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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Two

"Kazu, you're hurt."

The trained hunter ignored the soft-spoken observation, and continued staring out the window of the small wooden hut.

His brow folded at the rampaging creatures that continued running passed his view.

"There's no honor in leaving your wounds untreated. Now please... this ointment will stop the bleeding, and numb the pain..."

"Just treat Sener, Linis," Kazu grunted, his intimidating gaze falling upon the pale blonde boy beside him, "He needs your expertise far more than I."

Young Linis, healer by trade, smirked at Kazu's surprising interest in the wounded musician. "Sener is in excellent hands. My sister has already stopped the bleeding, and is preparing an elixir to restore his strength."

He then lifted a small slab of granite, with a chalky white paste gathered in a pile on top. Rather than speak, Kazu merely reached out his wounded arms to the healer, his gaze returning to the window.

Smiling at his small victory in the art of persuasion, Linis quickly applied the paste to the gashes that covered Kazu's mighty limbs, and then treated the cuts on his chest and face, cautiously moving so as not to obstruct Kazu's view through the window.

Suddenly, the sound of the door bursting open brought all conscious eyes to the entrance.

"Please," Zale whispered, leaning upon the wall, "my father..."

Kazu bounded towards Zale, closely followed by both healers. Kazu lifted the unconscious man easily, alleviating Zale of the physical burden. Linis followed Kazu, directing him to an open cot near the wall, while Cherise examined Zale. She pulled his arm over her shoulder, and assisted him to a chair near the perch where Kazu had chosen to watch the invasion.

"Are you hurt?" she inquired.

Zale didn't react.

Cherise sighed quietly, touching her fingers to his chin and lifting his gaze to meet her own. "Hello?"

"I'm... fine," Zale breathed, leaning back in his seat, "Just tired."

"Then rest," she advised, "and be assured that we will do everything in our power to save your father."

She then left his side, and hurried to Linis, who was carefully dabbing a moistened cloth over a bloody head wound.

"What is his condition?"

Linis frowned. "He's bleeding severely."

"We both fell into the sea when a flying vessel rocked the ocean," Zale explained. "He must have struck his head against the boat when we tipped over."

Linis nodded grimly, turning to Cherise. "Get me the dangar root. We must mend the flesh immediately."

The eldest of the siblings nodded, and vanished into another room.

Zale rose from his seat and turned to the window, staring in silent horror as the alien troops continued their rampage. He then noticed the stoic figure standing beside him.

"You are Kazu, aren't you?" Zale noted with interest, "The hunter that slew the Great Bear several months ago."

Kazu nodded once again.

"You're a hero," Zale continued, "The bear had nearly killed several children playing in the woods. The entire city owes you its gratitude."

"I did not kill to be a hero," Kazu grunted, "I used my skill in a worthy capacity. That is all."

Zale gazed at the hunter in bewilderment. His odd behavior was almost as legendary as his feats.

Rather than continue the conversation, Zale observed the streaks of cream that covered much of Kazu's arms, chest, and face. "How were you injured?"

"Sener and I encountered the alien army in the forest."

Zale turned from the imposing hunter to the dark-skinned young man that lay asleep on the cot. "Is that Sener?"

Kazu nodded again.

"How badly is he hurt?"

"Not so badly that Cherise and Linis cannot heal him. Their talents are unequaled."
Zale cast a hopeful glance toward his father and Linis. The moment he took a step in their direction, Kazu's firm grasp enclosed his arm. Startled, Zale turned back to the hunter.

"Look," Kazu ordered.

Surprised, Zale looked out the window once again. He openly gawked at the two armored beings that valiantly fought the army.

"Power Rangers?" he whispered incredulously. Despite the grim state of his father and city, a wide smile lit Zale's face. "Then there is hope! The Power Rangers will save us, just as they did our forefathers!"

Kazu's face failed to reflect the same enthusiasm. "There are only two Power Rangers present now," he pointed out, "There should be seven."


"Do you really think two Power Rangers can defeat an entire army?"

Grimly, Zale turned back to the window, noticing how many gray soldiers tackled the Power Rangers. Even though the Rangers seemed to destroy the creatures with just three or four kicks or punches, the sea of villainy seemed unfathomable.

