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Book online «Enchantress by Kenzhie A. (books for students to read .TXT) 📖». Author Kenzhie A.

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away. The temperature dropped since winter has started and now I feel cold after the adrenaline rush. Ellis chuckle then I was surprised yet again when he moved closer to me and wrapped my scarf around my neck. He must have picked it up somewhere.

"Don't show your neck so recklessly to me. I might not be able to stop myself and bite you since I'm a vampire." He continued teasing me and when he saw me blushed again he laughed so hard that even though he saved me, I wanted to punch him.

"Can you tell me what's going on and how'd you know that I was in danger?" I asked again in a serious tone of voice. He sighed and to my astonishment, he kissed me on the lips! It was just brief and light but my brain seemed to have malfunctioned and coudn't react to the situation. Today, is really full of surprises and my instinct is telling me that I will have more surprises to come in a not so far away future.

"I'll tell you the next time we meet, love." He said and winked at me then he ran and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Wait--You jerk! Don't call me love! Ugh! You even stole my first kiss at this not so romantic place! I'm gonna beat you up the next time we meet, I tell you! How could you even leave me here?!" I grumbled to myself and was astonished to hear Mr.Pearce calling from behind me. I didn't notice him calling me because I was too focused at my irritation towards Ellis. He probably knew that Mr.Pearce was coming and just left me knowing I will be safe.

That idiot Ellis! Is he thinking Mr.Pearce can save me from that monster? He's fifty-nine for crying out loud!

"Missy, who are you talking to? Are you fighting with someone? Although, I don't see anyone here though.." Mr.Pearce asked with a furrowed look.

"Oh no I'm not. I was just practicing my spiel for our play in school." I fabricated and urge him to just go home. All these happenings made me so tired.




Chapter 3: Hide-and-seek



 "I was hiding my heart and you were hiding yours too and we played hide and seek together and both of us lost..."


-Terra Elan Macvoy




I'm in a bad mood the whole day. Ellis didn't go to school today right when I needed him. I didn't even fall asleep last night because of the incident that had happened yesterday. I was really dying to see him and ask him about it but the thoughtless jerk didn't show up at all. It's already my last class but I couldn't even catch a tiny glimpse of his silhouette. He probably did it on purpose not to show his face in school to avoid me.

Ugh! What a lying bastard! He said he'll tell me when we meet, but when does he plan to?

"Hi there, pretty one!" A familiar voice, but not the voice that I want to hear at the moment, spoke behind me. I'm at my locker right now, putting all my textbooks.

"Hi." I said out of courtesy. As much as possible I don't wanna be seen talking to him. He is very popular in school and Patrice will freak out if she'll see us together and worst talking to each other.

"You seem troubled, are you alright?" He looked worried but I just wanna run away from him already.

"I'm good. Umm, I have to go to my next class. So, see yah around." I said in a hurry and turned to walk away when I suddenly bumped on to someone.

"Watch where you're going wench!" Patrice hissed at me spitefully.

Oh-ooh.. speaking of the devil..

"Stop that Patrice, that's childish." William chided which made Patrice snort and threw me a dagger-like gaze. If a mere stare can kill, I have died already.

"Fine. Let's go girls." She said and moved away from me. She went to William and clung to him like a snake.

"See you around, Zylen. And thanks for the invitation. I've received it last week but I forgot to tell you. I will definitely come." He said.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Hmp, me and the girls will come too since William will be there, lucky you."

"We are not really expecting you to come Patrice but since you will, I am sure Zylen will be greatly indebted to you. But surely I will be delighted if you will not. After all, the invitation was sent due to Zylen's courtesy since the kind principal is your mother." Natasha said sarcastically. I didn't notice that she came to my rescue. As always Natasha is my defender from whoever tries to bully me especially Patrice and her group.

"Are you her mother? Well, you look like one." Patrice fired back.

"Old hag!" Chanted the girls in unison.

"Come on, girls stop brawling at each other." William said getting annoyed. He might be cocky at times but his not a bad guy at all, I guess. I smiled at him shyly and he winked at me. Thanked God, Patrice didn't see that.

"Let's go." He pulled Patrice and moved away with her. All the other girls followed them but Anna purposely slowed down and whispered something before she go.

"Stay away from Ellis. He is mine." She stated smugly and walked away.

You can have him all you want. Hmp! I screamed in my thought. Who would've want a guy like him anyway?

"Get lost barbie doll." Natasha hissed.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't mind them."

"Those silly girls, when are they going to grow up?"

"Hey, I said it's okay. And don't worry, you don't look like an old hag. Well.. maybe.. just a little.." I teased and ran away laughing.

"What?! You ungrateful girl! Wait till I catch you!" Natasha shouted and chased after me. They ran on the hallway and one of the teachers saw us and scolded us but we just giggle and went to our respective classes.

