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Book online «Red Moon Curse by Brynnaiza Young (books for men to read TXT) 📖». Author Brynnaiza Young

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I start to climb the trees, and find 2 male assassins perched atop of branches. One tries to fire off another arrow, but fails to as i knock him back into the other one. They both fall at least 15 feet to the ground with a bone crunching Crack

. I leap to another tree and do the same to a male and female. I do this repeatedly for about 5 times in a row. There are 3 hunters left in the trees. One has to be Bryn. As i move to the next tree, i hear something comeing after me. I turn to find Trever right behind me, and the pack fighting off the roof and ground hunters.
"You get the one in that tree," he points to the right, "and kill her. I'll get these two."
"Got it." I think back to him. We split, and i test the air once more. That's Bryn! She's tyring to kill us, but why? When i jump a good 8 feet to her branch, she nearly falls off. I shift into my human form and she backs up, raises her arrow, and fires into my chest. I look at her, growl, and pull out the arrow. I instantly start to heal, but my heart still hearts. But not from the arrow. From my best friend aiming to kill

"I'm going to kill you, Bryn! You think you can attack my family and then shoot me?! Don't think so." Before she gets a chance to respond, i take her bow, throw it to Trever, and slice her throat with my foreclaw. She grabs at the bleeding artery, and falls to the ground. I leap down feeling aweful, and run back between the house and the creek. I climb up the back of the house silently. But that doesn't even work because Leo hears me.He comes to the edge of the roof, and bares his teeth. I growl at him so he knows.
"Sorry." He sends out to me.
"Shhh, i'm gonna take the one on the right. You go down and help Blake. He has two hunters on him."
"'Kay" He jumps down, bites the back of a hunters neck, and flings him off of Blake. I hear his neck break as he throws him. I jump up to the roof, and there's two hunters. But since Jace is up here, we should be fine (not that i couldn't take them myself, just relieved). One hunter starts to fire off a rain of arrows, but i duck them all as i walk torwards the female assassin. She backs up, but keeps firing. I grab her by the throat, take her bow, and throw her off the edge of the roof. She screams, but it was soon silenced by her cracking bones. I went over to Jace who had killed his hunter by stabbing him with his own arrow, but had gotten cut open in the process. His chest was deeply wounded. I picked him up,jumped from the roof, and entered the back of the house. Once inside, i lied him down on the living room table, and started to put antibiotics on his cut. He growled furiosly when i started to stitch up his chest.
"There, you're fixed. You need to try and heal. Stay in here, i have to get the others."
"Okay. Thanks, good l-luck." He stammered.
"Shhh, no problem. I'll have Trever watch over you." I went outside and told Trever to watch Jace.
"Okay." He said as he ran into the house. I was surprised to find that only 3 of our pack members had been injured. I gathered up Jhonny (a midnight wolf), Luke (also a midnight wolf), and Zeve (a dusk wolf). They all had arrows either in their paw, chest, or ear. Luke's was the worst, he had one go through his chest, and come out of his shoulder. Jhonny's arrow went through his paw, and Zeve's went through his ear.
"Blake! Help my carry Luke. He's like 235 pounds, and i gotta carry these two."
"'Kay." Blake said. We took the 3 into the house, and lied them on the the floor. I had Kyle help me with Zeve and Luke. The other wolves had started to dispose of the hunters.
"Guys!" I shouted to get their attention. They all stopped and looked at me.
"I have to take a run to somewhere. Keep up with what you're doing, and uh, be alert."
"Kay" I heard some say. As i turned to leave, i felt someone grab my arm. It was Leo.
"Let go, i'll be back."
"I want to go. Please, Lani."
"Fine, don't tell Trever."
"Okay." We shifted, and padded off silently in the woods. My next destination: 1732 Wimley Drive; My Home.

