Maylin *FINISHED* by Jaden Bieber (best business books of all time .TXT) 📖

- Author: Jaden Bieber
Book online «Maylin *FINISHED* by Jaden Bieber (best business books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Jaden Bieber
"H-Hi mom..." Seth said, uneasily. My eyes widened. This was not good.
Chapter 15
Her bright blue eyes narrowed into mine. I started to feel self conscious.
"Seth, who is this... human?" She asked him, growling under her breath.
"U-Uh, Mom, this is Maylin. She's my girlfriend..."
"A human girlfriend? No. Sorry. I don't allow it."
I held my breath.
"I don't care. I'm in love with her, Mom. There is nothing you can do about it."
"Oh really?" She came closer to us until she was face to face to me. She sniffed me. I gulped. "Smells good. Why don't I just kill her?"
"Then I'll kill myself." Seth sneered, pulling me away from her. His mother smirked and laughed, chillingly.
"We'll see." She glared at me once more, then flew off.
"I hate her," He said, turning to me, "Always have, always will." I stared at him.
"Then don't go back to her."
"Will you run away with me?"
"R-Run away with you?"
"Yeah," He smiled, "Be mine forever." He came closer and connected our foreheads. How can I deny this?
"Yes..." I whispered faintly, "Forever..."
I felt like I was in some romantic fairytale. I wanted to be with Seth and only Seth. But, of course, that meant leaving Mama, Papa, Lexie, and even Trey.
"But what about my family?" I asked him.
"That's where we'll run too. Your dimension. Then you can still see your family."
"They'd never allow me to run away."
"Who said you were asking?" He smirked. An evil smirk. I didn't know Seth could possibly look this evil.
"I-I don't know." I giggled a bit, making his evil smirk into a loving smile.
"I meant it." He said out of the blue.
"Meant what?" This boy is the most random one I know.
"That I love you." He breathed out.
"I-I know." I blushed and looked to the side. He chuckled softly and kissed my nose.
"Do you love me back?" He asked. I looked to him. This damn dragon boy. He's so innocent.
"Y-yes." I confessed. It was true. 100%.
"Good." He grinned and kissed me tenderly.
"Very." I said.
So now I was going to run away with a dragon. Who is the love of my life. But then one question came in mind. I know it would be kind of late to ask it, but why did Seth want to get close to me before killing me? Well, only one way to find out.
"Seth?" I asked.
"Remember that time when you told me the real reason you broke into the window?"
"Where are you getting here?" He asked, looking into my eyes.
"Well, I was wondering," I started, "why did you want to get close to me before killing me?"
"That's a very good question, Maylin, and I'm glad you asked it. I wanted to learn to be human. I figured you could be my teacher."
"How'd that work out for you?"
"I learned what pizza was." He smiled.
"And what else?"
"That a naked boy and a naked girl in front of each other will lead to sexual intercourse." I laughed.
"That's educational." I said, sarcastically.
"Right?" He chuckled. "I also learned that I'm attracted to human girls. One in particular."
"Oh really?" I asked. "Who?"
"Oh, remember, I'm not human."
"You're more human than anything. And I like that about you. You're you. And not some bitchy ass clone." I laughed a little more.
"Dude, are you on your period?"
"My what?" He asked, innocently.
"Nothing. Never mind."
"Why are you talking about punctuation?" I bursted into laughter. Before he could ask me why, I kissed him sweetly.
"I love you," I giggled, "Sooooo much."
"I'm glad to hear that." He grinned.
"So the two love birds made up." Our heads spun to Violet, Mitchel, and even Trey.
"Who are you?" Seth asked.
"We're the people who are going to kill you, along with your little girlfriend, here."
"N-No, Violet. It's not his fault. Don't hurt him. Just me." I said, walking in front of Seth.
"Maylin, don't-" Seth said, but I put a finger to his lips. I caressed his cheek, then my hands found the top of his head. I did a spell. A sleeping spell. He passed out cold right there. I felt horrible doing that to him.
I looked to the three of them. Trey was the only one who looked me into my eyes.
"You sure you want to sacrifice yourself for him?" Violet asked.
"He's just a dragon, May." Mitchel said.
"No! He's not just a dragon! I love him! And I'm willing to do anything for him!" I yelled, tears coming out of my eyes.
"Guys, just let them be. It's no harm to us." Trey said, sticking up for me.
"Says the one who was in love with her mother! Trey, you're looking at the thing who killed the love of your life!" Violet said.
"W-What?" I whispered.
"It was a long time ago, May." Trey said, slowly. I just nodded to keep any bad memories from coming to him.
"So that's it? You'll just die? Just for him?" Violet asked in disbelief.
"Yes." I said, in confidence.
"Well, if you say so-"
"Wait, Violet, we can't kill her." Trey said.
"Dark father wont approve."
"If he knew she was sneaking around with the enemy, he would." Violet said.
"That's not true. Violet, open your eyes. She's the daughter of your best friend. You're practically the godmother." Mitchel said.
"So you guys are teaming with her?" She asked them. I gulped.
"Yes. We're not going to let you kill her. She's innocent. You don't choose who you fall for." Trey said, looking down. I looked to the corner of my eye. Guilty. I was guilty. Violet was right. I don't deserve to live. But Seth does. Seth needs to find a better girl for him. Not one who is from a whole different dimension.