"Then... they need our help," he finally decided.

For the first time since Zale laid eyes on him, Kazu exhibited some emotion. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Our help?" he repeated.

Zale nodded, a smirk pulling his lips. "Why not? Are you not up to the challenge?"

Kazu responded with a similar smirk. "I am always up to a challenge, Zale."

With that, the two men raced out of the healing hut.

Chapter Three

“So, how many do you count?”

The Green Ranger frowned thoughtfully beneath his helmet, ducking the incoming punch of a Putty Patroller. He followed up with a powerful jab to the Putty’s midsection, causing the creature to crumble into dust.

“I’d say…twenty-six.”

The Purple Ranger nodded, leaping into the air to evade the half dozen Putties that had attempted to surround her. Once she reached the peak of her jump, carrying her three yards from the ground, her golden ankle wings began to beat against the air. She hovered above, her right hand forming into a fist.

“Eagleheart Pulse!” she shouted. Fiery purple energy flared around her fist, gathering from her entire body. When she opened her hand, the black eagle symbol flashed purple. Pulsing energy collected into a sphere within her palm, sparking with electrical flashes and swirling like a planet.

With a mighty thrust of her arm, she sent the energy orb into the Putties hovering beneath her. Upon impact, a blinding purple explosion obliterated the soldiers.

“That’s thirty-two for me,” she breathed, lowering to the ground. The moment she landed, she delivered a fierce snap-kick to an oncoming Putty, sending it flying backward. She balanced herself between both legs, and waited as the Putty returned. After several more jabs, the Putty finally crumbled to her superior might.

“Thirty-three,” she called to her partner. “But there’re still so many…”
The Green Ranger back flipped away from a head-on confrontation with three Putties. He reached into his gold belt, and pulled out a short dagger.

“Let’s see how you like the taste of a Dragon’s tooth,” he muttered, savagely rushing the Putties. In a flurry of kicks, combined with unerring slashes, the Putties crumbled.

Erol looked up quickly to evaluate the situation. While over fifty of the alien patrollers were destroyed, there seemed to be no end to their number. Even with the additional power of the Morphin’ Grid, they were still at a great disadvantage.

Also, to the new Green Ranger’s surprise, the leader of the army had failed to make an appearance. Just where was the golden-armored creature he had seen through the Viewing Globe?

He had little time to ponder it, for just then he noticed two individuals running toward him. Both were men, clearly endowed with physical might, and each carried a weapon.

Whereas all the other townspeople ran away in terror, these two ran toward the Rangers.

“What are you doing?” Erol called in astonishment. Meanwhile, the two men had come close enough to draw the attention of some Putties.

“We are helping you, Green Ranger,” the blonde man answered, balancing his metal pole between both hands. He then charged, wielding the weapon like a fisherman’s spear, and plowing into the Putties that dared enter his reach.

“Gateway City is our home,” the black-haired man stated, arming his hunting bow. “We must do all we can to protect our family and friends.”
Erol watched in amazement as the man launched two arrows, both drilling into the head of a nearby Putty. The blonde man continued his onslaught, managing to sever limbs from the Putties with incredibly powerful blows.
The Purple Ranger flew overhead, landing nimbly beside his partner.

“What’s going on?”

Erol shrugged. “It looks like it won’t be only the two of us after all.”

Chapter Four

Sener groaned, his eyes fluttering weakly in a desperate attempt to finally open. He wasn't sure how long he was asleep, but the pleasant peace of unconsciousness was rudely disturbed by diffuse pain that assaulted his entire slender frame.

He grimaced, his breathing rapidly transforming into a groan of discomfort as he pulled to memory what happened.

He cringed slightly at the thought of the spear tearing through his flesh and muscle.

"You certainly wear a great deal of clothing for a hunter," said a soft voice, "All these layers of fabric made it a little difficult to even find your wounds, much less treat them. How do you move around in this... tunic?"

Sener's dark gaze slowly regained focus, and his breath caught in his throat. Sitting at his side, delicately administering some paste to his wounds, was an entrancing beauty. Golden tresses kissed with reddish highlights, and clear hazel eyes that cradled him with their gaze. A sweet smile adorned her lips, and moved with the most incredible grace as she spoke.

"What... goddess do

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