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Book online «The Elf by Drakent Arrow (e book reader free .TXT) 📖». Author Drakent Arrow

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thing Warlock: that

Mae Shi marched away because his life was in danger.

- But where are you going?

- At a School of High Sorcery located in a distant kingdom. Me

small cub, this girl has the gift of magic, but her father

dare not enter it in the Golden Wood School, which

in our kingdom. Too many young people of the nobility are

dying under mysterious circumstances in these difficult days.

- So, it will not? Ankris asked, disappointed.

- Yes, it will return someday. But by then and have forgotten.

Because ... see, Wolverine, highborn maidens do not look at the elves

wild like you. She will marry some important aristocrat. And, if your

father plays his cards and our King is childless, Shi-Mae

could become our queen someday.

Ankris said nothing, but a flash of rebellion lit his eyes. The

sorcerer glanced Anthor and Eilai, that restless, waiting a bit

further, not daring to approach.

- Your parents are waiting. Go with them, Wolverine.

Ankris took a few steps and then stopped to look at the sorcerer.

- Why do you call me that?

- You'll understand in a few decades, small-answered

Warlock ominously. And when you do ... come see me.

Ankris looked at him quizzically, shrugged, said goodbye

him with a gesture and returned to his parents.

- Do not forget ... Whispered the sorcerer, knowing that the child no longer

could hear. When the wolf wakes up, you little son of the forest ...

come see me.

Mae Shi again someday. And the high-born maidens do not look at

wild elves.

With this idea in mind, Ankris began regularly attending

School Sentinels. Or at least, so he thought. It dropped once in

as for classes and when I explained that he should be there every

day, morning and evening, was so horrified that came in from the

school in three weeks. Then again presented, apparently

willing to follow the rules, and tried to go daily.

The thing was in the attempt. Ankris still missing a lot because there

could help it, but gradually, in fits and starts, he learned some

things: to handle the bow, to use the secret language of signs of the

Sentinels, to follow tracks, to face a melee opponent,

with knife or not ... But also learning history, geography, botany,

zoology, grammar ...

Because of his frequent absences, Ankris was much more

delayed than their peers in almost everything, but, despite receiving more

a reprimand, he was not expelled from school. It was said that Captain

felt a soft spot for him, and that earned him antipathies between their

companions, Toh-Ril, the son of Captain, and especially hated

did nothing to hide.

Basically all envied not only freedom he enjoyed Ankris,

but also their ability to blend in with the forest and move it

being almost completely invisible. He knew every inch of the ground without

need to learn boring flat and was also able to

distinguish one from another poisonous herb or other just

edible, but did not know to call them by name. Did oriented

under the stars without having studied the names of the constellations and

climbed trees faster than any.

For all these things, Captain considered him one of the elements

most valuable of his school. But not everyone shared his affection for


He did not care. The school had become more sociable, but not

to the point of worrying about what others might think of him.

And so, one night, when I came home after school, is

found a nasty surprise in the woods.

Toh-Ril and some of the bigger guys at school were


- Hello, Ankris Toh-Ril said, smiling darkly.

- What do you want? He asked cautiously. Shone upon them

fantastic full moon and, fascinated by it, the boy had left

foolishly surprise. In other circumstances, would have been much

before they even suspect approaching.

- Just curious-Ril Toh said, shrugging.

Since you're so good at all, I was wondering what would you do if

five elves will attack you at once.

Five surround started. Ankris was unsure how


- You do this because this morning I beat the body fight

body? He asked carelessly.

The Toh-Ril face darkened. He was bigger and stronger, but

Ankris, more agile and fast, he had made a fool this morning. Not

was right to remind him.

- Get him, guys, 'he said. We will teach you not to be such airs.

Ankris back and turned around.

- Scared? Scoffed Toh-Ril.

Ankris saw an escape route: a gap between two of the boys.

He ran toward it.

- Hey, who escapes!

Ankris cleverly shook off the first and, with a shove, unbalanced

the second he had started to run towards him. He ran at full

speed toward home, dodging tree trunks, while

Toh-Ril and his chasing him. And maybe it would have come, if not

because their feet tangled in a root treacherous made him fall to


- It's ours! He heard the voice of Toh-Ril behind him.

Ankris tried to get up, but could not. He hurt his right ankle. It

leaned against the trunk of a tree to sit up and turn to their

pursuers, who had already achieved.

- Do not you run, small? Scoffed one.

Ankris, knowing cornered, growled menacingly. The boys


- Do you not I tell you? Toh-Ril smiled contemptuously. It is only

a small wild animal.

He threw his fist into the face of Ankris, this attempted escape, and the blow

struck him painfully on the shoulder.

- Is elusive-Toh-Ril said. Hold him.

Two of the elves obeyed and this time, Toh-Ril not fail. He struck

Ankris in the face and the boy moaned in pain, tried to escape again and almost


- What is it? Do not tell me you can not bear a child who has not

has turned fifty years.

- It's ... Ayyy! I was bitten! What a beast! If blood has made me

and all ...

Toh-Ril looked at him, irritated, and started to say something, but stopped.

The taste of blood had been a subtle change in the face of

Ankris, now made in a menacing gesture of rage. The child's

looked with a strange and unearthly yellow glow in his eyes as

growled under his breath just like an animal.

