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Book online «Change of Heart by Rina Pattinson (miss read books txt) 📖». Author Rina Pattinson

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so powerful.”

“How come I don’t remember any of that?” Adrian asked.

“I compelled you to forget about it afterwards. I couldn’t let the other wolves know about it. Jealousy never ends well.”

“Ok so I’m the only werewolf who could use his power during a lunar eclipse. What about my blood?”

“Like I said before, we upset the balance of nature by creating werewolves. It was balanced again by the loss of power during the eclipse. Then I upset it again by disobeying that when I created you. However, to balance the scale again nature didn’t punish you; instead it found a way to use you to punish all the other werewolves. Your blood has the ability to re-balance the scale by turning werewolves back into human.”

“Come again.”

“Basically, your blood is the cure for werewolves.”

Vince didn’t get the reaction he was expecting. It was nearly five minutes straight and Adrian was more silent than a lamb. His mind was far and Vince was willing to be patient but time was something far beyond their possession at the moment.

“Is the cause of your silence confusion?” Vince asked checking the time.

Adrian nodded. “I understand.” He spoke quietly, his voice breaking.

“Oh.” Vince replied, looking outside where the sun tortured every soul who dared to walk under its presence. The sky was as blue as his eyes. He couldn’t feel the wind that blew outside, being protected by the scratched glass walls of the ancient built coffee shop, but he knew it must have been blowing warm. The weather created the perfect day. For once in a long time the day almost seemed like a normal one. If only he was normal. He cleared his throat and began to speak again.

“I just thought that, you know, considering the individual that you are, maybe that information would excite you.” He looked at Adrian whose eyes didn’t move from the table since Vince told him the truth.

“It’s because of that…..” He started “It’s because of that, she’s dead.” He finally looked up, his eyes moist.

Vince sighed. “Adrian, what happened was−

“My fault.”

“Listen to me it−

“If I had just given myself up she would’ve been alive.” The tears leaked out.

“And you would have been dead. Either way it wouldn’t have made a difference. You tried to save her and that’s what matters. She knows you tried.”

“She didn’t deserve to die.”

“No one does, Adrian. Life is messed up man. We have to deal with whatever it throws at us. I don’t mean to sound harsh, I loved Kai like she was my own sister, but she’s not with us anymore and we have to deal with that. We might think she’s unlucky because she died but we are the unlucky ones. We’re stuck here in this miserable life but Kai, she’s in a better place.”

“I just wish I didn’t miss her so damn much.” Adrian said wiping his wet eyes.

“Of course you’ll miss her. You loved her.” Vince said looking outside again. “I know what it’s like to miss someone you love.”

“Did you lose someone you love?”

“Yes, but I chose to.”

Adrian didn’t question Vince any further. “We should get going. The others probably think I’m dead. They’ll be really happy to see you.” He said standing up.

“I won’t be making them happy today.” Vince responded standing as well.


“I won’t be joining you.”

“Why not? You have to come back!”

“Now is not the time for that, Adrian. Not yet.” Vince said.

“Then when is the time? Vince we’ve missed you for over one hundred years and you’re bailing on us again?”

“I am not bailing on you guys. I said now is not the time.”

“So when are we gonna see you? Next decade? Or wait that’s too soon, I meant next century!”

“Adrian pl−

“When I tell them they are gonna come looking for you.”

“You’re not going to tell them.”

“What makes you think that?” He asked, when Vince held on to his jaw and turned his face so that their eyes met.

“You’re not gonna say a word.”


“Jennifer?” He called, shouting across the hallway. She didn’t even turn to look at him; instead she slammed her locker door and walked the other way. “Jennifer!” She ignored him again and continued to walk. “Hey.” He said softer as he caught up to her; holding her shoulder to stop her.

She turned around with a force, flinging his hand off of her. “What?”

“I need to talk to you.” He said sounding different from all the previous times they spoke. He almost sounded like a normal person; someone whose purpose wasn’t to kill her. The bell rang and the hall was cleared in seconds.

“I don’t want to hear what you have to say.” She said sharply, attempting to leave.

“Please.” He almost begged−which was unusual for Ian Winters− as he tried to stop her again by holding her hand.

“Don’t touch me!” Jennifer shouted dropping her bag on the floor. In the heat of anger she grabbed onto his neck and rammed him against a nearby locker. “You’ve caused me nothing but trouble and pain and you wanna talk?” She dug her nails harder into the back of his neck; blood seeping through his white long sleeved V-neck sweater.

“Jennifer please, this is important−

“Adrian and Kai are probably dead.” She continued, her nails venturing the depths of his flesh. “Reid was almost killed!” She yelled. “And I should just stand here and listen to you talk?” Tears assembled in her eyes. “Why, Ian? Why?” She cried, her nails leaving his skin. When they were out her hands just rested around his neck as she cried.

He comforted her cheek with his warm palm. “Just hear me out.” He whispered.

“No!” She said immediately realizing how embraced they were. “I am not gonna listen to you. I hate you. You are the offspring of Satan and I wish I could be alive the day you die so that I can celebrate.” She said furiously before picking up her bag.

“Jennifer….” He started but didn’t finish as she walked away. He didn’t move from the spot where she left him, and as she was about to exit, she gave him one last glimpse and she could’ve sworn that she saw him wiping his eyes.


