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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » My Parents Are Wolves And I'm A Vampire by Sunny Skye Blanco (e ink ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «My Parents Are Wolves And I'm A Vampire by Sunny Skye Blanco (e ink ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Sunny Skye Blanco

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in about a couple hours we were in town but it was already dark so we decided to get a hotel room and we spent the night there until the next morning.
I woke up before Daniel he was still asleep by the time I got out the shower so, I headed out I went into the woods looking for some animas to hunt I didn’t want to waste all the human blood I figured I would drink some animal blood that would at least keep me full by the time we get to drink more human blood. Just thinking about human blood got my mouth all watery it just tasted so good I mean humans might be like gross: what the hell is wrong with you? But the truth is it’s like eating chocolate I mean humans think chocolate is delicious well us vampires think human blood is delicious like chocolate and animal blood is like broccoli to us as if I was to ask a human; you want some chocolate or some broccoli? They would probably choose chocolate if they aren’t a health freak. So, no it’s not gross it delicious now I think chocolate is gross but if I had to eat it I would it’s not like I’m going to die from eating it. I heard some footsteps approaching and it was definitely not Daniel it didn’t smell like him so when I tried to turn around and someone stopped me but I made a twist and now I was grabbing them from behind it was a female but I had no idea who it was and she was totally not human I couldn’t smell any humanity in her so I tied her up to a tree with some rope I found on top of a tree. Then as soon as she was tied I took a look at her face and it was….Delmy?
“I thought I killed you” I said in surprise how the hell was she still alive it was impossible.
“I’m her twin you idiot…… name is Demy” said the female which apparently her name was Demy which was a weird name but yeah I know what you’re thinking it’s probably like Kess isn’t?
“Yeah-yeah what do you want?” I asked. I was really getting annoyed with all this sneaking up on me and trying to kill me while I’m unconscious or whatever it is a real pain in my behind.
“Tell me where are your sisters and your stupid brother” said Demy.
“They’re dead” I said. Yet I was confused I didn’t have a brother.
“Yeah I’m not stupid I know one of your sisters is alive and so is your brother so tell me” said Demy. What she didn’t realize is that she’s the one tied up on the tree not me and I don’t need to answer her stupid questions and she can’t threaten me in any way I can.
“I don’t have to tell you anything and I don’t have a brother sweetie” I said while I walked towards her I was going to break her neck like a twig and leave I was getting tired of this stupid conversation. But as soon as I got close enough she got out and pinned me to the ground right now I was eating dirt.
“Tell me or you die” said Demy with authority.
“I would rather die than say where my sister is” I shouted.
“Fine your choice. Any last words?” said Demy with an evil smile yet it was clear to me she was having fun.
“I think you got that twisted you should be telling me your last words” I said while I turned and leaped in the air into a tree. Then I jumped on her back and she tumbled down to the floor I heard her yelp yet I found this very amusing.
“Now any last words honey” I said sarcastically.
“Go to hell” said Demy. Now that wasn’t nice now was it? I grabbed her neck and right when I was about to twist it she interrupted me.
“Wait don’t kill me! I don’t want to die!” she yelled.
“Aw poor thing but you should’ve thought about that before you told me to go to hell” I whispered in her ear and as quick as I was talking I twisted her neck and she was dead. Yeah definitely she was dead. Ah man! I shouldn’t have killed her so soon now that I think about it I should have asked her why did she want to find my sister and why did she say I had a brother when I know I clearly didn’t. I was sort of confused now but I just started to walk back to the hotel. Then I started thinking of my younger sister she was also a vampire. But she died in one of her hunting trips there was a full moon and she wasn’t paying attention to the wolves as a regular vampire should she thought that since our parents were wolves that they wouldn’t kill her or attack her and even though she was a great fighter she died before she got her meal. She was attacked by one of the wolf packs from the south I didn’t remember which pack was it but they ripped her to shreds when Lola and I found her half her body was messing and if she was alive it would be a miracle unless some witch reattached her body or something. The weird thing is the legs were there but the rest of the body was missing and we never found it. We looked everywhere but if she was alive she would have came back. I mean she loved Lola and I we were un-separable I mean she would never abandon us especially with the type of parents we had. When I walked into the hotel room Daniel had chosen I saw him sitting in the sofa making some sort of blade out of wood. Not only that but he had my favorite outfit on I always liked how the black v-neck looked on him and then he wore saggy blue jeans with a Hollister belt and black and red nickes and of course a puka. B y the way a puka is a shell necklace that surfers usually wear and it’s almost like a chocker except its not very tight is more of like a small necklace that doesn’t exactly hang. Then I thought about last night and I noticed that Daniel didn’t rent this room he already had a key to it so he already had that all in here I’m guessing. Then Daniel threw me a blade and thankfully I caught it.
“Practice with it” said Daniel.
“Why?” I asked. I’m confused why would I need to practice I’m already am already an expert with every weapon I have including the blades so why should I practice is not like I can get any better.
“Because that’s the blade you’re going to kill your parents with. It’s a special blade. See how it says fifty-five on the handle well it means fifty-five wolves that’s how many wolves have been killed with that blade” Said Daniel while sharpening another blade that looked just like the one I was holding.
“Is it a magical blade or something” I asked wondering.
“Yes” said Daniel still focused on the blade he was sharpening.
I checked out the blade and observed its weird designs the blade was also very sharp, the sharpest one I ever seen. As soon as Daniel was done sharpening his magical blade he came up to me and showed me how to use it. He showed me some moves and explained to me the powers the blade had and to me it was quite a powerful blade.
Chapter eight:

