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Book online «TITANIC SCRIPT (Part 1) by Luke Kubiak (books to get back into reading .TXT) 📖». Author Luke Kubiak

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on the ship are cheering to wave a goodbye to their close ones.
At a close up, we see John and Charlie cheering and waving to the people on the ground while there are many other people waving their goodbyes.
-John looks at Charlie.
This is going to be a memory to remember forever.
-Charlie chuckles and smiles at John.
-Charlie smiles down at the people on the ground.
I feel sorry for papa. He’s missing out on this!
-John laughs then smiles down at the people on the ground then shouts with excitement.
Bye! I love you! You see me, yeah, I love you!
-John then looks at Charlie.
Well, let’s look for our cabin.
-John walks away with Charlie tagging along.
13 INT. John and Charlie – Titanic – Day
John and Charlie are wandering around the B deck looking for their cabin. John sees his cabin and enters it with Charlie.
-John drops his bag and drops himself on the lower bunk and smiles at Charlie.
Now this is luxury.
-Charlie smiles and throws his bag on the top bunk.
We don’t have any roommates?
-John sits up, looking at Charlie.
I guess these cabins are all solo huh?

-Charlie looks at the other bunk bed.
But there is another--
-Ben Hartley walks in and smiles at John and Charlie.
Hello gentlemen.
-Ben puts down his suitcase.
-John smiles at Ben.
Hello my name is John…
-John turns around and points at Charlie.
And that’s my brother Charlie.
-Charlie waves his right hand at Ben.
-Ben smiles at Charlie.
-Ben looks at John.
Well, my name is Benjamin Hartley. But you can call me Ben.
-John shakes Ben’s right hand.
Nice meeting you Ben. You can call me John.
So what brings you here?
I was born in America. I world travel and write what I see and experience into my journal. My father works for New York Times.
-John chuckles.
Hey, I heard of New York Times. That’s where we’re headed.
-Ben grabs his suitcase then looks at John.
14 INT. Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre – Titanic – Day
Pierre is talking to the butlers and pointing out the suitcases and boxes while Hazel is folding her dresses into the shelves. Trevor opens the door and approaches Hazel. Trevor then hugs her from behind.
Your dresses look astonishing Hazel. You know, I do have something for you.
-Trevor turns around and walks to the end of the room and unloads a suitcase.
-Hazel turns around and smiles at Trevor.
What is it?
-Trevor takes out a small box and walks towards Hazel then stops right in front of her. He then opens the box, revealing the ring inside. The ring made Hazel look stunned.
Trevor. It’s, it’s beautiful.
-He smiles at Hazel.
It is isn’t it? It’s a 34 carat diamond ring with a 40 carat gold finish. It is only for the ones that deserve it. And you Hazel, you are the only one who deserves it.
-She’s in tears.
Trevor, I love it.
-Hazel gently takes the ring out of the box and puts it on her left ring finger.
It’s perfect.
-He smiles at Hazel.
Just like you.
-Hazel and Trevor kiss for 2 seconds.
-Pierre walks up to Trevor.
-Hazel walks away.
The safe sir, where do you want the safe?
-Trevor looks at Pierre.
Just place it in the other room under the bed.
15 INT. Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre – Titanic – Late Afternoon
Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre are at the first class saloon dining with Margaret Brown, Gerald Clarence, Mabel Fleming, and Colonel Archibald Gracie. With other first class passengers around them, they seem to be having fun dining and chatting.
-Gerald picks up his glass of water and sips it then puts it down next to his plate. He then looks at Trevor with interest.
So, Mr. Long, it’s time for you to tell us your life story.
-He chuckles.
Alright, well first of all, when I was a boy, I was taken care of my mother. I started visiting my father when I was turned 18. But that was the time he got stomach cancer. The doctor’s announced that he had about 2 weeks to live.
-Everyone at the table look at Trevor with interest.
I remember him telling Mr. Francis to protect his fiancé if he had died. Sadly, he died early. Mr. Francis then started protecting my father’s fiancée. But she said she didn’t need him, so she just left home one day, leaving Mr. Francis and me. After a few years, I met my fiancée, Hazel. We then loved each other so during our engagement, I booked first class tickets for the finest ship in the world, meeting you wonderful people.

That’s very interesting Mr. Long.
-Margaret looks at Trevor.
So how did you become a businessman Mr. Long?
-He looks at Margaret.
I went to a well educated school.
-Archibald smiles at Trevor.
Well, congratulations Mr. Trevor. Good for you.
-Trevor smiles at Archibald.
Thank you Colonel. Now, the money that I receive from being a businessman goes towards Hazel.
-Trevor gently grabs Hazel’s hand and smiles at her.
-Hazel looks at everyone at the table.
Isn’t he just a gentleman?
-Margaret smiles at Hazel.
I wish you both, health and love for as long as you shall live.
-Hazel smiles at Margaret.
-Gerald smiles at everyone at the table.
Who’s ready for dessert?
16 INT. John, Charlie, and Ben – Titanic – Late Afternoon
The 3 boys enter the second class library and look around, amazed. They approach an empty bench and sit on it.
-He looks at Ben and Charlie.
Well, it’s official. We died and went to heaven on the sea.
-Ben smiles at John.
This is marvelous. I’m going to pick out a book. I love books.
-Ben gets up and walks to a book aisle.
-Charlie looks at John.
So, a library is heaven?
-John nods in disagreement.
No Charlie. I’ve never been on any ocean in a library. This isn’t something you see every day.
-A library butler approaches John and Charlie.
-The butler looks at John and Charlie.
Could I interest you gentlemen with tea and crackers?
-John and Charlie smile at each other.