- What the ...? -Started one of the guys.

He did not finish. With a howl of rage, Ankris jumped on him and

knocked him to the ground. Both rolled on the grass. Ankris nails are

fixed on the arm of his hand, as his mouth sought his


- Sacádmelo off! Sacádmelo off! Cried the

boy, terrified.

Toh-Ril reacted. Ankris He lunged and pulled him back,

but the boy squirmed and scratched him in the face. Toh-Ril back with a cry

and looked at him. The full moon lit Ankris traits, and the son of Captain


His face seemed more bestial than elven, and his eyes ...

Toh-Ril recoiled even more, her hand to her cheek

bleeding. His companions also fell slowly to

join him watch while Ankris, that looked alert and the

muscles tense, as if to jump on them at any


- Let's go, Toh-Ril whispered, terrified.

The five turned and ran.

Ankris pursued for a while, feeling the soft glow

full moon filled her spirit with a wild force that he had never

experienced. The ankle did not hurt and brand-Ril Toh fist in

his face was barely noticeable. Finally, tired of the game, the left

march, climbed a huge rock and watched him flee like rabbits

scared. He was strong, powerful and free.

He heard the wolves howling in the distance. His parents had

instilled the idea that the wolf was the most dangerous, fearful, hateful and

negligible existed, but now its remote call will

seemed the most beautiful sound I had ever heard, and wanted


He threw his head back and howled. It was a scream filled with feelings of

wild triumph and joy. And the wolves responded.

Drunk with freedom and joy, Ankris down from the rock, ready to

meet them.

But a figure expected to foot, and remained paralyzed Ankris


Eilai It was his mother.

Suddenly Ankris back to reality. The moment had passed, and

suddenly the boy was no longer a wild beast, but a very young and

very confused elf who had many problems remembering what

just happened.

Yes remembered howled, and was extremely ridiculous

it. He approached his mother with an apologetic smile, uncomfortable and

disturbed by the strange expression of her face. He wanted to apologize for

his absurd behavior, but before he could say anything, she


- Do not ever do that again-said, very pale.

Ankris said nothing. I was too stunned to speak.

Anyway, Eilai expected no answer. They dragged him to

back to his house, an elegant cabin built, like almost all

Sentinels housing on the top of a tree, and locked him in his


Ankris went there all night, crying and cursing in equal

and thinking that her mother had been terribly unfair to him. If

had paid attention to what their parents whispered across

the door would have understood many things, but at that time only

I could think excessive punishment received, without understanding

exactly what had happened that night, not realizing that

that would have serious consequences.

When at last, exhausted, he felt sleep overcame him, a spark of

rebellion and pride was kindled within him, and he vowed to himself that

never again mourn.

Although the next day everyone could see the marks of

Ankris nails in the face of Toh-Ril, this did not denounce what

occurred, nor his companions. In the light of day things looked

different, and that disheveled boy seemed not nearly as

threatening as they had thought the night before. On one hand,

embarrassed and did not want to confess that he had overcome them by

Moreover, since they could not help him with a fearsome

respect, although the flame of hatred burning in their hearts, especially

in Toh-Ril, more intensely than ever.

Ankris was aware of it, however, as he remembered the

conflict-much later would remember and understand

many things, at that time was not able to understand what had

motivated this change of attitude.

Also, once had other things to think about: since then,

full moon every night felt strangely exhausted and slept

a stretch well into the next day when he awoke with

headache and too late to get to classes

morning. No one seemed odd; Ankris skipped school to


The boy fought with all his might against the strange tiredness

chronic, but failed to stay awake one of those nights.

It was still too young and innocent to suspect even that

their parents mingled a sleeping pill in his dinner every night of

full moon.

Chapter III Shi-Mae

A LONG LINE OF GIGS waiting on both sides of the

South Pass door. Ankris watched for a while, perplexed, the comings and

comings of the footmen, dressed in different liveries, which required treatment

preference for their respective lords, aristocrats worshipful

impatiently protesting from inside their vehicles. About

wanted to leave the Kingdom of the Elves and others tried to enter. Always

had been well on the border, but that day the traffic was

surprisingly dense, even though they tried Sentinels

by swiftly dispatching the eternal formalities required to move to


Ankris saw a little beyond Aefeld and his friend joined him.

- What is happening today?

- Do not you know? -Aefeld was the only guy in school who seemed

appreciate it a little, though, at ninety-three, Ankris still

being a loner. The Kings have had a daughter, Princess Nawin. She

will be the new queen when I grow up.

Ankris suddenly remembered that many years ago, the sorcerer had said

Shi-Mae, the girl with sapphire eyes, could become queen

someday. Despite the time elapsed, Ankris had not forgotten and

was often approaching the border crossing to spy the carriages

entering the kingdom, hoping to see inside one of them.

- Is that why so many people in and out?

- Sure. Those who had conspired to take the throne

now you have no chance, so many into exile, but again

when everything is calmer.

"Moreover, many went in harder times, and now

returning after having proclaimed their loyalty to the new heir,

taking advantage of the political landscape has stabilized following its


Ankris's heart sank. "Shi-Mae" thought. "Shi-Mae

again. "

- I pity Aefeld princess sighed. My father

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