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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » vampire princess by rachelannhazeldine (cool books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «vampire princess by rachelannhazeldine (cool books to read TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author rachelannhazeldine

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death sleep was, but she decided that it wasn’t the right time to ask questions.
Angelica ended up leading them into what looked like a small office with the words “sleeping like the dead” on the window.
There was a woman sitting at the desk, wearing a black satin suit and typing something onto her sleek white laptop.
“May I help you?” the woman said, not looking up from the computer screen.
“I would like five of your most expensive rooms’ please” Angelica asked, looking even more child like compared to the office lady.
The woman finally looked up, and raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow “are you sure?” she asked.
“Yes I am sure” Angelica told her, handing over a credit card “it doesn’t matter what the price is either.”
The woman blinked twice then swiped the credit card.
“I hope you have a great time at ‘sleeping like the dead’ and please come again” the woman said with a hint of boredom in her voice.
“Lets home that we don’t come again” Angelica growled “for your sake, not mine!”
Angelica walked of through a glass door, and the small group of people Chloe was with followed her.
It was a long dark corridor that they ended up in, with hundreds of old wooden doors that had small silver letters on them.
“Don’t touch the Silver” Blake warned Chloe “you’ll get a serious burn from it.”
“I have the room numbers” Damien announced “been as everyone stormed of before they could hear the number.”
“Don’t get all cocky Damien!” Angelica snapped “just give us our numbers so we can go sleep in piece.”
Damien reluctantly gave everyone their door numbers and then everyone went their separate ways.
Chloe’s room was medium size, with plane black walls, dark coloured curtains and wooden flooring. There was a small glass cabinet at one side of the room with bottles of rich red coloured liquid as its contentment-Chloe wasn’t sure what the liquid was though. To her distress there was no bed in the room like she had expected, instead there was a large wooden coffin in the middle of the room, with purple sating sheets inside.
Chloe really didn’t want to be sleeping in the same thing that dead bodies usually were buried in, nor did she want to have to sleep on the floor either.
After a few minutes of debating her options, Chloe decided on where she should sleep.
She grabbed the sheets from inside the coffin and laid them onto the floor, she put down a pillow that she found as well and lied down on the sheets.
It wasn’t the most comfortable place to be sleeping, but Chloe guessed it was probably much more comfortable than lying down in a coffin or on a bare wooden floor.
Closing her eyes, Chloe wondered if the others were having better luck falling to sleep than she was, and what she would do if she had to sleep in a coffin for the rest of eternity. Then thoughts of her family came, were they all happily asleep, or were they just waking up with thoughts of there missing family member? Chloe just hoped that they were okay; she would have hated it if something had happened to her family while she had been safe and sound as a vampire princess.
Just as she was about to think about one more thing, her whole body shut down into a deep dark vampire sleep.