17 EXT. Bow – Titanic – Late Afternoon
On the bow of the ship, people are relaxing and wandering around. The person leaning against the railing is John Jacob Astor. He is staring at the horizon whilst smoking a cigarette. He looks calm and patient. A servant of the bow approaches him.
-The servant looks at Astor with a blank expression.
Would you like any tea sir?
-Astor turns around and looks at the servant and smiles.
No, that’s quite alright.
-Astor smiles and looks away while slightly nodding in agreement.
Carry on.
-The servant walks away and approaches other people.
-John, Charlie, and Ben approach the bow and walk around slowly.
-John smiles Charlie.
Do you regret coming aboard and ditching father?
-Charlie is ecstatic.
Hell no! You don’t find luxury like this back in Southampton.
-Ben looks at the horizon.
You guys loved it in Southampton?
-Ben walks over to the railing and looks overboard.
-Charlie smiles and looks at Ben.
Ben, what are you doing?
-Charlie walks up next to Ben, John follows. Charlie then looks at Ben.
I bet you feel pretty great right now huh?
-Ben stands straight and looks at Charlie.
Yes, because I met you 2.
-John takes a quick glimpse at Charlie and then looks at Ben, confused.
What do you mean? Are you saying we made your life better?
-Ben looks down slightly and nods in disagreement slightly. He smiles partially.
Well. I’d say yes. Back at home I didn’t have any friends. My mother and father died. And of course, my baby sister died. So what I’m saying right now is that my life wasn’t so perfect back at home. I hope you understand.
-He rests his arm over Ben’s left shoulder.
Of course we do Ben. Wait; didn’t you say your father works for New York Times? How is he dead?
-Ben looks down.
Well, I say that to make myself feel better. So I can feel like my father is alive and healthy, working for New York Times. I’m only a kid that writes what I experience, I also world travel to prevent myself from crying for my dead family.
-John looks at Ben.
How old are you Ben?
-He looks at John.
I am 16 years old and you John?
I’m 19. Charlie over here is 15.
-Ben nods in agreement.
Well, you guys should understand how my life is.
Yes, and it’s alright. Our lives weren’t so great either. Our mother died and we were left with our abusive father.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
Yes. We’re not saying our lives were worst than your life because they weren’t. But we understand.

18 INT. Trevor and Pierre – Titanic – Night
Trevor and Pierre are lounging at their cabin.
-Trevor puts down his mug of tea on the coffee table next to him and looks at Pierre.
So tell me Mr. Francis. How long did you serve my father?
I would say 4 years. I was the best servant for your father and his fiancée during their honeymoon.
-Pierre sips some tea out of his mug.
-Trevor looks at Pierre, interested.
Well, it’s interesting to know the past relationship you and my father had. He never really told me much about his relationship with you; I guess he was too busy. He really looked at you as a great butler, did he?
-Pierre nods in agreement.
Yes sir. I then heard from you and now here I am, being the best servant I can be.
-He smiles at Pierre.
Well, it’s an honor Mr. Francis.
-He sits up in his chair.
Thank you.
-He picks up his mug and sips from it.
-Hazel opens the door and enters the cabin. She then closes the door behind her and looks at Trevor.
What’s going on Trevor?
-He gets up and smiles at Hazel.
Not much. I was here, talking with Mr. Francis.

-Hazel looks at Pierre.
Well alright.
-He smiles at Hazel.
Well there you have it dear.
-Trevor grabs a nearby blanket and puts it over Hazel.
Look at you, you must be freezing. Come on.
-Trevor walks Hazel to the other room.
-Pierre leaves the cabin.
19 EXT. Pierre – Titanic – Night
Pierre is walking down the promenade deck on the Titanic. He then stops when John walks up to him.
-He looks at John, awkwardly.
May I help you sir?
-He nods in agreement.
Yes please. Do you have any cigarettes? If so, could you please spare one sir?
-Pierre reaches into his right coat pocket and takes out a silver cigarette box. He then opens it and takes one cigarette out, giving it to John.
Here you are.
-John takes the cigarette out of Pierre’s hand.
Thank you so much. Have a good one.
-Pierre walks away. John then lights up the cigarette and sits down on a nearby bench.
-Charlie approaches John.
-Charlie sits next to John closely then looks at him.
I thought you were sleeping but when I checked, you were out of your bunk.
-He looks at Charlie, worried.
Anyway, aren’t you concerned about Ben? I mean he must feel sad and lonely.
-Charlie looks at the dark horizon.
I know. I’m just
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