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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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I see before me?" Sener whispered hoarsely.
Slowly, her eyebrow arched, and an amused smirk pulled her lips. "You're certainly not a hunter."

Sener shook his head. "But if I were, I would abandon that occupation just for the pleasure of serenading you with endless songs."

Despite her visible attempt to contain herself, Cherise laughed at her patient's peculiar speech. She slowly rose to her feet, shaking her head amusedly. "I think you're feverish, Sener."

Sener beamed excitedly. "You know my name?"

"I certainly should," she responded, pouring the contents of a stone vial into a small clay pot, "After all, I saved your life."

"And if you are my guardian spirit, Lady, I should know yours."
While Sener's words were utterly ridiculous, they were not devoid of charm. "Cherise."
She then sat the potion onto the tray placed within her patient's reach.

"When you are able, drink this," she advised, "It will quicken your recovery by restoring energy to you worn body."

Sener sat up cautiously, cradling the cup and slowly sipping the bitter brew. He followed his savior with his interested gaze as she continued towards Linis, occasionally glancing back at Sener with an amused grin.
However, all humor left her countenance when she saw the grim expression on her younger brother's face.

"I've stitched all the wounds," Linis sighed. "But it won't be enough."

"We can't just let Zale's father die," Cherise decided, leaning against the wall. "Perhaps more of the dangar root will help mend the wounds?"

"We have no more," Linis responded. He rubbed his fingers against his temples, disregarding the rusty blood that stained his hands.

"Then let us find some!" Sener called, his voice surprising the resident healers. He slowly rose from his cot, leaning against it for support.
Cherise whirled her head in surprise. "Us? You are certainly not coming! You're wounded!"

"And you are certainly not planning on walking through the melee outside without an escort," Sener countered. "No offense intended, but your brother is young and small. He will not be able to protect you efficiently."

Linis' sharp hazel eyes narrowed. "And a minstrel can?"

Cherise's eyes flashed. "What makes you think I need an escort?"

Sener noticed the heated expressions on both healers' faces, and raised his hand calmly. "Then I shall make a proposition," he decided, "If we travel together, we are far more likely to find the root and return. I do not know what this plant looks like. Do either of you know where to find it?"

Linis nodded. "It usually grows in the shade of large boulders. The flower is white with short, narrow petals, but only the root has curative power."

"Then let us be off," Sener stated. Cherise watched worriedly as the injured man returned to his cot, picking up the bloodied spear that served as his weapon.

"You almost died, Sener," she warned, this time in a more tender, entreating tone. "You can't possibly sustain this journey."

He turned to her, smiling. "The magical touch of my Lady has renewed my life, and her favorable glance will help me endure."
She blinked, rolling her eyes to dismiss the flattery. She then hurried into another room, a blush erupting onto her cheek.

Linis watched his sister retreat while he searched the closet for the required elements for the tonic. As he laid the jars and flasks upon the table, his gaze finally landed on Sener.

"Why do you speak that way?" he inquired.

Sener fixed Linis with an observant gaze. He then smirked. "I shall tell you when you are older."

Moments later, Cherise reappeared at the doorway. She carefully kept her eyes away from Sener, and handed her brother an iron rod.

"Let us be off," she announced, holding up her own matching weapon.
Chapter Five

Keen ruby eyes slowly traced the lines of battle with the appreciation of a connoisseur. It had been many years since the last time the Phlegethon Empire had to flex its muscles in such a manner. The last battle was nearly two centuries ago, when a rebellion on Titan was demolished by Lord Zedd’s armada.

Goldar had witnessed the incredible battle firsthand, from the foot soldiers loyal to the Empire. The battle lasted two full weeks, and when it was all over, the rich brown blood of many Titan rebels soaked the ground.

Still, nothing could compare to the feeling of fresh conquest. Even if it was against such an unworthy opponent.

Yet on the other hand, Goldar reveled in his incredible opportunity. He had the unique chance to see the fabled Power Rangers in action.

They were certainly not the same Rangers that completed the impossible mission of defeating the omnipotent High Lord. None of those Rangers could possibly still serve…the very chance of them even surviving was slim at best. Secretly, Goldar had regretted missing the chance to encounter such worthy enemies. But he would take consolation in defeating their heirs.

