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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » vampire princess by rachelannhazeldine (cool books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «vampire princess by rachelannhazeldine (cool books to read TXT) 📖». Author rachelannhazeldine

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two are acting like little children fighting over who will eat their vegetables first.”
Damien walked towards Chloe, and crouched down in front of her.
Looking at him up and down, Chloe realized that Damien was even better looking then she first thought. He had the kind of deadly look that got girls swooning over at school. By the smile that he gave her, it seemed he knew it as well.
“First of all I don’t want you to get scared by what I am about to show you” he told her in a smooth silky voice “secondly I want you to know that I will not harm you...unless you want me to”
Chloe rolled her eyes “why on earth would I want you to hurt me?” she asked.
Damien shrugged and said “some people think pain is a misunderstood pleasure.”
Sighing, Chloe said “just show me what you wanted to show me!”
As Damien looked into Chloe’s eyes, something changed about him. His pupils started to grow bigger, and bigger until they had completely covered his eyes, turning them into two large black orbs. His skin got paler, making him look like a ghost in the midnight sky, or a virgins white wedding dress. Chloe nearly fell of her chair in fear of what happened next, to long, pointed fangs grew in the place of his lateral incisors.
Chloe rubbed her eyes to see if what she was seeing was real, unfortunately it was.
What she was seeing went against everything in her world, every single one her beliefs. Chloe had never believed in god or anything like that, to her it had always been living and dying, the picture had always been black and white with no room for improvements, so now she didn’t know what she was supposed to think. Could all the things that she had been brought up to believe be wrong, could she have been a fake world living in a land of lies? If so, why hadn’t she realized it before, shouldn’t there have been clues all around her, had she just not spotted those clues?
“What are you” she whispered, slowly moving a shaking hand so she could one of his fangs with a fingertip.
Damien looked startled by her action, but soon covered it with a series expression. If Chloe hadn’t been so petrified, she would have surely laughed at him.
After a few seconds, Damien took a deep breath and began to speak. He said “a long time ago I lived in a small village, not many people came to the village, and even fewer left. I was a stable boy back then, trying my best to earn a living to put food on the table. One night there was visitors at the village, each one looked more and more like death than the other, so people tried their hardest to stay away from them. They only stayed for a few days, and when they wanted to live they needed horses to get back to where they had come from. No other person would sell them the horses they needed; they said it would be like doing a favour to the devil himself, So when they came to me, my first instinct was to say no to them, and they should take their money else where, but they offered a large some of cash and I was in desperate need of money, so I said yes to them. They were startled at first that I had decided to sell them the horses, and they thought that I deserved more than money for going against everyone else, they thought that I deserved eternal life like them.” He paused for a second before carrying in speaking “they turned me into a vampire Chloe, and now you are one too.”