"Fine. The girl lives. But if she screws up at least once, she's dead." And as quick as they came, they were gone.
I sighed in relief and I knelt to Seth. I laid next to him and cuddled again him. I put his arm over me and stared at him sleeping face. His breaths were easy. I wish my life was as easy as his breaths.
I closed my eyes and soon dozed off into a deep sleep in the arms of my dragon.
"Maylin?" I heard. It was Seth's voice. My eyes opened to see him frowning at me. He wasn't happy. Not one bit.
"Hmm?" I asked, still half asleep.
"You're so lucky you're still here right now. Or we'd have some problems." I almost forgot I made him pass out. I smiled innocently and played with his ear lobe.
"But I am still here, so no problems."
"Stop acting like this is a joke, Maylin! You could have gotten yourself killed-"
"For you!" I yelled back, sitting up as well. Tears rolled down my cheeks. His eyes widened. The next thing I knew, he was hugging me ever so tightly.
"Please," he breathed out, "Never die for my sake. I'd never forgive myself. I'd commit suicide."
"Don't say that." I growled.
"What's so good about life if you're not in it?" He asked.
"A lot." His grip on me tightened.
"Wrong answer. It'd be hell." I sniffled.
"I love you, Seth." I hugged him back, snuggling my face into his shoulder.
"I love you, too."
"When are we running away?" I asked, still half-crying.
"If my mother doesn't accept my decision, as soon as possible."
"This is where we part, isn't it?"
"Yes. I may or may not be able to protect you tonight." I blinked, confused. Then I realized that he meant sleeping with me.
"It's fine if you don't." I smiled. He finally let me go from the hug and kissed me so intensely.
Chapter 16
Once again, I was separated from Seth. I didn't like it one bit. I had school once again tomorrow. It feels like I haven't been to school in years.
After my shower, I got ready for bed. It looked so lonely without Seth. I even felt lonely.
"Maylin?" I heard Papa roar outside my door.
"Yes, Papa?"
"How are you doing? Do you feel better?"
No, Seth isn't here. Why would I feel better?
"Yes, Papa." I said, instead.
"Are you ready to talk, now?" He asked. Oh man. I forgot about the talk. Get ready for awkwardness.
"Yeah." I said. I opened my door and fallowed my father down the stairs. Mama and Lexie were watching TV. Mama saw us.
"Lexie, go up stairs, please." She said. Lexie looked to me then nodded and did as she was told.
I sat next to Mama on the couch and Papa sat next to me.
"When did they find you?" Mama asked.
"About two weeks ago. Maybe even longer." I said.
"What do you know?" Papa asked.
"I'm the daughter of a very powerful mage, but I killed her during birth. My real father is a Raven Mocker."
"What's your mother's name, do you know?"
"Y-Yeah. Sapphire."
"Oh, god. She's dead?" My father said.
"I..." I looked down. "I didn't mean to."
"You... You killed her." My Papa said.
"She wasn't strong enough to have a child-"
"YOU KILLED HER! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A DEVIL!" My eyes widened and flicked to his angry and upset ones.
"Greg!" Mama yelled. "What the hell?!"
"She's a devil! That Raven Mocker was nothing but an enemy! Then that little slut-"
"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT THEM THAT WAY!" I yelled, standing up.
"Malyin, hun-" Mama started.
"I WANT OUT! I'M LEAVING! AND I'M NEVER COMING BACK!" I yelled, tears running down my cheeks.
I ran up to my room and slammed my door behind me... and right into Seth's arms. He hugged me so tightly. I sobbed quietly into his chest.
"Shhh...." He tried to soothe me. He pet my head softly.
"What just happened?" I whispered.
"You just stopped me from killing your father." I smiled at his protective words.
"Maylin-" My mom said, opening the door. She found me and Seth hugging. I pulled away from him and looked at her.
"Please, hunny, don't leave. Your father should be the one leaving. I'm not loosing you, baby girl." Seth let go of me, but I knew he didn't want to.
"I don't belong here, Mama." I said, running and hugging her.
"Yes you do, babe. Don't say that."
"I really don't," I said, "I'm not human."
"You're more human than anything I know." I smiled. "Who's your friend?" She finally asked.
"This is Seth...My boyfriend."
Seth looked to my mother and smiled. He held out his hand. That was very human of him.
"Hi." He said, shaking her hand. And he ruined it.
Then my mom squished his cheeks and examined him.
"Oh, Maylin, he's a keeper. If only I were about... 15 years younger-"
"Yeah, more like thirty years younger." I giggled. Seth laughed himself.
"Oh, jeez, Maylin." She smiled and rolled her eyes. "I'll be going now, you two stay clothed."
"W-Mom!" She laughed and shut the door behind her on the way out.
"She's nice." Seth said.
"When did you get here?" I smiled and looked to his eyes.
"About five minutes ago." He said.
"I'm glad you're here."
"Me too."
"But... I don't think I'll be staying."
` "I don't belong here."
"After all thoughs things your mother just said to you? She loves you, Maylin!"
"And I love her, too. That's why I should go." I whispered, smiling at him.
"Please," I breathed out, "take
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