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Book online «Red Moon Curse by Brynnaiza Young (books for men to read TXT) 📖». Author Brynnaiza Young

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i crushed its windpipe. The second in command got run over by the two male alphas. Trever had his jaws locked on the other alpha's mane. I went over to help him, only to be tackled by the second. His teeth were snapping so hard that i thought i heard them crack. I growled and he moved from off of me. He sat down, and looked at me. I continued to growl, then i realized that this particular wolf was an old friend of mine. We went to school together in 9th grade. His name was Diablo Pearce. But i have to make sure what i'm seeing is for real.

"Diablo?" I keep my distance as a speak to him. "Is that you?"
"Lani. Long time no see."
"Come here." He obeys, and trots over to me. Before he reaches me, Trever rams him. He growls at Diablo, and Diable growls back.

"Trever, let up. He's my friend."
"You sure, Lani?" Trever asks.
"Yes. His name is Diablo Pearce. I went to school with him." Trever backs off as Diablo shakes off his fur.
"Nice alpha ya got there." He says.
"Isn't he the best?"
"Yeah if you say so. Where's my alpha?"
"Over there." Trever said and tilted his nose toward the lifeless corpse.
"Oh, goodie! Merci, le loup. Il était une douleur dans le cul." Diablo says to Trever in French.
"Huh?" Trever says obviously lost.
"He said, 'Thank you, wolf. He was a pain in the ass."
"Oh, no problem. You're lucky i hadn't got you. And woah, since when do you speak French, Lani?"
"Since second grade to be precise. Can we go home? I'm exhausted."
"Yeah, let's go."
"Pourquoi pas moi?"
"Venir sur Diablo, vous faites partie de la meute."
"Merci, Lani. Merci."
"What did you tell him?" Kyle asks me.
"She said 'Come on Diablo, you're part of the pack.'" Diablo answers for me.
"Oh, great. More members. And if you speak English, why don't you speak it all of the time?"
"Don't sass me Kyle. We may need him. And he prefers French." Kyle caps up, and we all trot back home, including the newest member, Diablo.
Chapter 9: Kitty & Jace

As i sat in my room, thinking of how my life has changed, and i hear a tap on my door. I stand to open it, and Jace is behind it. I gesture my hand for him to come in.

"Hey," I say.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing, just thinking." He sits on my bed, and i lie down on the other side.
"What's wrong? Did Lani tell you something," he asks.
"Nah, just how different i've become. I mean i like it, but it's new. And difficult."
"Well, you'll get used to it." I feel the weight on the bed shift. I turn on my side and face Jace. He's staring into my eyes, and i stare into his. He has the most beautifle eyes. They're bright, baby blue.

"You know, if Lani comes in here, you're dead."
"So, i'd be greatful to die next to the prettiest girl ever." I blush and turn onto my back. I face the ceiling, and think about mom and dad. How i wish they were here. I continue to stare up until Jace is hovering over me.

"Dude, like move," I say both meaning it, but lying about it.
"Not until you admit being a werewolf is cool," He pins me to the bed with his hips, and holds my wrists above my head.

"Jace," I growl. "Get the hell off of me." I don't want to get caught, but i want him to kiss me. I hate being stuck in paradoxes. I struggle to wriggle free from under him as he struggle to keep me beneath him. He leans close enough to my face to kiss me, but doesn't.

"Say it, and i'll move."
"I think you like being trapped under me, huh?"
"No. Get off of me, Jace. Now."
"You're lying. Your heart is beating to fast. Stop lying and just admit either one."
"G..." I go to say get off of me, but my words are cut off by Jace. He leans down and kisses me. I start to growl, but i can't. I don't want to. I want this moment to last forever. His hands move from my wrists to torso. I begin to feel awkward and weird. I shouldn't be doing this i think. But i've wanted to ever since i've met him. His lips move from my mouth to my neck. I lean my head back, and lend him easier access. When he slips his hand under my shirt to stroke my belly, i push up on his chest. I shake my head no at him. He knows not to go any further. He moves his hands up to my face, and kisses me again. And this time, i kiss him back. I feel a prick in my finger tips, and Jace growls softly. I think i poked him in the head with my nail... my claw.

"Sorry," i say as innocently as i can. I bring his lips down back on my own. His tongue slips into my mouth, and i begin to... purr. What the hell? Wolves don't purr, do they? No, they don't, so i figure it must be growling, but in a pleasurable way. He kisses me deeply once more, then we break away. I open my eyes, and Jace is looking down at me. I stare right back up. His eyes are wide, and i'm positive mine are, too. He kisses my lips, and bolts for the door. I giggle like a little kid watching a forbidden show. My eyes begin to grow heavy, and soon i'm fast asleep.

