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The spaniards brought with them from spain diseases were to strong for the taino-arawaks to overcome. These dieases were smallpox, syphillis, and consumpition. After being enslaved and raped by the slave owners, manyof the taino-arawaks were dying off from these dieases.
Now keep this in mind-from the Taino-arawaks Tribes, the women were being raped and getting pregnant by the spanairds. They were FORCED to have thier children and learn thier language (spainsh). This process took place for a number of years. Now after so many years of taino women forced children of the spaniards, we have a "mix" blood line.
After so many years of enslavement, and the indians living with these dieases, the taino-arawaks population began to diminish. People in Africa were also being enslaved by a slave trader by the name of john H.Hawkins.
since the people in Africa were also being enslaved, they made deals with the slave owners of Africa, and before they even knew what was happening, they were getting shipped to the carribean island and america. With the Indians,the African slaves helped with the hard labor brought about by the slave masters. This process happened in large numbers.
Now the French,English and Portuguese enslaved many Africans and Indians as well. These Indian tribes were not the Taino. These Indians tribes were different.
Now they have the Tainos,Africans, and the Spanish slave owners in America and the Caribbean Islands. Almost all tribes of Indians and Africans were enslaved for over 300 years. Within those 300 years of enslavement, over 100 million original people were either murdered or died from the white man's diseases.
Now the Spaniards already had many children with the Tainos before the African slaves came. Some or most of the children were already teenagers and adults when the Africans arrived. The African women were also being raped by the slave owners. After a few years that the Tainos and Africans were enslaved together, some started having sexual intercourse with each other and started producing offspring amongst themselves.
Now we have children with the bloodline of Taino,African, and Spaniard. These people are now known as "Puerto Ricans". After the early 1800's, slavery was abolished(as they say).
As years passed, these people started building homes and their own way of life(cultures). Puerto Rico was named by Ponce de Leon which means "Rice Port" because of the gold he discovered on the Island. The original name of the Island is "Boriquien". This name was given to the land by the original people called the Tainos. That is why most people know and call us "Boricua's".
There are some or can I say a lot of Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Domincans, And Columbians that are very dark in color, pigmentation, and complexion. People from the Caribbean Islands are original, but most of them come from different tribes of so-called Indians.
Our ancestors are the Africans because their bloodline is the oldest. Puerto Ricans have about 90 percent DNA from the Taino and African tribes. So, do you dare still call the Puerto Ricans non-Black!
People read the meaning of the word Black in the "English Dictionary and think it is a bad and evil word, when it is not. Look at the people that wrote the meaning to the word "Black", those are the same people that raped, robbed, enslaved, and murdered our Ancestors. They want us to think that we are nothing, and they are the "Superior Race"(I don't think so, try again).
Black only means "the Origin of a persons birth". Blackness is the essence of Life. Study and read "Astrology", and you would learn how important the color Black is. Knowledge is the Key to Life, and it will set us FREE.

CAUCASIANS : From X-Asians
To Caucasians

People have a misunderstanding on the white race called "Caucasians". People don't seem to ask the question of why they have the word "asians" at the of their race name. In this chapter I'm going to answer many question that haven't been answer concerning the Caucasian race. Lets us get into some scientific facts.
In the year 4686 B.C.E. a man by the name Yakub was born in a city of Western Saudi Arabia near the coast or the red sea. This same person called Yakub is Jacob in the bible.(read Genesis 25:19-26) Jacob(Yakub) was an original man and scientist. Yakub started school at the age of four, and started learning about the science of genetics. When Yakub was 18 years old he completed all schools and Universities. At the 33, Yakub understood his mission in life.
When Yakub was 33 years old, he was playing with two pieces of steel. He found in them an attraction. Yakub looked up at his uncle and said, "uncle, when I get to be an old man, I am going to make a man and he will rule you(black people). His uncle replied, "what will you make other than something that will make mischief and bloodshed in the land?"
Yakub, did not deny what he had in mind to do with his man. He did not deny that his made man would cause mischief and bloodshed. That is what Yakub wanted his man to do.
Yakub's uncle answered him and told him, "we celebrated the praise of your lord." These words meant to give the understanding, that if Yakub made a man who was not in the nature of the original man, such a man would cause trouble. Never the less, Yakub replied that he knew what his uncle did not know. The uncle did tell Yakub just exactly what the made man would do. Yakub did not dispute. Yakub was a man that was born with a dissatisfy mentality.
From the year 4,653B.C.E., to the year 4,635 B.C.E., Yakub started teaching the dissatisfy people from that land the science of magnetic attractions. In the year 4,653 B.C.E., Yakub had a lot of followers and they started causing a lot of uprising against the people of that land.
The word got to the king that this man named Yakub was causing uprising against the people, so the king ordered that he be sent to prison. It didn't stop his teachings. He even had people in prison that he taught causing uprising. so, the king went to prison to meet the man that they called Yakub (jacob).
The king new from the teachings of past leaders that a man thats dissatisfied mentally would come to cause mischief and bloodshed amongst the people.
When he went to visit Yakub in prison, he asked him, "how can we stop you from teaching and causing uprising amongst people?" Yakub answered, "If you supply me and my people with enough material at, last 20 years, I would stop." The king said, "All right, but you would had to leave the land." Yakub agreed. The king didn't order Yakub to be killed, because he already had to many followers and it would have led to war amongst each other. Yakub and his followers (59,999 of them) was sent out of mecca with a promise of 20 years. Yakub and his followers took ships and sailed to the island of pelan (Patmos). Read revelation 1:9.
Yakub told all of his dissatisfied followers that he is their leader and god. He promised his followers that he would make devil, grafted from his own people and teach them trick-Knowledge, and how to rule his people for 6,000 years. This is where the devil (Mental) was manufactured-Pelan the same as Patmos. An island situated on the aegean sea.
Once on the island,Yakub's first rule was to see that all his followers were healthy, strong, and good breeders, if not he sent them back and all that was not good in multiplying would marry at the age of 16.
Next Yakub gave his people laws
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