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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » My Parents Are Wolves And I'm A Vampire by Sunny Skye Blanco (e ink ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «My Parents Are Wolves And I'm A Vampire by Sunny Skye Blanco (e ink ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Sunny Skye Blanco

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crawling on my feet then on my forehead and all over the place. Oh my god they feel weird! Oh god cockroaches! I hate cockroaches. They were walking all over me how disgusting! I finally saw everything clearly and I was right they were cockroaches, I started to scream!
I know it’s sad a vampire doesn’t like cockroaches but I just had a lot of bad experiences involving cockroaches including this one.
“Shut up you little rat!” shouted a female.
I looked at her and I didn’t recognize her. But all I was thinking about was how I got here and where was I.
“All I’m going to do is ask some questions” said the woman. Then she grabbed a roach and ate it like if it was a piece of candy. It was gross. “I’m Naomi by the way”
“I don’t give a damn! Let me go!” I yelled.
“All I want to know is where your parents are” said Naomi.
“I don’t know” I said.
“Okay fine. Why are they trying to kill you” asked Naomi.
“That’s what I want to know.” I answered.
I looked around the room and it looked familiar I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Then I watched Naomi stand up and grab a plant. Oh god it was a Thea plant. Vampire’s couldn’t smell those plants or eat them not even get near one or a vampire would die. I started smelling the plant and I started to cough and choke the Thea was strong.
“If you don’t answer one of my questions this plant is going down your throat” said Naomi cutting a piece of the plant.
I closed my mouth and concentrated on the ropes. I started to shake and trying to move and then the ropes broke. Wow that was easy! Now I had another set of ropes to brake I bet it’s going to be easy too. Ouch. They shocked me. Then I moved again and I got shocked once again. She must have done something to the ropes because I have never seen such things. Then I realized if I moved I got shocked if I stayed still they would loosen up so I stayed still.
“Now where are your parents” asked Naomi.
“I don’t know!” I yelled.
“Wrong!” yelled Naomi. Then she stuffed the piece of Thea she had on her hands in my mouth. It was burning and my lips started to pill and I started to bleed through my mouth. I started coughing up blood and choking. It was like an allergic reaction. It hurt so badly and my healing powers weren’t healing anything. Then there was a loud bang on the door. It looked like I guard but I looked closer at him and it was Carlos!
“Someone is coming” said the guard who I thought was Carlos.
Naomi left the room and I started shaking and trying to slide out of the table I was tied too but I kept on getting shocked and the room started to look blurry once again and I got a headache. Then the electric ropes popped. I was free. I tried to slide but I had no strength and I fell off the table and landed on the floor with a loud thud. I started to get up and I walked by the walls until I reached the door.

Chapter Nine:

I didn’t have much strength but I ran through the woods until I bumped into someone. Lola. She looked different, her hair was dark, dark red with blond highlights and she looked furious. Like if she was hunting. She had mud all over her clothes her jeans were all ripped up and she was wearing a strapless top that was dark red and it looked fine. Something must have happened maybe she got on a fight or maybe she was just hunting.
“What are you doing here?” asked Lola.
I looked like I was high the world was fading even more every second.
“I was captured by some woman named Naomi I just broke free” I said weakly.
“Well cool I have to go” said Lola and she rushed back into the woods towards a mountain. I followed her into the mountain with ought making any noise I was going to die any ways so id Lola was in trouble well it wouldn’t matter now would it. Then I saw Lola pick up a gem from a statue then she placed it in a hole on the wall and the door opened slowly. Lola walked in but as soon as she walked in the door closed quickly and I wasn’t able to go inside. But I knew something was wrong. Something really bad and it wasn’t good for me. Lola was hiding something. Lola has always been open with me and I haven’t seen her in a while and all she did was say “cool” and run away like I didn’t exist. I just started to run again to where I came from but everything started spinning again.

I was worried about Kess I have no idea where she went and she’s nowhere in the house. God she hasn’t learned a thing if anything happened to her I would die. She’s my world she’s like my oxygen with ought her I can’t live. Hopefully she might be alright but I’m going to look for her.
“Carlos!” I shouted.
“What” asked Carlos annoyed.
“You go that way and look for Kess” I said pointing to the right while I ran the opposite direction.
“Alright be careful” I heard Carlos say but I wasn’t sure he could’ve said something else.
God please let her be okay she’s young. She has done nothing wrong to deserve this please let her be okay. If someone has to die take me. I love her.

