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April 10, 2019 the Center for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University is hosting an all-day propaganda session at the National Press Club to work up opposition to white gentiles who are allegedly using Nazi techniques to attack Jews and blacks. In other words, the Center for Jewish Civilization is doing precisely to white gentiles what the center claims white anti-semites are doing to Jews and blacks. The “conference” is focused on “How Do We Deal with a New Ecosystem of Hate and Anti-Semitism on the Far Right?” We all know what the “far right” is—white people, which as a group are being recast as “white supremacists.” Far right is not a term ever applied to blacks or other races. Try to imagine a Center for Palestinian Civilization at Georgetown University that was hosting a National Press Club all day event to combat an “Ecosystem of Hate and Anti-Palestinianism in Israel.” The center would be lumped in with the Alt-Right and accused of promoting hate and anti-semitism. As whites still constitute the majority of the U.S. population, what are the consequences for society when it is the majority that is constantly demeaned? What does it mean when white males, still the backbone of the military, are more easily cowed than women and “preferred minorities”? When whites become a minority, what is their fate when the new majority has been taught hatred of whites for decades?” - Paul Craig Roberts - Chairman of The Institute for Political Economy and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Ronald Reagan.

A good video on YouTube about Diversity is the one with Lana on Red Ice TV titled "Diversity" Is a Weapon against White People. Youtube keeps removing this video but it can be found on Brighteon.


And the video titled ‘why they want to replace white people’.


Below documented proof that Jews are behind the race mixing of the ‘White’ race on the following two links.



Read the article below which again suggests that Jews are behind the genocide of the White Race.

White Genocide by design: the role of the mass media in the destruction of the European people by Author, Researcher - Franklin Ryckaert:

Throughout history the Jews have tried to appropriate much of the wealth and the power of the world. Unsurprisingly they came into continuous conflict with the whole world as a result. They have been expelled from several countries more than a hundred times. Instead of readjusting their behavior, the Jews developed a persecution complex: the whole world is against them “for no reason”. Because it was mostly European countries that expelled them, the Jews came to consider Europeans as their greatest enemies. The organized Jewish community became convinced that Europeans were a threat to them as a race and that they should therefore be neutralized as a race; in other words, that GENOCIDE of the European people, now better known as “White genocide”, would be the “final solution” to the European problem.

But how could a small ethnic group of only 15 million people like the Jews exterminate ONE BILLION people of European descent spread out all over the world? The Jews came to the conclusion that it would be possible to neutralize Europeans racially, not by physically exterminating them, but by causing them to mix with other races, thus losing their racial characteristics for good. Mulattoes, Mestizos and Eurasians are no more Europeans, and the Jews believe such people can be more easily manipulated by them than full-blood Europeans. Thus after the second World War the Jews concocted a plan to create conditions that would lead on a mass scale to miscegenation and the interbreeding of Europeans with other races. The effective means of achieving this would be through non-white immigration into white countries. This is a “soft” genocide, “soft” because no killing or violence is involved.

“At present the birthrate of Europeans is 1.6 children per woman. That is below the 2.1 necessary for replacement. This cannot be blamed on the Jews, but is a correlate of economic development. Developed East Asian countries have a similar low birthrate. There are however a number of activities that tend to lower the birthrate even further. Jews are prominent in all these activities, which are: the promotion of transgenderism, homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity, birth control, abortion and feminism. Feminism is the greatest additional contributor to the low birthrate of Europeans and Jews are disproportionally dominant in this movement. European countries were never meant to be immigration countries, and the traditional immigration countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina also, until recently accepted only European immigrants. That has changed dramatically since the mid-1960s and many white countries receive now more non-white than white immigrants. They are expected to become majority non-white within a few decades. The name “Muhammad” is now the most popular name for newly born boys in many big cities of Western Europe. It can be demonstrated that in all cases Jewish lobbying was behind this change in immigration policies. The objectors to immigration always can be accused of “racism”, as if not every ethnic group has legitimate ethnic rights, among which is the right to remain the majority in its own territory. The accusation of “racism” is the strongest weapon in this battle. The recent “refugee” crisis, as is becoming increasingly clear to many who were unaware of this fact before, is also of Jewish making. The destruction of Libya and the attempt to destroy Syria happened all according to the Oded Yinon Plan, an Israeli plan to weaken all Muslim countries from Morocco to Pakistan, in order to facilitate Israel’s regional hegemony. All those “Syrian refugees” (80% of whom are neither Syrian nor refugees), are directed – not to the rich Arabian Gulf states, let alone to Israel – but to Europe and other white countries. Jewish organizations, the ubiquitous George Soros, and even an Israeli “humanitarian” organization called IsraAid are heavily involved.

Since the Jewish plan to flood all white countries with non-white immigrants has been such a smashing success, the Jews and their lackeys need to prevent the indigenous Whites from resisting their acute demographic dispossession and they resort to various means to neutralize the opposition.

Following are the means they use: (1) argumentation, (2) prohibition, (3) discrimination, (4) denigration, (5) racial disnormativation.