Chapter 6: The Lost & Found

When we arrived at the house, it was close to midnight, and the full moon was bright in the clear blue sky. The run for us was 3 hours.
"Where are we?" Leo sent out.
"My house." I replied mentally.
"WHAT! You can't be here!"
"I can be where ever the hell i want. Try and stop me."
"Ugh. Fine, let's get whatever you're doing over with."
"If you're gonna complain, go back to the house. I'll do it on my own."
"No, i stick with my alpha." We shifted into our human forms, and climbed 23 feet upto my used-to be room. I quickly broke the locks of my window with no effort whatsoever. Once inside of my room, i gathered all of my things, making sure not to leave any recent fingerprints. After i gathered what i needed, i padded across the hall to my little sister's room. I unlocked the door with my claw, and padded in silently to her bed. I admired her presence, even though she was sound asleep. She looked so peaceful, my little Kitty. But her sleep would soon become painful, once i finished what i need to do. I shook Kitty awake, and she grunted and groaned a couple of times before waking up.
"Kitty, wake up." I said quietly. I tried to look normal, by with my peircing red eyes in the darkness, I seemed like a monster to her, even though she's 15.
"What, mom?" She said meaninglessly as she rolled onto her side to face me. She opened her beautiful hazel eyes, and gasped.
"Mo..." She started to yell before I clamped her mouth shut with my palm.
"Kitty, it's me, Lani. PLease don't yell. Leo, turn the light on, and shut the door." He did as i said and came to stand beside me.
"Kitty, this is Leo." I said pointing beside me. (Not exactly a good time to make conversation) I removed my hand from her mouth, and she stared at me like fish staring into the eyes of a great white shark.
"It can't be. You look nothing like my sister. Your eyes are scary red, and my sister has been missing for over 2 years. So don't bring that bull to me. Get the hell out my room, get the hell out of my house, and stay away!" She leaped up and did a round house kick to my rib cage. Goddamn her mixed martial arts lessons! (What a brave kid. Just like her family.) Leo almost lunged at her, but thought about it. Kitty went to punch me in the nose, but failed to as i picked her up, pinned her arms behind her back, and sank my teeth into her shoulder. She screamed for a mere 2 seconds, and then blacked out.
"I hear someone coming, Lani. We have to go now." Leo announced.
"Okay. Carry this stuff," I said as i handed him my bagage, " And i'll carry her." As we crossed back over to my room, i shut the door, climbed out of the window with Kitty on my back, shut and locked it, then leaped down. Leo and i ran as fast as we could through the merciless and eerie woods. It took us 3 hours and 30 minutes to reach the house. As i opened the door to the house, i heared Kitty start to groan. I walked inside, and all of the eyes turned to me, Kitty, and Leo. I gave my best "Had to do it" grin before walking into the spare guest room. I lied Kitty down, and Trever came up with Kyle.
"Why the hell did you bring a human here?!" He shouted at me. I looked at him, and then at Kyle.
"You don't know who she is? Take a long look at her, then at me." He did as i said, and shook his head.
"You didn't."
"I did."
"LANI! Why would you?"
"What the hell is going on here?!" Kyle asked impatiantly.
"Lani went out with Leo to her home, snuck in, and bit her sister."
"Wait, isn't it the full moon?" Kyle asked suspicously.
"So... that means she's one of us." Kitty began to groan, then she began to shake.
"What's going on?!" I asked, terrified.
"She's going through the changing process. She'll be awake in 3...2...1." It was like Trever was psychic because as soon as he said 1, her eyes snapped open.
"Kitty? Are you okay?"
"Lani? Is that you?"
"Yes. I'll explain every thing once you're fully cooperative." She looked at Kyle with big eyes then back to me and asked "Who's the cute guy?" Trever, Kyle, and i looked at each other, laughed, and looked back at Kitty.
"This is Kyle, Kitty. He's Trever's brother. And Trever is the alpha, as am i. We kinda go together."
"Kinda." Trever scoffed. "We do go together."
"Alpha? Bu..." She could not finish her sentence because she blacked out again.
"What's wrong with her?!" I asked.
"She's a full wolf. Dude, you're a miracle worker, Lani. It's taken us time after time to turn a female. It took you one time. One frickin' time! Don't worry, she'll wake up in 10 minutes." Announced Kyle. I was so fatigued that i drifted into a deep slumber, just to be awaken by Kitty's frightening scream.
"Where am i ?! Who are you?" She shouted at me. "What am i? How the hell did i get here?!"
"Kitty, it's me. Lani, your sister. Please don't scream, you're hurting Leo's ears."
"You're not Lani! She's gone, austa-la-bye-bye. Who the hell are you?!"
"LANI!" I shouted at her.
"Prove it."
"Fine, ask me something."
"What is my mom's name?"
"Jannette Rodrigues. Dad's name is Came'ron Rodrigues. The've been married for 29 years."
"I suppose you may know them from somewhere. What's my full name, nationality, and age?"
"Name; Kattie Jasmin Rodrigues. Age; Fifteen. Nationality; Latino, Italian, and african-american. Kitty, it's me. I swear. I'm not lying."
"One last question. What is my scariest nightmare?"
"When there are killers in our house, and they kill me. The killers are mom and dad."
"Lani, it really is you!" She practically shouts it before hugging me tightly. I hug her back and examine her new look.
"Um, Kitty, you've changed."
"How? I feel normal."
"You're a werewolf now. I'm the alpha female, and Trever here," I point towards Trever, "is the alpha male. Kyle, the cute boy you mentioned is Trever's brother."
"Lani, i don't know what happened to you over the last few years, but you're CRAZY!"
"Here, i'll show you." I shifted into wolf form, then sent out a thought to Kitty.
"Told you, Kitty."
"What the hell was that?! No, no, no, no, NO! I want to go

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