“Only two Rangers,” he commented, folding his arms over his armored body. His powerful wings held him aloft, several yards into the sky to give him the perfect vantage point. “I wonder where the others are.
He then turned his gaze to the two humans who were fighting alongside the Rangers. While the paler one he did not recognize, the fierce ebony-haired warrior was easily distinguished.

“He survived the Putties,” he noted. “Perhaps he will pose something of a challenge to me?”

Before he could further consider his interesting adversary, movement in the corner of his eyes gained his attention. He turned his neck slightly, and a feral grin rose as a trio of humans slipped from house to house, clearly hiding as they moved away from the war-torn city towards the forest.

They were very young, and obviously weak. Slow, uncoordinated…nothing like the Hunter, or even the pale-headed man who fought beside him.

Still, despite their puny size and clumsy motions, they were brave enough to show their faces. And those faces, with frowns of determination, intrigued the soldier.

They’re up to something...

Chapter Six

"I can't believe we made it," Sener gasped, glancing behind. Even from the dense foliage of the nearby forest, he could see the burning smoke rising from the demolished Gateway City. He shook his head remorsefully at the great tragedy that had befallen the peaceful city. After only a century of security, once again the people faced the wrath of powers beyond their comprehension.

But at least the Power Rangers had resurfaced to face this new threat. Well, two of them, at least.

Cherise cast a worried glance at Sener, before finally stopping in her tracks and turning to face him. "What is it? Do you feel any pain?"

He shook his head, smiling for the charming beauty. "No, I am fine." He then turned to Linis, who crawled on his knees near a cluster of boulders. "Anything?"

The boy shook his head, rising to his feet with the aid of his iron rod.

"No dangar flowers here," he noted, a small frown appearing on his face,

"We'll just have to keep looking."

Cherise chewed her lip thoughtfully. "Perhaps if we split up-"

"Not a good idea," Sener interrupted, "There may be more of those creatures lurking around. We'd be safest if we remain together."

"But we may never find the root at this rate," Cherise argued.

"Then let us remain in visual distance from each other," Linis proposed, climbing upon the largest boulder, "There are large rocks scattered throughout the forest, and they become more abundant the closer we get to the cliffs southwest of here. Let's stay close enough that we can assist one another if needed."

"Perfect," Cherise agreed, nodding her head.

After over an hour of diligent searching, spanning nearly a mile of terrain, Linis' hazel eyes lit up at the sight of a small ivory flower, blossoming beneath the shade of a large boulder. A handful of buds surrounded the flower, their white petals just peaking beneath the green exterior.

"I found them!" Linis cried excitedly, dropping his staff. He urgently began digging up the soil with his hands, careful not to damage the root of the fragile plant.

Cherise and Sener were quick to respond, running toward him from their own searches.

However, Goldar was able to respond even more quickly.

Linis shrieked in blatant shock as the seven-foot beast fell to the ground, his heavy landing shaking the near area enough to stumble the boy. Stupefied, the boy stared at the imposing figure whose immense saber hovered at his neck.

"Well, well, well," Goldar droned, "What do we have here? A magic plant?"

Linis' eyes widened, his glance tilting ever so slightly to the flower in question.

"And what exactly does this plant do?" Goldar demanded.

"Leave him alone!" Cherise shrieked suddenly, both hands tightly clenching her rod. Sener was quick to catch her in his arms.

"No!" she screamed, struggling against his restraint. "Linis!"

"You can't help him like this," Sener whispered into her ear.

"The boy is right," Goldar growled, a menacing grin revealing horrible yellowed fangs. "Besides, Linis here is quite fragile. By the time you reach him..."

Rather than finish his statement, he merely pressed his razor blade into Linis' skin. Linis gagged as the sword slid into his neck, drawing rivulets of blood.

Suddenly petrified, Cherise froze in Sener's sturdy grip. The minstrel glared at Goldar, dark eyes promising retribution. "What do you want, Beast?"

Goldar smirked. "From what I've observed, you are healers- and healers are key to any army's success. Therefore, it is only logical that you would be my targets. This way, any human soldier that falls stays


Goldar then reached down, his huge hand grasping the edge of Linis' cloak. He lifted the slender boy above his head, and gazed into his tear-filled hazel eyes.

"It's nothing personal," Goldar mocked softly. Cherise shrieked as Goldar drew back his sword, intending to plunge the weapon into the boy's chest.

But to his surprise, a force held his arm back.

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