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Book online «TITANIC SCRIPT (Part 1) by Luke Kubiak (books to get back into reading .TXT) 📖». Author Luke Kubiak

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to each other.
-Trevor drops his cigarette on the ash tray and looks at Pierre.
When did you begin smoking cigarettes?
-Pierre takes the cigarette out of his mouth and looks at Trevor.
About 2 years tops. I don’t find it rich in taste but it does smooth my emotion. It should do the same for others. Right Mr. Long?
-Trevor looks down at the ash tray.
No, I just believe that it’s a normal routine I perform in my life. I shouldn’t really smoke when this ship docks in America. Hazel will not like it.
-Pierre drops his cigarette into the ash tray and looks at Trevor.
You know your father did the same thing; he was a smart man Mr. Long.
-Trevor chuckles.
Almost as smart as my mother.
-Pierre chuckles.
Mr. Francis, could you bring me tea, perhaps with ice?
-Pierre looks at Trevor and nods in agreement.
Yes sir.
-Pierre stands up and walks away.
-Trevor looks at the painting over the fireplace.
-Thomas Andrews approaches Trevor.
-Thomas smiles at Trevor.
Hello Mr. Long.

-Trevor looks up at Thomas.
Mr. Andrews, it is a pleasure seeing you. When I boarded this ship, I really wanted to tell you that you have built a masterpiece.
-Thomas smiles and looks away.
Oh Mr. Long…
-Thomas looks down at Trevor and smiles.
It’s an honor hearing your kind words.
-Trevor chuckles and looks at the chair across from him.
Please sit.
-Thomas walks to the seat and sits down. Trevor smiles at Thomas.
Everyone has been saying that this ship is the ship of dreams. And I must say it really is sir.
-Thomas smiles at Trevor.
Thank you Mr. Long, it means a lot. Anyway, before this ship departed from Belfast, I had one of the workers take a picture of this ship and her sister, Olympic. I must say that the picture came out very well.
-Trevor looks away.
Oh really? Why, satisfied you must be Mr. Andrews.
-Trevor looks at Thomas.
-Pierre walks up to Trevor and looks down at him.
I brought you tea sir, with ice.
-Pierre sets the cup of tea on the table and sits down.
-Trevor looks at the cup of tea for 2 seconds then looks at Pierre, interested.
Mr. Francis, do you know what I love about the thing you just did?
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
What is it?
-Trevor chuckles and looks down at the cup of tea, smiling.
You set the ice aside due to my choice if I wanted it with ice or not.
-Trevor smiles at Pierre.
My father always said you were brilliant sir.
-Thomas smiles at Trevor.
It’s nice to know you have a brilliant servant Mr. Long.
-Pierre smiles at Thomas.
Mr. Andrews, I’m right here.
-Thomas smiles at Pierre.
Right, my apologies Mr. Francis.
-Pierre and Thomas shake hands for 2 seconds.
Keep up the good work Mr. Francis.
-Trevor chuckles.
-Trevor smiles at Thomas.
It’s been 22 years of loyal service.
-Thomas chuckles and smiles at Pierre.
-Pierre smiles at Thomas.
I get the point here.
-Thomas stands up and smiles down at Trevor and Pierre.
Well, I should get back to work. It’s been nice talking to you gentlemen, I hope we talk again soon.

-Trevor smiles up at Thomas.
Well it’s been a pleasure Mr. Andrews.
-Thomas chuckles and smiles down at Trevor and Pierre.
Well, you 2 have a great day.
-Thomas turns around and walks away.
-Trevor sips some tea and puts the cup of tea down. Then he looks down at the cup of tea.
You don’t like him, right?
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
I never said I don’t like him. He seems like a good man.
-Pierre looks away.
35 INT. Margaret, Gretchen, and Hazel – Titanic – Morning
The music is playing, with first class passengers walking around the grand staircase. The camera shot goes up the stairs, towards the clock. Then to the right, Margaret, Gretchen, and Hazel are walking down the stairs. As the 3 women walk down the stairs, a steward walks up to them.
The Steward
-He smiles at Margaret, Gretchen, and Hazel. He’s holding a plate full with small cups of warm tea.
Hello, may I interest you fine women with tea?
-Margaret looks at Gretchen, and Hazel then looks at the steward.
No thank you.
-Margaret walks past the steward, followed by Gretchen and Hazel. Margaret then stops and turns around to the steward.
But we would like a small meal served to us at the saloon.
The Steward
-He turns around and looks at Margaret.
Coming right up miss.
-The steward smiles quickly then turns around and walks away.
-John Jacob Astor walks past the steward.

-Hazel sees Astor and calls to him.
Mr. Astor.
-Hazel walks up to Astor.
Mr. Astor.
-Astor turns around and looks at Hazel.
How is your wife doing?
-Astor sighs and looks at the grand staircase then looks at Hazel.
She’s fine. Why do you ask?
-Hazel looks around for 2 seconds and looks at Astor.
Because I haven’t seen her since yesterday and I know as a fact that she’s always by your side.
-Astor looks down then looks at Hazel.
She hasn’t been feeling well. But I had her maid keep a look out on her in case. Personally, I think it’s common. She’s pregnant.
-She calls out to Hazel.
Hazel, are you coming?
-Hazel turns around and looks at Gretchen. She calls out to her.
I’ll be right there.
-Hazel turns around to Astor.
Tell her I said hello.
-Astor smiles at Hazel and nods in agreement.
Alright, thank you. Now, go along with those women.
-Hazel nods in agreement then walks away, joining the other 2.
-Astor looks at Hazel walking away, and then walks away.

