Maylin *FINISHED* by Jaden Bieber (best business books of all time .TXT) 📖

- Author: Jaden Bieber
Book online «Maylin *FINISHED* by Jaden Bieber (best business books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Jaden Bieber
"Maylin," Trey said, "When you get back, you're going to start your training."
"T-Training?" I asked him.
"Magic training." He smiled, putting his arms behind his head.
"When are you dragging me back?" I growled.
"After school."
"I feel so... not special." Lexie said, frowning.
"You're lucky," I told her truthfully, "I hate this. A lot."
"Really? I would love it." She pouted.
"It's not all it's cracked up to be," I frowned.
"Why is that, Maylin?" Trey asked me, kind of disappointed.
"I just want to be a normal girl." I frowned.
"Well, you're not. Sorry." Trey shrugged. That was kind of cold. Even for Trey.
After school, Trey took me, as promised.
He took me to a room with weird obstacles.
"What is this?" I asked him. My voice echoed.
"Where the training starts." Trey smiled.
"What do I learn first?"
"To summon your powers on short notice." He explained.
"U-Uh, ok." I agreed.
"Okay. Think of an element. Fire, air, water, or Earth." I thought of water. Crystal clear water with tiny little fish swimming around. "Got it?"
"Now concentrate." He told me.
"On what?"
"Water." He frowned.
"Oh." I sighed and closed my eyes and cleared my mind and only thought of water. The salty oceans. The steady rhythm of the waves.
My eyes flew open.
"Damn. I got to get you out of here." Trey said, mad that we were interrupted.
"W-What's happening."
"Seems like the dragon are attacking again."
Seth... Was he one of thoughs dragons.
"I-I-" Trey opened a portal.
"Go. I'll see you at school. We'll try this again tomorrow." He told me.
"Alright. Be careful" I said with a weak smile and jumped into the portal.
For some reason, I popped up in my bathroom. I looked to the shower and blushed. Maybe it'd be best if I stayed away from Seth.
Nah. I like having Seth around. He's like the overly large iguana I've never had. I giggled.
I walked out of my bathroom and my father stood before my eyes. Weirdly, he was sober.
"Where did you come from?"
"The bathroom?"
"I was just in there. You were not in there."
"I just walked in here."
"Mmm." He walked down the hall and into his room, shutting the door behind him. I sighed.
I walked into my room. I shut the door behind me and locked it.
I needed a long nap. I don't feel like going to school tomorrow either. In fact, I'm not going to.
I got into a black tank top and violet shorts. I crawled in my bed, under the covers. I closed my eyes.
"Pst." I heard. I opened my eyes to Seth in this human form, kneeling next to my bed. My eyes widened.
"Wh- Wh- How-"
"My friend's a mage." He told me.
"O-Oh," I sighed, "How long have you been here?"
"In this room? Well, since you walked in."
"S-So you saw me get changed?!" I screeched.
"I looked away?"
"Per-vert!" I frowned. He smiled and came in my bed, under the covers with me. "H-Hey! What are you doing?"
"Getting comfortable." He smiled and reached over and shut the lamp on my night table.
He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead, softly. That kind of made me feel guilty. I didn't know why, but the kiss with the stranger popped into my head.
"I'll protect you while you sleep." He said, softly.
"From what?" I whispered.
"Everything." He whispered back.
"Why...?" I breathed out.
"I don't know." I smiled a little and cuddled against him.
"Good night, Seth."
"Good night, Maylin."
Chapter 11
I woke up to Seth's sleeping face. He was surely dreaming. I took a closer look. He looked sad. Maybe a nightmare? No. His true emotions show in his sleep.
He was sad. Homesick maybe? It made me sick to my stomach. I want to ask him what's wrong. I want-
His eyes opened slowly to my pitiful look. He seemed to notice and his eyes narrowed into mine, making my heart beat faster.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
"I should be asked you that question." I breathed out.
"What do you mean?" He sat up and held his head in his hand that was held up by his elbow, leaning on the pillow.
"When you were sleeping," my eyes softened, "You looked so... sad." I cracked.
"I'm not sad." He said without a beat.
"Don't lie to me," I whispered. Again, his eyes narrowed into mine as he crawled over top of me. He looked down on me. He caressed my cheek.
"Maybe a little." He whispered.
"Because," He smiled a sad smile. His eyes stayed steady with me.
"Tell me, Seth." I demanded, deeply.
"You were taken to that castle to kill me," He breathed out.
"K-kill you? I would never do such a thing to you!"
"I know that, now." He ended the daze between our eyes when he looked away.
"I crashed into that window," He said deeply, while looking back to meet my eyes, "to kill you."
My eyes widened.
"I tried to get close to you," he said, "so I could kill you before you could kill me."
"S-so you want to kill me?" I asked him.
"I did," He said with no emotion, "but then I got to know you."
"Maylin..." He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened, then slowly closed. He pulled away. I slowly opened my eyes and looked into his.
"W-What was that for?" I breathed out.
"I like you." He confessed.
