Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Maylin *FINISHED* by Jaden Bieber (best business books of all time .TXT) 📖

Book online «Maylin *FINISHED* by Jaden Bieber (best business books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Jaden Bieber

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I am so happy we only had one kid." He teased.
"Its not like you had a choice..." I said, suddenly feeling sorry for him. I killed the love of his life.
"Maylin..." He sighed.
"I killed her." I told him.
"It's not-"
"I killed her..." I breathed out. Tears started to run down my cheeks. Why was I feeling like this? Well, the feeling of being the cause of your mother's death wasn't the best feeling.
I started to feel claustrophobic. I needed air. I darted back down the stairs.
"Maylin!" I heard Lexie yell after me.
I ignored her and ran out of the castle. It was a gloomy day here. I didn't know where I was running. I just took off, trying to find somewhere out of sight of the castle.
I found a lake and I stopped. I took it all in. The view of the beautiful water still. Odd looking fish skirted around the lake, looking for food. There was a river stream, connecting the lake to an ocean far from here.
I sat by the lake and sobbed quietly. I enjoyed the time alone. I haven't really been alone in a long time.
I wanted to go home. I wish Lexie was with me so I could try to make a portal again and take her home with me. Kole would probably take her home for me though.
I sat up and snapped my fingers. Nothing. What? It always worked when I snapped my fingers. After a few times of trying, I failed again and again. I got frustrated and kicked the dirt. I threw a rock into the pond, trying to get out my anger. I ended up sitting back down and crying again. I am a very emotional person.
I heard a thud behind me as if something were landing. I figured it was Kole, so I ignored it and hugged my knees.
"Maylin?" It wasn't Kole. It was diffidently not Kole. I knew that voice. That smooth talking voice that seems to pop up in my head, even when he's not around. Seth.
"What do you want, Seth?" I asked, not really caring what he wanted. He trotted over to me.
"You're crying." His voice cracked.
"Thanks for noticing. Go on, now. Shoo."
"Why are you crying?"
"Just go away, already." I frowned, trying to avoid the question. No luck.
"Please tell me?" He asked me.
"Do you really want to know, or do you just want me to think that you actually care." I scowled. It was like venom to his ears. He winced.
"Is it a secret?" He asked innocently. "Secrets are not fun, unless you share with everyone."
"Not really." I laughed at his little rhyme.
"Then tell me." He whined.
"I killed my mother." I faked a smile and looked to him. There was an awkward silence.
"I-I'm sorry." He sighed, looking down.
"Why are you sorry?" I asked him. "I killed her."
"I know how. It was big news. Everyone heard it. I just didn't..." He shook his head and looked away, "I have to go."
"You can't leave after saying something like that," He turned back to me and started to walk over to me, " H-Hey-"
We were face to face. I could feel his breath. My breathing became uneasy. My heart was beating faster. Was I scared.
"W-What do you want from me, Seth?" I whispered, looking into his fierce eyes.
"Nothing from you." He said, connecting our foreheads. I put my hands on his jaw and hugged him like you would hug a horse. He wanted to comfort me in the best way he possibly could.
"Thank you," I breathed out, blinking slowly. My eyes started to water from looking into his so long. He lay down, making me lay down with him. I used his arm as a pillow.
"Sleep now." He said in a calming tone. I cuddled up against him. His dark, black wing covered me from the outside world. For a dragon, he didn't smell bad. Not like I knew what a dragon smelled like or anything.
I giggled softly to my thought. This would be the second time I slept with him. The light beating of his heart was like a lullaby. I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 7

I woke up to Seth's rapid heart beats. It seemed to beat faster every time I moved.
"S-Seth?" I whispered. I was freezing. Knowing about reptiles and how they're cold-blooded, I knew Seth was cold, too.
"Yes?" I thought to me softly, unwrapping me from his protective shield. He stayed with me until I woke up, even though he was freezing.
"If-If I can make another portal, will you come with me?" I mumbled, still half awake.
"If you want," he said, sniffing me, getting as much of my scent as he could. I could feel how cold he was. Without a snap of my fingers, a portal appeared out of no where. I made it with my mind.
I felt him pick me up and fly into the portal.

