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Book online «Enchantress by Kenzhie A. (books for students to read .TXT) 📖». Author Kenzhie A.

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hide my embarrassment. I'm still not use to this attention. I roamed my eyes, looking for someone in the crowd then my eyes came across a familiar pair of emerald green eyes, shadowed with a mysterious black mask, gazing at me intensely. I unconsciously broke our eye contact when the guests clapped appreciably, surprising me, as I landed on the last step. I gazed back to look at those gorgeous green eyes again but there was no sign of him that he has ever been there. Ellis! My mind screamed. Was he here just now or was it another hallucinations of mine? It's hard to distinguish who is who because of their masks. Some even wore a whole mask which covered their whole face. I sighed, feeling disappointed.

The party started after the ceremonial birthday song, blowing the birthday cake candles, a wine toast to wish the birthday girl from which was done by my aunt, and a short teary speech from my one and only best friend, Natasha.

Everyone seemed like their enjoying themselves. I never thought that a lot of people will come. In fact, more people are still arriving and Natasha is accommodating them and leading them to greet me.

"Hey, Happy birthday. Great party. You look amazing by the way." Greeted a short girl I don't know. Well, Natasha sent the invitations to almost everyone at school since we didn't know who'll come. Thank goodness the ballroom is big enough for them.

"Yeah, thanks." I said smiling looking at the entrance. I'm still hoping for Ellis to show up but it's still early so he might still come... or not and the latter saddened me. William went to me to personally greet me again and handed me a small present followed by Patrice, Anna, Melissa and the girls and boys in their group which are empty handed. Well, I'm not expecting for a present from them by the way. That'll be too awkward. The girls are glaring at me menacingly which is not a surprise. Though I have to admit the girls are all pretty gorgeous with their expensive and provocative gowns and William looked decent and a gentlemen on his silver and white tuxedo. They're all wearing unique but gorgeous masks.

"Wow! Zylen Hayes! I have never imagined that you can look this hot!" Carrick, William's close buddy, who is wearing a full mosaic Venetian mask covering his whole face, ranted wide-eyed and whistled. I can't see his face but his burly stature and his strong Irish accent is quite obvious. William smiled at me admiringly.

"You look stunning, Zy. Happy birthday once again." He greeted and gave me a peck on the cheek to my surprise. I looked at Patrice instantly and she's fuming. The other girls are glaring at me more menacingly. Damn William for being stupid and kissing me on the cheek when he knows that Patrice is looking. I don't know if he's plain stupid or he's doing it on purpose to make my life miserable by the hands of Patrice and company. I sighed.

"Save a dance for me later," He said smiling and went towards the buffet area with his other friends to eat.

"You wench! Do not dare think about dancing with William." Patrice warned and walked off.

“Wench!” The other girls hissed at me and followed their queen.

"Do not mind those pathetic girls, Zy. They are just jealous." Natasha said coming to my side when she saw I was surrounded by the minions.

"Yeah.. Thanks.."

"Hey! Cheer up. It is your party."

"Yeah. I smiled but my heart is still longing for someone to appear. I suppose I am longing to see him so much that I've imagined I saw him a while ago. I don't care if I get bullied in my own party as long as that person come. I sighed again and motioned Natasha to the new guest which was a bit late for the party looking lost and shy. It's Peter. He is looking around while holding his mask on his hand. Natasha has finally gotten her hands on him. She confessed to me last night that they have started dating since last week and I'm just happy for her.

"Oh! This is bloody exciting. Tend to your guest, birthday girl or just enjoy and never mind your guests at all." She squeaked and giggled and left me with a wink and swiftly went to Peter. Peter nod at me, mouthing a shy happy birthday then was led by Natasha somewhere. I looked around, everyone looked alluring with their fancy gowns and tuxedos with matching shiny masks. It adds to everyone's mystery and charms. I was finally enjoying the magical scenery and forgetting about my disappointment at Ellis when in the corner of my eye, I saw Fluffy looking at me intently then ran towards the open door to the veranda. I slowly followed her curiously. Fluffy has been gone almost the whole day and now she's running away again somewhere. I reached the veranda, dimly lit, looking surprised to see a beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a simple old looking gown, standing sophisticated without a mask and looking at me with a warning look.

"Oh. I'm sorry.. I didn't know someone's here.. I was looking for my cat--Have you seen her passed by?" I muttered politely eyeing the strange looking woman.

"You should be heedful young one. As your power awakens, your life will be in peril. Do not trust so easily, someone so dear to you might betray you or you will betray yourself. It is your will to choose your fate. Tonight is a full moon and as your power grow stronger so as your enemies." The woman said puzzling me and walked inside the ballroom in a swift motion. I was left astounded and speechless.

