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Book online «DRAG ME TO HELL by Aysha K (best selling autobiographies txt) 📖». Author Aysha K

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‘‘You’re bleeding'' He says pointing to my arm, I look at it and there is a deep gnash but it'll heal in a bit.

I shrug ''I'm fine; It’s a cut it'll heal'' I say and unlock my car.

''You sure'' I hear Caleb ask, while he and Dimitri get into his car next to mine.

''Yeah'' I say getting into my car and driving off                                                                          *********************

I park my car into the garage and walk into my house. Walking in pitch black in no problem with me since I can see in the dark. I head into the kitchen and turn the lights on; I open the fridge and take out some orange juice while I wait for my food to warm up in the microwave. I hop onto the counter and start to eat my food After finishing I wash my plate; I turn around to find a pair of velvet green eyes looking back into my stone grey ones. I take a step back only for it to meet the sink.

''Who are you?''  He asks as if commanding me. He should be careful and besides I don't follow what people say.

''Shouldn't I be asking who you are?'' I say, snorting unlady like 

''Again I ask. Who. Are. You?''

''None of your business but thanks you for asking'' I reply sarcasticallyI push past him to walk away but he grabs my wrist before I can, he turns me around so that I am facing him.

''This is the last time that I am going to ask this. Who. Are. You?!'' Seeing my unfinished glass of orange juice just within my reach, I look up at him and smirk. Seeing his confused expression, I grab the glass of juice and throw the juice on his face. ''Ahh!'' I take this opportunity to run to the door and turn back to face him.

''Oh and bye the way watch what you say because I'm not someone who follows what others say'' I run out of the kitchen with him left behind.I stop running when I get to my room.

I go in and switch on the lights. My room is simple; I have red, black and white walls to represent blood, evil and good, they have pictures of past memories hanging of them. I have a black and white queen sized bed, two black desks on either side of my bed with black lamps on top, on the floor there is a red and white abstracted mat. I have a walk-in closet and a massive bathroom.I take off my clothes and have a quick shower; I put on my cookie monster baggy top over my undergarments and dive under the covers before falling into an endless slumber

Chapter 8

Riley's P.O.V#

I woke up breathing heavily.

''Stupid nightmare'' I breath out. I look at the clock that shows that its now 8:30am, 'Great I only managed to sleep for a couple of hours' I think to myself.

I sigh and get out of bed and head into my closet and pull out a pair of sweatpants and I put on a tank top then put on a pair of trainers and I put my hair into a messy ponytail. I quickly grab my phone and slip it into my pockets then leave my room.I plug my IPod in and get out of the front door and break into a run. I arrive at the local park and look around; no one here except a few people and me. I start to run this time but a little slower and run around the park a couple of times.10:30am.

I run home and into my room. I have a quick shower and then wrap a towel around myself and blow dry my hair, then exit the bathroom. I walk into my closet and put on my undergarments then pick out an outfit; faded blue jeans, white t-shirt, blue cardigan blazer and a pair of flat combat boots (Outfit on the side - minus the boots -->). I wear two simple necklaces; my pendant and a short chain, a watch and a ring. My make-up is simple; mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick. I don't wear foundation because I don't need it. I leave my hair out and a little messy.I put my phone into my pocket and leave my room. I walk into the kitchen and up to the fridge and pulled out some orange juice and poured it into a glass, then turned around to find eight pairs of eyes on me, one of them being that dipshit from last night.

''Nobody ever tells you that it’s rude to stare?'' I raise an eyebrow.

''You have no idea how much trouble you are from Amar'' Rowan told me, I snort.

''What did you say to her?'' I ask leaning against the counter and taking a sip of my drink.

''Nothing but that doesn't mean that you’re off the hook from her yet'' He smirks causing me to scowl at him.I finally realize that there are more people are in the kitchen as well. I clear my throat awkwardly.

''Who are you guys?'' I ask.

''Wow, hello to you to'' This came from dipshit that was sitting across from where I was standing, I turn and glare at him.

''Shut up dipshit'' He just smirks at me.

''You shouldn't be saying that to me servant'' He says causing my to laugh without and humor.

''I am not a servant here and you might want to watch-'' I start to reply but I was interrupted.

