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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » My Parents Are Wolves And I'm A Vampire by Sunny Skye Blanco (e ink ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «My Parents Are Wolves And I'm A Vampire by Sunny Skye Blanco (e ink ebook reader .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Sunny Skye Blanco

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everything now do I only had one question. But as soon as we walked into the basement my parents were waiting for me and we all started fighting and so did Lola. Lola is a wolf?
Daniel was fighting my father and Daniel was using his sword. My father was also but he was losing terribly. My father fell to the floor and Daniel jumped on top of him and punched him on the face and kicked him in the stomach then Daniel’s blade went right through my father’s chest. Daniel picked my Father up and kicked his head until his skull finally cracked and then he stepped on it and a whole lot of blood gushed out.
Carlos in the other hand was fighting Lola but he sent her flying and she stumbled down the stairs. Carlos jumped down the stairs and landed perfectly then he stepped over Lola and right when he was going to stab Lola with the blade Lola picked up Carlos and threw him against the wall so hard that the wall cracked. Carlos started to bleed through his back. A wooden frame stabbed him on the back but he didn’t stop he got up and pulled it out with no struggle. Lola went running up the stairs but Daniel threw her back down while I handled my mother.
“You’re going to kill your own mother. You should be ashamed of yourself” said Jess.
“You had no problem with killing me” I said with a sarcastic voice. I punched her on the face and she stumbled back. Then I kicked her on the stomach and Jess was now against a wall I puncher her some more and kicked her on the legs and she fell.
I turned around and was starting to reach for my swords when my mother, Jess, grabbed my legs and made me fall forward she jumped on my back and grabbed my blade she placed it on my neck but didn’t do anything. She just threatens me but I didn’t car I was willing to risk it. With all my strength I got back up and she rolled on the floor and stood up.
“You’re no match for me” said Jess still holding the blade but now in a defensive mode.
“Damn right because I’m too powerful” I said looking into her eyes I focused really hard and next thing I know I was thinking about everything she ever did to me how she hit me every day for no reason, when she left bruises all over my body when I was little way before I got my vampire powers, and when she yelled and cursed at me and then I saw fire and my mother was surrounded by flames.
“How did you—how did you” stuttered Jess.
“I know many things mother” I said.
I pulled out another blade the special blade and I aimed it to my mother’s heart and right before I threw it I asked her one last question.
“Any last words” I asked in disgust.
“You’re still cursed” she said.
“Not exactly what I was hoping for but good” I said and I threw the blade it rushed with amazing speed and hit my target. It got my mother right in the heart and I heard her howl right before she collapsed. Now she’s dead and she couldn’t hurt anyone else or me. I wasn’t as sad as I thought I was going to be she didn’t deserve to live and now she was dead. Killed by her own daughter what an achievement.
“You did it” said Daniel hugging me.
“We did” I said with a smile.
“Lola is done she got sent where she belongs” said Carlos. Wait what? She left? I’m confused.
“Wait Where” I asked puzzled.
“Hell” said Carlos with a grin.
“What did your mother say before her blade rushed into her heart” asked Daniel.
“She said that
I was still
cursed” I said.
“How?” asked Carlos.
“Yeah. How are you cursed?” asked Daniel.
“I don’t know” I said wondering off.
“Wait you guys. I don’t think were done” said Carlos while looking out the basement window.
There were a whole lot of wolves on the backyard. The house was in the middle of nowhere so there was enough room for about a couple thousand wolves. But there was at least about a hundred or so wolves outside and those were the ones we could see.

Chapter Ten:

I woke up in the mansion again in the lonely island. I was finally free and safe my parents are now dead and the wolves backed off. But then I noticed a red head girl across my room.
“Hi!” said the red head excitedly. “I’m Esme”
“Why are you here” I asked. I know right rude. I should have at least sad hi back right.
“I have some answers for you” said Esme.
Then Daniel and Carlos walked in.
“Oh you’ve met my sister” said Daniel.
“Oh so is there any other sisters or brothers I don’t know about” I said while I eyed Carlos and Daniel.
“Yep a lot of them” said Carlos guilty.
“Not me she’s my only sister” said Daniel then he walked up to me and kissed me and sat by me.

