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Read books online » Fiction » vampire princess by rachelannhazeldine (cool books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «vampire princess by rachelannhazeldine (cool books to read TXT) 📖». Author rachelannhazeldine

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mother, there would be no more arguing with her brother about who got to sit where in the living room, however she probably wouldn’t do that anyway been as they could never see her again, and if she left now she would remember them the way she wanted to and not just dead corpses rotting away in their coffins six feet underground.
Letting out a deep breath, Chloe looked at Angelica and gave her a weak smile.
“Okay, yeah” Chloe said “yes I will be your princess.”
Everyone let out a small sigh of relief, even Blake to Chloe’s surprise.
“That is Excellent” Angelica told her, standing up from where she was sitting down on the sofa “let’s get going, we have many things that are in desperate needs of being discussed.”
Following Angelica, Chloe just hoped that she wasn’t making a terrible mistake.

Chapter 5

The first thing that they did once they were out of the house was going shopping to buy Chloe some new clothes, which wasn’t easy when it was the middle of the night so there was not a lot of shops open until morning.
“we cant go out in the daylight” Mary explained when Chloe asked her why they didn’t wait until morning “we would end up frying to death under the suns rays, and something tells me that that would probably hurt a lot.”
Chloe winced “so we are stuck living at night for the rest of eternity?” she asked them.
“It depends on if they create a sun block good enough to stop us frying” Blake joked.
“How are we supposed to go shopping then, if all the good shops are closed at night?” Chloe asked them, feeling more depressed than she had ever been before.
Shopping had always been away to get away from her troubles for Chloe, so knowing that she couldn’t go into her favourite shops made her feel like she had the world on her shoulders.
When she looked at Angelica, she saw that she was grinning ear to ear.
“There are vampire shops” Angelica explained “which are one-hundred times better than human stores.”
Looking around the abandoned town, Chloe frowned. She wouldn’t see any kind of shop that looked very vampire friendly, so where the hell was they?
“Follow me” Mary said, pulling Chloe by the hand.
They ended up going to the end of the town, wear there was only one shop open.
From what Chloe could tell it was a charity shop that raised money to give to children in poor countries.
“Are we going to shop in there?” Chloe asked in disbelief.
In her entire life, Chloe had never even stepped foot in a charity shop, let alone by clothes from one.
“Of course not” Damien said with a small chuckle “this is just a disguise for where we shop. Who would guess that a vampire would go into a shop run by a church?”
He did have a point, it was one of the last places that Chloe had thought that they would be shopping at.
“So where are we going?” she asked them.
Mary gave her a bright smile “that is a surprise” she told her.
Frowning, Chloe followed them into the charity shop where an old man was sitting on a small stool. At first Chloe thought he was just a normal person working late to earn extra money-that was before she saw that there was a sign on his tops saying “bite first, talk later”.
“Hello Derrick” Mary said giving him a nod of the head to say hello.
The old man gave Mary a sly smile “I haven’t seen you in over three hundred years child, and you have the nerve to just say hello as if there is nothing of it. I should be outraged!”
Before he could rant on any longer, Angelica stepped forward and when he saw her he closed his mouth straight away.
“It’s nice to see you have some respect left for your elders” Angelica said, not bothering to exchanging greetings with him.
“It is my pleasure to see you again Miss Angelica” he told her in a small voice “have you came here on business or pleasure?”
“It’s a mix to day” Blake said proudly “we are here to buy some clothes for the new princess.”
“I didn’t think we were going to have a princess” Derrick said with a frown.
“If you don’t believe me, see for yourself.” Mary said smugly, gesturing to Chloe.
Derrick looked at Chloe, and his eyes widened with complete utter shock.
“You majesty” he said as he bowed down “it is a great honour to have you in my shop.”
Chloe looked around at the people in the room, not knowing what to do; luckily enough Angelica had seen her distress and had decided to speak on her behalf.
“Cut it out Derrick” Angelica snapped “you are going to scare the girl into hell!”
“My sincere apologies” Derrick said to Chloe as he stood up straight.
“Shall we get going?” Mary said, looking like she was afraid that a fight was going to start between Angelica and Derrick.
“We will see you later Derrick” Blake said, not taking his eyes of Angelic, looking ready to stop a fight at any minute.
Before Chloe could say goodbye, she was being dragged by Mary to another room in the small shop.
They ended up going in the part of the shop that costumers usually weren’t allowed.
All that was there were a few shabby looking boxes piled up, and a dirty grey rug on the floor.
Chloe ended up getting more and more confused by the minute, why on earth would they want to be in there if they wanted to go shopping? From what Chloe could see, there weren’t even any clothes to buy!
