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Book online «TITANIC SCRIPT (Part 1) by Luke Kubiak (books to get back into reading .TXT) 📖». Author Luke Kubiak

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Chapter 1

John Hudson
Charlie Hudson
Hazel Flynn
Trevor Long
Gretchen Gracie
Pierre Francis
John Astor
Margaret Brown
Daniel Warner
1st Officer William Murdoch
2nd Officer Charles Lightoller
3rd Officer Herbert Pitman
4th Officer Joseph Boxhall
5th Officer Harold Lowe
6th Officer James Woody
Captain Edward Smith

1 INT. The Hudson Home – Southampton - Day
The scene begins in Southampton, England. The day is April 10th, 1912. It is 10:43 A.M. It’s a nice and sunny day outside. Charlie is sitting in front of the kitchen table, fixing a vase. He looks concentrated.
-Charlie calls out to his father.
I’m almost done father! Just a little more glue!
-He squeezes more glue on the edge of the vase.
The Father
-The father walks out of the room and enters the kitchen. He looks at the broken vase in front of Charlie.
It doesn’t look almost done.
But it will look better than new! Please father, believe in me. I will fix it. It will make me money.
-He looks down at the broken vase.
The Father
-The father chuckles sarcastically and looks at Charlie.
This is a joke right? You can’t possibly expect that this child made piece can make you enough money for anything.
-He laughs foolishly like a crazy person.
Don’t waste your time son.
-Charlie looks down at the broken vase, upset like something tragic happened.
Alright father.
-The father enters the other room and leaves Charlie alone in the kitchen.
-Charlie pokes the broken vase and sighs.
2 EXT. Outside The Hudson Home – Southampton – Day
John is standing and leaning against the brick wall, smoking a cigarette and looking up.
-The man walks up to John and looks at him.
Bum a cigarette?
-He takes out the cigarette out of his mouth.
This here’s my last one. Sorry about that.
-The man walks away.
-John looks at the man walking away and makes an awkward expression.
-He then looks the other way and smiles.
-John reaches down to his bag and digs through his stuff in the bag.
-He takes out 3 Second Class Titanic Tickets and looks at them and smiles.
3 INT. The Hudson Home – Southampton – Day
Charlie is peacefully sitting in front of the kitchen table looking down at the broken vase.
John enters the kitchen and runs to Charlie.
-John yells into Charlie’s ear.
Guess what?!
-Charlie quickly covers his right ear with his right hand.
Ouch, that stings.
-John sits down in front of the kitchen table across from Charlie and smiles.
Guess what I have! Something you’ve wanted for a few days!
Tickets to the White Star Line Titanic?
-He chuckles sarcastically.
What is it?
Second class tickets to the R.M.S Titanic! Isn’t this cool?!
You’re lying.
-John pulls out 3 second class Titanic tickets out of his pocket.
John. How?
-He leans back in his chair and smiles.
Let’s just say they were really hard to get. I never worked so hard in my entire life to get them! And now you are definitely coming with me and father.
Wait, father? John please, I can’t do this. I can’t deal with papa. Not even on a journey to America. He always puts me down; please don’t tell him anything about the tickets.
-John looks away.
Well Charlie, I have 3 tickets. What am I supposed to do with the one left over?
-Charlie at the window, disappointed.
I don’t know. We can’t miss a chance of boarding the unsinkable ship.
-He looks at John.
This may never happen again John! Remember how you told me that they’ll probably have colored moving picture boxes in probably 1950? Well it won’t be as exciting as boarding an unsinkable boat. There’s just no way.
Alright, look. I’ll ask father when--
No, don’t. I already said he’s always puts me down.
-Charlie sighs.
-John walks up to the window then turns around and looks at Charlie.
Alright. I won’t ask him. I won’t. But, we’ll have to leave now and go to the port.
Without father’s permission?
-John crosses his arms.
Well, you said he’s always putting you down with no support. Now am I right or wrong Charlie?

-Charlie sighs with discomfort and looks at John.
You’re right.
-He claps once and walks to the door then looks at Charlie.
Great. I left my bag downstairs. So just gather your things and meet me out by the door.
-John opens the door and leaves, closing the door behind him.
4 EXT. Outside The Hudson Home – Southampton – Day
John picks up his bag holds it over his right shoulder.
Charlie opens the door and closes it behind him.
-He smiles.
Hey man.
-John turns around and looks at Charlie.
Great, you made it.
-He nods in agreement.
Yup. Anyway, when is the Titanic departing?
I don’t know but we better hurry.
-John points his right index finger up.
But, we will race to the Southampton port. Deal?
-Charlie looks at John as if he said something disgusting.
What? No. This isn’t a race John.
-He smiles at Charlie.
But I am your older brother. You have to do as I say.