Chapter 6

Chloe woke up at the sound of laughing, looking up she saw Mary, Blake, Angelica and Damien staring down at her with grins on their faces.
“Why are you on the floor?” Blake asked her, looking like he was dying to laugh.
Sitting up Chloe said “I didn’t want to sleep in a coffin, that’s where dead people are laid to rest.”
“I got some new for you kid” Damien said, helping Chloe onto her fit “we are dead.”
Chloe paused for a second, she had never even thought of herself as dead, but now that she did the prospect sounded a little bit to amazing to be true.
“What are we doing today?” Chloe asked, trying to get her thoughts away from death.
“Today we are going to be going to a road trip” Angelica told her with a small shrug of her shoulders “I think it is time that you get to go see where you will be living for the next odd fifteen years-give or take that is.”
“But first there are some things we need to sort out” Mary added, then turned to the rest of the group “if would leave it would be very much appreciated-Chloe and I have some business to take care of.”
Reluctantly the group left, leaving Mary and Chloe on their own.
Without speaking, Mary walked over to the cabinet and took out a bottle of red liquid that Chloe had been wondering about before.
“I know this sound crazy, and I know you aren’t going to like the idea very much” Mary began “but I think that it is time you need to start drinking blood.”
“That’s blood” Chloe noted as she looked at the liquid in the bottle, and wrinkled her nose “and you want me to drink it.”
“You will starve without it” Mary said, handing over the bottle to Chloe.
Chloe slowly unscrewed the bottle lid, and sniffed the bottles content.
It wasn’t the nicest things she had ever smelled, but it was okay. To Chloe it smelt like hot chocolate.
Taking a big swig, Chloe gagged with repulsion.
“This is not blood” Chloe said angrily, offended that Mary had tricked her.
Mary gave her an apologetic smile “actually its fake blood and it’s the only kind that this hotel sells.”
Chloe looked at her in shock and said “are you saying this is all I can drink while I’m here?”
Mary nodded, but didn’t say anything.
Closing her eyes tightly shut, Chloe slowly took gulps of the fake blood and tried her hardest not to think about the flavour.
She had never tasted something so horrible in her life; it was like baby food formulae that were a month past its sell by date.
“I wouldn’t usually get you to drink something so horrible” Mary told her “but there are still humans walking around in the streets and been as you hadn’t fed you would have ended up ripping at least one of their throats out.”
Chloe was glad that she had drank the horrible drink, if that was that it took to stop her from killing innocent people.
“We should get going” Mary said “the others are probably wondering what we are up to by now.”
Chloe nodded in agreement as they left the hotel room.
The others were waiting for them just outside the charity shop where Derrick worked, with bored expressions on there face.”
“I thought you would have gotten changed into different clothes” Angelica said, then shook her head “actually it doesn’t matter, let’s get going.”
“That was my fault” Damien admitted “I grabbed all the bags before we left the hotel so I could put them in the car boot.”
As they walked, Chloe saw a few humans pass them.
She could hear their blood humming through their veins, calling out to her to drink, and their little hearts beating like birds wings.
Chloe felt a hand on her waist, stopping her from getting to the humans.
Looking up Chloe saw Damien give her a tight smile.
They passed three more humans through the streets, so Chloe kept her hand clenched into fists, and tried to ignore the scent or sound of the sweet blood of the humans.
As soon as they got into Blake’s car, Chloe let out a long sigh of relief.
If she had to walk past one more human, Chloe wasn’t even sure that she would have been able to hold her restrain any longer.
“don’t stress about it” Mary said when she saw the upset look on Chloe’s face “when I was first turn we didn’t have any kind of fake or bottled blood, we had to take it straight from a human body.”
“What happened?” Chloe asked.
Mary winced and said “it was horrible; we didn’t have any help or anything those days, so every time I drank I ended up killing the poor innocent human being. I probably killed over three hundred people in the first couple of months, and the more it did the more and more that I felt the animal side of me take over.”
“How did you stop yourself?” Chloe asked her, numb with shock.
“I didn’t stop myself? Mary said with a shrug “the other vampires stopped me. There is a law for us that we can only drain so many humans a year, so if I carried on draining them like I was, I would have ended being burnt to death it staked. So I chose the path of life, and tried my hardest never to kill a human again.”
“Do you regret killing the humans” Chloe asked her, but not actually wanting to know anymore of the terrible story.
Mary nodded “of course I regret it, I see them dying every time I close my eyes-it is what I dream about every time I sleep like a reminder of the terrible since that I have committed. It is one of the reasons that I don’t turn back to my old ways, I don’t want to see more innocent faces being drained of life when I fall to sleep at day.”
Chloe didn’t even know what to say.
She couldn’t even think of being over taken by such raw animal instincts that she would kill so many people in so little time without shivering. And to be reminded of there faces all day long would be like her personal hell that she would never be able to escape as long as she lived.
Not wanting to think about it anymore, Chloe put on a bright smile and said “I hope this place we are going is better than what I am picturing it to be-I have high expectations of it remember, so if you want to let me down do it now or I will have to kick some serious but when we get there.”
As she rambled on, Chloe realized that she did have high expectations of this place she was about to live in. was it going to be a castle like the royal family of films always had, or was it just going to be a regular house so people would not expect something fishy to be going on there?
Laughing at her, Blake said “well, there is no point asking now, we only have a few more minute before we get there-think of it as a surprise.”
Chloe frowned with annoyance; she was starting to hate surprises- especially when they were surprises for her.
“you will like it there” Damien reassured “just try to stay with us until you learn where everything is, we don’t want you getting lost on the first day of being there- that would be enough to put you of being there for life.”
If it was big enough for her to get lost, did that mean that there was a chance that it could be a castle of some sort?
Chloe started to shake from head to toe with sear excitement when Angelica abruptly turned to her with a smile on her little face and said “we are here.”
Home at last, Chloe thought to happily.

Chapter 7

Getting up out of the car, Chloe stared up at the building that she was going to call home with amazement.
No it was not the castle that she wanted, but it was the biggest mansion that she had ever seen!
It was over fifteen times bigger than
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