The rain had just started to fall when he entered the track which led to the house. He barely noticed that he was being soaked from head to toe. His mind was confused and he could feel a major headache coming on. The last thing he remembered was sitting on the cold ground in the room where Ian had left him when someone opened the door came in and gave him a bottle of water. Who was it? He couldn’t remember. Jessie was out in the rain with Avalon, just in front the house. They were practicing their martial arts moves for almost six hours now. Both of them were equally good so the fight was tough.

Jessie had joined the pack in 1976. He was a great human friend of Cal’s for a good few years before the incident. One cold December night Jessie had gotten a fight which left him with a gunshot wound in the chest. Cal found him just in time and couldn’t bear to lose such a good friend. Obeying the rules of the pack: Only turn someone when absolutely necessary, he took away his friend’s humanity, saving his life. Jessie had enjoyed fighting even before lycanthropy ran in his veins. Martial art was responsible for the high definition of his hard biceps and triceps accompanied by every other muscle in his body. He looked the age of twenty. The brown in his eyes matched his forever messy hair and it blended smoothly with his light caramelized skin. He was kind, fun to be around and really down to earth. He was a sweetheart.

Avalon was an old member of the pack. She was created along with Vince and a few others. Her long foxy red hair and bright green eyes made her look like a story book character. The complexion of her skin is what had gotten her the nickname ‘Snow White’ or ‘Snow’ for short. Avalon was quite quick, cunning and a lot playful; never too serious and always ready for a good fight. She looked eighteen and was exceptionally pretty; however, she was never vain about it.

“Come on Jess, I know you can hit harder than that. Give me something to work with here.” She laughed throwing a punch at his jaw but missing as he bent out backwards.

“Where do you get all of that energy, snow?” He asked, grabbing her in a headlock and bending her downwards so that his face hovered directly above hers.

She smiled. “You have no idea.”

He was about to lower his lips to hers when his eyes peered beyond hers and he dropped her.

“Jessie!” She yelled.

“Adrian!” Jessie yelled running off.

“What?” Avalon was on her feet now, running to Adrian as well. Jessie got to him first.

“Adrian, are you ok? How did you get here?”

Avalon was at his side now. “Adrian, are you ok? How did you get here?”

Adrian looked at them as if they were crazy. “Did you two rehearse those lines?”

Jessie and Avalon sighed together and hugged him at the same time.

“You guys are so in synch, it’s scaring me.” Adrian smiled. “Now, can we get out of the rain? I know I have the ability to produce fur but not in human form, so I’m f−freezing.” He shivered.

“Ok, let’s get you inside.” Jessie said, taking him into the house.

“I’ll go get you a towel and a cup of hot chocolate.” Avalon said running inside.

“Dude you lost, admit it.” Cal walked out of the game room accompanied by Aiden.

“No I didn’t, you cheated.”

“Quit lying.”

“Adrian!” Aiden exclaimed.

“Yes, Adrian wouldn’t have lied when he lost.” Cal responded.

“No, look its Adrian!” Aiden said hurrying to the living room where Adrian sat.

“Adrian?” I heard all the voices outside calling his name. I quickly got to the bedroom door and in no time I was standing right next to him.

“Oh my god!” I was in shock as I grabbed him in a tight hug. I didn’t care that he was soaking wet. “You’re ok.” I examined his face, his neck, and his shoulders; everywhere. “How did you escape?”

“I don’t know. I− I can’t remember.” He responded; his voice hoarse.

I passed my hands through his hair. “It’s ok. I’m happy you’re ok.”

Avalon returned with the towel and wrapped it around him then gave him the cup of hot chocolate. “Do you need anything else?”

“I’m fine, thanks.” He replied sipping the warm beverage.

“What about Kai? Where is she?” Reid asked walking into the room with a plate of croissants, Adrian’s favorite, and handed him the entire plate.

“She’s um, she’s dead.” He said unable to take a good bite of the pastry.

“I’m so sorry man.” Reid responded, rubbing Adrian’s head as if he were his child.

“Hey, I’m back with the mail, I think− Adrian?” Cate shouted dropping all the envelopes and running straight to him. “You’re ok.” She smiled hugging him; he hugged her back with a smile. “You came back.”

“I promised.” He said. “You know I would−

He couldn’t finish his sentence as Cate interrupted with a kiss.

“Wow. I didn’t know Cate was into Adrian.” Aiden commented.

“Yea, she is.” Garrett added.

“You knew?” Aiden asked.

“No, but nobody could fake a kiss like that.”

“Nope, not even a womanizer like you Aiden.” Cal said.

“Screw you, Cal.”

I laughed and shook my head at all three of them when I noticed all the mail scattered on the floor. Picking them up and going through them, one letter stood out to me with my name on it in a familiar handwriting. I excused myself from the others and opened the letter outside. It read:


I really wanted to talk to you today, but you refused to listen. I can’t blame you though. I wouldn’t listen to myself either. October 20th. That’s the date. #44 Vansmund Street (on the outskirts of town). That’s the address. Midnight. That’s the time.

P.s. I’m sorry.


A few things stood out to me in the letter. First, the

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