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on birth control which was to be enforced while manufacturing the devils. Which was to destroy the alike and save the unalike, which means to kiss all the black babies and save all the brown babies. This law was given to all doctors, ministers, nurses, and, cremators.
The doctors laws was to examine all that was desiring to marry. They must be qualified by the doctor, in return he qualified or disqualifed them to the minister. the ministers laws was to marry all those that was unalike.
The nurses law was to kill all the black babies at birth by sticking a pin in its head or feeding it to a wild beast, and tell its mother a lie that her baby was an angel baby and it was only taken to heaven. That some day when she dies, the baby would have secured a home for her in heaven. The brown babies were to be saved and was told to those mothers that she was a lucky mother and that her baby was a holy and that she would take good care of it and educate it, and some day he will grow up to be a great man.
All doctors, ministers,and nurses were put under the death penalty if they failed to carry out the laws of Yakub, also the cremators who burned the black babies when the nurses brought them,and death to anyone who revealed the secret.
The reason why Yakub was so successful in his undertakings was,because the people who were his followers, followed his laws regardless to what he told them to do they did it. If not, they paid with their lives for every law they broke. Yakub did not build prisons for his people. Where one fell victim to the law, the penalty was death, and was enforced on everyone that fell victim.
From the year 4,635 B.C.E. to the year 4,536 B.C.E., these laws were carried out. In the year 4,536 B.C.E., Yakub returned to the essence (died) on Patmos at age 150. His followers continued his works.
After following Yakub's law this is what took place. From the time Yakub was alive to the year 4,453 B.C.E., the brown gene was separated from black. From 4,453 B.C.E., to 4,253 B.C.E., the yellow gene was separated from the brown. From 4,453 B.C.E. to 4,053 B.C.E. their goal was complete. Yakub's main goals was to make people that were different from the blacks, and to rule all people by using trick-knowledge, and his work s were a success.
This is how the mental devils were made. They are made form the original people, by grafting and separating the germs. Within the black man's body there exist two germs (Genes), a black germ and a brown germ. Yakub with his law on birth control separated the brown germs from the black germs. Following this process for 600 years the germ became white and was no longer original. By thinning the original man's blood, this is how Yakub made devil.
Now I'm going to show and prove this process in a way that all can understand. On the island of Patmos, there were couples of black complexion. Whenever a black female gave birth to a dark baby (black) they would kill it. When a child was born of a lighter complexion (brown) they would keep it . After following this process for 200 years, the only people left on the island were brown complexion people. It's like when you take away from the color of black it gets lighter. Also when you mix a different color with black, it becomes lighter (weak). This is the same process that happened but only with people.
Once the black complexion people were gone on the island, which took 200 years, they started their second process. Whenever a female gave birth to a brown complexion baby, they would kill it. When a child was born of lighter complexion (yellow) they would keep it. After following this process for 200 years, the only people left on the island were the yellow complexion people.
Some of the brown and yellow complexion people did escaped and ended up migrating to different parts of the world. They were excepted because they got away on time,but it wasn't many.
Now once the brown complexion people were gone on the island, which took another 200 years, they started their third and last process. Whenever a female gave birth to a yellow complexion baby, they would kill it. When a child was born of a lighter complexion (reddish) they would keep it. After following this process for 200 years, the only people left on the island were reddish complexion people with the mentality of doing evil which was passed down from their father Yakub.It took them 600 years to destroy the black, brown and yellow people on the island of Patmos.
So imagine trying to destroy over 5 billion original people! It would Never happen. Even the reddish people on that island were still original, but in a weaker form. Now keep in mind that these people were taught to use trick-knowledge against the darker nations. They were murderers, but not yet savages.
Now in 4,053 B.C.E., the devils that were on that island were of a reddish complexion. In this same year they sailed back to Mecca to begin their devilishment which was trick-knowledge. It took them almost 6 months to get back to Mecca. Mecca is a city in Western Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is a country in Asia.
When they arrived back on the land of Mecca, the people in that era welcomed them with open hands, and that was the worst mistake that they ever did. These mental devils started causing trouble amongst the righteous people. They were accusing the righteous people of telling lies, causing them to fight and kill one another. Their trick-knowledge was at work.
In the year 4,052 B.C.E., General Monk-Monk heard about the trouble that these people were causing, so he rounded up some of his troops and arrested anyone that was from the island of Patmos. It wasn't to difficult to distinguish these people because they had a reddish complexion from the process of their father "Yakub".
Once all of them were in custody, General Monk-Monk ordered the troops to run them across the hot Arabian desert into the caves of Western Asia as they now call it Europe. These caves were in the Caucus Mountains. The troops were ordered to build cages to the holes in the mountains so that these people would not escape and cause anymore trouble amongst the righteous people."There worst mistake".
Let's keep in mind that these people were not white at that point and time. These people were of reddish complexion, so physically they were original, but Yakub's mentality which was trick-knowledge and devilishment . Their main goal was to rule over all the satisfied people, because they were dissatisfied.
These X-Asians were in the caves for so long that they knew nothing else but devilishment. I say X-Asians because Yakub took them to the island of Patmos, that was their land of origin. They were from Asia(Black People).
When they were in the caves, they did not have anyone to show them directions on how to live a righteous way of life. They only knew what Yakub had taught them, which was trick-knowledge and devilishment. But once General Monk-Monk ordered the troops to run them into the caves across the hot Arabian dessert, everything was taken from them except their language.
These people were living in the Caucus Mountains for approximately 2,200 years. Let's go into a little history to know what exactly happened to them within 2,200 years while living in the caves.
In Europe the climate is very cold and the air is very thin, especially in the mountains. While in the caves, the X-Asians did not have the right nutrition's in their foods. They were lacking vitamins within their body because of the sun, like vitamin D and melanin. In years that passed these people were having sexual intercourse and producing children with gene disorders because of the lack of nutriment.
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