We landed on my bed.
"Thanks," I smiled, getting up to turn up the thermostat.
"I guess you knew that I was cold," He chuckled.
"What gave it away?" I giggled. "Are you hungry? What do you eat?"
"Anything." He said, truthfully.
"Even human food?"
"Even human food."
"Pizza sound good?"
"What's pizza?"
"Well, do you like bread, cheese, and tomatoes?"
"I-I don't know. I've only been in this dimension because of you."
"Well, we're just gonna have to find out, then," I smiled, "My sister, Lexie, knows about the Dark Kingdom. You won't have to hide from her."
"That's a relief."
"Speaking of which, how did you escape last time?" I asked him.
"It was easy, actually." He jumped off my bed.
"That doesn't answer my question." I frowned.
"I'll tell you later." He groaned.
"Can you go invisible or something?" I asked, knowing anything could be possible at this point.
"No," He chuckle, "That would be fun though. You know what I'd do If I could go invisible?"
"Watch you in the shower." He said it so seriously, that it made me blush.
"You're one sick, perverted, reptile, dragon."
"I'm not, 'dragon', I'm Seth."
"Not anymore. Now you're dragon."
He was actually laughing at me.
We walked down the stairs. Lexie was in her room. I was going to make sure that she was home safe and sound before I got comfortable. Seth fallowed me into the kitchen.
He watched me take a two frozen pizzas out of the freezer and heat them in the microwave.
"Can we fly around town later?" He asked me.
"I don't know if that is such a good idea. People may see us."
"In my world, reptiles like you do not exist."
"But I'm in your world. Oh screw that, I am the light in the dark in your world," He chuckled.
"Shush your face. If you want to fly around, knock yourself out. I'm never doing that again."
"Please?" He tried his best puppy dog eyes. He was cute when he wanted something.
"Why?" I frowned, knowing I was easing into it.
"I want you with me so I know you're safe?"
"Nice try," I said, getting the pizza, "Plate or... Newspaper?" He frowned.
"So I look like some kind of animal to you?"
"Is that a serious question?"
"Sorry," I smiled, "I'm not used to it. I've never even had a pet before."
"Would it be easier for you if I were human?" He asked me.
"Of course not, Seth," I told him, "I like you just the way you are. I just don't know a lot. Am I not allowed to ask questions?" I frowned.
"Where's your bathroom?" He asked, completely changing the subject. I opened the front door for him.
"Our bathroom is too small." I sighed. With a chuckle, he flew out. Crap. Worst mistake ever. Well, he'll be back. I hope.
I closed the door behind him. I fixed the pizzas on plates. I let them cool off.
Finally, I heard a knock on the door. Seth must be done with his business. I walked to the door and opened it.
"You take for-" I saw a boy. He was shirtless and only had long, black, baggy jeans on. He was really good looking. "Uhm, can I help you?"
"I think it'd be easier to be human." He said, innocently.
"S-Seth?" I asked.
"Mm?" He responded.
"Wha- who- I think I'm gonna pass out." I held my head. He smiled showing a perfect set of straight white teeth. He had short, black, shaggy hair and his skin was a smooth peachy color. He looked like a model.
"Let's not do that." He took my hand and pulled me inside. He shut the door behind him.
"So, how can you do that?!" I asked, trying not to freak out.
"Well, like you, I'm a mutt," He sat on the floor like he would if her were a dragon, "Half dragon, half human."
I sat across from him. "Is that even possible? How do they-"
"Let's keep this conversation G-rated." He chuckled. His beautiful eyes were the same.
"I'm sorry," I giggled, "I almost forgot the pizzas!"
"You're a disappointment to nature!" He joked. I smiled and got up.
His eyes fallowed me as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed both plates. I walked back into the living room where he sat and handed him one. Right away, he started eating it.
"It's really good!" He said, kind of shocked.
"What did you think you were in for?"
"I don't dislike you that much." I grinned.
"By the way, this is how I escaped last night." He smirked.
"You covered my mouth?" I asked him.
"Yes," I sighed in relief, "why?"
"It was fricken' creepy. I thought I was going delusional." I frowned. He laughed a little.
"Sorry. I wanted to keep this on the down-low." I put a finger to my lips.
"I won't tell," I winked, "If you piss me off, it's blackmail, though." I giggled.
"Remind me to not piss you off."
"It won't work," I frowned, "trust me."

We finished out pizza and went back up stairs.
"Are you staying the night?" I asked him, suddenly feeling tired again.
"If you want," He shrugged, innocently.
"I don't mind," I smiled at him, who sat on my bed. He laid down and stretched. Was it bad that I slept with him twice? No. He's usually a dragon after all.
I crawled in with him. I shut my lamp off on my night stand, then nuzzled into the covers. I felt one of his strong arms wrap around me.
"Night, Maylin," He whispered softly. I turned around to face his direction. I burred my face into his chest. He was so comfortable.
"Good night, human," I could feel him chuckling. He kissed my head instead of a lick on my cheek.
I was cuddling with an incredibly hot guy who just happens to be a dragon as well. And I loved every minute of it.

Chapter 8

My eyes fluttered open to Seth. He was smiling at me. He watched me sleep. His eyes were soft and caring.
"G'morning." I smiled.
"Your dad came home. I heard him." He told me. My eyes widened.
"Then you better go back to being a dragon," I chuckled, "he'd kill me if I had a boy in the house."
"We should go back," He said innocently. He probably does have family there.
"I can't. Not today, but I'll make a portal for you." I said, uneasily. He growled and frowned.
"I'm not going without you. What if you don't come back?"
"Then you find

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