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Stanford professor John Ioannidis a professor of epidemiology and population health explains in an interview with CNN that Covid19 is a “widespread and mild disease” comparable to influenza (flu) for the general population, while patients in nursing homes and hospitals should receive extra protection. The Stanford University scientist John Ioannidis wrote a short, viral essay for STAT arguing that the global response to the Covid-19 pandemic could be “a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco.” Without more data about the virus’s spread, Ioannidis, a professor of medicine, epidemiology, and population health, argued, the lockdowns in place in much of the world may not be justified. Covid-19 infections could be more widespread, and less lethal, than many experts feared.

Stanford professor Scott Atlas explains in an interview with CNN that “the idea of having to stop Covid19 has created a catastrophic health care situation”. Professor Atlas says that the disease is “generally mild” and that irrational fears had been created, adding that there is “absolutely no reason” for extensive testing in the general population, which is only necessary in hospitals and nursing homes.

Stanford professor and Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Michael Levitt explains in a new article that the lockdowns did not save lives but cost many. A “panic virus” has spread among politicians worldwide.

Professor Karel Sikora of the University of Buckingham argued in an interview that ultimately, fear will “kill a lot more people than the virus,” including untreated heart and cancer patients. Schools should be opened quickly and masks should remain an individual decision because their benefits have not been proven. One should go back to an “old normal” and not a “new normal”.

Professor Yoram Lass, former director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Health, argues that the lockdown measures have been “totally disproportionate” and are an acute threat to hundreds of millions of people. Covid19 is “comparable to a flu epidemic” and would never have justified such political destruction of livelihoods. People have been intimidated and “brainwashed”.

Leading German virologist Prof. Hendrik Streeck criticized the lockdown and explained that “all experts are returning to the assessment of the early days” that Covid-19 “should not be trivialized, but also should not be dramatized”. The reason for the declining risk assessment was the “enormous number of infections that remained without symptoms”. Streeck does not expect any excess mortality in Germany by the end of the year, as the average age of death is “rather above life expectancy”, and he doesn’t consider “corona apps” and widespread corona tests to be useful. He also criticized the general use of masks, saying that these are a “wonderful breeding ground for bacteria and fungi”. Schools should be reopened as soon as possible.

A group led by Professor Sucharit Bhakdi founded the Association of Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy (MWGFD), which has already been joined by over 16,000 supporters. At the beginning of June, the group published a call to the federal government and all state governments to immediately and completely lift the Corona measures. Professor Bhakdi’s book, Corona: A False Alarm? appearing at the end of June, is already an Amazon bestseller solely due to the pre-orders.

The well-known Swiss immunologist Dr. Beda Stadler explains in an article that Covid19 is a “very selective disease” and only poses a real risk for very few people. The media, on the other hand, focused on the few typical individual cases that exist with every illness. Many scientists had focused too much on their models and too little on reality. The planned contact tracing is medically “senseless” and spreads “only panic”.

Dr. Knut Wittkowski raise some very important points in his video below:

Dr. Wittkowski previously headed The Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design for 20 years.

For those who don’t know what Epidemiology is? It is the study and analysis of the distribution, patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations. It is a cornerstone of public health, and shapes policy decisions and evidence-based practice by identifying risk factors for disease and targets for preventive healthcare.

Dr. Wittkowski -- who agrees that we should take precautions around sick and elderly people during flu season – argues that:

Various viruses come and go each year -- disappearing only after about 80% of the population self-inoculates by actually catching the virus. This is known as "herd immunity."

Most carriers will never have disease symptoms and never even know they had "the bug"

The policy of "social distancing"™ prevents the necessary and desirable rapid spread of the virus / herd immunity.

Children especially need to be in school spreading the virus among themselves as it is generally harmless for those with healthy immune systems

"Flattening the curve"™ represents a prolonging of the virus life cycle. A rapid spike followed by a rapid plunge is preferable

Going OUTSIDE -- not "sheltering in place"™ prevents / kills respiratory viruses. Having so many people locked in their homes will actually keep the virus alive.

The related policies of "social distancing"™ and "sheltering in place"™ could lead to a second wave of infection when we do go back to work and school because the nature-mandated herd immunity was never achieved. Wittkowski cites his kidnapped clothes at the dry cleaners as a hypothetical example of what might happen when the lock-down ends. He argues that it is theoretically possible that he'll bring CV from the clothes into his home, weeks from now -- when it ought to have died through its natural course weeks ago.

Self-isolation and economic losses will contribute to higher rates of depression, weight gain and poorer general health

The revised death projections are in line with deaths related to the annual flu season

Corona-related deaths in countries that did not impose "social distancing"™ policies or school closings are not any higher than normal flu-related death rate

Had it not been for media hype, no one would have noticed anything different this year

Government-funded "scientists" ought to be viewed with suspicion

However Bill Gates and his sidekick Anthony Fauci (Head’s Trump’s Administration's White House Coronavirus Task Force) insist that we vaccinate the world -- at a hefty profit for the Globalist Pharmaceutical Mafia. But were it not for "social distancing, we could have essentially self-vaccinated naturally by now -- for free and without artificial side-effects!

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has become a doom prophet fomenting mass hysteria among the American public amidst the coronavirus hysteria, once worked with Bill Gates on his “Global Vaccine Action Plan.”