"W-Why so suddenly?" I asked him, blushing more than ever.
"I've kissed you before," He said, innocently, "Yesterday."
"T-That was you?!"
"Yeah," He grinned.
"You're a first-kiss snatcher!" I frowned.
"You so liked it." His grin turned into a smirk.
"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't." I smiled.
"Well, maybe I should try it again. Maybe you'll know then." He lifted my chin and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Our lips moved in a perfect union. I was enjoying it very much, until he pulled away.
"Nope," I grinned, "still not feeling it. You should try again." A smile danced across his lips.
"I think not, dear Maylin."
"I thought you didn't like my name."
"I don't like your name. I love your name."
"Don't be such a kiss up." I frowned. He smiled and kissed me again.
"What do you say, Maylin?" He kissed up and down my neck, sending bolts of electricity through out my body. "Will you be mine?" he said it so smoothly. I just wanted to melt.
"Do you accept me?" I whispered, repeating my words.
"Of course I do."
"Then yes." I breathed out. He smiled warmly.
"I'll never," He caressed my cheek, softly, "hurt you."
"Promise," He kissed my forehead, "I must go now, Maylin." He frowned.
"They're waiting for you, right?" I smiled.
"You're dragon family. Hey, can they turn human, too?"
"No. Only me. My mother forbids me to become a human. If she found out about us, she'd kill me."
"Let's not let that happen."
"Wouldn't even think of it." He kissed me once more before I opened a portal for him. He transformed back into his dragon form and flew into it. It closed behind him.
I didn't really realized I liked him in that way until he kissed me. I'm really happy, though. He seemed happy, too. I smiled, blushing a little. To protect Seth, I don't think I'll tell anyone about him. Not even Lexie.
Today was Saturday. I was dragged back to the Dark Kingdom by Trey. We went into the same gym as before.
"Why do I have to learn to use my magic?" I frowned.
"You're very strong," He said, "We need you to help us."
"Do what?"
"Kill the dragons that are attacking us."
"W-What? I'm not killing any dragons!"
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not! You can't force me to!" I yelled at him.
"It's not my fault. The Dark Father's orders." He shrugged.
"Who does he think he is?"
"He's my father."
"Wouldn't that make you my uncle or something?" I said, laughing a little.
"Probably," He frowned, "but I don't want to be your uncle."
"I don't want you to be my uncle," I said, truthfully, "It makes you sound old."
"It's time for training." He grinned and snapped his fingers. A door opened behind me. I turned around to a red dragon just a little bigger then Seth. I gulped. The dragon didn't look friendly.
"Now," Trey said to me, "Concentrate."
"No. I'm not going to hurt it."
The dragon's ears perked up as it skirted around me. Only me. Trey was gone. What a nice friend.
I decided to leave. I wasn't going to hurt it.
I turned around and started to walk to the door, but the dragon quickly flew to the door and blocked me. I jumped backwards.
"Where do you think you're going, little miss?" Just like Seth, her voice rang in my head.
"I don't want to fight."
"Oh, but I do."
"Then fight me. See if I care, but I'm not going to fight back."
"What's wrong with this girl? Don't you hate dragons like every other in this place?"
"No," I said, quickly, "In fact, I'm in love with one. I don't approve of these... people hurting dragons. They must have a reason, if they're attacking the castle, right?" I said, putting a finger on my cheek.
"They do," The female dragon said, "Your people have killed us for a food source for hundreds of years. We've lost so much family and friends." She looked down.
"I-I'm so sorry." I whispered softly.
"Who are you? What is your name?" She asked me.
"My name is Maylin. I was born and raised as a human, but I was dragged back here."
"Well, Maylin," She said, "Can you please let me free?"
"How?" I asked her. She raised her front right foot. A metal ring was placed on her foot.
"Please take it off." She said.
I ran to her and tried to get if off, but I couldn't figure out how. I looked puzzled.
"How do I take it off?" I asked her.
"It was for training. You have to concentrate and do the water spell on me." She frowned.
"Oh great." I frowned and sat down next to her.
"Can you try?" She asked.
After 3 hours of my 'concentrating', still, nothing happened. I growled in frustration.
"Why can't I do this?!" I asked.
"Maybe you still don't believe in it." And there was the answer. I didn't believe that I had powers. I think it's all bull.
"Ding, ding, ding," I cheered, "You're right! I don't believe it."
"And you're happy about that?"
"Yes! I need to learn to believe it, silly!" I smiled. I heard her laugh.
I started to think. I know that wasn't a good idea, but I had to. Sorry. I giggled and the words, "I'm a mage," repeated in my head. Again and again and again and-
"You did it!" I opened my eyes quickly and saw that the ring was off. She was also soaked, but that's ok. I hope.
"I did?" I asked, confused and surprised.
"Yes! Now lets get out of here!" With a sly smile, I opened a portal. I was really getting good at this. We both ran in.
I appeared in my bedroom alone. When you're in a portal, you go to the place you want to go to. So I guess she went home. I wonder why she was even in the castle anyway. I shrugged.
I sat
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