Oh great more people to deal with. I got up and walked into the kitchen holding hands with Daniel and I could tell Esme wasn’t too happy about that. We all sat on the kitchen table and I saw there was breakfast already made. It was weird do ‘because I finally realized how to read minds and I read Esme’s and she knew everything about me and what had happened to me until yesterday. Awkward. I was still wondering about what my mom said before she died.
“You’re still cursed”
How was I cursed? I sure didn’t felt normal but I don’t think I was cursed. I finished my breakfast and excused myself from the table and placed my plate on the sink and left. Esme did the same and followed me I didn’t mind I had questions to ask her.
“So what are you” I asked while walking I didn’t even turn around I kept on looking straight.
“I’m a witch” she answered.
“Really” I said. I headed towards my room.
“Yes this is how I know so much about you and our curse” said Esme.
I turned my head and looked at her then I kept on walking.
“Interesting” I said.
I opened my bedroom door and I sat on the sofa while Esme took a seat by my desk.
“So, how am I cursed” I asked. I wasn’t going to build up confidence with the girl I wanted the answer now.
“Well you’re a vampire” said Esme.
“What does that have to do with anything” I asked confused yet I should no interest.
“Well you get mad easily and don’t you have powers that on the night world or underworld people don’t have” said Esme.
“Yes but that’s a good thing not exactly a curse and the anger issue that can be fixed.
“Well?” asked Esme she lifted her brow and Daniel and Carlos walked in once again.
Daniel had a black eye and Carlos was rubbing his arm and he wasn’t walking so well.
“Uh” said Daniel not sure what to say.
“What the hell happened” I asked I stood up and rushed to Daniels side and started checking his black eye.
“We were just fooling around. Wrestling. Daniel fell to down the stairs and well he hit his eye in the tip of the couch” said Carlos trying to hide a smile.
“And why are you hurt” asked Esme.
“Daniel hit me hard” said Carlos with a bit of shame.
In a few seconds Daniel was completely fine and his black eye had disappeared it was like it never happened. But Esme didn’t seem to care she kicked Daniel and Carlos out my room. Then I stared at Esme and I noticed she looked younger than before. That was weird.
“Look one of the things you have to learn is to control your anger” said Esme. “Because right now I can feel that you’re already mad at me”
But then before I could answer a phone rang and Esme took out her Iphone and read a text then she said later and left. Now that was weird we were in the middle of a conversation. I walked down stairs and asked Daniel where Esme was but no one knew where she had gone or why.
Daniel started to walk towards the show room. That was the only room that was empty and it was because it was for dancing but Daniel and Carlos used it for wrestling or training. I followed him he noticed me following him and he just smiled so I did too. Then he turned around really quick when he got to the door and tripped me. But thank god I fell on my butt if not I would have been mad.
“What the hell was that for” I asked.”You need some balance see how I tripped you so easily” said Daniel laughing.
“I used to be a gymnast I know everything about balance” I said annoyed.
“Let me teach you because clearly you forgot” said Daniel with a smirk.

I was impressed Daniel taught me things about balance that I didn’t know even do I already know a lot. Then I went and drank some blood from the blood fountain. Yeah I know blood fountain. It’s like a water fountain where you drink water from instead this was blood instead of water but it was animal blood so it wasn’t as good and the fountain was actually made out of gold.

Chapter Eleven:

Carlos’s cousin Gregory was sitting across the room. They were talking about something that happened when they were little. Gregory and Carlos were laughing but Daniel seemed lost.
I decided to head to my room since I had nothing better to do listening to their crazy life stories. When I opened my bedroom door Esme was sitting by my desk looking for something.
“Did you find what you’re looking for” I asked.
.yeah just looking for a pen” said Esme in a shock then she turned around. “Found one!” she said grabbing a small pen from my desk.
I sat down on my bed. Now okay what was she really looking for because I had no papers of mine here except some drawings, poems and my diary. But if she was looking for any f those three why would she want them or was she looking for something that she didn’t know I didn’t have? I pretended nothing happened but I was suspicious.
“So, about my powers” I asked.
“They’re deadly” said Esme drawing in a piece of paper.
I stood up and stared at Esme. How where my powers deadly? Oh now I see the cursed part. Great.
“How? Why?” I asked.
“Well you can kill a wolf with a glimpse of your eye” said Esme focused on her paper.
“Well” I said. I wanted to know everything is like she didn’t even want to tell me.
“Well if you don’t like that wolf and you want them dead”
“What!” I said.
“If you look at them in the eyes they will die. That’s why you can’t hate and can’t be stopped. Is a curse Kess your best friend can be a wolf and what about if you get mad with them one day and you kill them? You won’t want that that’s why you were better off dead” said Esme. She finished drawing and showed it to me it was her with a blade she stuck through a girl’s heart. It was me.
“That’s why you should die” said Esme with anger.
“No! They didn’t I already knew about this power that’s how
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