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Book online «Red Moon Curse by Brynnaiza Young (books for men to read TXT) 📖». Author Brynnaiza Young

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home, Lani. I want to go home." She started to sob, so i changed back, and brought her into a soft and reassuring embrace.
"It's okay. I'll teach you everything. We're not the only ones here. There's 31 more guys dow stairs." I said to her. I leaned in so i could whisper into her ear. "I know the perfect guy for you." That made her lighten up.
"Why are you so bulky? And what is wrong with your eyes?" She asked curiously.
"Me? You should be worrying about you, Ms. Muscles." She looked down and said "OHMIGOD!"
"That's not all. Your eyes are beautile. They're bright pink."
"Yaya! Pink is so pretty. Wait, what about mom? And dad?"
"They, um, passed away last night. When they saw you were gone, they both commited suicide." The words hardly passed my lips.
"W-w-what? No, you're lying, Lani! Please, stop." She began to cry. But harder this time. I held her and let her tears flow onto my now soaked shoulder. I rocked her untill she calmed down.
"It's okay. They're watching over us. We're now protected by their grace."
"I know, it's just so hard. I learn to control my emotions if i'm gonna learn about myself now."
"Good girl. I love you, Kitty."
"I love you, too. Now, can we go see those boys?" I looked at her and laughed.
"You're naked, kiddo. We took your clothes because you were sweating."
"I need clothes."
"Here, quick lesson. Think of your happiest memory, and when you're in wolf form, think of being human, buy with clothes. It only works if you own the clothes."
"Okay cool. Um, can the 3 hotties leave incase it goes bad?"
"Yeah. Leo, Kyle, Trev, a minute please?"
"Sure thing," said Trever.
"No prob," Kyle said, obviously trying to hide his face so we couldn't see him blush.
"Okay. Imma go put your stuff in the room." Leo told me.
"Thanks. We'll be down in 5." As they left, i saw Kitty start to transform into a black wolf. Just like me! But just not as large as me. 3 minutes later, she shifted back, but fully clothed. She wore a pink pair of striped shorts, a pink shirt with a scull, and a pair of pink tennis shoes.
"Alot of pink. But i think the guy i have in mind for you will love it," I said in a sing-songy voice. It made Kitty blush.
"Let's go so i can show you the pack."
"Okay. I hope they like me."
"Oh... They will." I smiled, and her cheeks burned even brighter.
Chapter 7: Here We Go Again

Once in the living room, i called all of the guys for a family meeting. They all came into the room, and sat around Kitty and me.

"So, guys this is my baby sister, Kitty. She's 15, and she's my second." (Second- My next in charge)
"Kitty, these are the guys. I don't feel like saying all of their names', so they'll come to you and tell you." I pulled her to me and whispered into her ear once more, "Be on the lookout for a guy named Jace. He has bright blue eyes. And he's also Latino, and Italian. Perfect match." And wouldn't you know it, she blushes. By the time the guys tell her their name and age, she's mesmerized by their looks. Jace is the last to greet her.

"Um, hi, Kitty is it? I'm Jace. I think we're the same age." He looks at me for approaval. I nod.
"Uh, hey. I'm sort of new here, so i'm lost. By the way, you're eyes are beautifle."
"Thanks. And i can help show you around the place."
"Okay, Lani? Is it okay if he fills me in?" I give her my best "No-making-out-with-the-cute-boy-look." And of course, she ignored it and walked away with Jace. I watched them until they were out of sight. I turned to walk out for some air, but i walked right into Trever.

"God! Dude, you are to tall to be creeping up on me. You're like what? 6'5?"
"No, 6'3. And i've been standing here. You were to busy watching in awe of your sister and Jace. By the way, cute couple, huh?" I rolled my eyes and walked past him. He reached out, grabbed my forearm, pulled me torwards him, and kissed me. Deeply. I kissed him back, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed my hands around his neck, and we rocked back and forth, sort of like a slow dance. It was peaceful and sweet. When we finally broke away, we went out onto the porch.

"Hey." Trever turned towards me and said.
"Wanna go on a hunt?"
"With the pack?"
"Yeah, your sis needs to learn to hunt. I'll go and get them."
"Okay, and tell me if you catch Jace and Kitty making out." He smiled, and i smiled back.
"Um, Okay." He turned and disappeared back into the house.

