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can’t do anything for her again. I’m very sorry but she’s not gonna make it much longer. We’ve prolonged her life as much as we could.”

“How long does she have?” Ian asked, tears in his eyes, his voice breaking. His mother hugged his hand; her tears soaking into his sweater.

“I would say a month for the most. Maybe less.” The doctor replied. “I have to go now, but you could go see her. She’s in room 105, second floor.” He said before leaving.

“Are you ok, mom?”

“Go see her. I need a few minutes.” She said, wiping her eyes as she walked the other way unable to compose herself.

When he got to room 105 he rid his eyes of tears before opening the door. She was asleep. She looked so peaceful he thought, but he knew she was suffering. The tears gathered in his eyes again but he didn’t let them fall.

“Ian?” She called, as her eyes opened when he touched her face.

“Hey Lizzy.” He smiled. “I’m here.”

“Ian!” She shouted trying to get up.

“Sshhhh,” He smiled again. “Don’t get up.”

“I missed you, Ian.” She said hugging him.

“I missed you too bud. I’m so happy to see you after so long.”

She giggled but frowned a little while after touching her stomach.

“Does it hurt?” He asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yes. It hurts a lot these days. It could be worst right?” She smiled. Elizabeth was so optimistic for a five year old cancer victim. She was in so much pain yet she refused to be negative. Ian admired that.

“Here, let me see.” He said placing his hands on her stomach.

“What are you−

“Wait a minute.” He smiled, and then concentrated on what he was doing. “How does it feel now?” He asked.

“It feels….better. How did you do that?” She asked.

He smiled. “Our secret.”

“Am I gonna die soon?” Lizzy asked, out of the blue.

Ian frowned. “Why would you ask that?”

“I’m not stupid, Ian.”

He sighed. “I am not gonna let that happen. Do you understand me?”

“What are you gonna go?”

“The reason why I left was to find a way to get you better. After all this time I finally did.”

“You did? That’s great!”

“Lizzy you cannot tell anyone. Not even mom, ok?”

“Is it illegal?”

“Let’s just say it’s…..different.”

“I hope you’re not doing anything dangerous. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

He laughed. “You’re worried about me?”

She nodded.

“I’ll be fine. So will you.”

“Do you have to leave again?”

“Yes I do. But I’ll be back really soon to take care of you. I promise.”

“Can I have that chain from around your neck?”

“Why?” He asked.

“I want something of yours to keep close to me when you’re gone. It’ll make me feel comfortable.” She said. He smiled took the chain off, put it around her neck and kissed her forehead. Then he sang to her until she was asleep again.

Today’s weather contrasted yesterday’s, which was a bit weird. The sun refused to be shy; however the same couldn’t be said about the clouds. The birds sounded like a rehearsed choir; their tiny little lungs seemed to carry an unlimited air supply. Strange. Today looked like a day of pure happiness when in reality it was the day we were supposed to die. Even the concept of foreshadowing no longer applied to us. I looked to my right at Reid sleeping. It’s funny how appearances could fool so much. He seemed so relaxed. So peaceful. But I knew he was the total opposite. We all were.

Getting off the bed I walked to the window wrapped in just a white sheet. I tried to distract myself with the normality of the world outside but I couldn’t get him out of my head. The truth is, I wasn’t able to get Ian out of my head since the day I met him. The first time I saw him I thought he was just gonna be a pretty face for me to fall head over heels for like the other girls. I thought maybe he was just gonna be a hot guy who was gonna pose a threat to my relationship with Reid. I thought and I thought. It’s amazing how incredibly wrong I was.

After the long cold shower I returned to the room to see that Reid was still in bed. It was good that he was sleeping that long. He needed it.

“Hey.” I said softly sitting next to Aiden on the balcony outside.

“Hi.” He replied without looking at me. At first I thought his mind was far, but then I realized what he was staring or at; or who as a matter as fact.

“You know, if you have to tell her, now is the time.” I said.

“It won’t make a difference. She’s in love with someone else.”

I put my hand around his shoulders. “Sometimes you just need to get it off your chest.”

“People call me…. a womanizer, but the truth is, I’m just trying to find a replacement for the one I really love.”

“How’s that working out?”

“Terrible. I’ve realized that you can’t replace the person you truly love. Deep down inside a part of you will always belong to them.” He laughed a little, but not a laugh of happiness. “I didn’t think we’ll have so little time.”

“We still have today. You should let her know how you feel.”

He looked at me for the first time since we started talking. “You’re surprisingly calm.”

“I’m surprisingly a great actress.”

“You know, Jennifer, I’ve never thanked you, for this unbelievable, wonderful life. If you hadn’t cured me that night at the hospital, I wouldn’t−

I cut him short with a huge hug. “You’re welcome Aiden.” I smiled. “I’m sorry there’s nothing I could do now to save you again.”

“I’m sorry I never repaid you.”

“You did.”

“I did?”

“Yes. You were one of the most amazing people a girl could ever have in her life.”

He smiled. “You’re giving me way too much credit.” He said as he resumed looking at Cate who was still feeding the birds.

“I’m gonna go make some breakfast. Do you want some?” I said getting up.

He nodded and I was gone.


