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Book online «Enchantress by Kenzhie A. (books for students to read .TXT) 📖». Author Kenzhie A.

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Chapter 5: Transition



"Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis."


-Martha N. Beck






I slowly opened my eyes, confused to see the darkness surrounding me. One of the night lamp on the bedside table was lit . I recognized my room. I adjusted my vision but my eyes are clouded and tired like my energy was drained out of me or something. My whole being feels quite exhausted and my whole body is sore. I tried to remember what happened and when I did, I anxiously shot up in a panic.

"Ellis!" I cried out.

"Zy, stay still..." I heard Natasha's voice. I didn't notice she's sitting on the left side corner of my bed. She reached for the other night lamp and lit it. The room became more bright.


"You should know how bloody worried I was when I saw you being carried by Ellis Wright looking lifeless. The doctor who came in earlier to check on you said it was fatigue. You need to have plenty of rest."

"Uhhh...I will.. ummm.. Did Ellis brought me here? Where is he? Is he OK? What happened to the party?" I asked worried, particularly for Ellis. The last time I remembered was the so-called wraiths became so many and some of them came for me then I lost consciousness.

"Yes. The party has ended quite well in spite of the little commotion, so, worry not. Anyhow, everyone saw you being carried by Ellis when you fainted. It was a bloody dog's bollocks to watch their reaction most especially, Anna. Wicked! As for Ellis, he is quite fine, why wouldn't he? He went home with his uncle by the way." Natasha reported. I sighed a relief after hearing Ellis was alright.

"Well.. nothing beats my luck." I whispered sarcastically.

"Silly! You should sleep now and rest. I have to go. My mother is in the parlour waiting for me. Will you be alright?"

"Yeah.. Don't worry.. umm.. say Hi to your mom for me, OK?"

"I will and don't get your knickers in a twist tomorrow, understood?"

"Yes mom!" I jested and made Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Don't be a wanker!" She said laughing.

"Oh, anyway, where's aunt Stephanie and what time is it?" I wondered.

"She was here earlier to check on your condition but went to her room afterwards when she heard you were alright. She's a tad drunk I think either of the booze or Mr.Wright and it's eleven past thirty, darling." She said giggling then went out of my room after saying goodbye. I was left alone, tired, and confused. I remembered the scary apparitions again whom Ellis called Wraith, whatever that is, attacked us and Ellis fought them but they were too strong and we were outnumbered. I can't even help Ellis but just watch frigidly like a stone. I can't even freaking scream. The worst part was when some of them were able to go near me and attacked me but after that I couldn't remember...

"Zylen..” A familiar, husky voice full of worry whispered my name from outside my room's balcony and it's the first time he ever called my name. Well, second time to be exact but it was only to annoy me so it doesn't count. It sounded good, hypnotizing... “Oh thanked God! I thought your friend will never go. Please open the door. My bloody arse is freezing out here." He chuckled faintly.

"Ellis!" I cried out after I got over the brief surprise. I swiftly opened the french door and instinctively threw my arms around him in a tight hug. He seemed a bit surprised of my sudden action and froze but it was just for a bit and hugged me back.

"I was very worried..." He whispered, caressing my cheek with his right hand. He then raised my chin and slowly leans over. I can already feel his breath on my face.

"You are quite beguiling, Zylen... I really want to kiss you right now..." He said huskily, captivating me.

Oh! How I love to hear him whisper my name.. It's so sexy..

"Okay.." I said bewitched and close my eyes, anticipating his kiss. I heard him chuckle but I didn't have to wait longer. Ellis kissed me sweetly and passionately, exploring my mouth. The kiss is as electrifying as ever, drowning me in the pool of unknown desire. I kissed him back instantly as passionately as I could and heard Ellis groan in pleasure.

"You taste so sweet as ever.." He mumbled through his kisses and I can feel his smile on my mouth. I can't help but moan in response. I shivered in a mixture of excitement and wantonness I have never thought I would ever feel. My knees buckled. I'm melting in his arms and before I can collapse, Ellis scooped me up gently and went in my room to my bed. He laid me down on my bed and sat beside me.

"As much as I love what you are wearing right now but you have to cover that for now, love. It is too tempting and you are not yet ready for what I am thinking right now." He said hoarsely, staring at me, lust and desire evident in his green eyes. I flushed furiously and covered my thin nightgown with the silk robe that was hanging on the velvet cushion beside the bed. I didn't realize that I'm just wearing a tiny piece of cloth without an undergarment! Natasha or Mrs.Jenkins must've change me into my sleepwear while I was unconscious.

oh what a bummer! Ellis must've have seen it! I screamed in my mind and covered my face with my hands in embarrassment since I'm not wearing a mask anymore to hide it. It made me blush even more when I heard Ellis chuckled. I pouted my lips, feeling shameful and displeased.