''Who might want to watch what?'' Asks Amar as she walks into the kitchen followed by Macy and Marcel.

''Nothing'' I reply and turn to Macy and Marcel and squat down to their level.

''Hey darling what would you like for breakfast?'' I ask.

''PANCAKES'' They shout at the same time causing me to laugh.

''Alright coming right up'' I say getting the ingredients ready.

''Hey Amar have you all had breakfast or would you like me to make?'' I ask trying to ease what happened yesterday.

''Yes and don't you dare think for a second that I have forgotten about yesterday Riley Aroura Ronan'' She scolds. I wince slightly when she said my full name.

''I didn't'' I say innocently as possible. I look to see that dipshit's eyes have gone into understanding about who I am, I smirk ''Didn't expect that did you''I turn around and prepare the pancakes. After they were all made I put them onto the table with the maple syrup, honey and different types of berries. Everyone had come down by now. there wasn't much space left since there was 15 of us altogether so me, Ayanna, Lawrence and a couple of other people that I didn't know the names to. Amar clears her throat to get our attention, I don't bother to look up at her because I know what she's going to say.

''So Seth honey this is Aroura'' I choke on my pancake ''Aroura sweetie are you okay'' Amar asks worriedly. I wave my hand to show that I'm okay because I know that if I talk then I will regret it. I look up to find 14 pairs of eyes staring at me and one of them belonged to dipshi- sorry I mean Seth's. ''Okay well this is his sister Schylure'' she says pointing to the girl standing next to me, I smile slightly and she returns it. She introduces everyone, 'Blake, Zayn, Rhine, Zara, Connor, Callum and Lawson' I greet them all politely,'' And finally this is Seth'' She says pointing to dipshit/Seth. I turn to him and scowl while he just smirks.


We all finish our breakfast and Amar with Macy, Marcus, Lawrence and Ayanna where as the rest of us head over to the lounge. we were half way through a movie when Caleb and Dimitri walk in.

''What's up everyone?'' Caleb hollers and everybody's eyes snap towards them. I flip the bird at him.

''Ouch Ronan that hurt'' He says whilst wiping away a fake tear.

''Well if it isn't my Bitch's'' I say walking up to them and putting an arm around both their shoulders.

''Hello to you to'' Dimitri says sarcastically. I give him a cheeky smile.

''I love you to'' as I punch his arm playfully.Caleb turns and says hi to everybody else and introduces Dimitri to them. All of a sudden my phone starts to ring slightly scaring us al, I look at the ID


''Ronan speaking'' I say not bothering with 'hello'

''Riley you have to get over here, Rose is seriously injured'' That stopped my in my tracks.

''What happened to her?!'' I commanded making everybody stare at he.

''We were both going to the guild when all of a sudden we were attacked, I managed to get away from them with Rose but I think that they are still looking for us''' She says panicked.

''Okay Eve breath and tell he exactly where you are''

''Its the abandoned factory that's by the guild'' She say , I know where she is talking about.

''Okay I'm coming'' I hang up and turn around.

''What happened?'' Caleb and Dimitri ask in unison.

''Rose and Eve were attacked, I have to go'' I say leaving them all behind and quickly making my way to the weapons room.

I put on a holster onto my left thigh and place y favorite dagger into it, my wrist blades and put them on, two daggers and hide them into my waistband then leave the room and head towards the garage.I find everybody standing there.

''What are you all doing here?'' I ask.

''Well we're a part of your team and well Seth and his team have come to help us'' Rowan replies.

''Whatever I don't have time for this'' I say getting into my car and race towards the abandoned factory where Eve and Rose are.

Chapter 9

How dare they!

Who do they think they are; attacking my people! I speed towards the factory and park a few minutes away from it before head cautiously towards the abandoned factory- making sure to keep an eye out for any demons.

With each step I took caused the gravel beneath my feet to make loud 'crunch' noises. The wind whipped at my hair causing some strands to fall onto my face.

Finally I arrive but I don't take the door up front but on of the windows at the side and make sure not to make any noise while landing. I dust my knees before standing up and taking out my gun.

Malicious laughter echoes of the walls that surround me, the more steps

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