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the three bed roomed house that she had lived in with her family, with large Victorian styled windows and a giant wooden front door. There was an electric gate protecting the large property. There were probably ten gardens that Chloe could already see, each one of them filled with beautiful looking flowers: roses, bleeding hearts, cherry blossoms and calla lilies.
Chloe saw a tall man walking towards them, with an annoyed look on his expression.
The man looked like he was in his late thirties, with curly brown hair and an unshaven face.
“Why have you come here so early?” The man growled “and where is my bride to be?”
Chloe was hoping he wasn’t talking about her because she was so not going to marry him!
“We haven’t gotten you a queen yet” Angelica said through gritted teeth “but we have gotten you a princess instead.”
The man’s eyes instantly filled with joy “you have brought me my very own daughter?” he asked excitedly “who is she?”
On queue, Chloe raised her hand “That would be me sir” she said weakly.
Looking down at Chloe, the man grinned ear to ear.
“You shall call me father for now on” he told her “and what shall I call you?”
“Chloe is my name” she informed him.
Taking her by the hand, the man pulled Chloe towards the mansion.
“My name is Joseph Cooper” the man told her as they entered the mansion “my father was a blacksmith, and as you can tell I am the vampire king.”
When Chloe didn’t say anything Joseph carried on talking “I was turned into a vampire over six hundred years ago by my first wife, not long after a staked her in the heart for sleeping around with other men. I have only turned one person since I had become a vampire, and that was my second wife, we would have still been together if it hadn’t been for the vampire hunters killing her on our wedding night.”
Leading her into another room, Joseph said “this is where you will be sleeping, please make your self at home-I shall becoming back later to see if you are happy here.”
Once Joseph left, Chloe had chance to really look around.
This room wasn’t black like the hotel room; this one had blood red wallpaper and what looked to be mix of red and purple coloured carpet. What made Chloe grin was that at one wall there was a giant king size bed with pale red silk sheets. There were two gigantic wooden wardrobes at one side of the room, and when Chloe opened them one was full of magnificent ball gowns, and the other dark coloured casual clothes. It reminded Chloe that she needed to go fetch her own clothes soon. Chloe was surprised there was a mirror on the-the one thing that Chloe hadn’t seen since she had been turned.
As she looked at herself in the mirror, Chloe gasped.
Her skin was no longer the beautiful tanned kind that she had grown to love; it now looked sicklier pale than a corpse’s body did. Her eyes were bright but cold giving her the scary kind of effect. And her blonde hair looked almost like the colour of the sun, but with a shade of white-blonde mixed in. Chloe looked younger than she usually did, almost child like. She was also so thin that she could almost see her own bones.
When she heard voices coming from the door way, Chloe turned around with tears in her eyes.
It was Mary at the door, and when Chloe saw her she said “I look like I am starving to death.”
Mary winced at her words “don’t worry” she said “it will go once you start drinking blood, I promise. The same thing happened to me when I changed, but a lot worse.”
“I don’t want to look like this.” Chloe cried.
Sighing Mary said “come with me, I know what to do.”
Quickly Chloe followed Mary into a room down the hallway from her new bedroom.
Without knocking on the door, Mary entered the room.
It was a much smaller room that Chloe’s bedroom, with only one tiny bed, a small metal wardrobe to fit clothes in.
Sitting on the bed was a short woman with curly brown hair and sun kissed skin reading a hair and beauty magazine.
“This is Sandy the blood donor” Mary told Chloe “she will let you feed on her without a fight as long as you don’t try to drain her or take too much.”
Chloe realized what was happening and said “I can’t take her blood Mary, it wouldn’t feel right.”
“Don’t worry about me honey” Sandy purred, and laid the magazine flat on the bed “bite all you like.”
Chloe stared at the woman in shock, did she really want Chloe to drink her blood.
“Just try it” Mary pleaded “and if you don’t like it you could always stop at ay time.|
Sitting on the bed next to Sandy, Chloe could here the human’s blood singing to her to be drunk.
Chloe could feel her fangs popping out, and she carefully touched the tips of them with her tongue.
When Sandy tipped her head back, showing her lovely neck, Chloe automatically let her fangs sink into the woman’s skin.
Blood pumped into Chloe’s mouth almost instantly, and the sweet taste took over Chloe’s mind. There were no words to describe the taste, it was like honey but more delicious and less sickly. It was so good that Chloe was suddenly glad she had become a vampire, just so she could have experienced that one special moment of utter joy. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was blood, Chloe would have said that it was the drink of the heavens. When Chloe gave a hard such, she felt hands on her shoulder pulling her of Sandy.
Turning around, Chloe smiled at Mary and said “thank you.’
Looking back at the human Chloe saw that Sandy was falling to sleep on her small bed.
“You should be going to bed as well” Mary told her, helping Chloe to her feet “the sun will becoming out in less than eleven minutes, and we aren’t even prepared.”
Nodding silently, Chloe headed back into her bedroom.
As she lay on her bed, Chloe realized that it had been one of the most adventures weeks that she had ever had in her entire time of existence.
When she was younger she had imagined what it was like to be able to do so many wonderful and new things in such a short time, and still have time to do more, and now she realized that it was possible, that she could spend her time exploring the new world, and still have a lifetime worth of time left to do whatever else she wanted to do before she left the earth to go into the world of the dead- that is if she ever got there.
As she closed her eyes, Chloe slowly drifted of into a peaceful sleep, thinking about what wonderful things that she was now able to do, that she would never been able to do before she had been a vampire, and all the things that she could not do now that she was a vampire.