Chapter 10: Trouble

Before i walk into my room, i stop at Kitty's. Without knocking, I walk in and find her asleep with a smile on her face. I close the door gently behind me and see Jace walking out from his room. When he sees me, he turns right back around. I follow him to see what he's hiding.

"Jace, what's up?" I ask him from the outside of his door.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"Why are you so out of breath? I can hear your heartbeat you know."
"Nothing. I said i'm fine."
"Jace, baby. Just tell me. I won't get angry." He opens the door, and i walk in. I knew he was hiding something. Kitty's scent is all over him.

"You promise you won't get mad?"
"I promise. But i know it has to do with Kitty. Hit me."
"We kissed," he says as he turns away. He's clearly embarrased.
"That's all? You just kissed? That's nothing to be embarrased about."
"Yeah. I really like her. Forget like... i love

"That's sweet. Look, i'll make you a deal as the alpha. You can date her, as long as you stay focused with your tasks."
"Deal!" he agrees emthusiastically.
"Good. Don't ever think you can't tell me anything. I will always listen, and i won't get upset."
"Okay, i won't. Thanks. You're the best."
"No problem." I walk out of his room and down to mine. As i walk pass Kitty's room once more, i hear soft crying. But Kitty's asleep i think to myself. I begin to think i'm hearing things when i hear a loud 'THUD' on the door. I twist the knob. Locked. I ram it as hard as i can, and it bangs open. Kitty is gone, and her he window is wide open. I run to the window as Jace, Trever, and Kyle come to the scene. They run over to the window, and test the air. I didn't even have to inform them on what had occured.

"Got 'er!" Kyle and Jace said.
"Same here. She's heading towards the cemetery." Trever tells me.
"Oh no. Mom and dad. She's going to dig up mom and dad!" I shout. Before they can respond, i drop 13 feet to the ground, shift, and take off. I hear the other 3 mimic my actions, and then they're soon at my sides. We run for about 2 minutes before picking up another close scent. Since Kitty was just changed 3 weeks ago, she's not as use to 4 legs as she is 2. We're about 43 feet behind he in less than 5 minutes.

"Kitty, STOP!" I think angrily to her.
"No!" She replies with a growl. She continues to run, and so do we.
"When you come home, i'm gonna rip you to shreds!"
"Oh, nice going. Tell her you're gonna rip her to shreds." Says Trever. I growl at him out of aggrivation, and he sends out an evil chuckle to my mind.
"Yes... I am gonna rip her to little Kitty Bits. Kitty! Get your little butt here. NOW!"
"NO! I wanna see mom and dad!"
"Kitty, I'll take you if you come back with Lani," Jace calls back.
"No! I wanna go alone! Lani, leave me alone, for once!"
"I will... as soon as you stop being a total brat!"
"Well... Get used to it Lan!" She shouted at me before getting rammed by a huge object. She yelpped, and Jace growled. He advanced his pace towards Kitty, and when he finally reached her, he disappeared. It took about 2 minutes before he was thrown out of the under brush. We all ran towards the two, and arived 10 seconds later. We saw a massive jaguar with its fangs bared. We growled at it, and it hissed at us. Soon enough, 3 more emerged from the tree tops. We were out numbered since two of our pack members had been injured, but they'll heal. I hope. We sized up the jaguars, and they did likewise. I heard an unfamiliar voice inside of my head.

"Why are you here?" It said. I'd thought it was Leo or Trever making jokes, but it was not them. The jaguar had spoken.
"What.The.Hell. You can talk?!" I sent back.
"Uh...Yeah. So can you." I shifted, and so did Leo and Trever. We looked down at them, and they also shifted. I was about to faint when I realized that Jace and Kitty were healing.

"There are were-Jaguars?!" I turned and asked Trever.
"Yup... all preditor type animals are drained of their life essence and givin to humans. So there's more than jaguars and wolves. Maybe."
"Why did you attack our pack?" I asked the biggest one. A male.
"They're trespassing."
"On what terms?" I shouted, eyes blazing. I feel my nails fall off, and my claws grow. Trever grabs my hand, and they stop. His touch is always soothing.
"Our ambush. We thought they were the hunters."
"Hunter? You mean the ones with the arrows?" I asked. They nodded. A girl about my height with cheetah print tattoos stepped forward.
"You know

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