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Germany inviting at least 2 million Muslims into Germany between 2015 and 2016.

Below is a picture of German Chancellor Merkel in 2008 accepting an award from the Jewish leaders of the Jewish cult B'nai B'rith. There is no doubt she was working for the Jewish Zionists to destroy Germany.

“The B'nai B'rith-ADL doesn't represent Jews. It represents Masonic Jewish Bankers, who plot
the demise of Western Civilization”, - Henry Makow Ph.D, Researcher, Author

The Coudenhove-Kalergi movement was initially funded by the Rothschild’s (Jewish).

If we look around us, the Coudenhove Kalergi plan seems to be in full flow. The Europeans are being taught to renounce their origin, family and renounce their national identity.

The incitement to genocide, is also the basis of the constant appeals of the United Nations that demands we accept millions of immigrants to help with the low birth rates of the EU.

Since the end of WW2, the European continent and in particular Western European nations, have undergone a devastating demographic attack on an unprecedented scale that will lead to the indigenous European populations becoming minorities in the homelands of their ancestors by the end of this century.

“The facilitation of genocide, is also the basis of the constant appeals from the United Nations, demanding that we accept millions of immigrants to help counter the low birth rate among Europeans. According to a report published in January 2000 by the population division of the United Nations in New York, under the title “Immigration replacement: A solution to declining and aging population,” Europe will need to accept 159,000,000 migrants by 2025. The citing of such precise numbers is evidence of a premeditated plan. Clearly a low birth-rate can easily be reversed with appropriate measures to support families and it is equally clear that the introduction of alien genes will do nothing to preserve our genetic heritage but destroy it. The consequence of current policies promoting multiracialism is to create a weakened disparate population without national, historical or cultural cohesion. In short, the policies of the Kalergi plan have been and still are, the basis of official government policies intent upon the genocide of the Peoples of Europe, through mass immigration. G. Brock Chisholm, a former director of the World Health Organization (OMS), demonstrated this well when he said: “What people everywhere need to do is to limit births and promote mixed marriages (between the different races), the outcome will be the creation of a single race throughout the world which can be directed by a central authority“, - Chuck Maultsby’s, American Author - website: http://www.chuckmaultsby.net/id20.html

We do not have to import millions of migrants to counteract the low birth rates in Europe. The most sensible method is given by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Orban unveiled this solution as a part of a seven-part plan during his annual “State of the Nation” speech in February 2019. “I hereby announce that women who have given birth to and raised a minimum of four children will be exempt from the payment of personal income tax for the rest of their lives,” “We are living in times when fewer and fewer children are being born throughout Europe. People in the West are responding to this with immigration,” Orban said. “We don’t need numbers, but Hungarian children”. Orban’s plan would also incentivize young couples to start families by introducing an “allowance” to young couples who have children. Also, women under the age of 40 who marry will be able to get a “preferential loan” of 10 million forints, which is equivalent to roughly $350,000. Some other parts of Orban’s seven-step plan included “family housing benefits,” “a car purchase program for larger families” and “child care allowances for grandparents.”

What is the motivation for this demographic genocide of the European people? Why is it necessary to totally destroy beyond repair the racial and cultural makeup of an entire continent and race of people? Below is the official understanding Genocide. This is exactly what has been forced on the White Race and the people have had no say in this matter.

“Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups”.

You should look at the disturbing plans for the genocide of the German people written by Theodore Kaufman (Jew) in a book called ‘Germany Must Perish’ written in 1940, a year before America entered the Second World War.

In 1944 another book was written which advocated the mass psychological brainwashing of the German people. It was called ‘What to do with Germany’ and was written by Louis Nizer.

Nizer was a wealthy Jewish lawyer from New York and was also a colleague of Theodore Kaufmann and Henry Morgenthau, FDR’s Secretary of the Treasury and the author of the Morgenthau Plan. Nizer was in favour of absolute brainwashing of the German people, turning them into confirmative Zombies if you like.

Look at this racist quote from the book ‘What to do with Germany’ by Jew Louis Nizer:

“There are those who cry for the extermination of the entire German race, they should sterilise the race and let it die out. There is the breeding out theory which would scatter the Germans and mix them with other races. We should break Germany up in to smaller impotent states”

In 1943, prominent American anthropologist Ernest Hooton wrote an article headlined “Breed War Strain Out of Germans” for New York Daily newspaper. The concept was an “outbreeding” plan to “destroy German nationalism and ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities.” ....(Earnest Albert Hooton (November 20, 1887 – May 3, 1954) was a Jewish-American physical anthropologist known for his work on racial classification and his popular writings such as the book Up From The Ape. Hooton sat on the Committee on the Negro, a group that "focused on the anatomy of blacks and reflected the racism of the time).

The Harvard University professor’s proposal called for genetically transforming the German nation by encouraging mating of German women with non-German men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers; and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany, with non-German women. Ten to 12 million German men would be assigned to forced labour under Allied supervision in countries outside of Germany to rebuild their economies. “The objects of this measure,” wrote Dr Hooton, “include reduction of the birth-rate of ‘pure’ Germans, neutralization of German ‘aggressiveness’ by outbreeding and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals.”