Chapter 8

Chloe had only been awake for an hour, and already she wanted to go back to bed.
As a vampire princess she was expected to sit on a throne for two hours a day so people could go and watch her sulking in the big ball room.
There were over three hundred people that had arrived that day just to see her; apparently there were a lot of vampires that were excited to be finally getting themselves a vampire royal family. People had come from around the globe to the mansion, some of them she couldn’t even understand what they were saying so she had to get help from angelica to help translate what the foreign people had said.
There were two things that Chloe had learned about the vampires around her: they were all beautiful in their won special way; they all thought very highly of themselves.
“I’m bored” she complained to her new brother Dylan.
Dylan was twenty year old that has only been changed a few months before Chloe had, he was an average height person, with dark green eyes, and pitch black hair. From what Chloe had learned, Dylan had willingly chosen to be a vampire so he would finally be able to have the family and the respect that he had always craved for.
Dylan put an arm around Chloe shoulders and said “calm down aright, we probably only have about half an hour left, its not like its going to kill you to sit here is it?”
“That’s only because I am already dead!” Chloe muttered to herself, putting a grin onto Dylan’s face.
“We aren’t dead” Dylan told her innocently “we have just been reborn it to a better, stronger race.”
Chloe didn’t even try to argue, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to change his mind, and even if she could she still didn’t want to be the one to hurt his feelings.
Just then there was a noise from outside, and Angelica stood up excitedly?
“What’s going on?” Chloe asked, unhappy all the attention was of her.
“We have found a queen at last.” Angelica said.
As the ballroom door swung open everybody watch in awe.
A woman in her late twenties walked in with so much confidents that it was oozing of her. She had waist length red hair that danced around with the wind like flames. Her small frame showed no sign of weakness, just undefeatable power that she possessed within her. Without looking at the people around her, the woman walked straight towards the thrones, and silently placed herself on the one next to the king.
Chloe looked around in complete and utter shock, was this supposed to be her new mother? Did she even have a motherly bone inside her?
To answer her question, the woman turned around and gave a fake smile and said “just so we are clear, where I am from children are meant to be seen and not hear.”
Gulping down on the lump in her throat, Chloe realized something that she had never even thought of before.
She really was in a vampire’s world.

Publication Date: 07-13-2011

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