Chapter 4

Chloe laughed at his words “I’m not a vampire Damien” she told him “I think I would remember something like that happening to me.”
“It’s true” Blake announced “I turned you into one of us while you were unconscious.”
Chloe sat completely still, her breathing hard.
She was a vampire, a blood sucker, how I earth had she let this happen to herself?
If she had stayed with Judith or hadn’t gone out that night, none of this would have happened. She would have still been ordinary Chloe, without all the blood sucking, and fangs.
Clenching her jaw, she spoke through gritted teeth “what’s going to happen to me?” s asked to them “am I going to be evil-will I have to kill people by drinking their blood?”
“You will have to drink blood.” Mary said, giving her a sympathetic smile “but you don’t have to kill anyone, you could simply get blood from blood banks.”
“There is fake blood we can drink now” Angelica added with a wrinkled nose “but it doesn’t taste very nice.”
“And as for evil, well that’s up to you” Damien said “even as a human you could become human, and you chose not to, and the same rules apply now as a vampire.”
It took a couple of minutes for Chloe to digest what she had just been told, when it did she said “what about my family though? I can’t go back to them as a vampire; I could end up killing them for life’s sake!”
“You could always come with us” Angelica suggested “to fore fill the reason that you were turned into an immortal in the first place.”
“Why was I turned into a vampire anyway? Chloe asked, hoping that it wasn’t going to be something gruesome.
“the world of vampires had a vote not long ago to see if we should have a royal vampire family” Damien said “a few vampire were sent out to find some people worthy enough to be apart of that family.”
“We were them vampires” Angelica added “last week we found ourselves a worthy king, and prince. We sent Blake out to find us a queen.” She sent Blake a dirty look, then turned back to Chloe and said “and he brought us you. We weren’t looking for a princess in this royal family of ours, but been as you are far too young to be a queen, we will have to do with one.”
“What do you mean by “have to do with one”?” Chloe asked her.
Angelica gave her a bright smile and asked “Chloe, will you do us the honour of being our royal vampire princess?”
Chloe stared at Angelica, her mind racing with wild thoughts.
When she had been younger, at the immature age of six, Chloe had dreamed of being a princess out of a fairytale, like sleeping beauty, or the little mermaid. She had always known that it wouldn’t happen, but that didn’t stop her wishing on the stars every night for her to wake up in the morning in a big pink castle, with her very own prince charming waiting for her. It had been a long time since Chloe had thought about it, but all the memories were all suddenly flooding back to her. Should she except this wonderful offer, and live out one of her most treasured childhood dream, or should she say no and try to live life as normal as possible on her own with no family and no friends?
If she did go with them, would that mean that she would have a new family and have to forget about her old one?
Chloe tried her hardest to choice options, but she just couldn’t settle on one.
She could say no to the offer if she liked and then she would be able to spend eternity looking after her family and future family members. If she wanted to she could have even turned her family into vampires, so they could all be together forever.
Chloe decided she didn’t like the idea of turning her family into vampires, for all she knew she could be a soulless person, and she really didn’t want that to happen to her family. Spending eternity looking after other people didn’t sound very appealing either, but so didn’t being a vampire princess forever either!
She decided to do what she always did when she was stuck in a predicament, try to think of what her parents would do if they were her. Her mother would probably try to do the most sensible thing, so everyone would profit from what she decided. Her father on the other hand would probably grin and say “hell yes!”
“You don’t have to answer straight away” Damien told her “been as no one even knows about you yet, they can’t complain about you not answering.”
From the look on his face, Chloe could tell that he actually did want her to answer straight away, but he just didn’t want to put to much pressure on her that she would just blurt out the answer no.
Chloe sighed, and looked around the room at the other people; they were all looking at her with their faces full of hope. Knowing that they all wanted her to play a big part of their lives tugged a few strings in Chloe’s heart. Most people that she knew didn’t want her to be around for the long run, they just wanted her around for a short while until they got bored of her and moved onto somebody else to be friends with.
“Are you sure about this?” Chloe asked them “no one knows about me so you don’t have to feel obliged to stick with me.”
Mary rolled her eyes “of course we are sure and no we do not want anyone else.” She told her “we want you to be our vampire princess Chloe; you would be perfect for the job.”
The others nodded together in agreement.
“You feisty enough for the job” Angelica said “but you are also kind hearted at the same time, not a lot of people are like that anymore, so it would be very refreshing for our people.”
“your also hot enough as well” Blake told her, and when everyone have him a disgusted look he put his hands up and said “well I am sorry but it is true. It’s not like our people would want a butt ugly person for the job now is it?”
“ignore him” Mary said “he is just being in a mood because he hasn’t fed for a few days worrying about what will happen to his reputation after he mistaken a child for a grown woman.”
Chloe felt a little bit sorry for Blake, if it wasn’t for her pretending to be something she wasn’t he wouldn’t have to be stuck in this mess. He would have also been able to turn a grown woman into a vampire, and would have had a vampire queen by now, instead of a teenage vampire that was unsure on whether or not she would be able to cope with the responsibly of being a princess for the rest of her existence.
Not wanting him to be grumpy anymore, Chloe turned to Blake and said “I’m sorry for tricking you Blake, I promise never to do anything like that never again.”
“Never again is a long time when you live forever” Blake told her with a sigh “but I will forgive you anyway.”
Everyone seemed to relax then, which made it easier for Chloe to be able to think about what she should do.
She decided that she wanted to keep these kind people as friends, but she knew that they probably would not want to speak to her again if she decided to turn down their once in a life time opportunity. But she also knew that if she let with them to become a vampire princess, she would also never get to see her family ever again, she would never be able to watch films with her father, or dance around the house with her
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