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Book online «DRAG ME TO HELL by Aysha K (best selling autobiographies txt) 📖». Author Aysha K

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I look around, to find myself in the woods. Far out in the distance i can see him, his silluiette looks familiar but i can't remeber where i have seen it before, he's walking away from me, i walk towards him.Everytime i get closer , he gets further away.

i scream his name, i need to know his name, i need to know who my soulmate is, but nothing happens, its hopeless. i stop realising how stupid this is when i feel two strong arms wraps around my waist and pull me in. I laugh knowing exactly who it is.

"You just couldn't stay away, now could you? huh" My laughter dies instantly. NO! it can't be! Please anyboody but him.

I turn around and scream, my prince charming isn't holding me, more like the prince of my nightmares is.....


Chapter 1

Riley's P.OV#


I wake up choking on my scream. My bedroom door opens, revealing a young but very worried looking Amar, she isn't family by blood and she is human but she is all that I and Ayanna have except Uncle Draco and his family. Amar rushes to my side and places a glass of water into my very shaky hands. I can barely drink without her help, after I finish she puts it back.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Are you okay?" She asks, I smile slightly.

"Everything is okay" I'm okay I mumble to myself, she makes a face clearly stating that she doesn't believe for a second what I am saying. I take a deep breath and attempt to smile again. "Amar, I swear it's nothing. I am just a bit stressed over everything lately" I tell her truthfully as possibly. I don't want to make her worry even more by telling her that I am still having nightmares about Quince. I shiver at the thought. Amar put a blanket over my thinking that I must be cold, oh Amar how I would love to tell you and Ayanna everything but I can't, I need to keep you both safe even if it mean getting killed, I will never let you find out the truth. "Thanks" I mumble, knowing well that she couldn't hear me.

"You sure?" She asks, I just nod my head "If they had come again then I don't know what I would have done" she sighs.

"Amar" I say skeptically "You know me, I will put my mojo on and kick the shit outta them" I look at her face and realize what I just said "Wait... I meant I would kick the living dayligh-"

"Young lady, just because you know how to fight, does NOT mean you can use that kind of language in this house" Oh here we go again, don't get me wrong, I love Amar and all but I can't help what my mouth wants to say, it has a will of its own, I don't care about what others think about me but hey I wasn't born to impress? So what's wrong with using a bit of 'Bad Language'? Oops I realize that she is still talking "I did not raise you both like that, I raised you better then that"

 "Sorry Amar, I won't do it again" I swear I just heard her say "you always say that". I put on a puppy dog face knowing its one of her weaknesses. Her face softens slightly.

"Very well but try not to do it again" she warns and kisses the crown of my head. "Night sweetie, try and get some sleep"

"Night Amar'' she leaves my room just as my phone goes off.

I check the caller ID 


"What do you want?''  I snap at him, not bothering to say hello.

"Well hello to you to PRINCESS" he says drawing out the word 'princess'. I growl at him through the phone.

"Don't call me that you know out of everybody how mush I hate being called that'' I tell him slightly pissed at him and besides who doesn't get cranky when they hardly get any sleep?

"Ok, sorry anyway I called to tell you that your needed'' he says calmly, I look at my clock that shows that its 2am.

"WHAT! Now? But.... its late'' I whine.

"Yes, I know but tell Michael that, he told me that it was an emergency''.

"Yeah well you can tell him that he can shove it where the sun don't shine!'' I say.

He chuckles "Oh I can't wait to see that happen''

"Fine'' I grumble "Tell him that I will be there in ten minutes''

"Ok, bye PRINCESS'' Urgh dammit! If Caleb wasn't my best friend then I would have killed him. I sigh and get out of bed.

I change into a pair of faded black jeans, a white tee saying 'you were made for me' and a black knee high flat boots. I pull my messy bed hair into a ponytail. I grab my black jacket from my chair and put it on and I grab my phone and put it into my pocket. I move towards my closet and get my dagger hoister and slip it onto my right thigh. I leave my bedroom and head towards the weapons room, its filled with swords modern and ancient, daggers, guns, crossbows, etc....I find my favorite wrist blades and put them on, the cool thing about them is that they look like bracelets so if your weapons are taken then your still have them, I grab two daggers and hide them in my boots and lastly my prized possession, my dagger given by my mentor a couple of years ago, I still miss him, I put the dagger into its hoister on my right thigh. I leave the weapons room and head towards Amar’s; I need to tell her where I'm going. Seeing me in her doorway and stops whatever she was doing. Wide eyed she comes towards me.

