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this new knowledge and modern scientific facts, parallel to our traditional cultural ideas and benchmarks. There is actually no contradiction in what we have been told since ages by subjective religion and philosophies on one side and objective science on the other. This may help in acceptance. In this eBook, we are accepting this holism of wisdom.

The second requirement is to accept and understand how our mind and consciousness have been designed and how this new wisdom can be used with objective intelligence for our individual and collective excellence. Coming out of the dualism of ‘body and soul’ and ‘instinct and intellect’ shall help us do that.

We have to accept that mind is very much like a computer but much more than that. It can provide only those answers and perform only those tasks, which it would be programmed for. Brain is just a referral mechanism for processing facts; deciding ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ for motor action. All its decisions, based on instinctive value summation, are therefore subjective and never objective. There can be objective values of goodness and righteousness now for individuals and our culture as it now has a scientific basis added for better judgment. But, a human mind decides on an individual’s goodness and righteousness not on the basis of this objectivity but on the basis of the values that it has been programmed (neural circuitry) with.

As someone said, ‘The human mind has instinctive mechanism to universalize goodness as well as evil. What we feed in it is not its concern. This is the role of intellect. The universe has not put us where we are today with any specific purpose of designed goodness. We have to design our purpose.’ We cannot accept survival as our purpose. That we are already designed for, though very poorly! We, as intellectual beings, need to set lofty and larger goals for ourselves and then program our minds to attain it. As we repeat this objective mind training to our brain, the objective goodness would spread all throughout its neural circuitry and then, we won’t have to think twice to perform goodness and righteousness as it would then become an instinct, and thus an involuntary mechanism, like a hand moving away involuntarily as it touches fire.

A real good and empowered human is not one who needs to think and then behave and act good. Rather, it is one who does not have to think as all his behavior and actions are instinctively bound to be good. We don’t consciously remember when we drive a car or cook a meal as it is instinctive, even when they were once learned behavior. Objective goodness is also learned behavior but when we repeatedly practice it, it becomes instinctive.

Mind is value neutral. Mind spreads values that it is assigned by an individual (chosen software) or a culture to every part of its neural circuitry. That’s why we have to use our objective intellect to input only objective value benchmarks that has singularity of value-decision and weed out unproven and pluralistic values, which allows cunning and devilish inventiveness of mind’s value summation.

All these are core and critical content of this eBook. We are going to talk about Consciousness, Cognitions and Causalities that are key elements of empowerment. We are however focusing on the very crucial aspects of body-mind ‘media’ and ‘communication’, which we as conscious beings have to use dexterously to attain everything we seek for our overall wellness and success in life and living. Do step in, involve, evolve and optimize your best potentials…


Thanks For Your Magnanimity, The First Chapter Begins...



This precarious yet definitively palpable experience of your ‘Conscious Self’ summoning and then having an audience with your own Subconscious space is a hugely rewarding feeling. The communication between two layers of ‘I’ or self, is neither new nor is it something somebody has to do. It is an auto-process, keeps happening and the conscious and subconscious layers are entwined in a two-way communication loop in some dialectic causality. This means, the conscious is affected by subconscious and also affects it and the vice-versa. This lop is repetitive yet evolving.

However, this auto-process of communication between the two layers of ‘I’ seems like a silent and mute mechanism and their interactions are not usually registered by conscious self. Moreover, the causality or purpose of the communication is internalized process of different brain states. A fragment of its sparks may be felt either in dreams or thought pop ups in awakened state or very rarely in fleeting epiphanies but seldom registered by our conscious self for active recall and replication. That is, a person is not usually aware of the purpose, process and outcomes of the conscious-subconscious communication.

What we are talking here is another dimension or domain of communication between the two layers that is initiated by the conscious self, the awakened and fully aware ‘I’, with a purpose that is well designed and thought of, fully mindful of the process that the communication needs to have along with a definitive goal as the finality of outcome. This is what we called the well-aware process of the conscious self summoning and then having an audience with its subconscious self to accomplish a definitive and even tangible outcome. This not only is a very rewarding feeling but also a hugely potent tool for infinite wellness successes. This is what we are talking about in this eBook.

What we are intending to do here in next paragraphs is first narrate the chain of experiences that I had as these would help you understand many aspects of communication within different layers of ‘I’ or self and the huge potential this artistry can have on our wellness and excellence in life and living. Also, later, we shall also be able to relate reasonably well with the fact that all that we are talking here is not new as humanity has successfully practiced the artistry since thousands of years. And, the most important aspect that we shall discuss is how ‘I’ or self is the primary and ultimate ‘Karta’, the protagonist of all realism of our world and life-living experiences and how this ‘I’ or self can consciously create tangible probabilities with intangible mechanism-processes of body and mind. That is, how our conscious self, a very ‘Aware-I’ can successfully use the ‘Media’ of body-mind for a ‘Communication’, the purpose and outcome of which we have opted for and wished to.