(1) Argumentation: Arguments in favor of mass non-white immigration are of economical, cultural and moral kinds. Immigration from the Third World is allegedly necessary for work the indigenous workers refuse to do, for the payment of pensions, for care of the elderly or for filling the gaps of a growing economy. These arguments are all bogus. Any society develops an economy commensurate with its own size, therefore it can by definition supply a workforce sufficient for its needs. Third World immigration, it is alleged, would also be culturally enriching. In reality the bulk of immigrants have low education, are hostile to their new country and concentrate in ghettos without integrating. Accepting refugees from the Third World would be a “moral obligation” even though such refugees could be temporally housed in camps within their own region and repatriated after the crisis is over.

If “positive” arguments fail, then objectors to immigration always can be accused of “racism”, as if not every ethnic group has legitimate ethnic rights, among which is the right to remain the majority in its own territory. The accusation of “racism” is the strongest weapon in this battle.

(2) Prohibition: Criticism of the presence or (mis)behavior of immigrants is severely punished by Orwellian “Human Rights Commissions”, “Racial Equality Commissions”, “Anti-Discrimination Commissions” etc. that only exist to nip in the bud any resistance to the agenda of race replacement. In Sweden even criticism of the government’s immigration policy is now punishable.

 (3) Discrimination: Immigrants and minorities are favored over Whites when it comes to housing and jobs. They get benefits Whites don’t get (because they are already “privileged”). Since the money for these benefits must come from somewhere Whites are more taxed than non-Whites, making the formation of a family more difficult for them, while non-Whites can afford bigger families.

Thus Whites have to toil for their bare existence and in the process work for their own dispossession.

(4) Denigration: To demoralize the indigenous population, its history is denied, its heroes denigrated and its culture declared as without value. National symbols such as flags are forbidden because they would be “offensive” to immigrants. Christian symbols are not allowed because they would be “offensive” to Muslims.

(5) Racial disnormativation: You will not find the word “disnormativation” in a dictionary, because I have myself invented it. I use this term in combination with the adjective “racial” to denote the policy of replacing persons who are “normative” for a people of a certain race with people of a different race, thus causing a sense of alienation. In white countries persons who are normative, such as anchormen on TV, misses in beauty contests etc., are replaced by people of color, by preference Blacks.

The selection of Barak Obama as president of the US was in effect such an act of racial disnormativation, orchestrated by Jews of course. Racial disnormativation has also penetrated the world of films, TV series and commercials. One would get the impression that at least half of the population consists of Blacks, judging from their absurd overrepresentation in the media. This is done on purpose to demoralize the white population in order to make them accept their dispossession.

Anti-White Propaganda in the Mainstream Media 

Following is a video (Video has now been removed by the Jewish owned Youtube) with a collection of scenes from commercials and films in which the Jewish plan to exterminate the white race by “soft” genocide is hidden in suggestive subliminal messages. The real purpose of these productions is not to sell goods or to entertain, but to promote the inglorious end of the white race through miscegenation, dispossession and race war.

The commercials sell the ideas of homosexuality, interracial adoption, marriages between white women and black men and the production of Mulatto children until they form the majority. The films sell the ideas of “evil white racism” (especially of Southerners), the total dispossession of Whites, the surrender to a mass invasion of “refugees”, race war and murder of “Nazis” by Jews.

In the commercials the idea of homosexual marriage is sold as a “normal” variety of marriage, first between two white men and then between a white and a black man. Such couples are then allowed to form a “family”, first by adopting children of their own race, and then by adopting interracially. This is a combination of three Jewish agendas: 1) degrading normal marriage, 2) promoting sterility of Whites, 3) promoting race mixing

The major part of the commercials is about the subliminal promotion of marriages between white women and black men and the production of Mulatto (mixed race) children.

Normally, differences in race form a formidable obstacle to marriage. That can only be overcome by creating a very strong attraction. Men are mainly attracted by the beauty and loveliness of women. White men don’t find black women particularly attractive, therefore the Jews have concentrated their efforts on white women.

Women are not in the first place attracted by the handsomeness of men, but by their strength and competence. There are sound biological reasons for this fact. In order to give birth to children and raise them, women need men who can protect them and provide for them. A woman therefore seeks a protector and a provider in a man, so if a man of another race seems to be stronger and more competent than a man of her own race, a woman is inclined to go for that man of the other race.

And so it is that White woman are being brainwashed, day after day by the mass media, into finding black men far stronger and more sexually dynamic than the men of their own race.

The Jews understand this and in the numerous commercials and films they produce they always depict the white man as cowardly, weak, foolish, stupid and boring in contrast to the black man who is depicted as strong, masculine, intelligent, fascinating. The white woman then goes for the black man, eventually marries him and produces mulatto children — by which the “soft” genocide of the white race is inexorably achieved.

Following are the recurrent themes in the mass media:

1. White men are weak

Examples: A clumsy white man always types with caps but can’t help himself. A clumsy white worker nearly hits his own feet with a drill. A weak feminized white man is scolded by his wife for being a total loser. A white man poses for a group photo with blacks. The black photographer gestures him to step back a little. The clumsy white man tries to do that but falls backwards. All blacks laugh.

2.  White men are inferior to blacks

Examples: A big, dominant, successful black man juxtaposed to a weak looking white man. A black stern looking highway patrol officer follows a smallish white man, driving incorrectly. A black woman lectures high-handedly clumsy whites about the need for a lawyer in tricky situations. A well-dressed black gentleman sitting in an easy-chair in the lounge of a hotel, has his shoes polished by a submissive white man.

3.  A white woman choses a superior black man over an inferior white man 

Example: A white man and a black man go to a restaurant. The clumsy

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