"W-wait!" I called, finally regained my voice but the woman was already gone. I scanned my eyes through the dim ballroom from the veranda but I couldn't find her. I was about to go back inside when another sudden flashback came to my head like a lightning struck. The scene is quite similar to what I witnessed last night. I saw myself, or somewhat looked like my old self, wearing similar ballgown, maybe more grandiose and I'm also wearing a mask and my hair... Black hair?! was tied up in a sophisticated bun with some curly tendrils flowing on my pale bared shoulders, and I was....

"A penny for your thoughts, milady?" I heard a familiar husky voice, a voice I've been wanting to hear this whole evening, pulled me back to the present.

"E-Ellis?! you came..." I gazed at him, mesmerized. He looked so handsome, so not Ellis. He's not wearing his usual faded jeans and casual shirt. Tonight, he's wearing a black tuxedo so handsomely.. so gentlemanly.. A black half Venetian mask is covering half of his handsome face but it emphasizes his sparkling green eyes and his chiseled jaw. His usual tousled black hair is combed neatly at the back of his head. He looked like the guy in my vision, so perfect.. Hey wait a sec... He is wearing the same mask as the one I saw earlier which I thought was just my imagination! So, it was indeed, Ellis.. Why didn't he showed up earlier? I was confused but then I don't care as long as he finally showed up in front of me. I smiled brightly, showing my dimples which Natasha said would make any guy fall. I'm not sure if it affect Ellis but I was a bit surprise to see him looking at me intently without blinking then he shook his head like he is trying to clear his mind.

"Yes.. I should not have.." He whispered softly in the cold night breeze almost inaudible..

"What? But why?" I asked dazzled.

"Care for a dance, lovely lady?" He asked huskily offering his right hand to me instead, ignoring my queries. Well, that can wait.. Ellis just asked me to dance and even called me lovely. That'll do for tonight. I smiled at him shyly and accepted his hand.




We're dancing quietly in the soft, sweet music the band is playing at the moment. Ellis is very quiet and looks like he's suffering from something. I unconsciously looked around and saw William dancing with Patrice not far from us, looking at me with an angry look. I don't understand why he seemed angry at me. I didn't mind and focused back to Ellis.

"Hey, what's wrong? You 'kay?" I asked in a worried tone. He sighed and looked down on me, locking his green eyes on mine.

"I will tell you.." He sighed.

"Huh? What are you gonna tell me?" I asked a little worried. If we have a romantic relationship right now, I might think that he's gonna break up with me and is having a hard time breaking the bad news to me.

"What you wanted to know. Come.." He said seriously and led me out of the crowd but before I was completely drag away, I saw my aunt with Mr.Wright drinking together and seemed like having a serious talk. I smiled. It's high time for my aunt to find a love life. Ellis led me back to the veranda then down the brick stairs and walked to the back garden.

"That serious?" I asked, looking at the dark surroundings and the tall bushes everywhere.

"More than you can comprehend." He said gravely.

"Spill the beans, Jack." I joked to ease the tension. He smiled sheepishly while staring down at me intensely and to my another astonishment since I met Ellis, He entrancingly leans down slowly... placed his left hand on my waist, his right hand on my chin...and slowly kissed me!--A deep and sensual kiss---I don't know how to react or respond since this is my first real kiss. I mean Ellis kissed me before but it was just a peck on the lips but this kiss is unnerving yet so good. I was easily drawn to his kiss. I slowly closed my eyes and kissed him back. He kissed me gently yet passionately like there's no tomorrow. I can kiss him like forever and still not get enough of him. Then the realization hit me. This guy has captured my innocent heart in a short time, since I've met him in my dreams. There's this invisible line that draw us together in an inexplicable attraction and I shivered by the thought. When Ellis ended the kiss, I was breathless.

"You are cold. I'm sorry... Here.." He said huskily and took off his tuxedo jacket and placed it on my bared shoulders.

"T-thanks." I stuttered looking away from him, my face flushed. I'm glad I'm still wearing my mask and so is Ellis. I can't see his expression clearly because of the mask and the added darkness.

I apologize for my actions, I should have not done that." He sounded distressed. "I just... you are so lovely and bewitching and that dress suits you really well. I.. did not know what I was thinking----"

"I'm not sorry." I pouted and bravely look him up in the eyes. He stared back, his eyes shimmering with fondness and a bit of amusement.

"Don't do that." He said grazing his thumb on my lower lip.

"H-huh? W-what? Why?" I asked foolishly and made him chuckle.

"Stop pouting your lips, It is making me want to kiss you again." He said, grinning mischievously at me and made me blush even further.

"What do you wanna tell me anyway?" I changed the topic to hide my embarrassment but I regretted it when I saw Ellis' face became solemn then suddenly his eyes became alert.

"I hate to delay what I have to say to you but I promise I will come to you tonight before midnight and tell you everything you need to know. But right now, we have some company."

"What? I don't understand----" My voice was cut-off and I gasped in fear when I saw the two scary apparitions from last time, hovering just around the bushes waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"What are they...?" I asked scared.




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