This scheme, Hooton estimated, would require at least 20 years to be implemented. “During this period, it would encourage the immigration and settlement in Germany of non-German nationals, especially males,” he wrote.

Although aspects of the 1943 plan were delayed, in the decades since the end of World War 2 something of the spirit of the genocidal Hooton plan is being unleashed on Germany’s population. Now that Germany’s birth rate is below the replacement level, millions of racially and culturally alien migrants are welcomed as settlers in Germany. The number of children of mixed ethnicity has sharply increased, and the ethnic-cultural character of much of the country has been drastically altered, especially in the larger cities.

Now come official figures from Germany’s Federal Statistics Office (FSO): One in three German residents under age 18 have foreign roots. In Berlin, people with a migration background comprise 30% of residents. Ethnic Germans are already minority in the district center and many of the surrounding central districts.

If a book such as ‘Germany Must Perish’ existed today written by a European about Jews, then it would be banned such is the psychotic hatred found within it. The author would no doubt be incarcerated and branded as some kind of mentally unstable neo-Nazi Jew hating anti-Semite. To write a book about destroying the German nation and people, and to talk about sterilising them however, is not seen as something that should be criticised. The book was an incitement to commit genocide and if you look at Germany today, and many other Western European nations, then the words that were written in that book are being played out across the white world today.

The Jews control literally thousands of newspaper and television media outlets between them, which they frequently use to promote diversity and multiculturism. Diversity is only promoted in the white nations. Have you ever heard diversity promoted in China, India, or Africa, because they have a too dominant Chinese, Indian or African population? Absolutely NOT! Now ask yourself why and you can only come to one conclusion. If an EU official went to China and said to the Chinese, you are not diverse enough, there is to many Chinese in China and not enough Muslims and Africans, you must accept 50 million Muslims and Africans into China every year until the Chinese are a minority in China. He will be sent swiftly out of China or shot. But Western countries have to accept that.

If interracial marriages are forced on the population to promote diversity, "because it is seen as our strength" the end result is children of the same tanned skin tone. What will be our strength? There will be no diversity. So they are pushing diversity to eradicate diversity. Isn't that proof in itself that it is not diversity they want, but the destruction of the white race?

Based on two studies conducted by researchers Maureen Craig and Jennifer Richeson, it shows us that hateful anti-White diversity policies will not last forever as we start to stand up for ourselves. The new study published in the journal Psychological Science shows us that White people are more likely to support conservative policies when we are told that White people are becoming a minority.

The first study had one group that was informed that white people are now a minority in California, and another group that was told the Hispanic (mixed race) population in the United States, is now as numerous as the Black population.

The two groups were then asked their positions on various political issues. The group that was informed White people are a minority in California were more pro-White than the second group which much more preferred the policies of the anti-Whites, resulting in White genocide.

Every action has a reaction, and now that White countries all over the world are intentionally being turned into minority White countries, we White people are starting to ditch all the anti-White lies that we have been taught over the years.

The simple fact is, we are now, as a group of people, facing a genocide. This is not a conventional genocide carried out with mass murder or mustard gas – this is a genocide by population.

Massive non-White immigration moved millions of non-Whites into White countries, and continues to do so. Now that we are getting fed up of “uncontrolled” non-White immigration, (we don’t control it, but others do) we are demanding tighter borders, and less immigration.

The next stage to our genocide is assimilation. No, we are not forced to marry non-White people, but we are not allowed to have any community for White people – every White city, town, neighbourhood is labelled “too White”, and must become “diverse”.

Anti-Whites call it “diversity”, but only one group needs this “diversity”. No one is demanding Black people in Africa embrace “diversity” and no one in Asia is calling for there to be “less Asian people” in Asian cities or schools.

Anti-Whites have labelled ALL White areas as “not diverse”, in other words White areas are the “problem”. Their solution to this “problem” is “diversity”, i.e. less White people.

“Diversity” is a codeword for White genocide. In an anti-White’s mind, it does not mean a lack of different people, it means an excess of White people.

This White genocide is already turning us into a minority in our own homes.

“Diversity and multiculturalism provide a fertile field for Identity Politics. Identity Politics has succeeded in turning everything white into racism. Indeed, the word “white” is now a code word for racist. Western Civilization and science itself are explained as mechanisms of white domination. According to Identity Politics, white people are in charge, but the evidence is to the contrary. There are no quotas for whites in university admissions, hiring, and promotion. It is the allegedly victimized “preferred minorities” who get to go to the front of the line. There are no hate speech or hate crime protections for whites. Whites can be called every hurtful and offensive name in the book and have no right or power to demand apologies or the firing of the offender. White DNA has been declared to be “an abomination,” and white people “shouldn’t exist.” In America today, the way to get ahead is to claim victim-hood. Jews are experts at this, and blacks, women, and illegal immigrants have learned the same trick. On

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