The mall was flooded with people today. Adrian didn’t know why but this was the atmosphere he craved for. He didn’t have much of a destination. All he did was venture from store to store making observations he didn’t before. Maybe a part of him wanted to soak up as much of the world outside before life was snatched from him in a few hours. He escaped death twice this month. The first time was because of the blood running through his veins. The second time, he couldn’t remember. He didn’t think he would get lucky a third time. The time was almost noon when he just finished a cheese burger. Staring at his watch he was a bit scared for when the both hands pointed at the number twelve again. Making his way out of the food court his eyes caught sight of someone and he almost fainted. She was standing in line at an ATM machine while going through a cell phone. He walked to her slowly, a bit confused.

“Kai?” He called still walking to her. She didn’t seem to hear him for she didn’t look up from the phone. “Kai?” He called again, this time he was next to her. Her brown eyes looked the same as she peered up at him.

“I’m sorry, are you talking to me?” She asked politely, the way anyone would when a stranger was speaking to them.

“Kai, how are you…. what happened?” He had a headache.

“Uh, do I know you?” She asked.

He felt his heart sinking. “What do you mean? Kai it’s me Adrian.”

“I think you have me confused with someone else.” She smiled a bit and attempted to walk away.

“No stop!” He held her by her elbow. “I don’t have you confused. It is you Kai.”

“My name is not Kai. It’s Scarlet.”

“No it’s not. You’re Kai Jefferson.”

“Nooo, I’m Scarlet Parks.” She said showing him her ID.

“This can’t be, you are Kai. Please don’t do this to me, you’re Kai.” He was on the verge of tears.

“Look you’re cute, but you sound kinda crazy. You obviously have me confused with someone named Kai, I’m sorry.”

“I’m not crazy, here look.” He said pulling out his wallet. Inside was a picture of him and Kai.

Her jaw dropped. “Impossible.” She whispered staring at the picture.

“See. Kai please. I don’t know what Ian did to you but you have to remember.”

She handed him back the picture. “This is some sick joke right?”

“What? No, Kai please−

“Stop calling me that!” She yelled. “I don’t know who you are but you need to leave me alone.” She said walking away.


“My name is Scarlet!” She shouted.

“Wait!” He yelled following her.

“Dude, quit following me or else I’m gonna call the police.”

“Just listen.”

“I don’t wanna listen I’ve heard enough.” She said walking into the underground parking lot.


She sighed and stopped. “Fine, but only because you’re really adorable.”

“Do you have an identical twin?”

“No. I’m an only child.”

“This is just insane. I mean I watched Kai die right in front of me and then I see you. I thought maybe, possibly she was alive. Then again she was beheaded which made my assumption even more impossible and−

“What world do you live in? You said this girl was beheaded?”

“Forget I said that, it’s just a lot to take in by seeing you.” He said. “Are you sure−

“I am not Kai.” She said walking to her burgundy Audi.

“Can I see you again sometime?”

“You can call me.” She said writing down her number on his hand.

“I’ll call you. Bye Ka− I mean Scarlet.” He smiled. Oh boy how he hoped he didn’t die tonight.


“Hey, where were you?” Cate asked when Adrian walked into the kitchen.

“Uh, I just went out for some time alone.”

“Time alone?” She questioned, looking confused.

“I needed it.”

“Adrian, we are all doomed to die tonight and you’re wandering off enjoying free time?”

“Who said I’m enjoying anything?”

“Well you don’t exactly look sad to me.” She replied pouring a glass of water.

“What am I supposed to do? Sulk all day?” He seemed a bit annoyed.

She set the half empty glass onto the table and walked to him. Placing her warm palms on his cheeks she sighed. “I’m sorry. I just think we ought to stick together. We don’t have much time.”

“I just wish you guys would stop being so negative. We don’t have to die tonight.” He whispered in her hair.

“I hope not.” She smiled slightly, intertwining their fingers. “What’s that?”


“Your hand, there’s writing.” She raised his hands higher to her eyes. “Scarlet?”

“Oh yea, that’s this girl I met. Oh my god she looks exactly like Kai, it is unbelievable.” His face lit up. “I thought it was her. I−

“You wanted it to be her.”

“Of course it−

“You don’t− you don’t love me.” She said taking her hand from his.

“I do love you Cate.” He said touching her face.

She pushed his hand away. “No you don’t. Adrian I’m sure that when you saw that girl you forgot all about me.” Tears gathered in her eyes. “If that was Kai, you wouldn’t think twice about abandoning me.”


“No, don’t call me that. Answer me! Would you have left me if that was Kai?” She almost shouted.

“Is everything ok here?” Aiden asked, walking into the room. They ignored his question.

“Answer me.” Cate demanded, tears stained her cheeks.


A small gasp escaped her mouth and more tears gushed through her eyes. “I knew it.”

“It’s nothing personal Cate. I mean Kai was the love of my life. She still is and I don’t think I could get over her, especially now. I can’t do it. It’s impossible.”

“It is not impossible. For Christ sake Aiden did it.”

Aiden’s eyes widen at the sudden mention of him.

“He had to get over the love of his life by force. He’s brokenhearted but he doesn’t complain.”

“He has it easy! The girl he loves wasn’t beheaded before his eyes, she’s still alive.” Adrian yelled.

“What do you know?” She yelled back.

“I know that it’s you!” He shouted.

“Adrian!” Aiden was the one shouting now.

“You think I’m the only heartbreaker here?

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