In later chapters we shall discuss in details almost everything to understand the mechanism and processes of consciousness, body-mind media, the communication plexus and a lot more to arrive at a hypothesis about how we can consciously use the same media and communication channels that our subconscious mind states use as an auto-process, not felt or registered by us. In a way we shall also talk about the idea of ‘I’ or self – the ‘We’ which is being referred here as the doer or ‘Conscious Self’ or ‘Aware-I’. And why we are doing it? To unravel a very powerful and well practiced artistry of ‘I’ to consciously manage our body-mind media and its communication plexus for life-living attainments of wellness and success. This definitively is the ultimate empowerment anyone can think of.

So, here we go…



It started around more than a decade back. I was traversing an age where futility of this conflicted instinctive self, which largely defines subconscious mind states, was settling in. It was beginning to descend down on the horizon of the conscious thoughtfulness that the situational success that I was in, had made the subconscious ingenuity enslave the conscious ‘I’. The protagonist that the conscious self was on the stage of life-living was in fact only enacting the script that subconscious success-benchmark had screen-played in advance. It happened in such unease of tumult of disharmony and dichotomy between two dimensions of the Self.

Third day in a row and my fever was abnormally high, refusing to die down. The pain, unease and incapacitation were calamitous but that was not troubling my conscious self. In the next three days, I had a very crucial event in my office and I had to be in good readiness to match and even surpass the benchmark of excellence that I had established for myself. I desperately needed to be fighting fit.

Late in the evening, I surrendered. My conscious self admitted defeat and accepted that I had lost the opportunity that the event could extend to bolster further success in my career. This very acceptance somehow seemed to have brought my being in sync with present-ness of time and space. I surrendered my conscious self that was living up the probabilities of potentials of a near future. This brought it in close proximity to my own subconscious self that instinctively was there, well-informed of the ‘troubled’ situation at hand. This situationed the inevitability of the interface of conscious with subconscious – both stood in linearity with singular moment of situation of the present. This is the least and simplest of narrations of probably a rather complex body-mind situation that was there.

Probably, both conscious and subconscious layers being in linearity and symmetry, they jointly addressed the singularity of situation – my pain and incapacitation. This linearity and symmetry potentialed the probability of a magnificent magicality. Why I say this? Because now I can say that it is very rare in our busy and multi-tasking world of life-living to have a situation where our subconscious and conscious mind layers stand in linearity for a singular situation of joint enterprise. Almost often, our conscious self is busy with one issue and the subconscious is engaged in another usually unrelated task. The ‘connect’ between the two is either missing or too weak. This dualism, conflict or asymmetry between two layers is something we do not even register but it always happens. This ‘split’ is probably our body-mind make up and an innate situation, thanks to the evolution of our complex brain states. That late evening this linearity and symmetry happened, which I can speak of only now. However, still, something was missing for the magic to unravel and unleash…!

Few minutes later, I consciously began to sing, with lots of gathered strength, a song my departed father used to sing. It was worded as, ‘Suniye Nath Gareeb Nawaj… Aayi Sharan Mein Tujhe Meri Laaj… (Do kindly listen O Lord of the needy and destitute. I have surrendered to you and you have to help me).’ With high fever, pain and incapacitation, it was tough to sing and therefore required a very ‘Conscious’ effort in my part. Also, as the song itself had a deep association and ‘connect’ with the memory of my father, who used to sing this song, I also wept and kept singing for an hour or so. The subconscious state that was completely drenched and drowned in helplessness and debilitation, probably found itself a supportive advocacy of conscious self and together there was a singular, definitive and unflinching expression and communication of an emergency need for immediate ‘help’…!

The night I slept and could not remember much as probably I was in a delirium. Early morning I found myself in the pool of sweat. I experienced untold weakness but my mind felt fresh. My conscious self had clarity of thoughtfulness and fever was down to normal. The day passed and fever did not come back. In the night, when usually fever used to be high, the fever returned but was very mild. Next day, I was normal and on my toes and eventually made it to my crucial office event and did well.

This experience and experiment has been repeated three more times successfully since then and every time a new element was added, even when I could ascertain that the core ‘magic’ remained the same. We shall try to decipher the ‘magic’ after detailing the other three experiments as every other experience had something new in them…


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