It is very telling that the main broadcaster in the UK, The BBC have nothing but WALL TO WALL COVID - 19 Coverage on their News channel. With all the emphasis on the death rates and emotional blackmail! Nothing else in the world seems to matter especially the killing of the economy!! Unadulterated Propaganda is what is being spewed out to spread fear and keep the people in check!

The worldwide response to what is essentially a new cold virus is completely over the top. Sure it can cause fatal pneumonia in older people who have preexisting illnesses and people who have a weakened immune system, but this is a risk that ordinary colds and flus already pose to these people anyway. Millions of people have had their lives, their livelihoods and their future quality of life decimated and their freedoms removed. The response is not logical or justified.

The world has gone mad, people are literally demanding the state take their freedoms away. So many people seem to be living in this happy la la land that if we stay in our houses for 2 months the virus will go away, no one will ever die again and the economy and their jobs will still be there once they re-emerge. It's crazy!

There's no other way of putting it. There was no need to crash the economy. There was no need to lock everyone down. There was no need to scare the crap out of everyone. The numbers just don't warrant the reaction. Britain's coronavirus lockdown is costing the economy ÂŁ2.4billion a day, according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research and the governments around the world are now borrowing more money from the banks in response to this virus.

“Yes, this is serious, and, yes, it’s understandable that people cry out to the government, but the real question is, is this serious enough to warrant putting most of our population into house imprisonment, wrecking our economy for an indefinite period, destroying businesses that honest and hardworking people have taken years to build up, saddling future generations with debt?” - Lord Sumption, is a British author, medieval historian and former senior judge. Sworn in as a Justice of the Supreme Court on 11 January 2012

Molecular Geneticist & Science Advisor, Professor Dolores Cahill, Debunks the Covid-19 Narrative:

“SARS has been around since 2003 and reappears every 3 to 4 years and nearly everyone in the world has antibodies to coronavirus and COVID-19.

People with cystic fibrosis and underling conditions could have used Vit C,D and Zinc early on to boost immune system and prevent severe reaction to virus.

CDC studies found CV-19 peaked on March 22 and people had the virus 10 days earlier on 10th of March, cleared virus and the virus is gone. Results were presented on the 12th and 17th of April.

The lock down is totally unnecessary. Healthy people have never been put in quarantine in all of history. Social distancing and isolation for healthy people is preventing herd immunity.

People who are showing symptoms should stay home for a week and create immunity to virus

Governments can't prevent the spread of flu which come and go within 3 weeks and actually help boost immune system. If you boost your immune system there will be no second spike.

There is no vaccine for coronavirus virus which makes up COVID-19 because when test animals received vaccines they were fine but when they came across the coronavirus they were severely affected and many died due to viral interference, this was confirmed with US Army soldiers given test vaccines and creating the same cytokine storm causing severe reactions

There isn't one vaccine of this type of virus on the vaccine schedule. Once you have had the virus, your body clears it and you are immune for life and you are NO longer a case. Viruses mutate and chase up time is a year or so to make vaccines, many not safety tested and include toxic adjutants mercury aluminium and human DNA. Vitamin C, D and Zinc will boost immune system. Hydroxychloroquine is proven effective for those severally effected at 10 cents a pill and NO vaccine is necessary

Deaths were preventable if people were told how to boost immune system

Healthy people should not wear masks. Wearing masks decreases the immune system with latent viruses in the body

Viruses don't spread from person to person except for TB, small pox and Ebola but from surfaces like door handles - social distancing is not necessary

There was financial gains made with World Bank Pandemic Bonds that there needed to be a pandemic before March 31 for pay out to occur.

There are hundreds of thousands of viruses circulating in our bodies all the time, no need for government immunity passports. We need the viruses to keep immune system healthy.

We need to call out the hoax. The Irish government and media not working for the best interests of Irish people

The discussion points out lockdown has made things much worse and this is about control” - Molecular Geneticist & Science Advisor, Professor Dolores Cahill

Dr Shiva explains in the video below how they are fiddling the Covid-19 figures and the ventilators that they are using for the Covid patients are actually killing them. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, 56, obtained a Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT in systems biology. His thesis focused on modelling the whole cell by integrating molecular pathway models. He is running as a Republican for the Senate in Massachusetts.

“The WHO in conjunction with the CDC are the ones who decide the diagnostic codes for patients. When somebody comes into hospital for chest pain they are diagnosing them as a Covid-19 patient. You have the cooking of the books for two reason, hospital administrators receive money for a Covid-19 diagnoses plus they also get kickbacks for using the ventilators. There is a total collusion going on and it’s not about saving people lives. The critically ill patients they immediately put them on the ventilators which are actually killing patients because the ventilators can actually burst and further damage the lungs. In fact 80 or 90% of the people who go on the ventilators are dying and it is essentially a death sentence that they are putting people on. This is all about the police state and controlling people lives and vaccinating the general population. The social distancing and the lockdown is worsening the health of millions of people” Dr Shiva Ayyadurai - Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT in systems biology

Dr. Daniel Erickson, owner of seven California urgent care facilities, was thrown into the spotlight after his press conference on the COVID 19 stirred up enough controversy to get censored by YouTube. In the video below he among other things states that the number of Coronavirus deaths does not justify shutting down an entire state.

Next we have Dr Judy Mikovits has a Ph.D. in molecular biology and biochemistry with over 30 years of experience. She has directed programs on HIV, cancer, epigenetics and neuroimmune disease with a focus on the development of novel drug and diagnostic technologies. In 2011 when she made a horrifying discovery that was contaminating all

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