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Book online «DRAG ME TO HELL by Aysha K (best selling autobiographies txt) 📖». Author Aysha K

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bushes by the entrance. I suck at description so I'll just say the house looked cool.We got out of the house and there were two butlers that Caleb asked to take our bags to our rooms.

''You like'' Caleb asks.

''Who lives here?'' I ask

''My cousins Aurora and Ayanna our really close family friend Amar, Me, and my two sisters and brothers'' I hear Ronan reply.

''Oh but don't you live with your parents?''

 ''Uh- My mom and dad are mostly away on business trips'' Ronan replies.

"What about Ayanna and Aurora?" I ask.

''Follow me'' Caleb says changing the subject and leading us into the house. Hmmm something smells fishy here. An older lady stops what she was doing and turns to us. ''Hey Amar, watcha doing?'' Caleb says hugging her.

Amar looks like she is in her late 20's. she has short black hair, brown eyes, 5''4 and is wearing a simple blue dress.

''Hello you must be Seth Lelantos I'm Amaryrillis but you can call me Amar'' She says ignoring Caleb's question.

''Hello'' I reply and I introduce everybody again

''Margaret'' She shouts but not loudly a younger lady appears, she has red hair. green eyes, petite figure and is wearing a simple dress as well.

''Yes'' She asks Amar, she has a light French accent.

''Can you please show our guests their rooms please'' Amar asks.

''Of course'' She turns to us. ''If you would follow me please'' She starts to walk she leads us up the stairs and past a few photos, I can't see then properly though.''These are you rooms'' She says pointing to a few doors          ''Each door has a name on it showing which room belongs to who and I would advise you to rest for a while you must be tired'' She turns to leave. ''Oh and dinner will be at 8'' She says in her French accent.

''Wow'' I hear Blake say I clear my throat.

''Guys you must be tired so you might want to rest for a bit''

We all got into the rooms that belong to us. I switch the light on. My room is massive, it has; a king’s size bed with black and white bed sheets and pillows, abstract pictures hanged on the wall above the bed, there is a desk on either side of the bed with lamps on top, there is a black single sofa, a walk in closet and a massive bathroom.My bags were placed neatly at the bottom of my bed.I drop down on top of the bed and close my eyes, sleeps taking over me instantly.                                                                                 


I woke up around 6:30 and had a shower then started to unpack, Margaret already showed us where the dining room was so when I got there everybody was seated.

''Hi'' said a little girl smiling, she looked like she was 6 years old.

''Hi'' I said returning her smile.

''Amar where's mommy?'' She asked.

''She's away on business sweetie'' Amar replied ''Hello Seth''

''Hello'' Margaret came out of the kitchen area with lasagna and put a slice on each of our plates.

''Um forgive my rudeness this is Macy'' She pointed to the little girl who said hello to me'' That's Marcel her twin brother'' She pointed to a boy version of Macy sitting next to her ''That is Lawrence and that is Ayanna'' she pointed to the teenage boy and girl sitting next to me.

''Hi'' Ayanna said.

''Hey'' We ate dinner and talked about things amongst us. After we ate Margaret cam and took out plate away.

''Ayanna where is your sister?'' Amar asks.

''Um I do-''

''Ronan said that she was busy so she wouldn't be able to make it back by dinner'' Caleb replies instead.

''What! Why wasn't I informed about this?'' She asks ''Wait until she gets back, I am going to ground her for life!''Macy giggled.

''Amar you know that Aurora doesn't follow rules its more like she makes the rules'' Lawrence says ''And besides it must be important''

''You guys are hiding something from me'' She says suspiciously Macy giggles again.

''Actually Auwa has gone to ge-'' Her voice gets muffled by Marcel’s hand.

''Shhh its a secret'' He whispers and moves his hand Macy huffs.

''Hey you can't so that, Ayanna tell him'' She whines.

''Marcel that's not nice but Macy you shouldn't go around spilling secrets'' Ayanna said smirking

''Anyway how have you guys settled in?'' Amar asks.

''We’ve settled in nicely, thank you but you shouldn't have gone through all that trouble'' Schylure  says.

''Pft', Its was no trouble'' Amar says waving her hand                                                                               ***********

Later Amar decided to put Marcel and Macy to bed early so the rest of us were in the movie room watching the Conjuring.Someone's phone started to ring.

