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Book online «Change of Heart by Rina Pattinson (miss read books txt) 📖». Author Rina Pattinson

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and then pushed her in Adrian’s direction. Without hesitating she ran straight into Adrian. He quickly untied her hands and un-gagged her mouth.

He held her face in his hands. “Kai, Kai are you alright? Don’t worry I’m here now ok. You’re gonna be ok.”

“I’m so glad to see you.” She cried hugging him as tight as she possibly could. “I’m so sorry; I caused all this I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know.”

“It’s ok Kai. You’re ok, that’s all that matters to me.” He said wiping her face.

“We have to go now. We need to get out of here, please.” She begged.

“I can’t Kai. I’m not going with you.”

“What? You have to.”

“I can’t. You go, ok?”

“No. I am not leaving without you. I’m not.” She cried again, this time she pulled his face to hers and without thinking she was kissing him. Kissing him like there was no tomorrow and he kissed her back. He felt happy and relieved to feel her ok and alive in his hands, until her lips went still. He pulled away his lips from hers and was about to ask her what was wrong until he noticed the blood seeping through the front of her dress.

“I guess she doesn’t have to leave without you now. She’s not leaving.” Ian smiled and pulled the spear from out of her back. “You were so caught up in kissing her that you didn’t even notice me stab this into her did you?” Ian questioned. “Then again it’s not like you could’ve done much to stop me.”

“You said you would let her go!” Adrian yelled.

“I did. But I didn’t specify whether I meant dead or alive now did I?” Ian laughed and looked at Kai who was trying to get off the floor. The spear went through her heart. She could still be saved, but only with help.

“Kai!” Adrian yelled and was going to help her but Ian held him back.

“No, you can’t do that.”

“She’s dying! I have to help her!” Adrian cried and shouted at the same time.

“Haven’t you helped her enough?”

“Why are you doing this? You got what you wanted man! You have me! I’m the one you want not her! KILL ME!”

“Your love is so powerful. Too bad it’s going to be wasted.” Ian said and gave another signal to another guy; this one carried a sword.

“No!” Adrian yelled and yelled. Cried and cried. Ian held onto both his hands so he couldn’t move, and forced his head in the direction so that he could see it. The guy was hovering over Kai now.

“Look at her Adrian. Open your eyes and look at her.” Ian said.

“No!” Adrian yelled, refusing to watch.

“Look at her!” Ian yelled.

“I said no!” Adrian yelled and broke loose from Ian’s hold, running straight in Kai’s direction.

“Adrian! Help me! Adrian?” She screamed and struggled on the floor. But before he could reach to her five guys were on him forcing him to stay in the spot where he stood. She was still shouting out his name.

“I’m tired of this.” Ian said, took the sword from the guy and without thinking twice, he sliced Kai’s neck, disconnecting her head from her body. Everything went silent.

“Get him out of here.” Ian told the guys and they began to take Adrian into another room. He was silent all the way, tears still flowing down his pale cheeks.


“Reid!” I yelled diving on the floor beside him; my feet slipping in the blood. He groaned in pain and coughed up a mouthful of blood. “Where is it?” I asked hysterically. Slowly and weakened from the wound he raised his ripped and blood stained shirt exposing the large gash; one too huge for his werewolf powers to heal fast enough on its own. “Don’t worry you’re gonna be ok.” I said. More blood rushed through the wound and his mouth.

“We need help! Jennifer where are you?” Garrett, a member of my pack asked via telepathy.

“I’ll be right there, Garrett. I’m healing Reid, he’s been hurt bad. Hang in there.”

After two minutes of my power running through him, Reid’s wound was no longer a threat to his life. The real threat was outside, and I was gonna get rid of it.

“Are you ok?” I asked helping him up.

“I’m fine, thanks. Come on, the others need us.” He said grabbing my hand as we both ran into the living room where the fight was taking place.

“Jennifer!” Cate yelled while the person, half man half werewolf at the time, held her in a choke against the wall. My claws emerged and instantly I was in defense mode. Running straight into him I grabbed him by his hair and smashed his face into the bricks surrounding the fire place.

“Wrong pack you bastard!” I shouted, when he kicked me directly in the chest and sent me flying across the room. Drool dripped from his sharp teeth and blood dripped from his claws. He was onto me in less than three seconds, trying his best to rip my heart out of my chest. The six arrows sent through his back by Aiden weakened him just enough for me to get him off my body.

“Jennifer!” Garrett called out throwing an iron spear in my direction; catching it I aimed for his heart but he turned around and attempted to stand causing it to pierce through his forehead. Reid finished him by pulling his heart out. We started at his dead body in disbelief.

“I guess we won’t be getting mail in a hurry.” Cal said.

“I guess not.” I said watching as Reid dragged the body outside. “Light it up.” He told Aiden and I watched as Roger’s dead body turned to flames.