"I told you not to do that..." He said staring at me darkly, particularly on my pouted lips. I bit my lower lip nervously. “Ah, you never listen..”

"H-huh? Why?" I asked quizzically.

"It is making me want to do this...again..." He said huskily and covered my mouth with his while his hand raked through my already messed up hair and the other is caressing my nape. I raised my arms to hug him and feel his broad shoulders down to bis muscled back. I heard Ellis groaned and it made me want to hold him more.

Oh my God! This feels like heaven... I wish it'll never stop. I thought dreamily.

I was in nirvana when all of a sudden, I was pulled from the light and was thrown down in the dark abyss.

Where am I? I looked around but all I can see is darkness.

"Ellis!" I screamed his name but there was no answer.

"Were you calling for my beloved, Ellixiel? He cannot hear you here." I heard a beautiful, soft, yet menacing voice from behind me. I span around almost instantly and saw a girl... a beautifully enchanting girl that looked exactly like me, it oddly feels like I'm looking in the mirror, but with long, black hair hanging wildly on her back and luminous, dark blue eyes, staring at me ominously. She's very beautiful yet I feel a sense of foreboding staring at those dark blue eyes, full of sorrow, agony, and hatred?

"Am I charming you?" She asked and smiled at me without humor.

"Who are you? Why do we look.. the same..?" I asked confused.

"Curious are we not?" She stated arching her dark eyebrow at me. "However, I strongly disagree that we look the same my dear, not yet. I am for now, far more appealing than a mere human like yourself but not for long so worry no more..." She once again flashed me yet another menacing smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked a little irritated at her boastful talk.

"Patience is a virtue, is it not, Miss Zylen Hayes?" My eyes widened in surprise. So this girl knew me.

"Cut the crap, will you!? Where am I?" I hissed at her, getting annoyed at her poetic banter.

"A daring little thing you are... Yet I cannot kill you... How bothersome..." She taunted and gave me a sinister laugh while raising her right forefinger and a red flame flickered. "We are at my magical limbo."

I started to get chills looking at her devilish smile.

"W-who a-are you? W-what w-ill you do to me?" I stuttered, fear is all over my face. I heard her sinister laugh again.

"Afraid now? Hmmm...This is entertaining.." She said and to my horror, she blew the red flame to my direction and the hem of my thin gown flickered and started burning. I screamed in pain.

"Chop-chop! Be quiet! You are so noisy." She hissed and the flame disappeared in a blink. She then slowly glided towards me, barefooted. "Do not trust Ellixiel, I tell you. He will betray you in no time just as he betrayed me. He will always betray us." She whispered in my ear spitefully then touched my face with her two hands glowing with dark smoke and I screamed in pain.

"We will become one. I need a vessel and your power will be awakened very soon." She said and her hands glowed against my face more darkly, more terrifying, and I shuddered in pain once again, screaming and crying.

"Do not fight me! Accept your dark side and you will become powerful, you fool!" She roared while glaring at me with her terrifying, glowing eyes.

"No!!!!" I screamed and a bright light glowed within me.

Zylen fight it with all your might, I beg you..wake up, please.. come back to me! I heard a faint whisper.

Ellis' voice!

Hearing his voice made me stronger and angry at the girl who wants to tore us apart. I closed my eyes briefly and when I opened them, They are blazing and so are my hands. They are blazing with blue flames and I have never felt this strong and bold like a fire, like I was awakened from a long slumber and regained my strength.

"I don't know what you're up to but I wont let you use me!" I charged and the blue flame in my hands set ablaze encircling me but to my irritation and astonishment, the girl sneered and laughed vehemently.

"You have finally awakened.. hmm.. Brave girl you are. I do not dislike you... However, I do not fancy your liking for my beloved Ellixiel." She said, eyeing me with narrowed eyes.

"Ellixiel..? You mean, Ellis?" I asked confused yet again, lowering my guard. The blue flames slowly died down.

"The one and only, Ellixiel Wright." She pronounced every words with so much ferocity.

"What happened? Why do you sound so angry at him?" I asked full of curiosity.

"I have no time for your presumptuous queries. The clock ticks and my power cannot hold you here any longer but do not worry my other self, we will meet again soon... That is inevitable and when that time comes, you will willingly submit yourself to me to gain that power for your vengeful heart."

"I don't understand----"

"We will meet again at the second full moon. Please do give my hello to my beloved fiancé. " She sneered.

"Fiancé?----" I wanted to ask but instead a cry of pain came out from my mouth when the vengeful girl grabbed my wrist with her burning hands and forcibly pushed me in a cliff of darkness. I screamed once more, sweating

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