As I was sleeping I started to dream about something new. When I have dreams they are usually about something that was going to happen. I tried to figure out the dream. My mother was in it and so was Luz. Luz was still alive I thought she would be dead by now. I started to wonder around in my dream and then I spotted my mother and she was hitting Luz with a whip. I saw blood dripping out her back and Luz was crying yes she is a witch but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.
“Where’s Kess?” asked Jess.
“I don’t know!” cried out Luz.
Jess hit Luz with the whip again. Luz cried.
“I will kill you! Where is she” yelled Jess.
“I…don’t know” sobbed Luz.
My father came out with a wooden blade and gave it to Jess. Jess hit Luz multiple times with the whip once again.
“God damn where is she!!!” asked Jess desperately.
“I already told you…..I don’t know” said Luz weakly. “Kill me” whispered Luz.
Jess stabbed her in the back with the blade and I heard Luz scream in pain.
“No!!!!!” I yelled I tried to run to her but I wasn’t able to move I wasn’t really there I was just a ghost on a dream. Jess finished Luz up and left her hanging there and left.

We were back at the mansion and when I woke up Daniel was eating some meat and Carlos was playing the guitar as usual. The sound though was different it was sad and intimidating but I liked it. I was still mad about my dream. If this just happened Luz had been alive all this time or if it was going too happened I could save her I just had to find out where this was going to happen. I sat down and started eating some pancakes I bought at Ihop yesterday on our way back. I poured a lot of syrup on them Daniel and Carlos just stared there was six pancakes on my plate and a lot of butter on top of them.
“What! Can’t a girl eat” I shouted. I was still in a bad mood.
“Yeah but damn!” said Carlos.
“Bone a petit” said Daniel laughing. He looked like he was in a pretty good mood, good for him. I just left and sat on the porch steps where I won’t yell at anyone and I would be able to blame myself for everything and not here Daniel complaining about why would I think such things. I started eating my pancakes and god where they good. But then I got distracted by this shadow I saw. It actually looked like a ghost. But I hesitated last time I went into the forest I almost got killed but even though I thought this I still got up and started searching through the forest. Then I spotted the ghost and I guess they saw me too because it turned into a person. But then I looked at her and it wasn’t a person it was a witch. Not only that she was a witch with a blood eye. I just looked at the ground and avoided looking into her eyes. If anyone looked into her eyes you would fall for her charms and just loose all your strength and powers. Is like she sucked the life out of you with that eye.
But it didn’t work the witch rushed to my side and made me look into her eyes and all of a sudden I felt a fire build up inside me and then I passed out. The fire inside me felt terrible is like I was burning but I also felt a lot of hate and disappointment I had fallen for her charms. The witch was so powerful that it made me pass out and go into another world.
When I woke up I couldn’t see anything everything was blurry and confusing. All I saw was black circles and pixels like if I was looking at a picture on zoom in. then I felt something
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