-Charlie sighs.
Alright, you want to race? Let’s go.
Alright, you have your stuff right?
-Charlie picks up his bag.
Yup, I got it.
Alright, let’s race. Remember, I get top bunk if I get there first. Deal?
-The father opens the front door and yells at John and Charlie.
The Father
What are you rats doing?! Get back inside now!
-John runs away.
-Charlie looks at John running away.
John, but…
-He looks at his father.
Father, I think we should just…
-Charlie runs away.
The Father
Hey, hey!
-The father runs after Charlie.
Get back here! Hooligan!
-Charlie is still running away from his father. He then looks behind him and sees his father chasing him.
The Father
-The father is chasing and yelling at Charlie.
Charlie! Stop! Stop at once!
-The father slows down then stops, hurls, and breathes heavily.
-Charlie is still running. He breathes heavily.
5 EXT. Different Blocks – Southampton – Day
John is excited like never before. He continues to run. He then bumps into some people in the way but continues to run towards the Southampton port.
6 EXT. Different Blocks – Southampton – Day
Charlie looks worried but still continues to run.
7 EXT. The Southampton Port– Southampton – Day
The White Star Line R.M.S Titanic is at dock of the Southampton Port. The view is beautiful. As the screen moves down along the cheering crowd, a car arrives and parks. After the car parked, a handsome man, Trevor Long, opens the car door then gets out of the car. He looks at the Titanic with pride and talks like a host.
-Trevor smiles at Pierre Francis.
Now this is luxury, the unsinkable Titanic.
-He looks at the Titanic with no surprised expression.
It’s not very big. I’ll give it a few years.
You can say what you want but not about the Titanic, it’s the largest ship in the world. God himself could not sink this ship.
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
Sir, do you have the tickets?
Ah, well yes I do my good man.
-Trevor reaches into his right pocket and takes out 2 first class Titanic tickets.
-Pierre looks at the tickets.
Very nice sir, where’s your lady?
-A car arrives and parks. After the car parked, a beautiful woman, Hazel Flynn, with a purple and red outfit comes out and looks at the Titanic docked.

-Trevor walks up to Hazel and smiles at her.
Hello my lady.
-Hazel looks at Trevor and nods in agreement.
8 EXT. John Hudson at the Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
John looks at the Titanic and smiles.
-He takes a deep breath.
America, here I come.
-Charlie runs to John and stop on the left side of him, breathing heavily.
-Charlie rests his right hand on John’s left shoulder.
Well, I’m assuming you have top bunk huh?
-John smiles at Charlie.
Isn’t she a beauty Charlie?
-Charlie nods in agreement.
9 EXT. Trevor and others at the Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
-Trevor hands Pierre 5 pounds.
You’re my best man Pierre. Take our stuff to our suite when we come aboard.
-Pierre looks at the money in his hands, surprised.
Yes sir, yes!
-Pierre runs to the back of the luggage truck.
-Hazel looks at Trevor.
I think Pierre had a point; this boat is not as big as I imagined.
-He looks at Hazel.
It’s not a boat; it’s a ship, an unsinkable one as well. Look at our tickets and see what our suite is.
-Hazel looks at the tickets.
Um, I can’t find the numbers.
-She looks at Trevor.
-Trevor walks up to her and takes the tickets out of her hand.
Let’s see.
-He smiles.
Aha! Our suite is…
-He looks at the numbers carefully.
Oh, here we are. Our suite is on B deck, B58, B59, and B60.
-She looks at Trevor with excitement.
Trevor, this is going to be fun!
-She hugs Trevor.
-He puts his left hand on her lower back and chuckles.
Yes, it will dear.
10 EXT. John and Charlie at the Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
John looks at the Titanic and cheers with joy while Charlie plays along and laughs.
When is she departing?
-John turns around to Charlie.
I don’t know, you’re the one that’s supposed to keep track.
-John looks at the Titanic.
Alright you know what? We’re going to board the Titanic now. America awaits Charlie, America awaits.
-John and Charlie race to the second class entry bridge and laugh on the way.
-John pushes through some people and finally reaches the bridge and looks back at Charlie.
Come on Charlie!
-Charlie reaches John and breathes heavily.
John I still think this is not right.
-John looks at Charlie with concern.
So you want to turn back now?
-He closes his eyes and nods in disagreement once then swallows heavily.
No, no, I just don’t think it’s right to abandon father like that.
-The man pushes Charlie aside.
Move it or lose it pal!
-Charlie looks at the man walking away and then looks at John with concern.
-He looks away.
Charlie, I’m going on board. Tell papa I’m in America. Bye now.
-As John is walking away, he turns around and looks at Charlie and waves at him 4 times.
-Charlie thinks for 3 seconds then runs to John. John looks smiles at Charlie.
There you go!
-As Charlie walks with John towards the doorway, he explains.
John, I’m only doing this because mum said that you have to keep an eye out for me.
11 EXT. Trevor and others at the Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
Trevor looks at Hazel with pride and picks up his briefcase.
Well, no time to waste.
-Trevor turns around to Pierre.
Mr. Francis, are you coming?
Yes sir.

12 EXT. View on Titanic, Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
The Titanic gives her warning horn with smoke coming from the 1st funnel. Many people are bumping into each other. Many people are racing towards the Titanic, trying to get in. People on ground and

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