"Anteros, if you can here me, please listen. I really need your guidence and advice. Am i to go and be a lone wolf? Or stay and protect my pack? It's so nerve wrecking and hard. All of these good and innocent souls, in the palm of my hand. If i die, they lose hope. I lose them, and my sister. I've lost my biological family, and i don't need to lose my new one. They're all i've got. They're the ones who make me fight, who make me stronger, who make my life worth living. Please, keep them safe. And show me the right way to go." As i finish my prayer, Trever comes out, followed by a whole pack of wolves. Including my other half, Kitty. She was trotting happily beside Jace, who was basically smiling, but in a wolf kinda way. I shifted with Trever, and we headed out into the woods. The hunt has started.

Chapter 8: Blood Shed

All 35 of us ran carelessly, happily, and proudly into the woods. The hunt was simple; In order to feed now 35 hungry wolves, you catch at least 6-8 white tailed deer, raccoons, or possums. In our case, we stalk a herd of deer. It's mating season, so the bucks are fighting to mate with the females. There are approximately 19 deer in the herd. The more food we have, the happier we'll all be. Time to hunt.

"Kitty, you, Jace, Jhonny, Leo, and Micheal will help me move the herd towards Blake, Trever,Luke, and Zeve. The rest of you, file in on the east, and west side. Be ready to run."
They immidiatly did as i said, and it felt good to know i have my family by my side, no matter what. As we take up our positions, i see Trever give the signal (bowing his head low) for us start scattering them.
"Kitty, Jhonny, Leo, Jace, and Micheal, time to play cat and mouse." I sent out to them.
"Gotcha," Leo and Jace replied.
"I'm ready," said Jhonny.
"Let's go," Kitty and Micheal said in unison. We charged out from under the shrubs into the herd. All of the deer scatted. I caught a glimpse of Blake biting down on ones' jugular. It struggled, but Blake was huge. He had no problem briging down the 5-star buck.

"Got one!" He announced to all of us. I saw Kitty, Jace, and Micheal bring down another male. With Jace's speed, Micheal's strength, and Kitty's, well, everything, it had no chance.

"Two down!" Kitty reported. I ran behind a doe as Trever joined by my side.
"Leap, Lani!" He shouted into my head. I did as he said and leaped onto the doe's rear. She bucked and kicked as i bit into her thigh. Trever went to the front of her and bit down on her windpipe. She landed onto the cold ground with a THUD. I saw the pack members mimic what Trever and i had just did. In less than 10 minutes, we brought down 9 deer; 5 bucks, and 4 does. We're gonna have a nice feast today. As we dragged the meat into one pile, Kitty came and sat down beside me.

"What's up kiddo?" I asked her.
"Well... um... Jace asked me out. Can i... like go with him? Or no?"
"Lemme think 'bout it over dinner."
"Okay," she said as she trotted over happily beside Jace. Those two really do make a cute couple.
We begin to eat when Leo and his gang raised their ears to behind where i was eating. They bagan to growl and i soon spoke up.

"What is it?" I was afraid of the answer.
"Lani," Leo growled, "Don't move a muscle." I kept perfectly still when i heard a loud roar behind me. Trever began to growl back at the beast that i could not see. It growled right back. I began to tremble, and Trever moved over beside me, but was facing the beast. All of the pack members mimiced him and came to my side. I turned around just find another pack of wolves. The had only 6 members, but one feirce male. He was beige, and he was huge. Bigger that Trever, but smaller than Blake. I instantly jotted down a not in my mind; Big Alpha- go for the belly. I heard Trever ask the alpha what he was doing here.

"I would ask you the same, Trever. This is our part of the woods. You're tresspasin'. I see you've finally gotten a mate. What's your name, gorgeous?"
"Lani." I growled to him.
"She's a fighter. Huh Trever?"
"Yeah, and she'll rip your throat out, too."
"I'd like to see that." The 6 of his wolves began to growl, and so did mine. One of mine built up the strength to start the war between our packs.

"Kitty, take the young ones and get out of here. Now!"
"Okay, be carefull. Ages 14 through 17, let's go." 11 of our members were now headed back home. Now, we had 25 members left. As a timber wolf lunged at me, Kyle rammed it in it's rib cage and knocked him over. The wolf was bigger than Kyle, but Kyle was faster. The pinned the wolf down, and locked his teeth around the wolf's throat. He shook his head roughly from side to side. I hear the tearing of skin, flesh, and bone. One wolf down, five to go. Wait, no, 3. I spot only 3 wolves left; the alpha, his second i take it as, and a beta. As Trever squared off with the alpha, i took out his beta. It didn't put up much of a fight as

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