I kept on running even do I smell wolves. My head was still not clear and my mouth was still burning a vampire dies in about two hours after the Thea gets into their system so I’m close to my death and all I want is to see Daniel again.
I bumped into someone. Carlos.
“Oh! Looking for me” I said sarcastically. I looked at him with a furious face.
“Um...Yeah!” said Carlos.
“What Naomi sent you to look for me” I said.
“What the hell are you talking about” asked Carlos confused.
“Thank god you found her!” said Daniel he ran up to me and tried to give me a kiss but I stopped him.
“What’s wrong” Daniel asked looking at me he was worried.
“T…T-Thea” I stuttered and then I collapsed to the floor.
“Kess!” yelled Daniel.

I picked up her up and ran with her back to the house. Once we arrived I placed her on a bed in the basement and plugged her to tubes and started feeding her some vampire blood. Vampire blood can heal the damage Thea made if I give her enough she won’t die then I started feeding her human blood through another tube. We had enough for years so she would definitely come back. Please come back. I laid my head on the side of the bed and held her hand. She was so pale. Her lips were pilled and pale, she had dried blood on her face and her hair was changing color it was no longer black it started to turn brown and then blond. Now her lips were looking fuller and were getting some color and so was her skin. I swear I started to jump inside I was so happy. Then she opened her eyes and they were different they were red dark red you couldn’t even tell but I could they were usually hazel and now they’re red.
As soon as she realized what happened I kissed her.

What happened and why do I feel so different. I feel like a new person.
“What happened” I asked rubbing my head and then I saw my hair. Blond? When did this happened I was freaking out.
“Your healthier than ever you just got revived” said Daniel smiling.
“Oh” I survived the Thea plant. No vampire has ever survived the Thea before.

“Why were you screaming at Carlos” asked Daniel during dinner.
“He was the guard at the cabin where that lady Naomi took me” I said.
“What are you talking about he was with me the whole time” said Daniel looking at me confused.
“I swear it was him” I shouted.
“Maybe it was a spell. Maybe that lady put a spell on the man so he looked like Carlos” said Daniel.
“It wasn’t a spell!” yelled Carlos.
“I knew it! It was you! You little-“I rudely got cut off.
“No it wasn’t it was probably my twin brother. Carlisle” said Carlos he sounded ashamed.
“How come I didn’t know about you twin brother until now” I asked.
“Because his evil. His a very bad wolf. He wants to hunt you down like every other wolf does” said Carlos starring at the ground.
“But why” I said placing my head on top of my knees.
“You have powers that other underworld creatures don’t have. You’re important Kess, you have something everyone else doesn’t” said Daniel holding my hand.
“I don’t understand” I said now even more confused.
“You can be out on the sun with ought a witch having to cast a spell on you so you don’t turn to dust. You don’t have to carry a bracelet or necklace not even a tattoo with a black rose so people from the underworld don’t kill you and if they tried you’ll survive” said Carlos.
“And you can hunt and kill wolves with a glimpse of an eye but you never knew how to use your powers that’s why wolves aren’t afraid and so they’re hunting you down. That’s why all the wolves want to kill you and that’s why your parents must die because if they do their wolf pack would stop and if they don’t they will always come after you” said Daniel.
I looked at Daniel and Carlos. How did they know all this and hadn’t told me all this time. I wish I was dead so all this could be over with. The only question I had now was why were witches looking for me then?
“Then why are witches looking for me” I asked I felt tears pilling in my eyes but I didn’t cry I just wiped them away.
“Because they’re trying to protect you” said Daniel.
“But Naomi?” I asked.
“She’s half wolf so she wants you dead” said Carlos.
“That’s another reason why we need to kill your parents pronto” said Daniel.

In the morning Carlos, Daniel and I were in front of my parent’s house. We had weapons in our hands I had a blade up my sleeve and so did Daniel and Carlos. I also had a pistol on my jeans with a holder and two swords strapped to my back just like Carlos and Daniel. Daniel had a shotgun hanging on his neck and Carlos was carrying a rifle on his shoulder. I kicked the door open I walked in and I didn’t see anyone there so I walked up to the second floor and then up the basement while Daniel and Carlos followed behind me. I had many things on my mind. This was it I was going to kill my parents and never see them again. I was finally going to be safe and be able to live a life. But I have a feeling that as soon as I figure out all my powers more people from the underworld will come after me yet I feel like the only solution right now is to kill my parents and I’m going to do it no matter what. I understood
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