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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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/> "How could you?" an infuriated female voice demanded, "Killing a defenseless boy, without even letting him try and fight back?"

Goldar turned, and realized with surprise that a purple-hued strip of leather bound his arm. At the other end of the strip was the Purple Ranger, hovering a few feet above and behind him.

Although he couldn't see her face, he could tell from her tense form that she was barely managing to contain her anger.

"Well, if you want to save him so badly... catch!" he challenged, tossing Linis like a rag doll. But before the Purple Ranger could move to save him, in one fluid motion Goldar grabbed the whip with his other hand, yanking with all his strength. The Purple Ranger yelped in surprise as she crashed into the ground, slamming into the boulder beneath which grew the dangar plant.

"LINIS!" Cherise shrieked, watching impotently as her brother sailed into the forest at an incredible speed.

"He will be fine," said a powerful voice. Everyone turned, and saw two young men reveal themselves from behind nearby trees.

"Zale!" Cherise exclaimed.

"Kazu!" Sener uttered, a smile on his face, "You're all right."

"Of course," he said, as the pair entered the small clearing. Kazu then rested his hard gaze upon the Purple Ranger. "Are you hurt?"

Purple groaned quietly before rising to her feet. Goldar's shocked gaze turned to her, watching as she brushed off the dusty remains of the boulder her body had shattered. "No," she grumbled, more from agitation than pain.

Goldar snarled. "You're more resilient than you look, Girl."

In response, the Purple Ranger leapt at the beast, swinging her right leg to connect sharply with Goldar' chin. The force of the attack sent the large warrior sprawling to the ground, brown streaks falling from his snout.

His ruby eyes blazed as he leapt back to his own feet.

"What are you two doing here?" Kazu demanded, once he and Zale had reached the adventurers.

"We need an herb to help Ich'ni," Cherise revealed, her gaze still fixed upon the spot where her brother disappeared. "We have to-"

At that moment, a streak of green caught the trio's attention. The Green Ranger emerged from the forest at a phenomenal speed, pausing only a few feet from the assembled humans to relieve his semi-conscious burden.

"He's dazed, but fine," he announced, carefully lying Linis upon the ground. Cherise immediately rushed to his side, while Zale and Kazu turned their attention to the Purple Ranger.

"What can we do to help?" Kazu asked, his grip tightening on his bow.

"We've got to make sure these three get safely to my father," Zale pointed out, "And we can't forget all those clay monsters in the city."

"Those soldiers seem to be drones," Kazu pointed out, "This beast is their leader. If you cut off the head, the body will collapse."

The Green Ranger cringed as the Purple Ranger sustained a powerful jab to her stomach. "We can't take that chance. The drones seem autonomous, so destroying this beast may not necessarily stop their devastation of Gateway City."

"But... can he even be

destroyed?" Linis whispered, allowing Cherise to lift him to his feet, "He's so... strong."

The Green Ranger unsheathed his Dragon Dagger, preparing himself for the oncoming battle. "All of you return to the city. We will hold off this monster."

"But... the dangar!" Cherise realized, gazing back at the battle site,

"Without the root, Ich'ni will die!"

Zale paled with fresh panic.

Just then, Goldar released a feral growl, his eyes flashing as he noticed the Green Ranger approach. A snarl folding his snout, he managed to grab the Purple Ranger's attacking arm, and launched her helplessly into the Green Ranger. The two Rangers collided, falling to the ground dazed with the impact. Goldar took advantage of the situation, his powerful wings thrusting him into the air.

"Well, you won't be leaving this forest! And neither will that flower!" he growled, pointing his saber. He cackled maliciously as a stream of flames engulfed the forest beneath him, spreading unnaturally around the assembled heroes.

The Green and Purple Rangers were too overwhelmed by Goldar's incredibly quick attack to stop him as he flew back towards the city.

"No!" Zale shrieked in horror, adrenaline bursting into his body. Despite the thick smoke that poured from the magical flames, he hurried to where the Purple and Green Rangers were standing. "Where is the dangar?"

"The what?" the heroes asked in unison

"It's a white flower," Sener clarified, as he approached the team, covering his mouth with his scarf. "Linis found it beneath the boulder she fell upon."

The Purple Ranger turned to the pile of dust and pebbles that was once the boulder in question. She immediately fell to her knees, digging through the rubble. Zale and Sener soon joined her.

"Can we escape this deathtrap?" Green asked. He glanced around, noticing the non-Rangers struggle to breathe in the dense, poisonous smoke. He quickly rushed to Cherise and Linis, leading them to join the others.

The smoke was so thick it was barely possible to see one's nose.

"We're... finished," Cherise choked, collapsing to the ground.

Just then, all seven youths vanished from the inferno.

Chapter Seven

“By the gods…” Cherise cried, slowly rising to her feet. “What happened?”

“What witchery is this?” Kazu hissed, his fists clenching. His keen sight passed throughout the strange darkened room, with hundreds of flashing lights and dark walls and ceiling.