36 INT. Margaret, Gretchen, and Hazel – Titanic – Morning
The 3 ladies are having at the first class saloon, having small meals. As they are enjoying their time at the saloon, other first class passengers in the background look like they are having a great time. Light music is played while some first class passengers are enjoying small meals served to them. As the camera moves to the left, Margaret is at the table with Hazel and Gretchen, laughing.
-Margaret laughs, smiling at Gretchen.
No one had a clue what went on.
-Margaret leans back and picks up a napkin then wipes the right side of her lip once then drops the napkin in front of her on the table.
-Hazel chuckles then looks over to the window by the entry door. There, she sees Pierre walking through the door with Trevor.
Trevor and Mr. Francis…
-Hazel looks at Margaret beside her.
Are here.
-Margaret looks over at Trevor and Pierre walking slowly towards the table.
-Trevor and Pierre walk up to Hazel, she looks up at Trevor.
-Trevor looks at the 3 women at the table and smiles down at Hazel.
You’re hungry?
-Hazel takes a quick glimpse at Margaret and then looks up at Trevor.
I’m sorry; Mrs. Brown and Ms. Gracie wanted to have a small talk and a small meal.
-Trevor chuckles and looks at Pierre.
A small meal, she wanted a small meal.
-Pierre walks over to Trevor’s right side and looks away.
Women and small meals actually fit well together Mr. Long.
-Trevor smiles at Pierre then smiles down at Hazel.
Come on, save your appetite dear, we’ll have a wonderful dinner tonight.
-Pierre looks at Trevor for a moment then looks down at Hazel.
I don’t think you’ll be very hungry tonight miss.
-Hazel looks up at Pierre.
I assure you I will Mr. Francis. I’ve been feeling hungry a bit right now.
-Hazel looks up at Trevor.
But since you want me to save my appetite for something decadent tonight, then I respect your word my love.
-Hazel smiles up at Trevor.
-Trevor chuckles and sits down next to Hazel and smiles at her.
You know, I’m very grateful we’re engaged dear.
-Hazel smiles at Trevor.
So am I.
-Hazel kisses Trevor quickly.
-Gretchen smiles at Trevor.
Mr. Long, why won’t you, Hazel and Mr. Francis go along and socialize, I have catching up to do with Mrs. Brown here.
-Margaret chuckles and smiles at Trevor.
No, she’ll kill me.
-Margaret laughs.
-Pierre looks down at Trevor.
I also have something to tell you Mr. Long.
-Trevor looks up at Pierre.
What is it sir?
-Pierre sits down next to Trevor and looks at him.
Well I spoke with one of the officers on this ship, and they gave me papers. Not just any papers. They were papers in this nice looking glass box. Those papers represented my career in America. I’ll need your help Mr. Long. You’ll have to take some of those papers and fill them out on the behalf of my great work for you.
-Trevor chuckles and looks at Pierre.
Alright, but you’re an excellent servant Mr. Francis.
-Pierre smiles for a short moment at Trevor then begins to look at him normally.
Thank you sir, but they’re important. If you fill them out, and the comments about my work for you are positive, I will work as a servant for a rich family, which will be great for the rest of my life because it’s a career I’ll be able to have with good pay.
-Trevor takes a quick look at Hazel and then looks at Pierre.
Alright, I’ll take some of those papers and write positive comments Mr. Francis. Where are they?
In our cabin sir.
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at Hazel then Pierre.
Well let’s fetch ‘em Mr. Francis.
-Trevor and Pierre stand up. Trevor smiles down at Hazel.
Coming dear?
-Hazel looks up at Trevor and smiles.
-Hazel lets Trevor take her left hand gently and stands up.
Hazel, Trevor, and Pierre walk away.
37 INT. Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre – Titanic – Morning
Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre are in Trevor’s cabin. Trevor and Pierre are sitting on the couch. Trevor is reading some papers while Pierre is sitting next to him holding the box and observing the papers in Trevor’s hand. Hazel is sitting on the chair across from the couch.

-Trevor reads the paper carefully in his right hand.
It says that they need my signature along with other references.
-Pierre sits back and looks at Trevor.
Yes, they want your signature to make sure I’m working for you, any positive comments sir?
-Trevor looks at Pierre and then looks at the paper in his hand.
Yes, of course Mr. Francis.
-Trevor grabs the nearby pencil and begins to write on the paper.
Pierre Francis is a loyal servant with great manner. I recommend, actually that’s not right.
-Pierre looks away and chuckles then looks at Trevor.
You were great Mr. Long.
-Trevor looks down at the papers carefully.
No, they’ll just think I’m making this up. Alright, let’s see here.
-Trevor sits up and continues to look down at the papers.
Let’s see here. Ah, Pierre Francis is a loyal and honest servant that I recommend only for the best.
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
Mr. Long, I don’t think that would be necessary. How about writing something more honest?
-Trevor looks at Pierre with suspense.
Well this is honest. They really need the proof on these papers?
-Pierre looks away.
It’s a tradition for them, they need honesty. If I get positive comments on these papers, I will become a wealthy servant.
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