''Shit sorry guys'' Caleb said and walked away from us but you could still hear what he said. ''Hello''                                                                                                                                                                                         ''Where are you Ronan?''                                                                                                                                                             ''Yeah okay whatever just try to get here fast, I gotta go home anyway. Be careful, bye ''He walks back towards us ''Hey guys I gotta go, bye'' We all say bye and he leaves. When the movie ends you could tell who was scared and who wasn't. Blake was practically hiding under a blanket; Rhine and Zara were hiding their faces behind Connor and Zayn. I, Schylure, Lawson, Rowan and Callum weren't scared. I'm surprised that Lawrence and Ayanna weren't scared since they look like they are 14/15 years old. 

''Hey guys anybody want to watch another movie?'' Rowan asks.

''Nah, I gotta go bye'' Ayanna says, leaving.

''Same got school tomorrow and a shit load of homework, bye'' Lawrence leaves as well. Rowan looks around ''Guess no one wants to watch another movie''

''I think its best if we all go to bed no, don't you?'' I ask.

''Yeah I guess''


''Night'' Since we were given a tour from Caleb and Rowan after dinner we found our rooms easily. I pulled off my shirt and trousers and got into bed.

Chapter 7

Riley's P.OV#

''Shut up, their gonna see us!'' I whisper-yell at Dimitri and Caleb.

''As if they will be able to see us from afar'' replies Caleb scowling, making me glare at him. I was currently at an abandoned factory in the coast of London watching a couple of low-classed demons trading humans for their masters, with two of my hunters and best friends (yeah I'm best mates with guys, got a problem with it?) Dimitri who is at might right and Caleb who is on my left.

''Come on Riley, decide all ready! Its not lik- too late they already saw us'' Dimitri says while getting out his sword. He was right they really did see us and a few of them were coming towards us. I bet they think we're human, ha! They will soon find out what we really are and will start to run for their lives. Standing in front of us the demons were grinning wildly.

''Well, well what do we have here boys'' A demon says I'm guessing who is the leader while looking at the others around him. I could smell his breath from here and trust me I have nothing good to say about it.

''Wow you could really use a mint, you know'' I say while pinching my nose knowing fully aware that it's gonna annoy him. I hear Caleb and Dimitri silently laughing behind me.

''Silent human'' the leader bellows, making me smirk.

 ''You're all demons right?'' I hear Dimitri ask. ''Cause I'm sure that if you were then you would be able to tell that we are NOT humans'' he says chuckling.

''Wait what?'' the leader asks.

''Ahh Ronan what do you think we should?'' I hear Caleb ask.

''Oh you know the reason why we came here so I'm sure we don't want them dead, not dead YET anyway'' I smile at the leader.

''Whoever you lot are have messed with the wrong people'' He turns to the other demons ''Kill them'' He ordersThey came towards charging towards us.

There were around 20 demons. I snapped my wrists making the blades come out of the bracelet. Dimitri and Caleb spread out a little to handle a few of the demons. The first one comes at me but didn't last very long because I cut its head off (Gross I know but its better then dying) this kept on happening until there were only the leader left alive. I looked at Dimitri who gave me a silent nod.

'Keep him alive but tie him up or something to ensure that he doesn't escape' I order in Caleb's and Dimitri's minds. As ordered they followed because there was now one demon surrounded by a ring of fire that would kill him if he attempted to escape.

''Who are you and what do you want?'' The leader asks, warily.

''What I want is simple'' I say confidently ''I want answers''

''Answers of what and I will not give answers to something like you, I'd rather die'' He spits.

''Tsk, tsk'' I say ''Be careful of what you wish for because they might come true'' I take a step forward. ''I will ask this once and only once give me the answers I seek and we might just set you free''

''What answers do you seek?''

''Who is killing my people'' I say, getting straight to the point as if recognizing exactly who we are he takes a step back.

''I will not give you those answers, like I said I'd rather die'' He says while running towards me and into the fire.

''Shit!'' I mutter.

 ''What the hell just happened?'' Caleb asks '''Why did he just do that?''

''That’s just weird'' I hear Dimitri mutter. I look at him silently agreeing with him.

''I don't know what happened but I won't stop until I do but guys its really late so I think we should call it a day and head home plus I'm knackered'' I say to them both.

''Ok, you need to meet the others but I'm sure that can wait until tomorrow and Amar is going to kill you'' Caleb says, smirking.

''Shit I completely forgot about it!'' I say and turn to the path that leads to my car.

''Whoa wait'' I hear Dimitri shout. I turn around

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