“What the hell are we doing here?” Chloe hissed, pinching the tip of her noise when she started to smell the damp and mould odour that poured of the greyish walls.
“Relax yourself” Damien commanded, putting a large hand on her shoulder “we are nearly there.”
Stepping forward, Angelica lifted the rug, reviling a trapped door.
Chloe stared at the door in shock; well she hadn’t seen that one coming!
“Did you actually think that we would make it obvious to get to our shopping mall?” Mary asked with a grin. “If we made it easy to find, humans would end up stumbling in there on accident and end up telling the world our little secrets.”
Angelica opened the door to show a few old stares that led to wherever they were going.
Chloe waited last to get down stairs, feeling a little bit scared to be going underground.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Chloe looked around in disbelief.
It looked exactly like the mall where the humans went, except it was now full of vampires wearing gothic clothes.
Chloe felt oddly uncomfortable as she walked around with her new group of friends, she must have looked like an idiot to everyone else for wearing such girlie clothes while everyone else was wearing dark clothes.
“You two go do what boys do” Angelica said to Blake and Damien “us girls don’t need you ruining our fun!”
After looking at Angelica for a few second with annoyed expressions on their faces, the boys wondered of leaving Chloe to cope with the two girls on her own.
“Been as you will be expected to have the most fashionable clothes in the vampire kingdom we are going to take you to our top most favourite shops.” Mary said, looping her arms with Chloe and Angelica’s.
The first shop they went to was almost completely empty of people, but was full of the most beautiful clothes that Chloe had ever seen in her life; it was a shame for her that they were all dark colours, and Chloe wanted at least one item that was bright coloured. At home she had a mix range of clothes, she had dark clothes that she always wore to parties, and light coloured clothes for when she was going somewhere nice with her family. Her favourite item of clothing used to be a short hot pink dress that her mother had brought her for her sixteenth birthday.
“I don’t have any money” Chloe whispered to Mary.
“There is no point in whispering” Angelica told her “vampires can here for probably about a mile if we wanted to.”
Ignoring Angelica, Mary turned to Chloe and said “you don’t need to have money; we had a credit card especially made for us to buy clothes for the royal family-including you.”
“you probably wont need any more once everyone knows about you either” Angelica added “most people will just give you what you want, and when it comes to you two birthday’s hundreds of vampires will be giving you gifts that are worth millions!”
Chloe frowned and said “I only have one birthday.”
“You have two now” Mary explained “the day you were born into your human family and the day that you were turned into one of us.”
Chloe felt like she was about to burst with all the information that they were giving her.
“When I first came shopping here I felt overwhelmed with pride about being able to by such majestic clothing!” Mary said, eyeing some of the long ball gowns.
“Well when I first came here a realized that I was too diminutive to fit into most of the clothes” Angelica said crossly, folding her arms across her flat chest.
Chloe felt sympathy for Angelica, she would never be able live a life like a normal person, she would always be looked down on like a little child, and it didn’t matter how old her mind was Angelica would always have a body of a seven year old.
“Lets start shopping” Chloe said in a happy sounding voice, wanting to lighten the mood around them.
They spent over three hours in the mall and ended up buying more clothes than Chloe usually did in five shopping trips, most of them were chosen by Angelica and Mary though.
They ended up buying: a black tank top with the words “I don’t bite, I shred” in rich blood-red; a tear drop blood vial necklace for Chloe to carry blood in; three pairs of leather ankle boots; a long black and red reversible cape; one purple poison ring; five black long fishtail skirts, a witching hour dress; one black feather necklace; four black gypsy skirts; one ivory lace shawl; six ball and chain bracelets; a hooded velvet coat; ten satin corsets; two black Victorian lace skirts; twenty pairs of fish-net tights; three pairs of knee high boots with skull and bat buckles; a sleeveless black dress that flowed down to knee height and the rest was just underwear that Chloe got embarrassed when she brought.
When they met up with the boys, both Blake and Damien looked flabbergasted by how many shopping bags the girls had with them.
“I only bought one item” Damien told them, holding up a black shirt “and it probably cost less then half of one of your cheapest items.”
“That’s because we have more respect for the art of fashion than you do” Mary said, looking unfazed by his words.
“What are we going to do next” Chloe asked, noticing that everyone was leaving the mall.
“Do you have an uneasy feeling in your stomach” Damien asked Chloe and when she nodded he said “that is what we all get when the sun in about to rise in the sky.”
“there is a hotel somewhere around here” Angelica said, gesturing for the others to follow her “that way we fall into a death sleep on the floor, the last time I did that I nearly ended up getting staked.”
Chloe was interested in knowing what a
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