Maylin *FINISHED* by Jaden Bieber (best business books of all time .TXT) 📖

- Author: Jaden Bieber
Book online «Maylin *FINISHED* by Jaden Bieber (best business books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Jaden Bieber
Who am I kidding? I couldn't get that place out of my head. Would Kole come back for me? Was Mitchel worried about me? Am I really a mage? Who covered my mouth last night? Was this all a dream?
So many questions and I didn't want to know the answers to any of them.
"Maylin," I looked up to Trey, "You okay there?" He asked me.
"Y-Yes, why?" I asked him.
"You kind of fainted." I realized I was in his arms and being carried into the nurse's office.
"No. I'm okay." I told him, though I felt like crap.
He lay me on a cot in the nurse's room. He sat in the chair next to me.
"Where did I faint? I don't even remember." I told him, sitting up.
"Well, you walking into school, then you fainted."
"Oh great. Did anyone see?"
"Want the truth or a lie?"
"I guess that answers my question," I sighed to myself, "I just have a lot on my mind lately."
"I know. Believe me."
"No, you really don't." I said, shaking my head.
"Oh, but I do. Did you think your real father would allow you here without protection?"
"E-Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I saw you at the castle. They say you disappeared, but I guess you figured out how to create a portal." He grinned.
"I-I- who are you?"
"Oh no. You lost your memory, too."
"What are you, I mean?" I asked, swallowing.
He smiled, showing fangs. He pointed to one and said, "Vampire." I let out a sigh.
"At least I have someone to trust," I looked to him, "I hope."
"Yeah, May, you can trust me."
"So. What am I?"
"A mage/Raven Mocker. You're a mutt."
"Why, thanks. You're a charm." I frowned.
"It's true, though. You're like a crossbreed."
"I get it!" I stopped him from comparing me to a dog.
"Sorry." He laughed, kissing my forehead.
"D-Did I kill my mother?" I asked, shyly. His smile faded to that question.
"No, Maylin, who said that?"
"Violet and Mitchel said that she died because he body wasn't strong enough for a baby."
"They're right, but you're mother was in battle with the dragons before you were born, making her weaker," He explained, "It wasn't your fault."
"About the dragons. Why are you fighting them?" I asked him.
"Who knows." He shrugged.
"Do I have to go back?"
"Yes," He said without a beat, "In fact, I was going to take you back right now." He grinned.
"No. Please. Don't make me go back there."
"I'll stay with you."
"You promise?"
"Yes." He whispered.
Chapter 5
Trey ended up taking me to that place again. I really wish I said no, but I couldn't say no to Trey. He held my hand, keeping to his promise.
"I must take you to your father, but he doesn't seem to be here." He frowned.
"Would you mind waiting outside while I look for him? I don't know if you're allowed in all parts of the castle yet. Some things are secured." He told me.
"N-No, I don't mind," I replied, kind of disappointed. I didn't want to be alone again.
"There's a piano," He started with a smile, "in the music room." My eyes lit up.
"There's a music room in here?!" I screeched. He laughed at me and nodded.
"Yes, come on." He grabbed my hand and started walking me to a staircase. We walked up the stairs to the tall part of the castle. The dark stairs seemed to go forever.
Finally, we got to a door. There was a formal design carved into it. Trey opened the door to a small room. Only a black piano was in the room and a large window to let in some light.
"Here we are." Trey smiled and let go of my hand.
I walked to the piano and examined the keys. I pressed a key and noticed the piano was out of tune. Luckily, Ms. Kayne taught me how to tune a piano.
"I'll tune it." I told him.
"Alright. I'll be right back." He promised and ran out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I was alone once again.
I started to tune the piano. Making sure everything was just perfect before I actually started to play it.
Finally, I was done and it was ready to be played. I sat on the bench and started to play "Born This Way," by Lady Ga-Ga. I made my own slow version of the song, singing along with it.
"I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes. I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way." I sang it perfectly in key. I took singing lessons when I was young, but my mother couldn't really pay for them anymore. I didn't really mind it either. I'm not a fan of singing.
When the song was over, I got up and look around the room.
I almost screamed when I saw Seth sitting innocently on the other side of the room. He looked at me happily and wagged his tail. He reminded me of a dog.
"I knew you'd come back." He thought to me like always.
"I really didn't have a choice," I breathed out, holding my heart, which was beating faster then it ever had before, "I think you gave me a heart attack." I joked.
"Sorry. I thought you saw me fly in. I guess you were a little distracted." I blushed a little.
"H-How long have you been sitting there?" I asked, knowing I didn't want to know the answer.
"Well, since you were done tuning it." He said.
"I wish you said something." I turned away, blushing that someone, or something, heard me.
"Then I wouldn't be able to enjoy the show." I heard a smirk in his voice. I didn't know how he could do it, but it was like he was really talking and not just thinking it to me. "When is the next one?"
