bitch.” He spat his word out to Will but before he could make another move Will’s sword stabbed into his knee causing him to lose balance.

“I don’t think so.” Will said grabbed him by his hair and smashed his head into the surrounding wall. The wound was bad but not severe. Without even flinching, Adrian’s left elbow came without warning straight into Will’s nose, the bone smashing from the impact. Then without wasting a split second, Adrian jumped onto the dumpster next to them for height then came down hard with full force onto Will’s head, smashing his face into the dirty concrete consistently saying: “Don’t ever touch my hair!” It didn’t take Will long to flip over knocking Adrian off of him. Now he was the one with his foot crushing Adrian’s neck.

“I didn’t come here for

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