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Book online «DIVERSITIES " From Dark To Light " by Carlos J De Jesus (ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Carlos J De Jesus

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, and that the people that were here in North America before anyone so-called "Discovered" our original tribes that migrated from Africa , Asia and India. If you do further research on anything that I wrote about , you would find much more evidence to support these facts.

PUERTO RICANS : The Original Tribes

People world wide have a misunderstanding of the Puerto Rican culture. I'm going to touch on other Caribbean cultures like the Cubans,Mexicans,Domincans and other tribes, but my main target is the Puerto Rican culture. People try to divide and separate the Caribbean people from each other and Africans like many races. Yes there's many cultures, beliefs, and religions, but there are only two races on the planet earth , and that's Black and white. People from the Caribbean are NOT white , so what are WE ?
This is the science of a slave owner by the name of "Willie Lynch". (Slave owner of the West Indies between the years of 1700 to 1720's). In the year 1712 A.D. he gave the slave owners of America a method on how to keep a slave for over 300 years. One of the methods was to divide and separate all Black , Brown , and Yellow people and make them believe that they are all different. this method is still in affect at this juncture.
If you deal with science in complexions and pigmentations , you would find out that there's 48 shades to originalities. They are 16 shades to black , 16 shades to brown , and 16 shades to yellow. All these shades are original.
If you were to research and study in the science of Genealogy , genetics , and Biology , then you would find out that all non-white people have a Black and Brown gene that's located in a chromosome in the cell nucleus. This is one of the things that proves how long a race existed on the planet earth.
Melanin is another substance that makes a person original.In a book titled "Skin Disorders" by Lynne Lamberg page 18 states the following:

"Dark skin provides protection from the
harmful UV rays of the sun-a necessity
for Ancient Africans living near the
equator, where they were exposed to
intense sunlight for long periods of
the day".

Also on page 74 of the same book it states the following:

"But it is melanin that, in greater or
lesser amounts separates skin types and
determines how well a person can handle
the sun".

People from the Caribbean Islands have been living in the sun all their lives, and never had any problems with skin cancer like the white race.Just like Africans(Black people), the people in the Caribbean Islands such as the Cubans, Domincans,Puerto Ricans, and so on, we produce large amounts of melanin within the body. In the English dictionary it defines the following:

"Genealogy: A record of the descent
of a family or person from an ancestor
or ancestors.2. Direct descent from
an ancestor or ancestors; Lineage.
The study of ancestry and family

This goes to show that people can find out their origins though DNA testing.This process is taking place at this point and time. I was reading a magazine called "Scientific American" June 2006 issue, and on page 16 it stated the following:

"At least 11 companies offer individuals the ability to trace their African, Native American, Asian or European roots through DNA markers".

Through these studies one can find the facts of their culture and race. But one thing that's a fact at this point and time is that everyone in some way are descendants of Black people who lived in Africa. let's go into a little deeper science.
Back in Spain before the year 1451 A.D. before the Moors(Arabs) civilized them, these people were living as savages. They were uncivilized. The Spaniards were some of the people that migrated from the Caucus Mountains, which will be spoken about in a later chapter. It was a very hard task to civilize these Spaniard people, but the Moors got the job done.
The news got to the King of Africa that the people of Spain needed some guidance because they were causing to much trouble amongst themselves and others. In the 8th century the Moors conquered Spain until 1492 A.D.
while the moors were in spain for those 700 years, they started having sexual intercourse with the spaniards, producing a new blood line of people, after the moors left spain in 1492 the population were already a "mix race" as some will say, but one thing is for sure, they had African blood line within thier DNA.
Keep this in mind also--The moors were very dark complexion people. this goes to show that when the moors left, After having sexual intercourse with the spaniards for 700 years, the complexion of the spaniards was becoming increasingly darker.
Now in the same year of 1492, a evil man by the name of columbus so--called discover america from spain. columbus was born in italy, but his parents were from sicily. Now remember that Hannibal (blackman) conquered sicily in 247-183 B.C. so columbus also had Afican blood line within hi DNA.
When he arrived in america, there were already tribes that migrated from Africa and India, so he named these people Indians. The orinigal people were the "Taino-Arawaks". These tribes were disease free, until colmubus left and come back with the spainsh army. This is when everything changed for the worst.
When Colmubus so-called dicovered these original people which were known as the "Taino-Arawaks", they were filled with many riches. The first one was gold. Colmubus knew he couldnt over come these tribes by himslef, so he left spain only to return with many ships and Spaniards. There were approximately 3-8 million "indians" in america and the Caibbean Island when the Spainsh began to colonize. The Caribbean tribe inhabited guadeloupe and the windward island. Caribs as they were named, were enemies of the Taino-Arawaks. The caribs told columbus about the tribes in the caribbean Islands (puerto rico).
The Spainsh arrived with a thirst for gold and a desire to convert the native inhabitants to chirstianity. The Pope, in the name of that mystery god, had given the Spainsh ownership over all lands discovered on thier voyages. Initially,the indains offered little resistance to the spainsh. They believed that men like ponce de leon were immortal. They never seen people like of thier kind before, and they made it seem to the indians that they cant die, so what was the point of fighting with men who would not die?
There was a man by the name of Urayoan who was a cacique (chief) of the Taino indains. Urayoan wanted to test the theory about spainsh immortality. In 1511 he ordered his men to drown one them. Diego Salcedo, allowed the tainos to carry him to the river so that he would not get his clothes wet. The tainos dropped him in the river held him under water for a long time.
The tainos broght salcedo back to the river-bank and watched in fear, expecting that he might rise any moment frorm the dead. When Salcedo remained inert, the Tainos knew that the spainsh could die. As a result, the indians conducted a major revolt against the spainsh, led by Agueybana the brave. Initially, the indians emered victorious: they killed a number of spaiards near the yauco river , and they managed to burn a village founded by captain cristobal de sotomajor.
Ponce de leon named one of the caribbean island "puerto rico (rich port)". His principal aim was to extract gold for the and for himslef, but it didnt happen because spain had him ship most of the gold to them.
Ponce de leon collected his forces, and defeated the Taino-Arawaks in a series of battles that proved to be disastrous for the indians. Although some escaped to the montains,within a short period of time, diease, overwork (in the mines) and desperation ended the lives of the vast majority of the surviving Tainos.
The Africans and Arawaks, which are a group of the tainos, were forced to take over where the taino left off. In the good book "From superman to man" by J.A. Roger, page 8 recites the following:

"There were Inbdian slaves in the
remainder of the new world, but they
too died off whenever they came in
contact with the
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