"For you? Never." I frowned, crossing my arms.
"That's not very nice," He got up and started to skirt around me. I kept an eye on him the whole time, "Do I have to teach you a lesson?" The way he said that made me want to just melt.
"No thanks. I'm good."
"I don't know. I think I may have to." He stopped right in front of me. His eyes sliced into mine.
"Do you want something from me? Is there a reason you're here?"
"That's classified information, sweetheart."
"Don't call me that."
"Then what should I call you?"
"I don't know," I said, sarcastically, "try Maylin. Ready? May-lin." I sounded out my name for him like I was teaching a baby to say 'Mama'. He didn't like it. Not one bit.
"Don't treat me like an idiot," He scowled, "I don't like your name. So try again. What should I call you?"
"Just go away and you won't have to call me anything." I challenged him. His eyes flicked to the door, ending our gaze.
"This isn't over." He said deeply and flew out the window just as fast as he flew in.
The door slammed open and Trey was panting like crazy.
"You okay?!" He asked me.
"Yes, why?"
"We're being attacked."
"By dragons?" I asked, thinking that was why Seth was here.
"No. Worse. I have to get you home."
Chapter 6
Trey brought me home. He wouldn't tell me why I had to leave. In fact, I didn't want to.
I looked to the bathroom mirror. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail. I decided to tie my thoughts together as well. The first thing that came to mind was Seth.
What is that stupid reptile thinking? Aren't we in war? His people and mine? Is he trying to get information from me? Why did he fly into that window anyway? I feel that he is keeping a very dark secret. I am going to find out more about that damn dragon. If he's going to keep popping up, he better expect the worst.
Satisfied with my decision, I walk down stairs. I stop in the same place I felt the hand of another human being on my mouth and an arm around my waist. Judging by the muscles, it was a guy. Kole maybe? I sighed and walked into the living room.
My sister watched TV. She looked up to me with a smile.
"She's alive!"
"I don't recall being dead," I smiled back, "Where's Mama and Papa?"
"Mama isn't going to be coming home tonight. Papa hasn't returned since that night." She winced of the memories.
"Ah. I see. What would you like for diner then?" I asked her, still the responsible sister that I was.
"Whatever floats your boat." She smiled, looking back to the TV.
"If you only knew what would float my boat," I mumbled, walking into the kitchen.
I skimmed the cabinets and the fridge. We didn't have anything. I decided to order a pizza, then.
"Whatcha doin'?" I heard behind me. That was never a good sign.
I turned to Kole who was looking over my shoulder to the menu.
"Ordering a pizza?" I told him.
"Who's the girl?" He asked, pointing towards the way to the living room.
"My lesbian lover," I said sarcastically.
"What?" He said, kind of shocked.
"She's my sister, Kole." I laughed to myself.
"Well, tell her good-bye for now. We have to go."
"Not tonight," I begged, "I have to take care of her while my parents are gone." It was the truth. What if my father came home? What if he was drunk again? What would she do?
"Maylin?" With wide eyes, Kole and I looked to see Lexie looking Kole up and down. "Who's this?"
"I'm her birth father." Kole blurted out.
"KOLE!" I screeched. "Listen, Lexie-"
"Is that true?"
"Yes." I nodded.
"W-Why does he have wings?"
"Lexie, right? Well, Lexie, take a seat."
After a whole two hours of explaining my other life to my adoptive sister, Kole decided to take Lexie and me.
He showed us around the castle. I didn't really get a tour before, so instead of yelling at him, I decided to go along with it and examine this place to see if it was safe for Leslie, let alone me.
"This is the music room, where I'm sure you've been, May." Kole grinned.
"Yeah. Hey, Lexie. Did you know that Trey was from here all along?" I asked her, knowing she'd flip.
"Yeah," I said, "He's a vampire."
"I should've seen it." She frowned. She was the one who read the Twilight series and any vampire book humans made.
I know that I'm not a human, thanks to Trey. I kind of feel relieved to be able to tell Lexie all of this, though. Now, if Seth pops up again, I don't have to hide him from her.
Stop it, Maylin. Seth is a stupid dragon. I didn't know why he kept popping up in my thoughts.
"So, Kole, why do you need me here?" I dared myself to ask him.
"Well, you need to learn how to 'work your magic'." He told me, laughing quietly at himself.
"Is your father a perv?" Lexie whispered to me, making me burst out into laughter.
"The training starts tomorrow. Lexie, would you like to stay the night?"
"Sure," She smiled. I was surprised she took all this in so smoothly. I would've flipped out. In fact, I did.
"Oh no. I don't think she's human either," I teased her, sticking out my tongue.
"Ha. I knew you were weird. This explains so much!" She teased back.
"Girls!" Kole interrupted us. "God,
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