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Book online «DIVERSITIES " From Dark To Light " by Carlos J De Jesus (ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Carlos J De Jesus

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This process was happening for a long period of time. They were unable to educate each other because they only knew what Yakub had taught them, and they did not have the energy. After many more years of living like this, things became much worse for them.
Because of the lack of nutrients and gene disorders, they started to give birth to children that were called "Albinos". These people that are called Albinos are people that are born lacking normal coloring, so that the skin and hair are extremely light and eyes are usually pinkish and affected by some degree of impairment.
Since these people were born with gene disorders, they started lacking melanin, pigmentation, and complexions. These people became living like savages and animals in the caves of the Caucus Mountains because they were uneducated and made to become uncivilized.
While in the caves a lot of savage ways originated that is now a days a so-called way of life. Women at their time of menstruation was allowing the jackals(Dogs) to lick the blood from there virginal areas. This is where we get the term "eating pussy" from. These Caucasian women where so savage and uneducated that at times they had sexual intercourse with these jackals. this is where we get the term "doggy style" from. Now a days they are called "freaks of nature".
The Caucasian men were no different. At times they use to have sexual intercourse with each other. Thats where the word "Gay" came from. At times these savages were so hungry that they use to eat raw meat of jackals, rats, cats, and so on. This is where the term "Cannibalism" came from. At times these savages were so afraid of the wild animals that they started growing hair all over there bodies that at times you could not tell the difference between them and the animals.
They got so use to the animal state of mind that most of them started going on all fours just like animals. After crawling on all fours for a certain amount of times these savages started growing little tails. It is a scientific fact that if a person was to start going on all fours for a long peroid of time, that the spinal cord will grow outward producing a lump that looks like a tail. This is where "Hunch Back" come from.
After many years of this happening, the Albinos started producing more children. These children that they were producing were white. They are known today as the Caucasians, Germans, Greeks, Romans, English, Spaniards, and so on.
At that day and time, these people were still living as savages. Word got back to the King of Africa that these white people from the caves were savages, and they were causing to much trouble amongst the righteous people that migrated to different parts of Europe(some of these X-Asians escaped from the Caucus Mountains).
This is when the King sent troops to round up all the white people that had made it to some towns in Europe and returned them to the mountain ranges. They were sent there by the King of Africa, so he can have time to send troops to watch and also civilize these white people. This person that went to civilize the whites was named Musa(Moses in the Bible). Read the whole book of Exodus in the Bible, this will give you facts on the Caucasian race. Also in the Holy Quran, there's a chapter called "The Cave", thats the story of the X-Asians(Caucasians).
This person named Moses was sent by the King to civilize these people in the Caucus Mountains. It wasn't an easy task at all. Within the first 10 years of trying to civilize these people was hell. There was a man named "Imhotep" who is known as the medicine god. These people in the caves had all types of feces within the caves. After so many years you can just imagine the odor that was in the caves. There was no person or animal that was able to clean the caves out, but one, the "Hog".
The "Hog" was an experiment done by Imhotep by cross breeding a jackal(Dog), cat, and rat. These three things produced the Hog, which is also called the "Pig". This is the only animal that was able to eat all the feces from the caves. This animal was not produced so people can eat because it's a very poisoning animal, but as time passed, it became a meal for most people.
Im going to show and prove how the Hog(pig) is a grafted animal. We have from smallest to biggest Rat, Cat, and Jackal(Dog). Imhotep was the Father and god of medicine. We had experiments and cloning at that day and time, but with the advanced technology now a days its done in a different form. Let's look at the meaning of clone. In the dictionary it defines the following:

"An organism or group of organisms
produced a sexually from a single
ancestor. Natural ways of cloning
include fission, as in single celled
organisms, and forming buds. Artificial
ways include grafting of plants and
the reproduction of cells and DNA
by genetic engineering".

If you look at the Hog(Pig) you can see that it has the features of a rat, cat, and dog. The Government wont tell you this because they want to take the credit for being the gods of medicine, experiments and cloning animals now. Thats why they are experimenting and cloning animals now. They have so many hidden things in their secret laboratories from experimenting that you wouldn't have no choice but to believe that the Hog(Pig) is a grafted animal.
If you read "How To Eat To Live" Book 1 and 2 by Elijah Muhammad, "How Not To Eat Pork" by Sharazad Ali, "The Hog" by Varies, and "Exposing The New Dangers Of Pork" by Hakim N., you would find more facts on the grafted Hog(Pig).
Also in a book called "Blood Money" by Raul Johnson, it states:

"Aids a man made disease grafted from the
Visna Virus, a virus in sheep that causes
the same results as Aids in humans. Aids
origin has been traced to a laboratory in
Dietrich Maryland".

Here goes another experiment and grafting process. So if they can make a disease so deadly from the grafting of animals, then the grafting of animals, then the grafting of a rat, cat, and dog isn't really anything to accomplish. Lets continue.
Moses stood civilizing these people for 40 years in the mountains. These people are now called "Caucasians". The idea of the Caucasians was that of a devil because they wanted to be the superior race. They started migrating to different parts of the world causing trouble and fights. These Caucasians took what was taught to them, and used it against us to gain power that they possess now. Their power is about to come to an end very soon. Their 6,000 year rule is well past due. They used Trick-Knowledge to gain their power by their father Yakub. We must reverse their power by doing the knowledge to their tricks. We on to a good start by electing a Black President.

Slave Religion

Slavey was an integral part of Greek society from its beginning. Of all the ancient civilizations,the Greek City-States were the first true slave society, dependent on slave labor to function and prosper. Domestic slavery was in many ways kinder, more humane institution within Africa than in the New World. Slaves, while not completely adopted as Kinsmen, became members of a household. They had the right to marry, raise families, and own property, including their own slaves.
Among the people in West Africa slave trade were the Muslim group from the Western Sudan known as Wangara, who had established a series of trading
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