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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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from the planet Uton, in the Phlegethon system. There are three inhabited planets in that system: Uton, Phlegethon, and Titan, the home planet of the armored beast that leads the army.”

“So they aren’t from the High Lord’s army,” Erol noted.
Regita shook his head. “No…and we have little information about the Phlegethon system. All we know is that it is ruled by Phlegethon itself, the closest planet to the star. Phlegethon has been ruled by the Zhept dynasty for thousands of years, and they are magical beings.”

“And hostile,” Zale added with a scowl. He then turned his attention to the Power Coin nestled in his right palm. “Shouldn’t we do something? The army will destroy

Gateway City. There are so many of them!”

“Certainly more than the two of us can handle alone,” Kreia pointed out.

“That’s why we needed you.”

“Monster-Bakers have infinite resources, since all their creatures are created magically,” Regita revealed. “Whoever owns that castle has literally an infinite number of potential creatures to obey their every whim.”

“Seven Power Rangers defeated the High Lord,” Kazu recalled, folding his arms. “Surely the seven of us can defeat this army.”

Regita nodded. “All of you must go to the city immediately. But you must exhibit extreme caution. The Power will guide you in the use of it, but you are new Rangers. You do not know yet what your limits are. Trust in the Power, and let it guide your actions.”

Both Erol and Kreia nodded, as a means to assure their new allies.

“What do we do?” Zale demanded.

“Hold your coin in your right hand, and hold your fist above your head.”

The youths followed Regita’s instructions.

“You must be completely resolved to accept the duty of being Power Rangers,” Regita emphasized. “If you are, declare it.”

All five frowned slightly, trading confused glances. Finally, Zale decided to take the lead. After gazing at the coin in his hand, he realized what needed to be said. He closed his eyes tightly and inhaled sharply. “I accept the power of the Red Tyrannosaurus Coin.”

His sapphire eyes sprang open, and he released a choked gasp as furious red energy flowed from his clenched fist. Sweat beaded on his brow, and his knees began to buckle. Only his stubborn strength prevented him from falling to the ground.

The four other uninformed youths watched the display in astonishment.

But Kreia and Erol were firm, and the former smiled gently. “He will be fine. The Power is just accepting his pledge.”

Zale breathed heavily, his clenched palm falling open. Cheris gasped as she noticed the solid black brand on her new friend’s skin. Zale’s palm was tattooed with the symbol of the Tyrannosaurus, which matched the design on the coin that had disappeared from his hand.

“What…?” Zale moaned, his strength returning. He straightened unassisted, and stared at the black outline on his hand.

“The Power has accepted you,” Regita explained, “and the might of the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger is within you. Now, all you must do is raise your hand, and summon the power within.”

Zale steeled himself, and lifted his palm to the sky. His eyes tightly closed, he mustered his own strength, and called out his entire being.
The black outline of the Tyrannosaurus flashed with red energy, flowing along Zale’s body like a metallic river. The energy molded itself to his form, hardening from liquid magic into sleek armor. The forearms and legs molded into white gloves and boots, trimmed with red diamonds. The rest of his body remained red, hardening into a glistening armor. White diamonds adorned his chest, and a silver belt hugged his waist. A red helmet inspired by the head of the Tyrannosaurus encased his head, with a black visor allowing him sight. Finally, a holster flashed into existence, hanging from his waist with a red and white weapon within.
The black outline of the Tyrannosaurus Coin remained on his glove.

“Incredible,” Zale whispered when he recovered his voice.

Cherise, Kazu, Sener, and Linis were too overwhelmed to speak.

“Each Ranger has phenomenal fighting ability, including enhanced strength, speed, and agility,” Regita explained. “Still, it enhances your natural attributes, so a faster human will make a faster Ranger.

Also, you all have a signature attack, which focuses your energy through the design on your glove. If you ask the Power, you will know the phrases necessary to summon these attacks. And finally, each Ranger has a Zord, a gargantuan beast that obeys your call.”

The Red Ranger nodded, his hands falling to his waist. While he couldn’t quite understand everything Regita was referring to, he could feel the presence of the Power in his mind. It was…alive.”

Kazu’s gaze moved from the Red Ranger to his own coin. “Then my time is now.”

Cherise, Linis, and Sener mimicked Kazu’s movements, each holding their Power Coin in a fist above their heads.

They each knew the animal of their choice, as well as the color signature they would adopt. Their minds flooded with understanding, and their fists began to glimmer faintly with the energy they would soon accept.