"Oh lord! You have got to be joking with me! They need you now?'' I rub the back of my neck.

" yeah...M...Michael says that it’s important'' I stutter, I hate it when I stutter; it makes me feel like an idiot!Amar sighs and pulls me into a hug.

"Why you are always needed? One day believes me I will make that Idiot regrets it!'' I pull away and laugh at her words.

"Don't worry; nothing will happen'' I reassure her, this is what I love about her, she doesn't question my loyalty to the Guild. Oh shit! I don't know what I would do if she found out what I was doing!

"Be careful"

"I will and call me if anything happens'' I leave and get in to my Audi R8 and drive off.

Chapter 2

Seth's P.O.V#

"You've got to be joking right?'' I asked my best friend Blake.

"Nope'' he said popping the p "You should have seen her face, it looked like she was desperate to strangle him to death''

"He would have deserved it though'' Blake punches my arm, playfully

"AWW, when did you start to become a ladies man?'' he cooed.

"shut up'' I rub my arm, damn remind me to get pay back on him. My younger sister Schylure walks in front of us both, making us stumble back slightly before we bump into her, Skye has the same jet black hair as me but her hair is wavy and longer, she has pale blue eyes where as I have velvet green, she has a slightly pale complexion where I tanned complexion, her petite frame attracts lots of male attention like today, Blake is practically eye-raping her. Pervert! I elbow him in the stomach.

"Stop staring at my sister you perv!'' I hiss.

"Hey, it’s not my fault that she's hot!'' he says rubbing his stomach. I can tell that Skye heard because she raises an eyebrow and smirk’s.

"shit she heard"

"Yeah. Sherlock! She’s is standing in front of us'' I smack the back of his head.

"hey stop hitting me!" he complains"Hey Blake'' she says to Blake.

"Seth, mom and dad want to talk to you now'' she says to me.

"Oh ok..... Where?'' I ask.

"In dads study'' she replies.

"Ok thanks'' I walk towards dad's study. I wonder what he wants since I haven't been put onto another mission yet. I am in front of his study in only a matter of seconds thanks to my speed. I raise my hand to knock-

"Come in Seth'' My father call out. Dammit I hate it when he does that.

I open the door and enter shutting it quietly behind me. My fathers study isn't that grand, it’s got a desk, two singular leather chairs and a double sofa, papers scattered on his desk and the ground, cabinets, fireplace and other things I can't remember the names of. In one of the chairs a man is sitting with his back facing me.

"you must think why have I called you, yes?'' he asks.

"yes father'' "sit down Seth'' I take a seat opposite my father on the double sofa. I can see the man's features, he has black hair like mine but a little lighter, blue eyes, sharp bone structures, pale complexion but suites him quite well, he is wearing a three piece suite he looks familiar but I cant remember where from though.

"This is Mr. Xian Draco and his niece is the Princess of the DrakeKingdom'' Ah that's it that Darke Kingdom I shake his hand.”He needs our help in solving the sudden deaths of his people and his niece is trying her best but she won't be able to cope with everything on our own so Mr. Draco her has requested us for our help and I told him that we would help''

"So you want me to go there and help her out?'' I ask.

"Something like that'' my father says. "Xian want you to help her  solve the case with her meaning that you will be moving in with them and your team will also be helping''

"oh ok'' I say, I hate it when my father bosses me about, I'm 21 for heavens sake!

"If you have a problem then it doesn't matter'' Xian says.

"No of course it isn't a problem'' I say "So when, where are we going to go?'' I ask. 

"My niece lives in London and the plane tickets are for Monday''

"ok then, I will inform my team about this then'' I say turning  to leave.

"Seth make sure your careful'' my father says,

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