* * * * *

Today made it the third day he was here. He was still in the same position he was in when they brought him in; sitting in the furthest corner of the semi dark room on the hard cold concrete floor. The room was freezing. It was so cold that the inner warmth of a wolf did nothing for him. His bones were aching and were extremely tired from all the trembling. Even his lips were trembling and his teeth chattering.

“No…” He said sounding weak and hoarse in protest for what was about to happen for the fifth time today. The vent blew harder, which meant that they were doing it. They were blowing wolfs bane into the room causing him to suffocate for just a few minutes. Not enough to kill him. When it stopped he was left coughing and struggling for fresh air which took long to come as the room had no kind of ventilation.

“Why do− why don’t you guys just− kill me?” He asked so soft and weak that it sounded as though he was talking to himself. Just then the door opened and someone stepped inside. He didn’t look up. The person handed him a bottle of water.

“What’s in there? More poison?” He asked still not looking at the person.

“It’s just water.” The voice, the familiar voice said.

“I find that hard to believe.”

“Come on, drink it. You look like you need it, Adrian.”

“What I need is a grenade to shove down Ian’s throat, so unless you could give me that, get out.”

“I can’t give you that. I’m here to give you your freedom.”

He looked up at the person and his heart almost stopped. “Vince?”

“Come on, we don’t have much time.” He said holding out his hand.

When he left the room the scent hit him. Blood; fresh blood. He looked around in disbelief at all the dead bodies on the floor. All of them had their throats slashed out. Their hearts were ripped out of their chests and stuffed down their slashed throats. Typical Vince. But Adrian was still a bit jaw-dropped at the sight.

“They talk too much.” Vince said reading his expression.

“You took on all of them? By yourself?”

“In about five minutes. I’m losing my touch.” He shrugged.

“Are you kidding? That was awesome.” Adrian smiled, despite being incredibly weak. “Ian’s pack is gone.”

“Not too fast. These guys were not a part of Winters’ pack. He’s smarter than that.” Vince said making sure the way was clear before they headed for the exit. As they made their way out of the gate something just hit Adrian.

“Whoa hold up.” He said. Vince stopped and looked at him. “How are you here? Where were you all these years? No wait! You’re alive?”

“It’s complicated. I know those questions might be invading your mind but what about the one that’s strongest?”


“Something’s been bugging you. You crave the truth.”

“You know….. you know why my blood…..” He asked; the question fading.

“I know.”


“Because I’m the one who made you like that.”

The coffee shop was almost empty which was perfect. They didn’t have much time anyways. In less than five minutes Vince returned to the table with two lattes and donuts.

“What?” He asked Adrian upon seeing his disappointed facial expression.

“How come you get the one with the colored sprinkles?”

Vince sighed and exchanged the donuts. “Better?”

“Much.” He smiled. “Ok I’m ready. Tell me why I’m so special.”

“Do you remember the stories I told you about Alzilier?”

“Yea that’s the creator of our kind right?”

“Yes. Alzilier was the one who created the werewolves. As you know he was the owner of a very successful gold mine in the eighteenth century. His business succeeded greatly throughout the years until he started to earn billions. As time went by he made a few enemies. Lots of people started to grow jealous of him. They started plotting to destroy his business. Some would even attempt major robberies and standard security wasn’t enough to protect what he had earned.”

“Is that why he created werewolves? To protect him and his business?”

“Correct. With the help of a witch whose name was Serilina, he experimented for months. He was also top notch in various sciences which allowed him the advantage. Science and magic combined could blow minds; and so they did.” Vince explained. “Together, Alzilier and Serilina created a creature which had the ability to shape shift into a wolf. They altered humanity by creating the ultimate being.”

“Wow. I bet that kept locals away.”

“It sure did. But everything comes with a price. I was part of the first werewolf pack to ever be created on earth along with nineteen others. Because I showed the most capability of leadership, I was taken one day and further altered. Various spells and potions were downed onto me and thus the alpha was created. The head of the pack.” He continued. “Unfortunately a few years later Alzilier was imprisoned for fraud and was later executed, therefore the fate of the werewolves was in my hands. I handled it well and also maintained Alzilier’s business but as usual something bad always comes back to haunt. In order to keep the balance of nature, which we upset by creating werewolves, we had to give up our power for a small period of time. Alzilier made it so that during a lunar eclipse every werewolf would have absolutely no powers.”


“No. After a few years the locals found out about the lunar eclipse and they tried to use that as a way to attack the business. I couldn’t let that happen, but not even an alpha had an ounce of power during a lunar eclipse.”

“What did you do?”

“I tried to outsmart nature. A few seconds before the start of a lunar eclipse one night I took a kid, I kidnapped him basically and bit him in an attempt to turn him. The lunar eclipse began and the transformation wasn’t complete yet but surprisingly it still continued. The kid turned during the eclipse. When the eclipse was over I kept monitoring him and before you know it another one came and my plan worked. He was able to use his powers during the lunar eclipse and thus he fixed our problem.”

“What was this kid’s name?”

“Adrian Reynard.” Vince smiled. “During the lunar eclipse you put down some serious fights in attempts to protect Alzilier’s business. You were

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