“I accept the power of the Yellow Saber-toothed Tiger!” Kazu roared.

“I accept the power of the Pink Pterodactyl!” Cherise cried.

“I accept the power of the Blue Triceratops!” Linis shouted.

“I accept the power of the Black Mastodon!” Sener declared.

All four shuddered as the coin absorbed into their skin, distributing the energy that they would wield to save the world. In unison, the four opened their hands, marveling silently at the brand that would mark them as Power Rangers…until their mission was completed, or their lives had ended.

It was a solemn moment as silence fell, and all seven heroes formed a line, with the Red Ranger at the end.

“The Power has accepted you all,” Regita announced, relief evident in his voice. “Now, you are the Power Rangers, representatives of the Morphin’ Grid, and heirs to the legacy that I leave you.”

Zale beamed beneath his helmet, but his excitement soon faded as the severity of the situation returned to him. “We have no time to lose,” he decided, stepping away from the others. “It’s Morphin’ Time!”

In a row, the six unmorphed heroes held their palms open at arm’s length. Six rivers of liquid energy poured from the tattoos along the bodies of the heroes, covering them in the armor designed after their signature colors.

The Red, Pink, Blue, Black, and Yellow Rangers all looked similar, with diamond shapes decorating their armor. Each one’s helmet represented their animal model, and each had a holster hanging from their belt.

The Green and Purple Rangers were slightly different. Each bore golden armor, and gold trim on both their gloves and boots. Also, each had a gold belt, with holsters holding clearly different weapons; the Green Ranger a sharp dagger, and the Purple Ranger a rolled whip. Finally, the Purple Ranger alone had golden wings, which glittered from her ankles.

After a quick sweep of the others, Cherise came to a surprising realization. “Regita…why am I wearing this extra slip of fabric? No one else is.”

Regita grinned slightly. He knew that question was coming. “The original Power Rangers, which banded nearly a millennium ago, were the ones who established the template. The costumes were designed for them. The first Pink Ranger was of the Ankarna, a race of hunters who served the goddess of the Moon. In her culture, the skirt symbolized feminine might, and since it was a simple request, Zordon agreed.” He then smirked. “I hope it does not offend you in any way.”

Cherise smiled beneath her helmet, suddenly quite proud of the addition.

“No. Not at all.”

“The Red, Blue, Pink, Yellow, and Black Rangers form the core group, which is why they look different from the Purple and Green Rangers,” Regita highlighted. “The core group has a Blade Blaster, which is attached to your belts. These weapons are either daggers, or weapons that fire powerful beams of light by pressing the trigger. Also, the five Blade Blasters can fire a Triangle Attack if you join together.”

“I think we’ve got a handle on it,” the Green Ranger decided. “That fire is getting out of control, and the Putty army is razing Gateway City.”

“Then back to action!” Zale shouted.

Chapter Eight

A bright rainbow struck in the scalding heart of Goldar's forest fire.

After a few moments taken to orient themselves, the newly christened Power Rangers turned their attention to the task at hand.

"The fire!" the Pink Ranger shrieked, "It's destroying everything..."

"No it won't!" the Black Ranger announced, stepping closer to the flames.

The six other Rangers stared at him in surprise.

"How?" Linis asked.

Sener smiled beneath his helmet. Slowly, he lifted his right hand.

"Mastodon Frozen Breath!"

Black energy pulsed around his entire body, channeling itself into his hand. Once a diffuse cloud of energy swirled about his fist, he unclenched it, revealing a pulsing tattoo of the Mastodon. Then, a gust of cold wind shot forth, casting an icy spray at the dangar bed.

"What is that... white stuff?" Kreia marveled.

"It is water, at a temperature so cold it is solid," Sener explained.

"That is my power."

"Then you remain here, and douse the flames," Zale instructed, "The rest of us will search for Goldar."

"It shouldn't be hard to find him," Erol muttered, "He must be in the city!"

Chapter Nine

Headman Yurari shuddered at the powerful thud erupting from somewhere beyond the heavy stone walls that comprised the cellar. Unconsciously, his arms tightened around his wife Adelia.

His wise jade eyes shed horrified tears as he gazed around the chamber.

It was quite dark…lit only with sparing lanterns, and quite damp considering it was some twelve meters below the ground, only a mile inland from the ocean. Still, despite the grim and flickering darkness he could see his twelve compatriots. Each of the thirteen Headmen of Gateway City clung to their wives and children desperately,

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