It was a frightening prison.

“You’ll be all right,” the Purple Ranger insisted, looking around quickly. “We are in the Command Center, the base of the Power Rangers.”

“But…how did you bring us here?” Linis inquired, curiosity knitting his brow.

The Green Ranger shrugged visibly. “We didn’t do it.

“I did,” Regita announced, as he and Alpha V walked into view, “I am Regita, former Power Ranger, and this is Alpha V, my alien assistant.” He then turned to Alpha. “It looks like our first test of the teleporter was a success.”

“Teleporter?” Sener repeated.

“Power Rangers have always been able to travel to distant parts of the globe with the press of a button,” Alpha explained, “but until now, only Power Rangers were able to use the teleportation relay we have here. I’ve finally managed to align the relay to teleport not only Rangers, but regular humans too.”

“It’s a breakthrough,” Regita said proudly, nodding to Alpha. “You’ve manage to save the lives of all seven Rangers.”

“Aww…” Alpha cooed shyly.

“All seven

Rangers?” Linis repeated, his eyes widening. “You mean…us?”

Regita smiled. “I have watched all five of you from the Viewing Globe, and I have seen your incredible feats against the invading army. You have all proven to be resourceful, courageous, and skillful. You shall all make excellent Power Rangers.”

He then picked up a wooden case from the console beside him, and flipped it open. “That is, of course, if you choose to.”

Cherise, Zale, Linis, Kazu, and Sener all gazed in wonder at the five glistening discs, each with a different animal sketched onto its surface.

“As you can see, there are already a Green and Purple Ranger,” Regita noted. “Erol, Kreia…introduce yourselves.”

The five youths turned, and watched in amazement as the two Rangers held out their palms, each with a design on them. The brands both glowed in their signature colors, and magically the Ranger uniforms melted into liquid metal, flowing back to the tattoo.

To the youths’ astonishment, when the light faded, two local townspeople stood before them. Each had a circular tattoo on their bare hand: one of an Eagle, and the other of a Dragon.

“You…you’re just like…us!” Linis realized.

“I know you!” Zale shouted, staring more closely at each Ranger, “Kreia…you live at the cottage by the pond. And Erol, you’re Headman Yurari’s son!”

Erol nodded, a smile on his face. “And you’re Ich’ni’s son, Zale. A fisherman.”

At the mention of his father, a worried frown marred the young man’s face. “The danger plants were destroyed in the fire. Is there anything else we can do for him?”

His spirits collapsed when both Cherise and Linis bowed their heads.

Regita rested his hand on Zale’s strong shoulder. “I will make sure your father is restored…but after I am certain the invading army will be taken care of.”

Linis frowned. “But…how? Even the danger root was a long shot.”

Regita smiled. “True, but Zordon left behind technology more than adequate to cure Zale’s injured father.”

Zale’s jaw stiffened as he stared at the gilded chest. “To save my father, and my city…I shall be a Power Ranger.” He approached the chest, and took the Tyrannosaurus coin.

Kazu’s imperious gaze turned from Erol and Kreia to Regita, and finally to Zale. “You have earned my respect, Zale,” he admitted. “You are brave and strong. It will an honor serving at your side, and yours as well,” he added, turning to the other Rangers. That said, he grasped the Saber-Toothed Tiger.

Senera smiled widely, taking the Mastodon. “What an…honor,” he marveled,

“I thrill at the opportunity to serve such a cause!”

He then turned to Cherise, bowing with dignity. “And you, my Lady?”

Cherise’s eyebrow rose, and she turned to Linis. “What say you?”

Linis grinned. “We’ve spent our lives healing people. Now, we have the chance to heal the entire planet, and prevent an even greater injury.”

The siblings took the two remaining coins: the Pterodactyl and Triceratops.

Regita smiled proudly at the team of seven. “Now that the Power Rangers have assembled, you must learn about your enemy. Alpha, please show them the Viewing Globe.”

Through the Viewing Globe, a magical sphere capable of seeing the entire planet, the Power Rangers watched in mute horror at the destruction caused by the gray foot soldiers. They had trampled several miles of the forest, and now terrorized the citizens of Gateway City, settling fire to buildings, rounding up people and binding them in shackles of clay, and even killing those who would stand against them. Their gilded leader was quick to use his might saber against anything that moved.

The team witnessed the carnage with horror that quickly resolved into outrage.

“Alpha,” Regita said, turning to the short robot, “have you found any information on these creatures?”

Alpha turned from the console he was stationed at, and tore a piece of paper that miraculously spouted from the machine. “They are Putty Patrollers,” he announced, handing the sheet to Regita. “They are magical creatures created from clay, and are the handiwork of the Yetna-Hil clan.”

“Yetna-Hil?” Linis repeated, staring in amazement at the machine from which Alpha had received this information.

“Yes…or the Monster-Bakers,” Regita elaborated. “They are

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