I wished that our friendship will last forever...




It was already Thursday but there was still no Ellis. I wondered what really happened to him and started to get worried. What if those creatures who chased me before got him? I felt a sudden chill just by remembering that incident. But his uncle doesn't seem worried---I'm in History class right now and Mr.Wright is discussing about something I don't know since my mind is wandering off somewhere---Anyway, Ellis seemed skillful in fighting and wouldn't be defeated that easily, would he?

Ah! I will ask Mr.Wright about Ellis since he is after all his uncle. He would probably know how and where is Ellis. That's a good idea! I thought.

"Miss Hayes, are you with us?" Mr.Wright has been calling my attention but I didn't hear it until Natasha elbowed me on my side.

"Uhh.. Y-yes..?" I stammered. I feel embarrassed because my classmates are staring at me and now they're laughing at my dazed expression. I was saved by the bell when it rang and everyone rushed to go to their next class but I stayed.

"You can go ahead, Nat. I have to ask Mr.Wright about something."

"What about? Don't tell me it is a confession?" She teased.

"That's absurd. Go on, I'll see you during lunch." I shoo her away and Natasha went away laughing lightly.

I then slowly approached Mr.Wright.

"Umm.. Excuse me, Mr.Wright.." I started shyly.

"Oh Alice I didn't know you are still here."

"A-alice?" I'm--"

"Alice in the wonderland, silly."

"H-huh? I don't understand." I got confused and to my surprise Mr.Wright laugh.

"It seems that you have failed to see the humor in it." He said still laughing. "I wanted to say that you are like Alice since during class, your mind seemed to have gone somewhere. In short, you are daydreaming in class."

"Uhh.." Is all I can say. I didn't know Mr.Wright is bad at jokes. I thought.

"So, what can I do for you Miss Hayes?"

"Well, u-umm.. I want to ask about.. Ellis.. Is he okay? He's been absent since last Tuesday." I blushed when Mr.Wright smiled meaningfully.

"I did not know that the two of you became this close for you to be this worried. Perhaps your mind was wandering during class because of him?" He teased.

"No, of course not! I m-mean.. I was just wondering since we're lab partners in Biology.." I said defensively.

"Is that so?" He asked incredulously.


"Very well then, he caught a cold but nothing serious. He will probably be here tomorrow. Nothing to worry about." He said smiling.

"I see.. Thanks Mr.Wright."

"My pleasure." He smiled.

"Oh, anyway, I forgot to give you and Ellis this invitation for my birthday this coming Saturday. It's a masquerade ball. I've already invited everyone in school but I'm not sure if they'll all come. So, I'll greatly appreciate it if you and Ellis could come." I said timidly and handed him a glossy envelop with the glittery card inside.

"That soon..." He whispered almost inaudible.


"Nothing." He chuckled lightly. He's kinda weird but then so is his nephew. "We will definitely come. It is your special day after all." He added meaningfully. "Thanks for the invitation but Miss Hayes are you not a bit late in your next class?"

"Oh! yeah.. I'll go ahead then Mr.Wright." I said in a hurry and ran towards my next class.

Hmmm... Mr.Wright is acting strange or is he just normally weird? Well, I don't care...




I'm really pissed off. Ellis didn't attend our Biology class again and left me to do all the lab activities by myself. It would have been alright if he is still sick but I saw him on the hallway earlier and the worst when he saw me, he acted like he didn't see me and hastily went to the opposite direction. He is obviously avoiding me and probably having a cold was just an alibi and since he can't continue to slack off, he has no choice but to come to school. Mr.Wright must have talked to him.

I'm really gonna catch him---

"Incoming!" Someone shouted and before I can react the ball had already hit my head. It wasn't strong but because of the impact I lost my balance and fell on my bottom. We are playing volleyball at the moment but because I was busy thinking about Ellis, I didn't notice that the game has already started. I heard the girls laugh, most especially the group of Patrice. They're in my PE class too and that's why I hate Friday because every Friday means PE and I don't like PE and all the stuffs that involves strenuous activities plus the fact that Patrice and her friends are here as well.

"Zy, are you okay?" Natasha asked concerned, lending me a hand. I'm lucky Natasha is in this class too.

"Are you alright Miss Hayes? or Do you want to go to the infirmary?" Miss Hudson asked grimly. I'm not sure if she's worried or angry at me. She's a scary-looking woman. No wonder she's still unmarried.

"Yeah, I'm OK, ma'am." I said then took Natasha's hand and got up. I looked up and accidentally saw Ellis seating on the bench at the left wing of the gymnasium. He was staring at me with a worried look? But I almost curse when Ellis started laughing. The girls also looked up curiously at him.

Ellis you bastard! You dare laugh at me when you didn't even kept

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